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Missouri State - Museums.   11/26/2022   Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art in St. Joseph, MO. The AKMA serves as the only nationally-accredited museum dedicated to arts education and promoting emerging artists in the four-state region (northwest Missouri, northeast Kansas, southeast Nebraska, and southwest Iowa).   08/07/2021   American Jazz Museum. The mission of the American Jazz Museum in Kansas City is to celebrate and exhibit the experience of jazz as an original American art form through performance, exhibition, education, and research at one of the country's jazz crossroads – 18th & Vine.   16/01/2022   Missouri Botanical Garden. The Garden offers 79 acres of beautiful horticultural display, including a 14-acre Japanese strolling garden, historic architecture, and one of the world's largest collections of rare and endangered flora.   11/27/2022   The Pony Express Museum is a transport museum in Saint Joseph, Missouri, documenting the history of the Pony Express, the first fast mail line across the North American continent from the Missouri River to the Pacific coast.   05/11/2020   Saint Louis Art Museum. A world renowned fine arts museum known for its outstanding and comprehensive collection spanning 5,000 years of cultures and genres.   1/28/2023   The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum was established to preserve the papers, books, and other historical materials relating to former President Harry S. Truman and to make them available to the people in a place suitable for exhibit and research.