10thmtndivassoc.org 23/01/2022
National Association of the 10th Mountain Division. Our mission is to
preserve and enhance the legacy of the 10th Mountain Division for future
11-s.eu.org/11-s 09/05/2021
11-S: Análisis crítico. Hechos y leyendas sobre el atentado que cambió
el mundo.
13thmass.org 3/20/2022
Welcome to the website dedicated to preserving the Civil War history
& record of the men of the 13th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer infantry.
19thc-artworldwide.org 2/2/2023
NCAW. Founded in 2002, Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide is a scholarly,
refereed e-journal devoted to the study of nineteenth-century painting,
sculpture, graphic arts, photography, architecture, and decorative arts across
the globe.
2020science.org 6/2/2023
2020 Science Archive. 2020 Science started life in 2007 as a
nanotechnology blog at SafeNano.
20fwa.org 01/06/2021
20th Fighter Wing Association. Preserving military history. The 20th
Fighter Wing has a proud history that began in 1927 with the authorization of
the 20th Balloon Group.
320thbg.org 5/30/2023
320th Bomb Group and B-26 Marauder. Everything you wanted to know about
the 320th Bomb Group. The 320th Bomb Group flew the B-26 in WWII. Initially
stationed in North Africa, the unit late moved to Sardina, Corsica, and finally
to France.
350.org 6/24/2022
350. A global campaign to confront the climate crisis. We are standing
up to the fossil fuel industry to stop all new coal, oil and gas projects and
build clean energy future for all.
390th.org 8/18/2022
390th Memorial Museum. Tucson, AZ. Honoring Their Courage and Sacrifice.
A compelling presentation of World War II history, presented through the deeply
personal stories of 390th Bomb Group personnel.
401bg.org/Main 1/27/2023
The Offical Website of the 401st Bombardment Group (H) Association.
Learn about the men who fought on, flew and maintained the B-17 Flying Fortress
aircraft from Deenethorpe Airfield during World War II and the organization
that perpetuates its history.
48hills.org 09/05/2021
48 Hills. Independent daily San Francisco news + culture. 48 Hills is
San Francisco and the Bay Area’s independent, alternative news and culture
site, founded by former editors and publishers of the San Francisco Bay
580split.org 18/12/2021
580 Split is a journal of arts and letters founded in 1998 by graduate
students of the Literatures and Languages Department at Mills College.
64parishes.org 6/2/2023
64 Parishes. Inspired by Louisiana. We work with writers, artists, and
communities to tell stories that explore our past and reflect on our present,
stories that are all about Louisiana.
8thmn.org 09/05/2021
8th Air Force Historical Society of Minnesota. Men of the Mighty 8th!
09/11/2021 99% Invisible with
Roman Mars is a tiny radio show about design, architecture & the
ninety-nine percent invisible activity that shapes our world.
aaan.org 4/21/2023 The Arab American Action Network (AAAN)
strives to strengthen the Arab community in the Chicago area by building its
capacity to be an active agent for positive social change.
aabts.org 24/02/2022
The Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society has been active in Ann Arbor and
the surrounding communities for over forty years. We organize numerous rides
each week for cyclists of many different skill levels and interests.
aacte.org 5/17/2023 American Association of Colleges for Teacher
Education. AACTE is the leading voice on educator preparation representing more
than 800 postsecondary institutions with educator preparation programs.
aadl.org 7/26/2023 The Ann Arbor District Library serves the
city of Ann Arbor and parts of seven surrounding townships with five public
locations: Downtown, Malletts Creek Branch, Pittsfield Branch, Traverwood
Branch, and Westgate Branch.
aadl.org/moaa 25/02/2022
The Making of Ann Arbor is a public website on the history and
development of the Ann Arbor Community, created in collaboration with the Ann
Arbor District Library, the Bentley Historical Library, and the University of
Michigan's Digital Library Production Services.
aadl.org/moaa/texts 25/02/2022
MoAA Texts. Ann Arbor District Library.
aalitagents.org 09/01/2022 Association of American Literary Agents.
AALA is a nonprofit membership organization formed in 1991, and its antecedents
date to 1928.
aamd.org 11/4/2022
The Association of Art Museum Directors advances the profession by
cultivating leadership capabilities of directors, advocating for the field, and
fostering excellence in art museums.
aamdallas.org 09/01/2022 The African American Museum is the only one
of its kind in the Southwestern Region devoted to the preservation and display
of African American artistic, cultural and historical materials.
aapip.org 09/11/2021
aaregistry.org 3/8/2024 African American Registry. The most
comprehensive on-line database resource of African American history in the
aaronline.org 18/12/2021
18/12/2021 The Association of
Author's Representatives is a nonprofit membership organization founded in
1991, which currently has more than 400 professional literary and dramatic
agents as members.
aas.org 09/11/2021 The American Astronomical Society is the
major organization of professional astronomers in North America. The AAS
provides a community of astronomers and advocates for science. The AAS was
established in 1899 and based in Washington, DC.
aaww.org 1/7/2024 Asian American Writers’ Workshop. Amplifying
Asian and Asian diasporic literature since 1991.
11/10/2022 The Association for
Black Anthropologists (ABA) was founded in 1970 by a small group of
intellectuals who sought to break down barriers that impeded their full participation
in the discipline of Anthropology.
abcbirds.org 1/14/2024
aboutplacejournal.org 1/10/2023
About Place Journal. A literary journal published by the Black Earth
Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and
abqlibrary.org/home 11/5/2022 LibGuides: the Public Library. Visit us
online and at our community libraries in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.
abrahamlincolnassociation.org 01/09/2021
The Abraham Lincoln Association. Celebrating the Life of Abraham
Lincoln. Founded in 1908 to spearhead national celebrations of Lincoln’s 100th
birthday, the ALA remains the nation’s oldest and largest Lincoln organization.
academiapr.org 28/12/2021
academy.interlochen.org 25/01/2021
aclu-wa.org 30/01/2022 The ACLU is the nation’s premier civil
rights and civil liberties organization. We work in the courts, the
legislatures, and in our communities to protect and extend basic rights for
acorjordan.org 5/9/2023
American Center of Research (ACOR). Our history has a particular
emphasis on archaeology, but includes robust support for historians,
ethnographers, sociologists, political scientists, biologists, and various
other scholars of literature, language, and the arts.
act.eff.org 12/19/2022 EFF Action Center. Defend free speech. Fight
surveillance. Support innovation.
actionbooks.org 4/8/2023
Action Books. We publish transnational, interlingual, radical,
visionary, feminist, futurist, future-less writing.
acuril.org 5/11/2023
Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional
Libraries. ACURIL offers you a regional network to exchange ideas and to
promote international collaboration, research and development in all areas of
the information and knowledge fields.
adp.menil.org 10/05/2021
The Artists Documentation Program (ADP) interviews artists and their
close associates in order to gain a better understanding of their materials,
working techniques, and intent for conservation of their works.
aem.asm.org 02/05/2021
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) publishes study results
that make significant contributions to applied microbial research, basic
microbial ecology research, and genetic and molecular investigations of
microbial topics of practical value.
afaa.americananthro.org 11/10/2022
Association for Africanist Anthropology. Putting Africa back on the map.
afamreview.org 13/02/2022
afonet.org 2/8/2024 The Association of Field Ornithologists
(AFO) is a membership organization dedicated to the study and conservation of
birds and their natural habitats.
africaagenda.org 1/24/2024
Africa Agenda. Changing African News. Africa Agenda is driven by the
need to change the narrative of African News. We bring resources together to
press for accurate African news.
africaschoolassistanceproject.org 1/24/2024
Africa School Assistance Project. Today, ASAP has a Tanzanian and a
U.S.-based Board of Directors, working together to empower and create
opportunities for Tanzanians, particularly girls, by removing obstacles to
quality education and learning.
afropop.org 9/15/2023 Afropop Worldwide is a Peabody award-winning
radio program, podcast and online magazine dedicated to music from Africa and
the African diaspora.
afte.org 06/12/2021
The Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners. The international
professional organization for practitioners of Firearm and/or Tool Mark
Identification and has been dedicated to the exchange of information, methods
and best practices.
aiar.org 5/9/2023 The W.F. Albright Institute of
Archaeological Research in Jerusalem supports and facilitates research on the
history and societies of the Near East from prehistory through the twenty-first
aich.org 6/20/2023
American Indian Community House. AICH was founded in 1969, by Native
American volunteers as a community-based organization, mandated to improve the
status of Native Americans, and to foster inter-cultural understanding.
airrace.org 6/14/2022
STIHL National Championship Air Races. The Reno Air Racing Association
has been organizing the Reno National Championship Air Races for over 50 years.
ajcn.nutrition.org 2/23/2023
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
akclimate.org 16/02/2022
Alaska Climate Research Center. The primary mission of Alaska Climate
Research Center is to respond to inquiries concerning the meteorology and
climatology of Alaska from public, private, and government agencies, and from
researchers around the world.
akronartmuseum.org 6/20/2023
Akron Art Museum. We celebrate and collect emerging and established
artists, invest in art that honors diversity and creativity, and preserve
world-class art and architecture for future generations.
alabama-quassarte.org 5/2/2023
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town. Antes de la eliminación de la
Confederación Muscogee de sus tierras natales del sureste en los años 1820 y
30, los pueblos de Alabama y Quassarte tenían una identidad distinta como una
ciudad tribal de la Confederación.
alachuaaudubon.org 2/8/2024
Alachua Audubon Society (AAS) is an official chapter of National Audubon
and Audubon Florida. We foster appreciation of birds, protect wildlife and
promote sustainability.
alaskaairmuseum.org 20/01/2022
Alaska Aviation Air Museum Anchorage. Located on the world's largest
seaplane base, Lake Hood, at Anchorage International Airport, the Alaska
Aviation Museum. Four hangars of exhibitions and vintage aircraft.
alaskavfw.org 20/01/2022
Alaska Veterans of Foreign Wars.
albrecht-kemper.org 11/26/2022
Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art in St. Joseph, MO. The AKMA serves as the
only nationally-accredited museum dedicated to arts education and promoting
emerging artists in the four-state region (northwest Missouri, northeast
Kansas, southeast Nebraska, and southwest Iowa).
algebra.org/wp 2/15/2023
The Algebra Project INC uses mathematics literacy as an organizing tool
to guarantee quality public school education for all children in the United
States of America.
alla.americananthro.org 11/10/2022
ALLA. Association of Latina/o and Latinx Anthropologists.
alliancetheatre.org 23/01/2022
Alliance Theatre. We will lead the national field by deeply engaging
with our local community, modeling radical inclusion and catalytic experiences
on our stages, in our classrooms, and throughout Atlanta.
alternateroots.org 6/20/2023
Alternate ROOTS supports the creation and presentation of original art
that is rooted in community, place, tradition or spirit. We are a group of
artists and cultural organizers based in the South creating a better world
americainclass.org/primary-sources 3/25/2022
Primary Sources for History & Literature Teachers. America in Class.
