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Arkansas State - Aeronautics - Astronautics.   22/12/2021   The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) is a multi-disciplinary center for spatial research and technology housed within the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas.   9/9/2022   Malibu M-Class Owner's and Pilot's Association. MMOPA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the interests and safety of owners and pilots worldwide who fly PA46 derivative aircraft.   1/20/2023   SportairUSA. Aircraft. Engines. Avionics. Service. Serving the aviation community since 1990, SportairUSA, LC, is an FAA certified Repair Station and the United States distributor for Savage aircraft and the new Corsair 103.   13/08/2021   Arkansas Air and Military Museum. Follow the colorful history of aviation in Arkansas and American military conflicts through numerous displays of original artifacts and aviation memorabilia!