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Minnesota State - Museums.   2/10/2023   Minnesota Children's Museum. Sparking Children's Learning Through Play!. The museum features kid-powered play spaces where families have fun together and children take the lead.   3/4/2023   Minnesota Museum of American Art. Discover yourself and your community through American art. Located in downtown St. Paul, the Minnesota Museum of American Art is Minnesota’s oldest art museum.   6/3/2022   Science Museum of Minnesota. Through education, in-person experiences, online learning, and everything in between, the Science Museum of Minnesota is dedicated to collaborating with our community to create a world where everyone has the power to use science to make lives better.   01/03/2022   Pavek Museum. Preserves and presents the history of electronic communication and provides a learning environment for those interested in the science of electromagnetism and sound.   7/28/2022   Golden Wings Flying Museum. This living history collection, features close to 30 unique and one-of-a-kind aircraft from America's Golden Age of Aviation (1920's-1930's).