Collections of primary resources — historical documents, literary texts, and
works of art – thematically organized with notes and discussion questions.
americanantiquarian.org 6/20/2023
The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) cultivates a deeper understanding
of the American past, grounded in its ever-growing collection of printed and
manuscript sources.
americanillustration.org 8/27/2023 The National Museum of American Illustration
(NMAI) was founded in 1998 to house a collection of primarily "Golden
Age" American Illustration art, yet the museum also exhibits American
illustration from all periods, styles and talents.
americanjazzmuseum.org 08/07/2021
American Jazz Museum. The mission of the American Jazz Museum in Kansas
City is to celebrate and exhibit the experience of jazz as an original American
art form through performance, exhibition, education, and research.
americanornithology.org 2/8/2024
American Ornithological Society. We’re a diverse, global network of
empowered professionals, working together to advance the scientific study and
conservation of birds.
americanroutes.wwno.org 4/30/2022
American Routes is blues and jazz, gospel and soul, rockabilly and
country, Cajun and swamp pop, Tejano, Latin... and beyond. Songs and stories
from musicians describe a deep and diverse nation with sounds and styles shared
by all Americans.
amuseum.org 6/26/2022 The Jewish-American Hall Of Fame. Following
the release of the Wooden Shekels, the formation of the International Judaic
Commemorative Society was announced by Wacks.
anab.ansi.org 4/9/2023
ANSI National Accreditation Board. ANAB, the ANSI National Accreditation
Board, provides accreditation services in over 75 countries and is the largest
accreditation body in N. America.
analytics.hathitrust.org 4/9/2023 HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) enables
computational analysis of works in the HathiTrust Digital Library (HTDL) to
facilitate non-profit research and educational uses of the collection.
ananuclear.org 05/06/2021
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability. A national network of organizations
working to address issues of nuclear weapons production and waste cleanup.
andrewsarchaeology.org 5/9/2023
Institute of Archaeology & Siegfried H. Horn Museum. The Institute
is a research entity financed and administered within the Seventh-day Adventist
Theological Seminary and is part of the Andrews University system of research
institutes and centers.
angola3.org 4/25/2023
International Coalition to Free the Angola 3. 43 Years in Solitary
Confinement. For over 40 years Albert Woodfox, Robert King and Herman Wallace
exposed the segregation and violence in Angola Prison in Louisiana USA.
animaldiversity.org 12/24/2023
Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural
history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the
University of Michigan.
annarborfriends.org/wp 20/07/2021
Ann Arbor Friends Meeting. Nurturing Friends, Seeding a Quaker Future.
Quakers believe that there is that of God in every person.
aodl.org 28/05/2021
African Online Digital Library. AODL is an open access digital library
of African cultural heritage materials created by Michigan State University in
collaboration with museums, archives, scholars, and communities around the
aoir.org 12/09/2021
The Association of Internet Researchers is a member-based, academic
association dedicated to the promotion of critical and scholarly Internet
research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic
aopa.org 12/26/2022
Your Freedom to Fly. AOPA. We protect your freedom to fly by supporting
activities that ensure the long-term health of general aviation; educating
pilots, non-pilots, and policy makers alike.
aopa.org/news-and-media 12/26/2022
News & Media: The latest news in general aviation. Your trusted
general aviation news source, covering the latest in aircraft, gear,
technology, and advocacy across the country.
aosa.org 26/05/2021
American Orff-Schulwerk Association. Professional organization of
educators dedicated to the creative music and movement approach developed by
Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman.
apl.org 1/10/2023 Appleton Public Library. Learn, know,
gather, grow – your center of community life. As an institution, a library
represents hope. It’s a place where people come for introspective pursuits like
reading, studying, research and writing.
aplahealth.org 3/24/2023
AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) Health. Our mission is to achieve
healthcare equity and promote well-being for the LGBT community and people
living with and affected by HIV.
appalachiantrail.org 08/12/2021
Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Our mission is to protect, manage, and
advocate for the Appalachian National Scenic Trail.
appalshop.org 10/19/2023 Appalshop. No institution has done more to
enhance the self-awareness and self-respect of Eastern Kentucky and all of
apsjournals.apsnet.org 23/06/2021
APS Journals. The American Phytopathological Society (APS).
aptv.org 7/12/2022
Alabama Public Television. The Alabama Educational Television
Commission, licensee for the nine Alabama Public Television stations, was
established by the Alabama Legislature in 1953.
arara.wildapricot.org 07/06/2021
The American Rock Art Research Association (ARARA) is a diverse
community of members with wide-ranging interests who are dedicated to rock art
preservation, research, and education.
archive.archaeology.org 11/20/2022
Archaeology Magazine Archive. Back Issues. Browse or search past online
issues of Archaeology Magazine.
archive.org 26/11/2021
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books,
movies, software, music, websites, and more.
archive.org/details/home_movies 11/21/2023
This collection of home movies includes amateur films and videotapes
from the collections of the Center for Home Movies, the Prelinger Archives Home
Movie Collection and many other home movie aficionados.
aritweb.org 11/09/2021
American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is the primary organization
serving American and Canadian researchers and scholars interested in carrying
out study and research in and about Turkey.
arjazz.org/home 26/05/2021
The Arkansas Jazz Heritage Foundation (AJHF) is a non-profit
organization in Little Rock, Arkansas, dedicated to educating the general
public about the historical significance of Arkansas' musical heritage.
army.barracks.buffalonet.org 13/03/2021
The Buffalo Barracks Historical Website (1837-1846).
art.thewalters.org 23/04/2021
The Walters Art Museum is among America’s most distinctive museums,
forging connections between people and art from cultures around the world and
spanning seven millennia.
art21.org 10/05/2021
Art21 is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring a more creative
world through the works and words of contemporary artists.
arthurdaleheritage.org 17/03/2021
Arthurdale Heritage, Inc. Preserving the history of the nation's first
New Deal Homestead Community in Arthurdale, West Virginia.
arxiv.org/list/physics/recent 2/3/2023
Physics authors. arXiv is a
curated research-sharing platform open to anyone. As a pioneer in digital open
access, arXiv now hosts more than two million scholarly articles in eight
subject areas, curated by our strong community of volunteer moderators.
asa.scitation.org/journal/arl 05/05/2021
Acoustics Research Letters Online (ARLO) is an open access journal of
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA). It includes electronic letters devoted
to research in all fields of acoustics that were published from 1999 through
asc-cybernetics.org 7/16/2023
The American Society for Cybernetics was founded in 1964 in Washington,
DC to encourage new developments in cybernetics as an
inter-/trans-/meta-disciplinary field.
ascelibrary.org 4/22/2022
ASCE Library. Civil Engineering and its Practical Applications. ASCE’s
scholarly publications include books, peer-reviewed journals, conference
proceedings, and magazines.
ashbrook.org 19/12/2021
The Ashbrook Center, an independent academic center located at Ashland
University, was established and named in honor of the late Congressman John M.
Ashbrook, who represented Ohio’s 17th Congressional district for 21 years.
atlantatelephonehistory.org/atlanta:start 21/10/2021
Atlanta Telephone History. This is a nonprofit, educational web site,
devoted to the history of telephone service in the Atlanta, Georgia area.
atlasofsurveillance.org 22/02/2022
Atlas of Surveillance. Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities with
Open Source Research. Atlas of Surveillance is a project of the Electronic
Frontier Foundation and the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of
Nevada, Reno.
atlmaps.org 5/23/2023
The ATLMaps platform, a collaboration between Georgia State University
and Emory University, combines archival maps, geospatial data visualization,
and user contributed multimedia location pinpoints to promote investigation
into any number of issues about Atlanta.
audubon-omaha.org 1/20/2023
The Audubon Society of Omaha is dedicated to the active promotion of
environmental awareness to our community through education, conservation, and
enjoyment of our natural heritage, especially birds.
augustaartsandculture.org 18/03/2021 The Augusta Heritage Arts Workshop was first
organized by the Randolph County Creative Arts Council and Davis & Elkins
College faculty who were concerned about the future of Appalachian craft
aupresses.org 07/06/2021
Association of University Presses. AUPresses advances the essential role
of a global community of publishers whose mission is to ensure academic
excellence and cultivate knowledge.
authorsguild.org 11/16/2022
The Authors Guild advocates for the rights of writers by supporting free
speech, fair contracts, and copyright. We create community and we fight for a
living wage.
authorsleaguefund.org 17/02/2021
Authors League Fund. Since 1917, the Authors League Fund has helped
professional authors, journalists, critics, poets, and dramatists who find
themselves in financial need because of medical or health-related problems.
awm-math.org 06/12/2021 Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
The purpose of the AWM is to encourage women and girls to study and to have
active careers in the mathematical sciences.
aynrand.org 17/02/2021
Ayn Rand is the official website of the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), the
source for information on the life, writings and work of novelist-philosopher
Ayn Rand.
b-36peacemakermuseum.org 10/19/2023 B-36 Museum. The museum is dedicated to
preserving the history of the B-36 Bomber. The B-36 was the largest bomber ever
baibala.org 4/16/2023
Baibala Hemolele. The Hawaiian
baldeagleflyingclub.org 02/02/2022
Bald Eagle Flying Club. Based at the Portland International Jetport
(KPWM) in Portland, ME. We are currently 40+ members strong and are open to new
members who want to experience the joy of affordable flying.
baldwinlibrary.org 1/10/2023
Baldwin Public Library. We provide free and equal access to books,
programs, electronic media, and other resources as well as professional
guidance in finding and using them.
ballstatepbs.org 22/05/2021
Ball State PBS is housed in the E.F. Ball Communication Building on the
campus of Ball State University. Ball State PBS has multiple studios and its
own remote production truck.
bampfa.org 26/06/2021
BAMPFA. As the visual arts center at one of the world’s leading public
research universities, the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
(BAMPFA) brings the rich artistic resources of the UC Berkeley campus to the
broader public.
bankinformationcenter.org 1/26/2024 Bank Information Center. We partner with
civil society to spotlight the risks associated with development, and work to
improve transparency, accountability, and sustainability at the institutions
that drive it.
battleofthebulge.org 5/19/2022
Battle of the Bulge Association. Honoring the Veterans, Preserving Their
Legacy. The organization was formed by a group of veterans of the Battle of the
Bulge in 1981 led by Clyde Boden, who later became its first president.
beardenfoundation.org 27/02/2021
The Romare Bearden Foundation was established in 1990 as a non-profit
organization by the estate of Romare Bearden (1911-1988) to preserve and
perpetuate the legacy of this preeminent American artist.
beckley.org 18/03/2021 City of Beckley. The City of Champions.
