dcadv.org 16/02/2022
The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence envisions a First State
where safe, healthy, equitable relationships, families and communities thrive.
dehistory.org 01/08/2021
Delaware Historical Society. Since its founding in 1864, the Delaware
Historical Society (DHS) has acquired an extraordinary collection of more than
3 million objects, books, documents, photographs, and maps.
ffl.org 2/7/2023
FFL. Food for Life Global. The world's largest plantbased food relief
with over 250 projects in 65 countries, serving over 1 million meals daily.
peoplesplace2.com 16/02/2022 People's Place. Providing programs and
services to families, adults, and children of Southern Delaware that are
focused on counseling, education, prevention, intervention, supportive
services, and advocacy.
tristatebird.org 01/08/2021 Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research es una
organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) (3). Found an injured bird? We are
currently able to accept patients.
www.aba.org 5/15/2022
The American Birding Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
that provides leadership to birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and
enjoyment of birding.
www.apaonline.org 2/8/2023 The American Philosophical Association. The
APA supports the professional development of philosophers at all levels and
works to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the value of
philosophical inquiry.
www.childinc.com 16/02/2022 Child Inc. The organization was originally
incorporated in 1963 as the Boys Home, but in 1973 became CHILD, Inc. as the
organization expanded its focus from serving neglected, dependent and abused
boys in a group home setting to providing services for the entire family.
www.sjcs.org 07/01/2022 St. John's Community Services (SJCS). At the heart of our services and programs is our mission: advancing inclusive communities where every person, regardless of circumstances, has the right and opportunity to live their best life.