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Tennessee State - Government - Territory.   11/13/2022   Andrew Johnson National Historic Site. The Andrew Johnson National Monument was authorized by Congress in 1935, established by Franklin Roosevelt in 1942, and redesignated the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site in 1965.   11/13/2022   Fort Donelson National Battlefield. The park was established in 1928, but the preserving the memories, stories, and heroism at this site started from the moment the battle occurred in February 1862.   07/01/2022   Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest multi-program science and energy research lab in the U.S. ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy.   11/13/2022   OSTI is the primary search tool for Department of Energy science, technology, and engineering research information funded by the US Department of Energy and the organizational hub for the Office of Scientific and Technical Information.   10/31/2022   Tennessee State Government.   10/31/2022   Tennessee Department of Transportation. Transportation is so basic that many of us overlook its overwhelming importance in our daily lives.   07/01/2022   The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) provides information about all levels of state courts and searchable databases of opinions.   4/17/2020   The Y12 National Security Complex is a premier manufacturing facility dedicated to making our nation and the world a safer place and plays a vital role in the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Security Enterprise.