Beckley invites you to share in the growth of our enthusiastic new business
destination, a pristine highland opened by expressways and interstates in the
benetech.org 10/09/2021
Benetech. Software for Social Good. Benetech’s nonprofit software
empowers communities with software for social good. Learn how all humanity can
benefit from the technology we’re developing.
benicialibrary.org 10/09/2021
berkeleyearth.org 12/24/2023
Berkeley Earth is the only source of reliable, independent,
non-governmental, and unbiased scientific data and analysis of the highest
berkeleyvideofilmfest.org 12/24/2023 The Berkeley Video & Film Festival was
founded by award winning independent filmmakers who were involved with the
"independent underground cinema revolution" in the early and
bestfriendofcharleston.org 8/26/2022
The Best Friend of Charleston. The original Best Friend of Charleston
train made its first trip on Christmas Day in 1830. The Best Friend was the
first engine built entirely in the United States at West Point Foundry in New
beyondnuclear.org 04/02/2022
Beyond Nuclear. Working for a world free from nuclear power and nuclear
bioneers.org 5/1/2023
Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature. For 30 years, Bioneers
has acted as a fertile hub of game-changing social and scientific innovators
with breakthrough solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and
social challenges.
birdnet.org 8/18/2023
Birdnet is an online repository of information about the science of
ornithology, and about issues of interest to ornithologists.
birdsoftheworld.org/bow/home 8/18/2023
Birds of the World is a powerful resource that brings deep, scholarly
content from four celebrated works of ornithology into a single platform where
biologists and birders can find comprehensive life history information on
blackarchives.org 08/07/2021
Black Archives of Mid-America Kansas City. The mission of the Black
Archives of Mid-America in Kansas City, Inc. is to collect, preserve and make
available to the public materials documenting the social, economic, political
and cultural histories.
blackearthinstitute.org 1/10/2023
Black Earth Institute. Re-forging the links between art and spirit,
earth and society. Black Earth Institute is a community of artist-fellows and
scholar-advisers creating a more ethical world.
blackhistorymuseum.org 7/15/2023
The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia was founded in
1981 by Carroll Anderson, Sr. and opened to the public at 100 Clay Street, in
the historic Jackson Ward district of Richmond in 1991.
blackmountaininstitute.org 12/28/2023 Black Mountain Institute at UNLV champions
writers and storytellers through programs, fellowships and community
engagement. We make space for meaningful collaborations and conversations; we
understand service as vital.
blantonmuseum.org 7/30/2023
Blanton Museum of Art. With more than 21,000 works in the collection,
the Blanton showcases art from across the ages, from ancient Greek pottery to
abstract expressionism.
blog.allaboutbirds.org 30/04/2021
All About Birds. Online bird guide, bird ID help, life history, bird
sounds from Cornell Lab. Our planet is alive with birds, and there is nothing
more fulfilling and potentially life-changing than observing birds and nature.
blog.biodiversitylibrary.org 11/05/2021
Biodiversity Heritage Library. Program news and collection highlights
from BHL. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open
access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives.
bombmagazine.org 1/6/2024
BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all
disciplines since 1981.
boothmuseum.org 12/09/2021
Booth Western Art Museum. It is the mission of The Booth Museum to
educate, entertain, and inspire guests through the exploration of Western art,
popular culture, and American heritage in a welcoming environment.
bostonlocaltv.org 13/09/2021
bostonveg.org 11/02/2022 Boston Vegetarian Society. Replacing animal
foods with plant foods reduces the animal suffering and environmental
destruction that result from animal agriculture.
botany.org 11/27/2022
Botanical Society of America. To inspire and promote an inclusive global
community committed to advancing fundamental knowledge and innovation in the
botanical sciences for the benefit of people and the environment.
bovinalibrary.org 16/09/2021
btsfreeccm.org 4/30/2023 Birmingham Theological Seminary (BTS), in
partnership with Third Millennium Ministries (IIIM), is pleased to offer an
online Certificate in Christian Ministry via this website.
burningman.org 7/30/2023
Burning Man is a network of people inspired by the values reflected in
the Ten Principles and united in the pursuit of a more creative and connected
existence in the world.
bwjp.org 5/30/2023
Battered Women’s Justice Project. We are BWJP: a collective of national
policy and practice centers at the intersection of gender-based violence and
legal systems.
cabinetmagazine.org 1/7/2024 Cabinet. Founded as a non-profit in 2000,
Cabinet is an award-winning quarterly magazine of art and culture based in New
York that confounds expectations of what is typically meant by the words “art,”
“culture,” and sometimes even “magazine.”
caliballiance.org 9/17/2023 California Independent Booksellers Alliance.
Promoting the vitality, diversity, and prosperity of independent bookselling as
essential to the life of our communities.
californiasciencecenter.org 24/06/2021
The California Science Center aspires to stimulate curiosity and inspire
science learning in everyone by creating fun, memorable experiences, because we
value science as an indispensable tool for understanding our world.
calisphere.org 8/7/2023
Calisphere is your gateway to digital collections from California's
great libraries, archives, and museums. Discover over 2,100,000 images, texts,
and recordings. Watch an introductory video to learn more.
cals.org 9/9/2022
The Central Arkansas Library System is recognized as a leading community
institution improving literacy, the exchange of ideas, workforce development,
and social engagement.
calvoter.org 9/17/2023
The California Voter Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization
working through research, oversight, outreach and demonstration projects to
improve the election process so that it better serves the needs and interests
of voters.
capitalwing.org 3/25/2023
The Commemorative Air Force Capital Wing maintains a significant
collection of vintage and WWII-era aircraft, with a goal to honor, educate, and
inspire both current and future generations.
carnegieendowment.org 30/01/2022
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace offers decisionmakers
global, independent, and strategic insight and innovative ideas that advance
international peace.
cartoonistfoundation.org 06/07/2021
The National Cartoonists Society Foundation is the charitable arm of the
National Cartoonists Society, the world’s largest and most prestigious
organization of professional cartoonists.
cascademyco.org 6/26/2022
Cascade Mycological Society (CMS). We are an educational non-profit
located in the Eugene/ Springfield area of Oregon dedicated to the study and
enjoyment of fungi. Please enjoy the video below to see the types of activities
that we do.
cassville.org 1/10/2023 Village of Cassville. Grant County,
Wisconsin. Nestled between the scenic bluffs and the mighty Mississippi River,
Cassville, Wisconsin is surrounded with natural beauty, and the quiet and peace
of days gone by.
caves.org 7/12/2022 National Speleological Society. For over 70
years, the National Speleological Society has promoted safe and responsible
caving practices, effective cave and karst management, speleology, and
caves.org/journal-of-cave-and-karst-studies 11/4/2023
The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is a multi-disciplinary, refereed
journal published four times a year by the National Speleological Society,
Huntsville, Alabama.
cbmm.org 21/07/2021
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is dedicated to preserving and
exploring the history, environment and culture of the entire Chesapeake Bay
region, and making this resource available to all.
ccmellorlibrary.org 06/01/2022
ccmgatx.org 06/01/2022
ccsso.org 08/05/2021
The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan,
nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of
elementary and secondary education in the states.
cdlib.org 04/06/2021
The California Digital Library exists to support the University of
California community’s pursuit of scholarship and to extend the University’s
public service mission.
cdt.org 2/15/2024
Center for Democracy and Technology. CDT supports laws, corporate
policies, and technological tools that protect privacy and security and enable
free speech online.
cei.org 30/01/2022 Competitive Enterprise Institute. Founded in
1984, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is widely recognized as a leading
and effective advocate for freedom on a wide range of critical economic and
regulatory policy issues.
ceimiami.org 6/26/2022
Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana. Nuestra misión consiste, en que el
Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana sea un centro de oración, formación,
espiritualidad y liderazgo para servir a aquellos que más necesitan de Dios.
celebrateurbanbirds.org 18/05/2021
Celebrate Urban Birds. We're All Close To Birds! Founded in 2007,
Celebrate Urban Birds is a year-round project developed and launched by The
Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
centennial-library.org 12/22/2022
The Grangeville Centennial Library serves our community by providing
access to resources for recreation, information, and lifelong learning.
centerforagroforestry.org 16/01/2022
The Center for Agroforestry at the University of Missouri, established
in 1998, is a preeminent global center contributing to the science and practice
underlying agroforestry, which combines trees and shrubs with crops or
centerforbookarts.org 27/02/2021
Center for Book Arts promotes active explorations of artistic practices
related to the book as an art object.
centerforcubanstudies.org 12/20/2023
Center for Cuban Studies (CCS). Founded in 1972 and located in New York
City, it is dedicated to providing information about contemporary Cuba and
contributing to a normalization of relations between Cuba and the United
States, including an end to the embargo.
centerofthewest.org 2/23/2023
Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Museum in Cody, WY. The Center of the
West is home to five world-class museums and a wealth of family-friendly
cfh.iaamuseum.org 1/28/2023
Center for Family History at the International African American Museum.
