4/22/2022 ASCE Library. Civil
Engineering and its Practical Applications. ASCE’s scholarly publications
include books, peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and magazines.
1/9/2024 Dime Novels for Women,
1870-1920. The American Women’s Dime Novel
Project features women’s romantic dime novel fiction from 1890 to 1920 with
cover art, publisher overviews, author bios, and digitized primary materials.
2/23/2023 Encyclopedia
Virginia’s mission is to provide a free, reliable, multimedia resource that
tells the inclusive story of Virginia for students, teachers, and communities
who seek to understand how the past informs the present and the future.
19/01/2022 Walter M. Bortz III
Library. Bortz Library’s mission is to support Hampden-Sydney’s efforts “to
form good men and good citizens in an atmosphere of sound learning” by
providing students and faculty with quality information resources and services
as efficiently as possible.
03/05/2021 Mary Helen Cochran
Library. Sweet Briar, VA.
15/03/2022 MARS is a repository
service of Mason Publishing and the Digital Scholarship Center at the George
Mason University Libraries.
8/28/2022 Psychiatry Online.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing is the world’s premier publisher of
books, journals, and multimedia on psychiatry, mental health and behavioral
10/07/2021 The Pubs Warehouse
provides access to over 160,000 publications written by USGS scientists over
the century-plus history of the bureau. United States Geological Survey.
11/21/2022 GeoScienceWorld. Our
vision is to be the essential resource and partner to independent society
publishers and the larger Earth Science research community, advancing knowledge
and insights for the benefit of people and the planet.
3/25/2023 Rita Mae Brown. The
official site for Rita Mae Brown, the New York Times bestselling author of the
Mrs. Murphy mystery series (which she writes with her tiger cat, Sneaky Pie)
and the Sister Jane novels. 30/05/2021
Golden Age Sonnets. This is an ongoing project. Its primary purpose is
to provide good verse translations of Golden Age Spanish sonnets to
English-speaking readers. 30/05/2021
English Poetry 1579-1830 is conceived as a tool for studying literary
genealogy but the wide range of material included should make the archive
useful for many other kinds of research. 11/30/2023
Teachinghistory is designed to help K–12 history teachers access
resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom. 8/18/2023
Mark Twain in His Times. Written and Directed by Stephen Railton.
Department of English, University of Virginia. 04/01/2021
Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture: A Multi-Media Archive, Directed
by Stephen Railton. 8/18/2023
Virginia Chronicle. Historical archive of Virginia newspapers. Free
access to full text searching and digitized images of over 3 million newspaper
pages. 11/30/2023
The Washington Papers. Over 135,000 documents and counting. Established
in 1968 at the University of Virginia, The Washington Papers is working to
publish comprehensive letterpress and digital editions of the Washington
family's correspondence. 12/4/2022
The Collective Biographies of Women. Rediscover thousands of women of
all kinds and eras. Retrieve books rich in varied names, portraits, and
stories, from the famous to the obscure. 15/11/2020
ASCD Books and Publications. Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. 06/06/2021
EBMA. Educational Book & Media Association. 4/4/2022
The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. IATH is a
research unit of the University of Virginia, founded to explore and develop
information technology as a tool for scholarly humanities research. 26/10/2021
UVA Library. The University of Virginia was conceived with a library at
its heart, placed in the Rotunda at the head of the Academical Village. 8/18/2023
Library of Virginia. The Library is one of the oldest agencies of
Virginia government, founded in 1823 to preserve and provide access to the
state's incomparable printed and manuscript holdings. 14/05/2021
Publications. Official U.S. Marine Corps Website. This page provides
direction to authentic current digital versions of publications issued by
Headquarters Marine Corps Staff Agencies, Major Commands. 8/18/2023
Virginia Memory is part of the online presence of the Library of
Virginia, the state archives and reference library at the seat of government
for the Commonwealth of Virginia. 14/12/2020
The Greek Manumissions Project. Institute for Advanced Technology in the
Humanities. 10/20/96. Elizabeth A. Meyer.