historicalmuseum.wisconsinhistory.org 7/8/2022
wisconsinart.org 4/25/2023 The Museum of Wisconsin Art (MOWA) is a art
museum in Wisconsin that explores American art through the lens of a single
state. Everything on view has been made by an artist with deep connections to
the state of Wisconsin.
www.eaa.org/eaa-museum 08/01/2021
EAA Aviation Museum. Located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the EAA Aviation
Museum is a year-round destination to explore world class aviation and aircraft
displays and galleries.
www.jmkac.org 7/8/2022 The John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC),
located north of Milwaukee in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, is known for promoting the
understanding and appreciation of the work of self-taught and contemporary
artists through exhibitions and commissioned works of art.
www.kelchmuseum.org 3/4/2023
Kelch Aviation Museum. Barnstormers, engineers, and pilots pushed the
limits to prove that anything is possible, and what they did still influences
modern people every day, from airmail to navigation to space exploration!
www.mmoca.org 13/10/2021
www.mrbottles.com 7/27/2022
Antique Bottle Collectors Resource. MrBottles. Wisconsin Antique Bottle
Collectors Resource. This page is about the bottles. Every collector has their
own story from how we got started to our favorite bottle.
www.myhistorymuseum.org 28/09/2021 History Museum at the Castle. At the History
Museum, we continually seek to inspire people to discover and appreciate the
rich history of the Fox Valley through exhibition, education, and collections.
www.wisantique.com 7/27/2022
Antique Bottle Collectors. Old Glass Bottles. Milwaukee Antique Bottle
and Advertising Club for long established advanced bottle collectors, new
upstart antique bottle collectors and the general community.