The IAAM Center for Family history is a one of a kind research center dedicated
to African American genealogy.
chax.org 11/7/2023
Chax Press. Founded in 1984, incorporated in 1986, we have published 250
literary and book arts works, and have presented more than 100 readings, talks,
symposia, and other events.
cheekwood.org 10/19/2023 Historic Estate in Nashville. Cheekwood
Estate & Gardens . Cheekwood Estate is
55 acres of spectacular gardens and world-class art.
cheshireacademy.org 03/03/2022
Cheshire Academy. Boarding and Day School. Making a private school
education more affordable, makes the experience more accessible. Tuition cuts
for boarding and day for 2022-2023.
chipstone.org 1/10/2023 The Chipstone Foundation. The mission of The
Chipstone Foundation is to promote and enhance appreciation and knowledge of
American material culture (emphasizing the decorative arts) by scholars,
students and the general public.
christdesert.org 5/1/2023
Benedictine Abbey of Christ in the Desert. Our Roman Catholic
Benedictine monastery on the banks of the Chama river in New Mexico welcomes
guests for day visits or self-directed personal retreats.
christelhouse.org 9/17/2023
Christel House provides a robust K-12 education and a strong character
development program along with regular health care, nutritious meals, family
assistance, and College & Careers support.
ciin.org 27/12/2021
The Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) is a support and advocacy
organization run by the chemically injured for the benefit of the chemically
cinestory.org 1/25/2024 The CineStory Foundation. Founded in 1995,
CineStory is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to educating emerging
TV writers and screenwriters.
classicalstudies.org 11/11/2022
Society for Classical Studies. The purpose of the SCS (in the SCS
By-laws) is to “advance knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the
ancient Greek and Roman world and its enduring value."
clyffordstillmuseum.org 8/16/2023
Clyfford Still Museum. Denver, Colorado. The Museum offers nine
beautiful galleries of Still’s vibrant art, shopping, exciting programs and
events, and more.
cmrussell.org 8/17/2023
C.M. Russell Museum. With nearly 1,000 Charles M. Russell creations in
our collection, the museum presents Russell’s comprehensive, very personal, and
authentic reflection on Western history.
cnwhs.org/wp1 30/12/2021
The Chicago & North Western Historical Society was founded in 1973
by Joe Follmar and a group of Midwestern railfans interested in the C&NW,
along with its predecessor and successor roads.
coalliance.org 5/19/2022 The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
(The Alliance) increases, enhances, and facilitates cooperation among
coharietribe.org 3/4/2023
Coharie Tribe. The present population of the Coharie Indian Tribe is
located in the southeastern region of the State of North Carolina in the
counties of Harnett and Sampson. The Coharies descend from the aboriginal tribe
of the Neusiok Indians.
coldwar.org/Default.asp 3/25/2023
The Cold War Museum is a charitable organization dedicated to education,
preservation, and research on the global, ideological, and political
confrontations between East and West from the end of World War II to the
dissolution of the Soviet Union.
collection.barnesfoundation.org 22/05/2021
Barnes Collection Online. The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia is home
to one of the world's greatest collections of impressionist, post-impressionist
and early modern paintings.
collection.clyffordstillmuseum.org/listing 8/16/2023
Explore The Clyfford Still Museum Online Collection artworks, prints,
drawings and more.
collection.farnsworthmuseum.org/explore 02/02/2022 The museum's collection of approximately
15,000 works focuses on American art from the 18th century to the present, with
a special emphasis on artists who have lived or worked in Maine.
coloradohealth.org 12/13/2022
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all
Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through
investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building.
coltsneck.org 6/8/2023 Colts Neck Township. New Jersey. Colts Neck
Township is governed by a five-member Township Committee.
commackpubliclibrary.org 8/12/2023
The Commack Public Library is dedicated to providing the community with
quality library services in an open and friendly environment.
commemorativeairforce.org 11/10/2023
Commemorative Air Force. Lloyd Nolen and a small group of ex-service
pilots from the Rio Grande Valley in Texas pooled their money to purchase a
P-51 Mustang in 1957.
commonpracticela.org 4/3/2022
Common Practice Los Angeles is an advocacy group that fosters research,
discussions, and events that examine the current role and histories of small
and mid-scale arts organizations in Los Angeles.
commonpracticeny.org 4/3/2022
Common Practice New York is an advocacy group that fosters research and
discussions about the role of small-scale arts organizations in New York City.
concordiahistoricalinstitute.org 12/24/2022 Concordia Historical Institute. Using its
museums, libraries and Lutheran historical documents, Concordia Historical
Institute: Honoring our past, inspiring our future.
concordmuseum.org 4/7/2023
The Concord Museum is the one place where all of Concord’s remarkable
past is brought to life through an inspiring collection of historical,
literary, and decorative arts treasures.
conservationbirding.org 12/1/2023
American Bird Conservancy. Conservation Birding promotes the best places
in Latin America and the Caribbean to see the rarest birds, and support the
conservation of those species.
contempaesthetics.org 3/18/2022
Contemporary Aesthetics. An international, interdisciplinary, peer- and
blind-reviewed open-access online journal of contemporary theory, research, and
application in aesthetics.
content.wisconsinhistory.org 8/16/2023
Wisconsin Historical Society's Online Collections.
content.wisconsinhistory.org/digital 12/8/2022
Collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society.
cool.culturalheritage.org 05/09/2021
Conservation OnLine (CoOL) is a freely accessible platform to generate
and disseminate vital resources for those working to preserve cultural heritage
coprosperity.org 4/21/2023
Co-Prosperity (Co-Pro) is an experimental cultural center located in
Bridgeport, Chicago. Co-Pro hosts exhibitions, screenings, installations,
gatherings, and performance programs in its 2,600+ square foot gallery.
cranbrookartmuseum.org 30/12/2021
Cranbrook Art Museum maintains thousands of works of art, artifacts,
design, architecture, and craft. Explore our diverse collections of 20th and
21st-century art.
criticalflame.org 3/18/2022
The Critical Flame. Founded in late 2008, the mission of The Critical
Flame is simple: to encourage intelligent public discussion about literature
and culture by publishing long-form literary and critical essays as well as
conversations and translated nonfiction.
criticalresistance.org 3/18/2022
Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the
Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling
people makes us safe.
crowcollection.org 25/03/2021
The Crow Museum of Asian Art inspires and promotes learning and dialogue
about the arts and cultures of Asia through our exhibitions, the research and
preservation of our collections, artistic and educational programming, and
visitor experience and engagement.
csktribes.org 11/1/2022
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation. The
Flathead Indian Reservation is home to three tribes, the Bitterroot Salish,
Upper Pend d’Oreille, and the Kootenai.
cspinet.org 22/03/2021 Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been a strong
advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, and sound
curesearch.org 1/3/2024
CureSearch for Children’s Cancer. We’re changing the odds for the 42
children diagnosed with cancer each day. Support new, safer treatments for
children’s cancer.
dancesafe.org 12/13/2022 DanceSafe. While we’re known for testing
your drugs at festivals and events, we’re all about supporting whole-person
fulfillment from the top down and inside out.
dantehallstockton.org 11/02/2022
Stockton City Blog. Stockton is a city in the United States that was
founded in 1849 and today is the center of the San Joaquin County, located in
the sunny state of California.
dartcenter.org 2/15/2024
The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia
University Graduate School of Journalism, is dedicated to informed, innovative
and ethical news reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy.
data.worldbank.org 9/2/2023
World Bank Open Data. Free and open access to global development data.
dav1pdx.org 17/02/2022
Disabled American Veterans Portland Chapter #1. Empowering Veterans to
Lead High Quality Lives with Respect & Dignity. DAV was created by veterans
of the 1st World War and chartered by Congress in 1932.
daylilies.org 6/8/2023
American Daylily Society. The American Daylily Society is a non-profit
service organization dedicated to educating people about daylilies, promoting
the cultivation and enjoyment of daylilies, and fostering the on-going
improvement of this perennial flower.
dcadv.org 16/02/2022 The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic
Violence envisions a First State where safe, healthy, equitable relationships,
families and communities thrive.
deerparkmonastery.org 20/10/2021
Deer Park Monastery was established by Thich Nhat Hanh, this 400-acre
sanctuary rests peacefully in the chaparral mountains of southern California.
dehistory.org 3/26/2023
The Delaware Historical Society is a non-profit organization that
preserves, promotes, and shares Delaware’s history in a welcoming environment
to educate, inspire, and empower people and communities.
democrats.org 12/2/2023
We are the Democratic Party. Democrats are fighting for a better,
fairer, and brighter future for every American: rolling up our sleeves,
empowering grassroots voters, and organizing everywhere to build a better
derbynecklibrary.org 3/8/2024
Derby Neck Library. The mission of the Derby Neck Library is to provide
its patrons access to the ideas and information that are necessary to allow
them to fully participate in the life of the community and in a democratic
derbypubliclibrary.org 3/8/2024
Harcourt Wood Memorial Library. The Derby Public Library endeavors to
provide quality service to patrons and to contribute to the knowledge, culture,
understanding and enjoyment of the community.
desmoinesartcenter.org 01/09/2021
Des Moines Art Center. Modern & Contemporary Art Museum. The Des
Moines Art Center is a modern and contemporary art museum with an extensive
collection of paintings, sculpture and mixed media, and studio art classes.
destinationmissoula.org 27/12/2021
Missoula, Montana. Destination Missoula. Missoula is at the confluence
of three rivers, in the heart of Western Montana. Missoula is also situated
between Montana's crown jewels, Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks.
developmentseed.org 7/16/2023
Development Seed. See our planet better. Geospatial solutions and global
insights for a complex and changing planet.
digital.sciencehistory.org 26/02/2022
Science History Institute Digital Collections. Search 12,156 of our
digitized items: artifacts, photographs, advertisements, letters, rare books,
oral histories, and more.
digitalcollections.hoover.org/collections 25/09/2021
Digital Collections. A growing collection of digitized posters,
photographs, manuscripts, moving images, sound recordings, and other historical
materials from the Hoover Institution Library & Archives
digitalcollections.nypl.org 9/1/2023
The New York Public Library Digital Collections. Explore 863,547 items
digitized from The New York Public Library's collections.
digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections 7/15/2023
Digital Collections. All Collections. The New York Public Library
Digital Collections.
digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/cigarette-cards 4/10/2023
Cigarette cards. The New York Public Library. Digital Collections.
digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/dinanda-nooney-brooklyn-photograph-collection 12/17/2022
Dinanda Nooney Brooklyn photograph collection. NYPL Digital Collections.
digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/samuel-putnam-avery-collection 12/17/2022
Samuel Putnam Avery Collection. NYPL Digital Collections.
digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/the-pageant-of-america-collection 12/17/2022
The Pageant of America Collection. NYPL Digital Collections.
digitalheritage.noblenet.org 25/04/2021 NOBLE Digital Heritage, a project of the
North of Boston Library Exchange, Inc. (NOBLE) and our member libraries, is a
collection of resources documenting the rich social and cultural history of our
member communities.
digital-scriptorium.org 11/6/2023
Digital Scriptorium (DS) is a growing consortium of American
institutions with collections of global premodern manuscripts dedicated to
building an online national union catalog for manuscripts in US collections.
dirtdiggersdigest.org 9/1/2023
Dirt Diggers Digest is written by Philip Mattera, director of the
Corporate Research Project, an affiliate of Good Jobs First.
discover.pbcgov.org/Pages/default.aspx 12/01/2022
Palm Beach County. To drive a continuous improvement culture of
excellence that achieves a measurably high level of public satisfaction.
dsbb.imf.org 12/17/2022
The International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
(DSBB) provides access to the NSDP, the SDDS Plus, the SDDS, the e-GDDS, and
the DQRS sites.
