www.addisonindependent.com 06/03/2022 Addison Independent. Vermont's only twice weekly newspaper, covering the 23 towns of Addison County. The Addison Independent was founded in 1946 with the closing of the Middlebury Register.
3/11/2023 The Bennington Banner
covers news, sports, arts and entertainment in Southern Vermont and nearby New
York state.
www.dvalnews.com 3/11/2023 The Deerfield Valley News is an independent
newspaper in southern Vermont that provides news coverage of the Mount Snow
region including the Deerfield Valley towns plus Mount Snow, Hermitage
Mountain, and Stratton Mountain.
www.manchesterjournal.com 3/11/2023
Manchester Journal. Weekly newspaper covering the Northshire since 1861.
www.reformer.com 3/11/2023
Brattleboro Reformer. A daily, independent newspaper dedicated to
conservation and progress in public and humane affairs since 1913, covering
southern Vermont and surrounding areas.
www.rutlandherald.com 11/19/2023
Rutland Herald. Rutland, VT.
www.vt-world.com 06/03/2022
The World Online. Central Vermont's Favorite Newspaper. The World
newspaper is locally owned, independent and committed to the central Vermont