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Virginia State - Anthropology - History - Philosophy.   5/9/2023   American Center of Research (ACOR). Our history has a particular emphasis on archaeology, but includes robust support for historians, ethnographers, sociologists, political scientists, biologists, and various other scholars of literature, language, and the arts.   10/05/2021   The Ancient Graffiti Project, a digital resource and search engine for locating and studying graffiti of the early Roman empire from the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.   5/9/2023   The W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem supports and facilitates research on the history and societies of the Near East from prehistory through the twenty-first century.   5/19/2022   Battle of the Bulge Association. Honoring the Veterans, Preserving Their Legacy. The organization was formed by a group of veterans of the Battle of the Bulge in 1981 led by Clyde Boden, who later became its first president.   24/08/2021   CATH – VT. The Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities. CATH attracts individuals engaged in humanities-based research, teaching, and/or outreach projects that require intensive applications of cutting-edge technology and robust infrastructural support.   12/8/2022   Making the History of 1989. The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe.   15/03/2022   Interpreting the Declaration of Independence by Translation. The Journal of American History's round table on translations of the Declaration of Independence seemed like a natural candidate for on-line publication.   15/03/2022   Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web.   3/25/2023   The Cold War Museum is a charitable organization dedicated to education, preservation, and research on the global, ideological, and political confrontations between East and West from the end of World War II to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.   9/1/2023   Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States. Here you will find one of the greatest historical atlases: Charles O. Paullin and John K. Wright's Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, first published in 1932.   9/23/2023   HarpWeek presents “The Presidential Elections: 1860-1912” as a free, public service to provide an informative and entertaining look at a central aspect of the American democratic system of government: the quadrennial political contest for the nation’s highest office.   2/23/2023   Encyclopedia Virginia’s mission is to provide a free, reliable, multimedia resource that tells the inclusive story of Virginia for students, teachers, and communities who seek to understand how the past informs the present and the future.   1/13/2023   Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield. With the support of local citizens and the American Battlefield Trust, Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield is working to ensure that this battle and the valor displayed by both armies will never be forgotten.   1/13/2023   Germanna Foundation. It conducts archaeological exploration and conservation, genealogical research and publishing, and historic preservation and interpretation.   29/07/2021   Official page of the Nansemond Indian Nation (formerly the Nansemond Indian Tribal Association). We have been state recognized within the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1985 and federally recognized within the United States of America since 2018.   4/3/2022   The Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture. Our scope encompasses the history and cultures of North America from circa 1450 to 1820 and includes related developments in Africa, the British Isles, the Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America.   15/03/2022   Exploring the French Revoution. This exhibit provides an accessible and lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary archive of some of the most important documentary evidence from the Revolution, including 338 texts, 245 images, and a number of maps and songs.   8/16/2023   Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Democratizing history through digital media.   14/11/2020   Scripophily. Collectible Paper Stock Certificates and Old Company Stock Research Service. Scripophily is the world's #1 Buyer and Seller of Collectible Stock and Bond Certificates, and old stock research.   22/04/2020   Teaching History is designed to help K–12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.   15/08/2021   Institute for Humane Studies. A Home for Classical Liberal Ideas. IHS supports & partners with professors teaching & researching of classical liberal ideas, and advancing higher ed’s core purpose.   12/05/2020   The Papers of George Washington project is different from the George Washington Papers American Memory database at the Library of Congress in two major ways: their goals and purposes, the size and scope of each of these collections.   12/4/2022   The Collective Biographies of Women. Rediscover thousands of women of all kinds and eras. Retrieve books rich in varied names, portraits, and stories, from the famous to the obscure.   16/03/2020   The Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies at the University of Virginia.   3/25/2023   World History Matters. A Portal to World History Sites from the Center for History and New Media.   14/03/2022   American Anthropological Association. Founded in 1902, the American Anthropological Association is the world’s largest scholarly and professional organization of anthropologists.   10/02/2022   Arlington National Cemetery. Unofficial site devoted to America's most hallowed ground and to the heroes and the pathfinders who rest in eternal peace and honored glory there.   5/9/2023   American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR). We remain true to our original mission – initiating, encouraging, and supporting research into the cultures of the Near East from the earliest times, and helping the public to understand the findings of that research, as outlined in our strategic plan.   4/4/2022   The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. IATH is a research unit of the University of Virginia, founded to explore and develop information technology as a tool for scholarly humanities research.   12/25/2022   Civil War Maps. Brings together materials from three premier collections: the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, the Virginia Historical Society, and the Library of Virginia.   11/23/2023   Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. For 100 years, Monticello has been maintained and kept open to the public by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc., which owns over 2,500 acres of Jefferson's 5,000-acre plantation.   4/13/2022   George Washington’s Mount Vernon is the historic home of George and Martha Washington, located 13 miles south of Washington, DC. Guests can see the historic mansion, stately rooms, and outbuildings preserved to the year 1799, the last year of George Washington’s life.   15/11/2020   Appomattox Court House National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service). On April 9, 1865, the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia in the McLean House in the village of Appomattox Court House, Virginia signaled the end of the nation's largest war.   15/11/2020   Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial (U.S. National Park Service). Arlington House is the nation’s memorial to Robert E. Lee. It honors him for specific reasons, including his role in promoting peace and reunion after the Civil War.   02/03/2022   Patheos. Hosting the Conversation on Faith. Explore the world’s faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.   14/03/2022   American Masters. A series examining the lives, works, and creative processes of outstanding artists.   31/07/2021   Episodes. American Masters, Thirteen’s award-winning biography series, celebrates our arts and culture. Launched in 1986, the series has set the standard for documentary film profiles, accruing widespread critical acclaim.   12/6/2022   The U.S. Presidency. PBS LearningMedia. Explore the rich history and the institution of the U.S. Presidency, from George Washington to Barack Obama.   24/08/2021   The Philosophers' Magazine. We publish philosophy that’s clear, thought-provoking, and relevant. Our contributors are mainly professional philosophers who care about good writing and about being understood.   11/19/2023   The Virginia Center for Digital History promotes the study of American history and culture, and the teaching of both subjects in schools.   12/23/2022   Wright Brothers Flyers in Warrenton, VA. A little more than 100 years ago, Orville and Wilbur Wright set out to solve the problems of flight.   14/12/2020   The Greek Manumissions Project. Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. 10/20/96. Elizabeth A. Meyer.