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Louisiana State - Anthropology - History - Philosophy.   4/25/2023   International Coalition to Free the Angola 3. 43 Years in Solitary Confinement. For over 40 years Albert Woodfox, Robert King and Herman Wallace exposed the segregation and violence in Angola Prison in Louisiana USA.   16/02/2021   Louisiana Digital Media Archive. This ever-expanding site contains a combined catalog of thousands of hours of media recorded in Louisiana in the late 20th and early 21st centuries freely available for streaming.   16/02/2021   Louisiana Historical Society. Founded in 1835, the Louisiana Historical Society is the oldest historical organization in the state.   4/25/2023   Honors the Acadians, forbears of Cajun culture, who found refuge in Louisiana after being exiled from their homeland.   16/02/2021   Acadians in Gray. All Cajuns are related! This site is devoted to every aspect of Acadian/Cajun history and genealogy.   04/02/2022   Division of Archaeology. Louisiana Office of Cultural Development. The mission of the Division of Archaeology is to promote Louisiana’s cultural history through the protection of archaeological sites and preservation of material culture.   4/30/2022   The Louisiana Office of Cultural Development’s helps Louisiana preserve, support, develop, and promote our archaeology, arts, French language, and historic places.   16/02/2021   Louisiana Colonial Documents Digitization Project. The Louisiana State Museum’s digitization and online publication of its Colonial Documents Collection will exponentially increase access to a rich archive for researchers of every stripe.   17/02/2021   The Louisiana Historical Association is a dynamic group of diverse individuals who share a common interest in the history of the state of Louisiana.   16/02/2021   New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park. Researchers and historians are still learning about jazz history; there are many and various opinions about what is important in the history of jazz.