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Kansas State - Library - Literature.   4/4/2022   From the Stage Coach to the Pulpit: Being an Autobiographical Sketch, with Incidents and Anecdotes, of Elder H. K. Stimson, the Veteran Pioneer of Western New York, Now of Kansas.   4/4/2022   Heavy Feather Review. Established in April 2011, Heavy Feather Review publishes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, comics, and more.   4/4/2022   KU ScholarWorks is the digital repository of the University of Kansas. It contains scholarly work created by KU faculty, staff and students, as well as material from the University Archives.   07/09/2021   Library Website. LibGuides at Wichita State University. The mission of the University Libraries is to be an essential force in teaching and research.   12/4/2022   Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. Sparking curiosity and connecting our community through literacy and learning. Public library serving Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas.   4/4/2022   The Eisenhower Presidential Library is home to a world-class research facility that caters to scholars and history enthusiasts from around the world. Located in Eisenhower's hometown of Abilene, Kansas.   4/14/2023   The FHSU Forsyth Library provides access to the library's resources, databases, research guides, and student and faculty services.   28/03/2020   KanColl Books. The Kansas Collection.