dudleyobservatory.org 06/06/2021
Dudley Observatory. The Capital District's astronomy resource. The
Dudley Observatory provides education and outreach programs designed to bring
the wonders of science, particularly astronomy, to people of all ages.
dupont.org 22/02/2022 duPont-Columbia Awards. Founded by Jessie
Ball duPont in honor of her late husband Alfred I. duPont, for nearly 80 years
the duPont awards have set the standard for audio and video reporting, in
broadcast, documentary and online.
eaavintage.org 1/10/2023 EAA Vintage Aircraft Association. Our
mission is to encourage and aid the retention and restoration of antique,
historical, classical and contemporary aircraft, and to improve aviation safety
and education.
eany.org 3/7/2024
Environmental Advocates NY’s mission is to protect our air, land, water,
and wildlife and the health of all New Yorkers. We work to support and
strengthen the efforts of New York’s environmental community to make our state
a national leader.
earthisland.org 2/26/2023
Earth Island Institute provides support to environmental action projects
and to the next generation of environmental leaders in order to achieve
solutions to the crises threatening the survival of life on Earth.
earthjustice.org 2/16/2024
Earthjustice: Because the earth needs a good lawyer. Earthjustice is the
premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization.
eastofborneo.org 9/26/2023
East of Borneo is an online magazine of contemporary art and its history
as considered from Los Angeles.
eastrutherford.bccls.org 30/07/2021
The East Rutherford Memorial Library serves the community of East
Rutherford by providing free access to diversified printed, audiovisual, and
electronic resources.
ebird.org/home 12/25/2023
eBird. Discover a new world of birding. eBird transforms your bird
sightings into science and conservation. Plan trips, find birds, track your
lists, explore range maps and bird migration—all free.
eclipsearchive.org 12/28/2023
Eclipse is a free on-line archive focusing on digital facsimiles of the
most radical small-press writing from the last quarter century. Eclipse also
publishes carefully selected new works of book-length conceptual unity.
ecointernet.org 06/02/2022
EcoInternet features deep ecology essays, alerts, and newsfeeds by Dr.
Glen Barry committed to averting biosphere collapse and achieving global
environmental sustainability through advocacy for biocentric policies.
ecologiesofmigrantcare.org 21/05/2021
Ecologies of Migrant Care. This work would not have been possible
without the generous support of The Henry Luce Foundation.
eddieeagle.nra.org 22/02/2022
The Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program teaches children in pre-K through third
grade four important steps to take if they find a gun.
edithkanakaolefoundation.org 09/09/2021 Edith Kanakaʻole Foundation. Founded in the
spring of 1990, the Edith Kanakaʻole Foundation is a Hawaiian cultural-based
non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
egyptianmuseum.org 23/12/2021
The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum houses the largest collection of
Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in western North America and offers school tours
and expeditions to explore Egypt's ancient mysteries right here in San Jose,
electionscience.org 3/28/2023 The Center for Election Science. Fairer,
More Representative Elections. We are a nonpartisan nonprofit advocating for
better voting methods that will create more representative elections. We
empower people—not politicians.
emilyslist.org 3/28/2023
EMILYs List. We recruit, train, and support Democratic pro-choice women
running for office up and down the ballot. Because in office, these women can
change the world.
empowerla.org 24/05/2021 EmpowerLA. Dept of Neighborhood Empowerment.
City of Los Angeles. Forms and Links for Ethics, Funding, Code of Conduct, and
NC Events.
encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org 4/15/2022 Encyclopedia of Chicago. The electronic
Encyclopedia was made possible through the generous support of the McCormick
Tribune Foundation.
encyclopediavirginia.org 2/23/2023 Encyclopedia Virginia’s mission is to
provide a free, reliable, multimedia resource that tells the inclusive story of
Virginia for students, teachers, and communities who seek to understand how the
past informs the present and the future.
enderlinmuseum.org 2/19/2023
Enderlin Historical Society & Museum. The mission of the Enderlin
Historical Society and Museum, Inc. shall be the collection, preservation and
dissemination of knowledge about the history of the Enderlin area.
endsexualexploitation.org 7/22/2023 The National Center on Sexual Exploitation
(NCOSE) exists because people should be free to live and love without sexual
abuse and exploitation.
eol.org 21/06/2021 Encyclopedia of Life. Our knowledge of the
many life-forms on Earth - of animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria -
is scattered around the world in books, journals, databases, websites, specimen
collections, and in the minds of people everywhere.
essexcountynj.org 3/9/2024 The County of Essex, New Jersey. Putting
Essex County First.
etana.org 5/9/2023
ETANA (Electronic Texts and Ancient Near Eastern Archives) has
digitized, and continues to digitize, texts selected as valuable for teaching
and research relating to ancient Near Eastern studies.
ethnobiology.org 9/26/2023 Society of Ethnobiology. Our interests
encompass ethnobotany, ethnozoology, linguistics, paleoethnobotany,
zooarchaeology, ethnoecology, and other related areas in anthropology and
ethnobiology.org/publications 22/01/2022 Society Publications. The Society for
Ethnobiology publishes three high-quality journals, each presenting
peer-reviewed, original research on past or present relationships of human
societies with their biological worlds.
ethnohistory.org 04/12/2021
The American Society for Ethnohistory (ASE) is the preeminent
international organization in its field, representing multiple
disciplines—cultural anthropology, history, American Indian studies,
archaeology, ecology, linguistics, and related fields.
eudorawelty.org 6/19/2022 The Eudora Welty Foundation. The
Foundation’s broad mission is to fund educational and research activities and
to develop programs that will enhance Eudora Welty’s legacy and ensure that her
work continues to be recognized as among the greatest in American literature.
everson.org 9/26/2023 The Everson Museum of Art is located in the
heart of Syracuse, New York. Explore our permanent collection, and
ever-changing exhibitions. There is so much to see and do at the Everson, a
true cultural center of the Central New York Community.
ewarbirds.org 26/10/2021
Estrella Warbird Museum, Paso Robles, CA, is dedicated to the
restoration and preservation of military aircraft, military vehicles,
memorabilia, and to those who flew and worked on military aircraft.
exoplanets.org 11/14/2022 Exoplanet Orbit Database. Exoplanet Data
Explorer. The Exoplanet Data Explorer is an interactive table and plotter for
exploring and displaying data from the Exoplanet Orbit Database.
fairviewlibrarynj.org 1/31/2023
Fairview Free Public Library. Fairview, New Jersey.
fapa.org 17/10/2023
Formosan Association for Public Affairs. FAPA’s mission is educational.
The organization provides US policymakers, the media, scholars and the general
public with information on issues related to Taiwan.
fargoairmuseum.org 26/10/2021
Fargo Air Museum is a non-profit museum dedicated to promoting aviation
through education, preservation and restoration. A North Dakota favorite
location for wedding, private & corporate event rental in Fargo.
fchtrail.org 17/10/2023
Farmington Canal Heritage Trail. Farmington River Trail. The fifty-six
miles of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCHT) and the eighteen miles of
the Farmington River Trail constitute the most picturesque and historic
greenways in New England.
fee.org/the-freeman 16/01/2021
The Freeman magazine was the flagship publication of the Foundation for
Economic Education and one of the oldest, most respected journals of liberty in
feea.org 5/28/2022 Federal Employee Education & Assistance
Fund. FEEA is the only charity by and for federal employees. Emergency hardship
loans, disaster grants, college scholarships, and #FedLifeHacks for fed
feederwatch.org 30/04/2021
Project FeederWatch turns your love of feeding birds into scientific
discoveries. FeederWatch is a November-April survey of birds that visit
backyards, nature centers, community areas, and other locales in North America.
ffl.org 2/7/2023
FFL. Food for Life Global. The world's largest plantbased food relief
with over 250 projects in 65 countries, serving over 1 million meals daily.
finkelsteinlibrary.org 4/10/2022
The Finkelstein Memorial Library is a free public library founded in
1917, now serving 100,000 people in the East Ramapo Central School District of
Rockland County, New York.
finnishheritagemuseum.org 7/5/2022 Finnish Heritage Museum, Fairport Harbor,
Ohio. The museum is located on the corner of High and Third Streets in downtown
Fairport Harbor, Ohio just two blocks from Lake Erie and one block from the
Finnish Monument.
flighttestmuseum.org 12/23/2022
Flight Test Museum Foundation. Our mission is to preserve, display, and
educate the public about the more than 75 years of flight tests, aerospace, and
technological developments at Edwards Air Force Base, NASA Armstrong Flight
Research Center, Plant 42, and the Aerospace Valley.
fmars.marssociety.org 7/22/2023
FMARS. Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station. The station helps develop
the capabilities needed on Mars to allow productive field research during the
long months of a human sojourn.
fmep.org 7/22/2023 Foundation for Middle East Peace. The
Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) works to ensure a just, secure, and
peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis.
focusing.org 5/9/2023
The International Focusing Institute. Focusing, a process grounded in
experiential listening, is a powerful way of interacting with this body-felt
knowing that leads to mutual respect, authenticity and compassion.
folsomnps.org 4/30/2022 Folsom Louisiana Native Plant Society. The
Folsom Native Plant Society was the master mind of a group of forward thinking
individuals. The FNPS began in February, 1988.
forbeslibrary.org 17/10/2023
Forbes Library, the public library for Northampton, Massachusetts,
provides a wide range of information, materials and services to all of the
people of Northampton and Massachusetts.
foresight.org 06/12/2021 Foresight Institute advances technologies of
fundamental importance to the long-term future of life and the biosphere,
focusing on molecular machine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computer
fortedwards.org 3/17/2023
The Fort Edwards Foundation. Fort Edwards is the site of a French and
Indian War fort in present-day Capon Bridge, WV. The not-for-profit Fort
Edwards Foundation preserves, protects, and interprets the site.
fortleelibrary.org 1/31/2023
Fort Lee Public Library. The Library’s collection contains books, media,
newspapers and periodicals totaling over 130,000 items and includes materials
in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
franklloydwright.org 11/7/2023
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation inspires people to discover and
embrace an architecture for better living through meaningful connections to
nature, the arts, and each other.
freespeech.org 11/05/2021
Free Speech TV is a 24-hour television network and multi-platform
digital news source, currently available in 37 million television homes
friendsofcedarmountain.org 1/13/2023
Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield. With the support of local
citizens and the American Battlefield Trust, Friends of Cedar Mountain
Battlefield is working to ensure that this battle and the valor displayed by
both armies will never be forgotten.
