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Louisiana State - Ecology - Nature.   4/30/2022   The Capital Area Native Plant Society works in the Greater Baton Rouge Area to provide a variety of opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the value of native plants in landscaping and natural communities.   4/30/2022   Folsom Louisiana Native Plant Society. The Folsom Native Plant Society was the master mind of a group of forward thinking individuals. The FNPS began in February, 1988.   4/25/2023   Kisatchie National Forest. Come visit Louisiana's ONLY National Forest with over 604,000 acres to explore.   4/25/2023   Shirley C. Tucker University Herbarium at Lousiana State University: we study biodiversity of vascular plants, lichens, and fungi that enable research with history, databases, and interactive identification keys that work.   7/5/2022   International Ornithologists' Union. IOU. Ornithology is a global discipline addressing all levels of avian biology in birds from ecosystems to molecules, linking basic and applied research, and nurturing education and outreach.   4/25/2023   Louisiana State Parks - Culture, Recreation, and Tourism. Louisiana’s great outdoors and state parks are a great way for visitors to see the Sportsman’s Paradise while visiting our recreational and historic sites.   4/25/2023   The Louisiana Native Plant Society is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of, education about, and the propagation of the state’s diverse native flora.