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Alabama State - Association - Institution.   7/12/2022   National Speleological Society. For over 70 years, the National Speleological Society has promoted safe and responsible caving practices, effective cave and karst management, speleology, and conservation.   02/12/2021   Hiztorical Vision Productions is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization located in Alabama. HVP partners with local communities throughout Alabama to produce short-film documentaries that help protect and preserve the often-untold African American narratives found in the area.   8/19/2023   The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.   09/04/2021   The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) promotes the study and teaching of the Spanish and Portuguese languages and their corresponding Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian and other related literatures and cultures at all levels of education.   02/12/2021   Alabama Historical Association. The AHA provides opportunities for meaningful engagement with the past through publications, meetings, historical markers, and other programs.   3/26/2023   The Alabama Arts Alliance is a partnership program of the Alabama State Council on the Arts, is a member of Americans for the Arts State Arts Action Network and a partner with the Alabama State Department of Education.   02/12/2021   Alabama Ornithological Society. Founded in 1952 to foster a greater knowledge of birds and to promote conservation of all natural resources.   02/12/2021   Birmingham Civil Rights Institute is a cultural and educational research center that promotes a comprehensive understanding for the significance of civil rights developments in Birmingham.   9/3/2022   EWTN Global Catholic Television Network. EWTN is a global, Catholic Television, Catholic Radio, and Catholic News Network that provides catholic programming and news coverage from around the world.   03/12/2021   The Gold Star Wives of America is a Congressionally Chartered non-profit service organization that provides assistance and friendship to those who have lost their spouse to a military-related cause of death.   02/12/2021   The David Mathews Center for Civic Life is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening civic life across the state of Alabama.   15/10/2020   The National Children's Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization that provides training, prevention, and treatment services to fight child abuse and neglect.   9/7/2023   National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD). Founded in 1999, the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is a public health practice and resource center on health promotion for people with disability.   02/12/2021   Landmarks Foundation of Montgomery. To preserve, interpret and present Central Alabama's architecture, history and Culture.   01/03/2022   Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.   15/10/2020   Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners—who work with children from kindergarten through high school.