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Wisconsin State - Aeronautics - Astronautics.   1/10/2023   EAA Vintage Aircraft Association. Our mission is to encourage and aid the retention and restoration of antique, historical, classical and contemporary aircraft, and to improve aviation safety and education.   5/17/2022   The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is the first detector of its kind, designed to observe the cosmos from deep within the South Pole ice. An international group of scientists responsible for the scientific research makes up the IceCube Collaboration.   9/15/2023   The Experimental Aircraft Association, EAA, based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, encourages and supports the flying, building and restoration of recreational aircraft.   08/01/2021   EAA Aviation Museum. Located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the EAA Aviation Museum is a year-round destination to explore world class aviation and aircraft displays and galleries.   3/4/2023   Kelch Aviation Museum. Barnstormers, engineers, and pilots pushed the limits to prove that anything is possible, and what they did still influences modern people every day, from airmail to navigation to space exploration!