12/1/2023 The City of Ann
Arbor’s mission is to deliver exceptional services that sustain and enhance a
vibrant, safe and diverse community.
www.accesskent.com 09/01/2022
www.accesskent.com/Health 09/01/2022
www.baycounty-mi.gov 24/02/2022
The official Website of Bay County, Michigan. It is home of around
106,000 people, making it the 20th most populace county in the State of
www.michigan.gov/mdard 28/06/2018
Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development Overview.
www.michigan.gov/mdcs 21/04/2019
The Michigan Civil Service Commission is a bipartisan commission
consisting of four non-salaried persons appointed by the governor to serve
staggered eight-year terms.
www.michigan.gov/mde 21/04/2019
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE).
www.michigan.gov/mdhhs 21/04/2019
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).
www.michigan.gov/mdot 31/08/2020
Michigan Department of Transportation is responsible for planning,
designing, and operating streets, highways, bridges, transit systems, airports,
railroads and ports.
www.michigan.gov/mhc 28/06/2018
Welcome to the Michigan History Center. Our job is to discover, preserve
and share the stories of Michigan.
www.michigan.gov/som 6/22/2023 State of Michigan. In 1837, Michigan was officially admitted as the 26th state in the Union. Today, Michigan is the only state in the nation comprised of two peninsulas.