5/28/2022 AAMBC Ink. African
Americans On The Move Book Club Inc. is a community for black writers to
promote and expand their brand as an author.
alternateroots.org 6/20/2023
Alternate ROOTS supports the creation and presentation of original art
that is rooted in community, place, tradition or spirit. We are a group of
artists and cultural organizers based in the South creating a better world
atlantachristianweb.com 11/22/2023 The Atlanta Christian Web reaches Atlanta’s
Christian community and Christians worldwide. It can be an effective way to get
your message out about upcoming Christian concerts, seminars, conferences, and
atlantavineyard.com 11/22/2023 Atlanta Vineyard. Small groups at the
Atlanta Vineyard offer opportunities to grow in relationships with one another
as we together grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
fee.org 5/28/2022 The Foundation for Economic Education,
founded in 1946, is the world’s top destination for young people to learn the
crucial role of entrepreneurs and the importance of free markets.
glofga.org 5/23/2023 Grand Lodge of Georgia, F. & A.M.
Discover the world's largest and oldest fraternal organization with over 3
million members. Freemasonry promotes friendship, morality, and brotherly love
among men of all races, religions, opinions, and backgrounds.
nppa.org 5/23/2023 The National Press Photographers Association
(NPPA) is dedicated to the advancement of visual journalism – its creation,
practice, training, editing and distribution – in all news media and works to
promote its role as a vital public service.
projectsouth.org 26/04/2021 Project South was founded as the Institute
to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide in 1986. Our work is rooted in the legacy
of the Southern Freedom Movement, and our mission of cultivating strong social
movements in the South powerful enough to contend with some of the most
pressing and complicated social, economic, and political problems we face
soaw.org/home 8/18/2022 SOA Watch began in 1990 to denounce the 1989
School of the Americas (SOA) graduate-led massacre at the University of Central
America (UCA) in El Salvador.
5/23/2023 The Democratic
Strategist. Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority. As The
Democratic Strategists’ editorial philosophy states, the publication will be
“proudly partisan, firmly and insistently based on facts and data and
emphatically open to all sectors and currents of opinion within the Democratic
woodruff.org 23/01/2022 The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation is an
independent private foundation that seeks to improve the quality of life in
Georgia by investing in health, education, economic opportunity and community
www.aaal.org 25/04/2021 American Association For Applied
Linguistics. Founded in 1977, the American Association for Applied Linguistics
(AAAL) is a professional organization of scholars who are interested in and
actively contribute to the multi-disciplinary field of applied linguistics.
8/27/2023 Arthritis Foundation.
Arthritis Research & Advocacy. As the nation’s #1 cause of disability,
arthritis affects nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children. Over 100 types
of arthritis and related conditions damage the joints and often other organs.
5/28/2022 The Daylily Society of
Greater Atlanta is an organization of gardeners that loves to grow and promote
the daylily (Genus Hemerocallis).
www.atlantahistorycenter.com 5/23/2023 Atlanta History Center. 33 acres of historic
houses, gardens, & award-winning exhibitions. The Atlanta Historical
Society was founded in 1926 to preserve and study Atlanta history.
www.cartercenter.org 5/23/2023 The Carter Center is a nongovernmental
organization that helps to improve lives by resolving conflicts; advancing
democracy and preventing diseases.
www.gabar.org 5/23/2023 The State Bar of Georgia exists to foster
among the members of the Bar of this state the principles of duty and service
to the public; to improve the administration of justice; and to advance the
science of law.
www.georgiaaudubon.org 5/28/2022 Georgia Audubon Society: Building places
where birds and people thrive throughout Georgia. A conservation-minded and
fully engaged Georgia where birds prosper, habitats flourish, and understanding
www.georgiawriters.org 17/02/2022
www.gos.org 5/19/2022
The Georgia Ornithological Society's (GOS) mission is to encourage the
scientific study of birds by gathering and disseminating information on Georgia
bird life.
www.isa-arbor.com 28/11/2021
The International Society of Arboriculture promotes the professional
practice of arboriculture. Showing the world the benefits of trees. Through
research, technology, and education, we promote arboriculture.
www.ppa.com 5/23/2023 Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
is the world’s largest nonprofit photography association organized for
professional photographers, by professional photographers, with 34,000 creative
members in more than 50 countries.
www.repaonline.com 30/09/2021
Retired Eastern Pilots Association. About 40 years ago, in October 1971,
REPA was born. It was first known as Eastern Retired Pilots Association.
www.sbl-site.org 5/10/2023 Society of Biblical Literature. Founded in
1880, the Society of Biblical Literature is the oldest and largest learned
society devoted to the critical investigation of the Bible from a variety of
academic disciplines.
www.woodruffcenter.org 23/01/2022 The Woodruff Arts Center. Alliance Theatre Atlanta Symphony Orchestra High Museum of Art Art is powerful. We believe that the arts have the power to transform lives – we've seen it firsthand thousands of times.