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Pennsylvania State - Library - Literature.   12/21/2022   50 Watts. Illustration and book art with a literary bent. Focus on international illustrated books and Surrealism.   26/02/2022   University Archives and Records Center. Penn Archives. The University Archives strives to ensure the timeless preservation of historically significant documents and other materials that reflect the University's origins and development.   09/09/2020   A Working Library. A working library collects reading and writing from Mandy Brown.   16/02/2022   Bryn Mawr Classical Review publishes timely open-access, peer-reviewed reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies, including archaeology. This site is the authoritative archive of BMCR’s publications, from 1990 to the present.   16/02/2022   Archive. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.   3/1/2023   Brickbat Books.   06/01/2022   26/11/2021   Mr. Fish. Home of Mr. Fish & Clowncrack Productions. Mr. Fish lives in Philadelphia, PA. Occasionally, he laughs his head off. His mother has no idea what he’s up to. She cries easily. For more information, date him.   20/10/2021   ULS Digital Collections. Digital Pitt. The University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) is an academic community dedicated to facilitating intellectual activity and to the creation, dissemination, preservation, and celebration of knowledge.   23/10/2020   Authors. The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all.   29/05/2021   A Celebration of Women Writers. Editado por Mary Mark Ockerbloom.   9/1/2023   Three Visits to America. By Emily Faithfull, 1835-1895. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., Publishers, 1884.   26/02/2022   Science History Institute Digital Collections. Search 12,156 of our digitized items: artifacts, photographs, advertisements, letters, rare books, oral histories, and more.   15/02/2022   Digital Collections. The Carnegie Mellon University Libraries have been providing online access to digitized content since 1997.   08/09/2020   The Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project makes available more than one hundred years of Jewish newspapers published in Pittsburgh.   10/11/2020   Penn in Hand: Selected Manuscripts. The site offers bibliographic information and digital facsimiles for selected collections of manuscript codices, texts, documents, papers.   27/04/2021   The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections at Drexel University College of Medicine. The Legacy Center is the repository for the records and heritage of Drexel University College of Medicine and its predecessor institutions.   09/09/2020   SIAM Publications Online. For more than 50 years, SIAM books have been a leading source of knowledge for the world’s applied mathematics and computational science communities.   4/23/2023   Jacket2. We publish articles, reviews, interviews, discussions and collaborative responses, archival documents, podcasts, and descriptions of poetry symposia and projects.   13/11/2020   Lackawanna County Library System. Scranton, Pennsylvania.   22/01/2022   McNairy Library and Learning Forum. We are a learner-centered hub for the university community, dedicated to educating, inspiring, and connecting people with ideas, information, and each other.   1/22/2023   Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Library. To be a leader in health sciences libraries by providing welcoming spaces and services that promote interprofessional excellence, discovery, diversity, collaboration, and innovation.   5/6/2023   The Library Company of Philadelphia. Free and open to the public, the Library Company houses an extensive non-circulating collection of rare books, manuscripts, broadsides, ephemera, prints, photographs, and works of art.   5/11/2022   MPL. Meadville Public Library. Meadville was founded in 1787, and the first library was established in 1812, with 150 volumes. The library contained the standard works of the time in history, biography, and travel, but by policy, no fiction.   9/17/2023   The Online Books Page. Listing over 3 million free books on the Web.   26/02/2022   Scholarly Commons is the University of Pennsylvania's openly accessible institutional repository of scholarly works created by Penn faculty, staff, and students.   12/11/2021   The Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library. Learn more about the library at Bucknell University, including details about library services, borrowing privileges, equipment desk, research help, the library cafe, and more.   2/28/2023   Drexel Research Discovery provides access to research and scholarly outputs created by Drexel faculty, staff and students, including theses & dissertations, journal articles, conference papers and proceedings, posters and research data.   19/02/2022   The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image at the University of Pennsylvania Library. Over 2,000,000 images from various collections of rare books, manuscripts, papyri, photographs and sheet music are available for your viewing.   26/02/2022   Seymour de Ricci Bibliotheca Britannica Manuscripta Digitized Archive, a searchable database containing the digitized notes of the historian and bibliographer Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de Ricci (1881-1942).   26/02/2022   The Crisis of the Union. Pamphlets, books, broadsides, cartoons, clippings, paintings, maps, and other print memorabilia about America from circa 1830 to 1880. From the University of Pennsylvania Library.   10/11/2020   The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at Penn brings manuscript culture, modern technology and people together.   10/11/2020   Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts. The SDBM aggregates observations of pre-modern manuscripts drawn from over 12,000 auction and sales catalogs, inventories, catalogs from institutional and private collections.   7/6/2023   Temple University Press. Temple was an early publisher of books in urban studies, housing and labor studies, organizational reform, social service reform, public religion, health care, and cultural studies   20/11/2020   Al Filreis. Al Filreis is Kelly Professor, Faculty Director of the Kelly Writers House, Director of the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, Co-Director of PennSound, and Publisher of Jacket2—all at the University of Pennsylvania.   6/22/2022   CPCW: The Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing. Through the Critical Writing Program, and its nationally recognized project of offering writing seminars all across the curriculum, we enact the belief that when you write well you keenly discern your thinking.   3/1/2023   Electronic Poetry Center Author Pages.   3/1/2023   Electronic Poetry Center digital library. Our collection of periodicals follows this list of books.   20/11/2020   PennSound is an ongoing project, committed to producing new audio recordings and preserving existing audio archives.   26/02/2022   Medialinks archive. The Kelly Writers House. These audio and video recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.   2/28/2023   The Butler Pennsylvania Poems. Charles L. Cingolani. Poems about a small town in Western Pennsylvania.   11/14/2022   Etymonline. Online Etymology Dictionary. The online etymology dictionary (etymonline) is the internet’s go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms.   02/11/2020   2/28/2023   Drexel Libraries. There are many new and exciting things happening at the Libraries - from the addition of new resources and services to campus-wide changes in the way we store, collect and manage data and resources.   26/02/2022   Penn Libraries. The Libraries' collections was founded by Benjamin Franklin and consists of over seven million physical volumes housed in 14 libraries, plus a digital library of millions more.   3/1/2023   Annenberg School for Communication Library. An inviting study space, the library is home to key texts in the field of Communication, a knowledgeable and helpful team of librarians, and a growing collection of archives.   12/01/2021   Glossary for Medieval Art and Architecture.   7/27/2023   Moravian Book Shop. Founded in 1745, the Moravian Book Shop is the oldest bookstore in America and home to the Moravian University student bookstore.   7/22/2023   Reeves Library. Moravian University.   9/12/2023   Classical Education from Veritas Press intends to be a academically rigorous, distinctively Christian, and methodically aligned with how God intended us to learn.   18/02/2022   CPCW: The Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing. For the first time in Penn's history, the university's writing programs have been brought together: the Critical Writing Program, the Creative Writing Program, and the Kelly Writers House.