front.moveon.org 30/04/2021
MoveOn: People-Powered Progress. MoveOn is where millions mobilize for a
better society—one where everyone can thrive.
fryemuseum.org 17/10/2023
Frye Art Museum. Located in Seattle’s First Hill neighborhood since
1952, the Frye is the city’s only free art museum.
garfield.bccls.org 1/31/2023
The Garfield Public Library is located on Midland Ave. in Garfield,
NJ.Your Library card is the best deal in the universe – Don't leave home
without it!
gastateparks.org 4/10/2022
The Department of Natural Resources’ Division of State Parks &
Historic Sites manages more than 60 properties that preserve the state's
environment and history.
gcma.org 19/12/2021
Greenville County Museum of Art. Considered the premier American art
museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world’s largest public collection
of watercolors by artist Andrew Wyeth.
genehack.org 7/7/2022
Hi! I’m John S Jacobs Anderson. I am a conference speaker, Open Source
software developer, and community organizer from Salem, Oregon, USA.
generalservice.org 2/6/2023
General Service Foundation (GSF). We support organizations that
contribute to an intersectional movement for racial and gender justice through
work that builds the power of communities most impacted by injustice to win
germanna.org 1/13/2023 Germanna Foundation. It conducts
archaeological exploration and conservation, genealogical research and
publishing, and historic preservation and interpretation.
gigi.mwa.org 08/08/2021
GIGI. American Antiquarian Society. Digital Image Archive. GIGI includes
over 175,000 image files of historic material from all of the Society’s
gilcrease.org 2/22/2023
The Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art, known as
Gilcrease Museum, houses a comprehensive collection of the art, culture and
history of North America.
girlsinc.org 11/23/2023 Girls Inc. Inspiring All Girls to be Strong,
Smart & Bold. Girls Inc. was founded in 1864 to serve girls and young women
who were experiencing upheaval in the aftermath of the Civil War.
girlsrights.org 11/23/2023 The Working Group on Girls (WGG) originated
in the build-up to the tremendous efforts made in 1995 in the ratification of
the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action as a global agenda for the
empowerment of all women and girls.
girlstart.org 11/23/2023
Girlstart’s mission is to increase girls’ interest and engagement in
STEM through innovative, nationally-recognized informal STEM education
girlswritenow.org 3/7/2024
Girls Write Now. Writing & Mentoring Community for Diverse Voices.
Join our powerhouse of women and gender-expansive writers to nourish and
amplify the voices that have been ignored—or silenced—for too long.
glofga.org 5/23/2023 Grand Lodge of Georgia, F. & A.M.
Discover the world's largest and oldest fraternal organization with over 3
million members. Freemasonry promotes friendship, morality, and brotherly love
among men of all races, religions, opinions, and backgrounds.
goodjobsfirst.org 11/13/2023
Good Jobs First promotes corporate and government accountability in
economic development, especially around the use of public subsidies.
gordon.shecket.org 2/16/2024
Gordon Shecket's Photo Album.
grameenfoundation.org 4/10/2022
Grameen Foundation. The poor have the strength and willpower they need
to build better lives. What they lack is opportunity. That’s why Grameen
Foundation exists.
greateryellowstone.org 11/1/2022
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is home to an astounding array of
native wildlife and its wild rivers are the headwaters of the west. It is of
deep importance to more than four dozen tribes with historic and cultural ties
to the ecosystem.
greauxnative.org 4/30/2022
Greaux Native! Connecting habitats, one garden at a time. Our major
activity to “promote the use of natives in our landscape” is also our major
gtitraining.org 9/3/2022
Government Training Institute. Law Enforcment Training and Military
Exercises. The Government Training Institute is committed to those responsible
for our national security, the safety or our citizens and the future of our
great nation.
gtopp.org 7/6/2023
Tagging of Pelagic Predators. Hopkins Marine Station is the marine
laboratory of Stanford University.
harpers.org 1/14/2024
Harper’s Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America,
explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form
narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic
Harper’s Index.
hartmuseum.org 29/01/2022
William S. Hart Museum. Step into the world of William S. Hart, the
legendary 1920s film star.
harvardfilmarchive.org 3/20/2022
The Harvard Film Archive is a cinematheque and a film archive dedicated
to the preservation and public exhibition of film. The cinematheque presents
films Friday through Monday year round.
hcz.org 3/28/2023
Harlem Children's Zone. 97 Blocks. Endless Possibilities. We’re breaking
the cycle of intergenerational poverty by creating life-altering opportunities
throughout our neighborhood so children, families, and our community can thrive
in all areas of life.
heard.org 8/18/2022 Heard Museum. Advancing American Indian Art.
Since its founding in 1929, the Heard Museum has grown in size and stature to
become recognized internationally for the quality of its collections,
world-class exhibitions, educational programming and its unmatched festivals.
heartland.org 9/4/2023
The Heartland Institute is one of the world’s leading free-market think
tanks. Its mission since its founding in 1984 is to discover, develop, and
promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems.
heavyfeatherreview.org 4/4/2022
Heavy Feather Review. Established in April 2011, Heavy Feather Review
publishes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, comics, and more.
hecua.org 24/04/2021
HECUA is a non-profit consortium of twenty-six colleges and
universities. Founded in 1971, HECUA has 50 year history of providing
experiential off-campus programs in collaboration with local communities in the
US and abroad.
hemisphericinstitute.org 12/28/2023 The Hemispheric Institute connects artists,
scholars, and activists from across the Americas and creates new avenues for
collaboration and action.
high.org 23/01/2022 High Museum of Art. The leading art museum
in the southeastern United States.
historicalmuseum.wisconsinhistory.org 7/8/2022
historicpittsburgh.org 20/10/2021
The Historic Pittsburgh website traces its origin back to 1998 when the
University Library System (ULS) at the University of Pittsburgh established a
new library unit called the Digital Research Library.
hiztoricalvp.org 02/12/2021 Hiztorical Vision Productions is a 501(C)(3)
nonprofit organization located in Alabama. HVP partners with local communities
throughout Alabama to produce short-film documentaries that help protect and
preserve the often-untold African American narratives found in the area.
hmml.org 9/3/2023
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library.
Preserving and sharing the world’s handwritten past to inspire a deeper
understanding of our present and future.
hmml.org/collections 9/3/2023
Collections. Hill Museum & Manuscript Library. Centuries of
handwritten heritage preserved and available for all.
hoaxes.org 11/23/2023
The Museum of Hoaxes. It explores deception, mischief, and
misinformation throughout history, playing host to a variety of humbugs and
hoodwinks — from ancient fakery all the way up to modern schemes, dupes, and
dodges that circulate online.
home.chicagohistory.org 7/27/2023
Chicago History Museum. Founded in 1856 and incorporated in 1857 by an
act of the state legislature, the Chicago Historical Society and its collection
grew and opened its first building at the corner of Dearborn and Ontario
home.nra.org 01/12/2021 The National Rifle Association is America’s
longest-standing civil rights organization. Together with our more than five
million members, we’re proud defenders of history’s patriots and diligent
protectors of the Second Amendment.
hrc.contentdm.oclc.org 23/05/2021
Harry Ransom Center Digital Collections. These collections represent
just a sample of the Ransom Center's diverse holdings in literature,
photography, film, art, and the performing arts.
i2i.org 2/7/2023 Independence Institute. The mission of the
Independence Institute is to empower individuals and to educate citizens,
legislators and opinion makers about public policies that enhance personal and
economic freedom.
iacenter.org 8/13/2023 International Action Center. Founded in 1992
by Ramsey Clark. Information, activism & resistance to U.S. militarism, war
& corporate greed, linking with struggles against racism & oppression
within the United States
iaglr.org 2/24/2023
The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) is a
scientific organization made up of researchers studying the Laurentian Great
Lakes, other large lakes of the world, and their watersheds, as well as those
with an interest in such research.
icna.org 9/3/2023
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). Outreach, Education and Social
Services. The organization initially focused on educating its growing
membership about Islam, the goal being to adhere to Islamic values amongst a
religiously diverse community.
idahocities.org 12/22/2022
The Association of Idaho Cities was formed in 1947 and is a nonpartisan,
nonprofit corporation that serves Idaho’s 199 cities.
idahocounty.org/planb 12/22/2022
Idaho County Courthouse, Grangeville, Idaho. Established by the
Washington Territorial Legislature in 1862, Idaho County is the largest county
in Idaho, covering 8503 square miles.
ieer.org 04/02/2022 Institute for Energy and Environmental
Research. IEER’s aim is to provide people with literature which has a quality
equal to that in scientific journals, but which doesn’t require you to go back
to college to get a degree in science to understand it.
iibuffalo.org 3/9/2024 The International Institute of Buffalo makes
Western New York a better place for—and because of—immigrants and refugees.
ilinative.org 12/19/2022 ILI Native. Indigenous Language Institute.
ILI was founded as the Institute for the Preservation of the Original Languages
of the Americas (IPOLA) by Joanna Hess in September 1992 in Santa Fe, New
ilj.org 3/25/2023 The Institute for Law and Justice (ILJ) is a
private, nonprofit corporation dedicated to consulting, research, evaluation,
and training in criminal justice.
illinoisaudubon.org 5/28/2022
Illinois Audubon Society. Land Trust & Conservation Organization.
