cpw.state.co.us 4/22/2022 Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Colorado is world renowned for its wide array of outdoor
recreation. Colorado Parks and Wildlife strives to make sure that everyone can
access our special places and activities.
its.ntia.gov 11/13/2023 Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
(ITS). Realizing the full
potential of telecommunications to drive a new era of innovation, development,
and productivity.
leg.colorado.gov 02/06/2021
www.blm.gov/colorado 12/2/2023 Colorado. Bureau of Land Management.
Colorado's 8.3 million acres of public lands and more than 27 million acres of
mineral estate support diverse lifestyles and livelihoods on healthy and
working landscapes in Colorado's backyard.
www.codot.gov 2/6/2023 The Colorado Department of Transportation
(CDOT) exists to ensure that Colorado has a safe and efficient highway system
by building and maintaining interstates, U.S. highways and state highways.
www.colorado.gov 2/6/2023 State of Colorado.
www.ngdc.noaa.gov 3/4/2023 NOAA's National Centers for Environmental
Information (NCEI) provides scientific stewardship, products, and services for
geophysical data from the Sun to the Earth and Earth's sea floor and solid
earth environment, including Earth observations from space.
www.nist.gov 1/20/2024 National Institute of Standards and
Technology. NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by
advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance
economic security and improve our quality of life.
26/12/2021 North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The North American Aerospace Defense Command
conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning in the
defense of North America.
www.nps.gov/meve/index.htm 2/6/2023 Mesa Verde National Park. A Sacred Place.
For over 700 years, the Ancestral Pueblo people built thriving communities on
the mesas and in the cliffs of Mesa Verde.
www.sos.state.co.us 10/6/2023 Colorado Secretary of State. The basic
mission of the Department of State is to collect, secure, and make accessible a
wide variety of public records, ensure the integrity of elections, and enhance
www.time.gov 15/01/2022 NIST. The Official U.S. Time. The National Institute of Standards and Technology. UTC (NIST) serves as a national standard for frequency, time interval and time-of-day for the United States.