The non-profit Illinois Audubon Society serves a vital role in preserving
strategic habitats by pre-acquiring land for State & Federal
illinoisdemocratwomen.org 02/02/2021
Illinois Democratic Women (“IDW”) is a statewide grassroots organization
working for more equitable representation and participation of Democratic women
in all levels of the Democratic Party and government.
illinoismyco.org 5/28/2022
The Illinois Mycological Association is a mushroom club that gets
together frequently on forays to look for and identify mushrooms.
ima.wildapricot.org 5/28/2022
Illiniois Medieval Association. Since 1983, IMA has promoted medieval
studies in Illinois and the Midwest, hosting an annual meeting and publishing
proceedings from those meetings in Essays in Medieval Studies (EMS).
imslp.org 9/4/2023
International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP). Petrucci Music
Library! Sharing the world’s public domain music.
imslp.org/wiki/Main_Page 2/7/2023
IMSLP: Free Sheet Music PDF Download. IMSLP, also known as the
International Music Score Library Project or Petrucci Music Library, was
started in 2006.
indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org 03/09/2021
Indiana Memory is a collaborative effort to provide access to the wealth
of primary sources in Indiana libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural
indianapublicmedia.org 4/9/2023
Indiana Public Media is your source for news and information, music,
arts and community events from WFIU Public Radio and WTIU Public Television.
indivisible.org 12/06/2021
Indivisible is a nationwide movement of thousands of volunteer-led local
groups that engage in progressive advocacy and electoral work at the local,
state, and national level.
ingenweb.org 12/20/2023
INGenWeb a part of the USGenWeb Project.
iowagravestones.org 8/23/2022
Iowa Gravestones. Search Gravestone Photos From Across Iowa. Iowa
Gravestones is a genealogy project with over one million gravestone photos from
across 99 Iowa Counties.
iowaradioreading.org 9/5/2023
Iowa Radio Reading. The volunteer Voices of IRIS read newspapers aloud
for over 11,000 Iowans who live with a print disability.
iowareview.org 8/23/2022
The Iowa Review. The Iowa Review's mission is to provide an expertly
curated, carefully edited, and beautifully designed print and online space for
the voices of writers of every kind of diversity to move and enlighten us.
iowawpagraves.org 8/23/2022
Iowa WPA Graves. Genealogy Records, Ancestor History and Family Tree
Research. Search 656,621 Genealogy, Family History and Ancestry Records within
82 Iowa Counties.
ipeacei.org 26/01/2022
International Peace Initiatives. IPI-U.S. is a registered 501(c)(3)
nonprofit that helps fund, and gives advice and technical assistance to
IPI-Kenya, which runs all operations in Meru, Kenya.
iphc.org 2/23/2023 International Pentecostal Holiness Church
(IPHC), a historical Pentecostal denomination formed in 1898.
ips-dc.org 9/3/2023 Institute for Policy Studies. IPS is a
progressive organization dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically
sustainable, and peaceful society. In partnership with dynamic social
movements, we turn transformative policy ideas into action.
islandpress.org 3/7/2023
issues.org 11/7/2023
Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly journal published by the
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and Arizona State
University. The journal is a forum for discussion of public policy related to
science and technology.
itif.org 20/06/2021
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. ITIF is an
independent, nonpartisan research and educational institute focusing on the
intersection of technological innovation and public policy.
jacket2.org 10/5/2023 Jacket2 offers commentary on modern and
contemporary poetry and poetics. We publish articles, reviews, interviews,
discussions and collaborative responses, archival documents, podcasts, and
descriptions of poetry symposia and projects.
japanesegarden.org 2/11/2023
Portland Japanese Garden. Designed in 1963, it encompasses 12 acres with
eight separate garden styles, and includes an authentic Japanese Tea House,
meandering streams, intimate walkways, and a spectacular view of Mt. Hood.
jcblibrary.org 3/18/2022 The John Carter Brown Library, an
independent research library established in 1846 and located since 1904 on the
campus of Brown University, has undergone extraordinary changes since its
mid-nineteenth-century inception as the private collection.
jchswv.org 18/03/2021 Jackson County Historical Society, located
in Jackson County, WV preserves and maintains historical and genealogy
jeffcolibrary.org 12/13/2022
Jefferson County Public Library. Connecting you to information and
opportunities for learning, creating and discovering something new.
jeffcomuseumwv.org 18/03/2021
The Jefferson County Museum is located in historic downtown Charles Town
and shares a building with its partner organization, the Charles Town Library.
jerusalemfellowships.org 2/7/2023 Jerusalem Fellowships, established in 1985,
is about Israel experiences for young adults, that create lasting bonds with
their peers and offer a unique forum for engagement with Israel, Jewish wisdom,
and their future families and communities.
jewishinstlouis.org 09/07/2021
Jewish in StLouis. Gateway to the Jewish Community. Since launching in
2005, Jewish in StLouis has become one of the most successful Jewish community
websites in the U.S.
jewishlouisville.org 4/8/2023
Jewish Community of Louisville. Louisville, KY.
jewsforjesus.org 10/1/2023
Jews for Jesus. You can be Jewish and be a follower of Jesus. Experience
the spiritual richness we’ve discovered as followers of the Jewish Messiah.
johnmuir.org 06/02/2022
John Muir Global Network. A portal to celebrating environmental
protection through the inspiring life of John Muir.
johnsonlib.org 1/31/2023 Johnson Public Library. Enriching
Generations. Hackensack, NJ.
journal.oraltradition.org 09/08/2021
Oral Tradition Journal at Harvard University. An open-access journal
devoted to the study of the world’s oral traditions, past and present.
journals.physiology.org 09/11/2021
kadiak.org 6/1/2023
Kodiak Alaska Military History. A joint operations center here directed
Alaskan operations in 1942-1943. The principal advance naval base in Alaska and
the North Pacific when World War II broke out, Kodiak’s ships and submarines
played a critical role in the Aleutian campaign.
kansassampler.org 4/4/2022
The Kansas Sampler Foundation is a public non-profit 501(C)(3)
organization. Our mission is to preserve and sustain rural culture by educating
Kansans about Kansas and networking and supporting rural communities.
kenyonreview.org 1/19/2024
The Kenyon Review. The International Journal of Literature, Culture, and
the Arts. The Kenyon Review was the vision of poet Roberta Teale Swartz and her
husband, Gordon Keith Chalmers, who became the thirteenth president of Kenyon
College in 1937.
kissidugu.org 4/10/2022
Kissidugu Foundation. Specialty School in Conakry Guinea. We are The
Kissidugu Foundation, a nonprofit organization. The Foundation intends to
inspire people of all colors, cultures, and backgrounds to connect to
themselves, to one another, and to their community.
knowablemagazine.org 05/09/2021
Knowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work
through a journalistic lens. A digital magazine from Annual Reviews.
ladigitalmedia.org 4/25/2023
Louisiana Digital Media Archive (LDMA). This is the first project in the
nation to combine the media collections of a public broadcaster and a state
lafayettesymphony.org 9/30/2023
Lafayette Symphony Orchestra. Our intent is that every Lafayette
Symphony patron be keenly aware of current circumstances and possibilities,
while looking forward to the future with hope, wisdom, and a sense of what
could be.
lareviewofbooks.org 30/10/2021
Los Angeles Review of Books. Ten Years of Cultural Vitality.
lcm.org 4/25/2023 Louisiana Children's Museum (LCM). Discover
8.5 acres of in-and-outdoor activities at our new location in New Orleans City
Park. Come play with us today!
leakeyfoundation.org 12/15/2022
The Leakey Foundation’s mission is to increase scientific knowledge,
education, and public understanding of human origins, evolution, behavior and
survival. The Leakey Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.
learningpath.org 26/06/2021
Learning Path. A guide to earning a high school diploma or GED, the
college admissions process, and earning your bachelor's degree or master's
lectures.org 5/28/2023
Seattle Arts & Lectures cultivates transformative experiences
through story and language with readers and writers of all generations.
legionofhonor.famsf.org 08/01/2022
The Legion of Honor, San Francisco's most beautiful museum, displays an
impressive collection of 4,000 years of ancient and European art in an
unforgettable setting overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.
leh.org 4/25/2023
The Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH) promotes access and
engagement with the humanities throughout Louisiana through grants,
programming, and more.
lehrmaninstitute.org 1/22/2023
The Lehrman Institute. Founded by Lewis E Lehrman in 1972 dedicated to
public policy, educational and historic research.
libertas.org 14/07/2021 Libertas Institute of Utah. Individual
Liberty, Private Property, Free Enterprise. Libertas exists to advance the
cause of liberty within the State of Utah.
libguides.mka.org/home 27/05/2021
MKA Libraries at The Montclair Kimberley Academy.
libguides.nypl.org 2/5/2024
Research Guides at New York Public Library Research Centers.
library.escondido.org 19/01/2022
Escondido Public Library. Serving the Escondido community in North San
Diego County. Find books, music, movies. Use online research tools. Research
local history. Find family events.
library.timelesstruths.org 07/08/2021
Timeless Truths Free Online Library. Timeless Truths is a free online
library with resources including the Bible, magazines and books, sheet music,
midi, and recorded audio.
library.worldbankimflib.org 11/14/2022 The Library Network is a group of libraries
and resource centers supporting the work of the World Bank Group (WBG) and
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
librarycompany.org 5/6/2023
The Library Company of Philadelphia. Free and open to the public, the
Library Company houses an extensive non-circulating collection of rare books,
manuscripts, broadsides, ephemera, prints, photographs, and works of art.
libraryweb.org 8/12/2023 The Monroe County Library System (MCLS) is
an association of independent public libraries working together to improve
library services for residents of Monroe County.
lincolnandchurchill.org 9/7/2023
Lincoln & Churchill. Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill lived
through remarkably comparable challenges and difficulties in cataclysmic wars
just eight decades apart.
lindberghfoundation.org 5/19/2022
The Lindbergh Foundation. Founded in 1977 by Neil Armstrong, General
James Doolittle and other friends of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the
Lindbergh Foundation has a distinguished history of enabling innovation at the
nexus of technology and the environment.
lipidlibrary.aocs.org 4/17/2022
The AOCS (The American Oil Chemists' Society) Lipid Library is one of
the leading online sources of information related to lipid science and
technology today.
livableworld.org 11/19/2022
Council for a Livable World. A nonpartisan nonprofit promoting policies
to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons, and to minimize the risk of
war through lobbying and by helping elect and support Members of Congress who
share our goals.
longnow.org 09/08/2021 The Long Now Foundation was established in
01996* to develop the Clock and Library projects, as well as to become the seed
of a very long-term cultural institution.
longnow.org/clock 09/08/2021
10,000 Year Clock. The Long Now. The full scale 10,000 Year Clock is now
under construction. While there is no completion date scheduled, we do plan to
open it to the public once it is ready.
louisianadigitallibrary.org 16/02/2021 The Louisiana Digital Library (LDL) is an
online library of more than 400,000 digital items from Louisiana archives,
libraries, museums, and other repositories, making unique historical treasures
accessible to students, researchers.
louisianahistoricalsociety.org 16/02/2021 Louisiana Historical Society. Founded in
1835, the Louisiana Historical Society is the oldest historical organization in
the state. The State of Louisiana first chartered it in 1836, and has
rechartered it several times since then.
louisianastatemuseum.org 16/02/2021 Louisiana State Museum.
lpvt.org 3/11/2023
Vermont Libertarian Party. Small Government, Low Taxes, More Freedom %.
Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is the third-largest and fastest-growing
party in the United States, and the only party that respects people as unique
and responsible individuals.
lrna.org 11/15/2023 The League of Revolutionaries for a New
America is made up of people from all walks of life. The League joins other
revolutionaries who challenge the ruling class on the immorality of its
ruthless devastation of the earth and life.
lutcher.org 2/19/2024 The Lutcher Theater is a 1,460-seat
performing arts facility owned by the Nelda C. and H. J. Lutcher Stark
Foundation and operated by Lutcher Theater, Inc. It is the largest Performing
Arts Series from Houston, Texas, to New Orleans, Louisiana.
lutheranservices.org 12/24/2022
Lutheran Services in America leads one of the nation's largest and most
respected health and human services networks to empower people in America to
lead their best lives—so all communities can thrive.
magazineart.org 1/22/2024
MagazineArt. Vintage magazine cover and advertising art from the golden
age of American illustration. The great illustrators of the period 1850-1950
had a tremendous influence on us and the rest of the world.
mapinc.org 19/01/2022 MAP: The Media Awareness Project. MAP works
to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and
maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news and many free e-mail
subscription services.
mappingartsproject.org 3/4/2023
The Mapping Arts Project maps cities through places where artists have
lived and worked historically.
mariettamuseums.org 3/9/2024
Marietta Museums. Marietta, Ohio is home to 2 amazing museums that
feature exhibits and events for all ages, all year round!
mariettaohio.org 3/9/2024
Washington County CVB. Explore The Original Western Frontier! Here in
Marietta, Washington County, Ohio you can create unforgettable memories the
year round!
marijuana-anonymous.org 9/7/2023
Marijuana addiction and cannabis dependency help; free support. Have a
problem with marijuana or cannabis addiction? MA has a solution: A simple
program based on one addict helping another.
marineraiderassociation.org 12/13/2022 US Marine Raider Association. The US Marine
Raiders of WWII were the predecessor of all United States special operations
marshhawkpress.org 7/26/2023
Marsh Hawk Press, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit, was founded in 2001, as a
juried collective and literary resource to produce books which often highlight
the affinity of poetry, memoir and the visual arts.
marylandarcheology.org 24/07/2021
Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc. ASM Inc. is a recongnized
503(c)(3) non-profit organization chartered to provide the community with
education about archological sciences and activities in the Maryland area.
marylandisrael.org 24/07/2021
The Maryland/Israel Development Center (MIDC) is a non-profit
“public-private partnership” of the Maryland Department of Commerce, Israel’s
Ministry of Economy and Trade, and The Associated: Jewish Federation of
Baltimore to promote bi-lateral trade and economic development.
massculturalcouncil.org 6/20/2023
Mass Cultural Council. We work to elevate our rich cultural life in
Massachusetts. We partner with communities across the Commonwealth to expand
access, improve education, promote diversity, and encourage excellence in the
arts, humanities, and sciences.
masshumanities.org 6/20/2023
Mass Humanities. Democracy Demands Wisdom. We create opportunities for
the people of Massachusetts to transform their lives and build a more equitable
commonwealth through the humanities.
mca-marines.org 14/05/2021 The Marine Corps Association &
Foundation is the professional organization of the United States Marine Corps,
founded more than 100 years ago by General John A. Lejeune.
mcm.org 2/10/2023 Minnesota Children's Museum. Sparking
Children's Learning Through Play!. The museum features kid-powered play spaces
where families have fun together and children take the lead.
mcsr.org 5/20/2022 Men Can Stop Rape. To mobilize men to use
their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men's
violence against women.
mcufoundation.org 6/22/2023
The Marine Corps University Foundation underwrites the education and
training of active-duty Marines across the globe – from financial support for
professional military education programs for operational units worldwide to the
recruitment of leading experts to train Marines in Quantico, and much more.
mdflora.org 02/11/2021
Maryland Native Plant Society. We’re protecting Maryland's native plants
and habitats through conservation, education, advocacy, and service activities.
me.smenet.org 4/8/2023
Mining Engineering Online. The Leading Source of Mining Technical
Information Since 1949. News and notes from Mining Engineering magazine, the
official publication of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME).
meadowsmuseumdallas.org 30/11/2021
The Meadows Museum is committed to the advancement of knowledge and
understanding of art through the collection and interpretation of works of the
greatest aesthetic and historical importance, as exemplified by the founding
collection of Spanish art.
mediahistoryproject.org 28/04/2021
The Media History Digital Library is a non-profit initiative, led by
Eric Hoyt at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, dedicated to digitizing
historic books and magazines about film, broadcasting, and recorded sound for
broad public access.
mfastpete.org 19/08/2021
Museum of Fine Arts St Petersburg. The first and largest art museum in
St Petersburg. The Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Florida was founded
by Margaret Acheson Stuart (1896-1980) and reflects her vision of providing
outstanding examples.
microdata.worldbank.org/index.php/home 1/22/2023 The Microdata Library is a collection of
datasets from the World Bank and other international, regional and national
milkweed.org 2/18/2024
Milkweed Editions is a nonprofit publisher of literature for adults and
young adults based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
mises.org 8/19/2023
The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the
Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and
international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N.
mises.org/library/journal-libertarian-studies 30/01/2021
The Journal of Libertarian Studies was founded by Murray N. Rothbard in
1977 and is the premiere venue for the advancement of libertarianism,
anarcho-capitalism, the individualist society, and non-interventionism.
mississippitoday.org 6/19/2022
Mississippi Today. Reporting, podcasts, events and online communities.
The state’s first nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, covering politics,
education, public health, justice, environment, equity, and sports.
mmaa.org 3/4/2023 Minnesota Museum of American Art. Discover
yourself and your community through American art. Located in downtown St. Paul,
the Minnesota Museum of American Art is Minnesota’s oldest art museum.
mmfisher.org 2/25/2023 Max & Marjorie Fisher Foundation. The
Foundation’s core philosophy is grounded in the beliefs of our founders and the
family's shared Jewish values that life’s purpose is found in service to
mnbg.org 4/16/2023
Maui Nui Botanical Gardens (MNBG) is dedicated to the protection of Maui
Nui’s rich native plants and cultural heritage.
modjourn.org 2/23/2023 The Modernist Journals Project is a research
and teaching resource on the rise of modernism in the English-speaking world,
with a central focus on periodical literature.
monroewvhistory.org 18/03/2021 The Monroe County Historical Society (West
Virginia) aims to preserve and convey our heritage by means of its Museum and
publications, and through restoration and display of historic buildings and
monthlyreview.org 8/4/2023
Monthly Review began publication in New York City in May 1949. From the
beginning, Monthly Review spoke for a critical but spirited socialism,
independent of any political organization.
mopa.org 10/25/2023
The Museum of Photographic Arts located in beautiful Balboa Park in San
Diego. MOPA. The mission of the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego is to
inspire, educate and engage through the collection and preservation of
photography, film & video.
morethanmath.org 28/02/2022
More Than Math is a professional development program that integrates
visual art into the mathematics curriculum for 3rd through 8th grades.
morikami.org 12/01/2022 Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. Our
mission is to engage a diverse audience by presenting Japanese cultural
experiences that educate & inspire.
mosaicmagazine.org 1/22/2024
Mosaic Literary Magazine. Literary Arts of the African Diaspora. Mosaic
is a literary print and virtual magazine that showcases the work of writers of
African and Latinx descent.
mountauburn.org 3/20/2022 Mount Auburn Cemetery inspires all who
visit, comforts the bereaved, and commemorates the dead in a landscape of
exceptional beauty.
mri.org 1/22/2023
Mental Research Institute. Anxiety, constant stress, peer pressure,
economic uncertainty, and social media shape our world today in ways our
founders could never have anticipated.
mrs.org/home 09/08/2021 Materials Research Society (MRS). Materials
science journals, meetings, outreach. The Materials Research Society, offers
materials science journals, materials science meetings, and materials science
outreach to an international, interdisciplinary science community.
msafungi.org 07/09/2021
Mycological Society of America. Founded 1932.
msdiglib.org 6/18/2023
The Mississippi Digital Library is the collaborative digital library for
the state of Mississippi. Our mission is to provide an online space to search
and explore Mississippi’s rich abundance of cultural and historical resources
held by institutions and repositories all across the state.
mshoop.org 20/05/2021 Mending The Sacred Hoop. Domestic Violence
Prevention. Duluth, MN. Mending the Sacred Hoop works to end violence against
Native Women. Find resources & brouchures, upcoming events, and training
msuinvasiveplants.org 27/12/2021
Invasive Plant Ecology and Management. MSU Extension Invasive Plants.
Montana State University.
mtnhp.org 27/12/2021 The Montana Natural Heritage Program
provides information on Montana's species and habitats, emphasizing those of
conservation concern.
muledeer.org 14/07/2021 Mule Deer Foundation. Ensuring the
conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer & their habitat. Over twenty
years ago, the concept of giving something back to mule deer was a dream of
Emmett Burroughs (pictured right).
murraystatenews.org 2/25/2024
The Student Newspaper of Murray State. Student editors have the
authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval.
The News is not the public relations tool for the University.
museoarteponce.org 9/1/2023
Museo de Arte de Ponce en Puerto Rico. El Museo fue fundado por Luis A.
Ferré (1904-2003), un filántropo puertorriqueño, industrial y gobernador de
Puerto Rico, quien comenzó a comprar obras de arte para el Museo al establecer
la Fundación Luis A. Ferré en 1957.
museumca.org 11/14/2022 Oakland Museum of California (OMCA). We
explore the big ideas that shape California lives, then bring to life the
untold and under-told stories of the people behind them—all with a distinctly
Oakland point of view.
museumofus.org 16/01/2022
Museum of Us. Balboa Park Museum. Events in San Diego. The Museum of Us
is located within Balboa Park’s iconic buildings and features cultural
anthropology exhibits that educate and entertain visitors of all ages. Visit us
musicforwardfoundation.org 12/22/2023
Music Forward Foundation. Transform Lives. Inspire Leaders. Influence
musnaz.org 08/12/2021
Museum of Northern Arizona. The Museum was founded in 1928 by a group of
Flagstaff citizens to protect and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of
northern Arizona through research, collections, conservation, and education.
musserfund.org 23/09/2021 The Laura Jane Musser Fund was established
by the estate of Laura Jane Musser of Little Falls, Minnesota to continue the
personal philanthropy which she practiced in her lifetime.
myforefront.org 2/18/2024
Forefront is Illinois’ statewide association representing both
grantmakers and nonprofits, as well as their advisors and allies. Our mission
is to build a vibrant social impact sector for all the people of Illinois.
mypcls.org 10/28/2023
Pierce County Library System. Through the Library’s strategic plan, the
Library System strives to inspire life-long learning, foster a love of reading,
and engage with residents through programs, services and buildings.
nacis.org 11/19/2022 The North American Cartographic Information
Society (NACIS) is an enjoyable society of map enthusiasts. We have yearly
meetings, an online discussion forum, and we work on a variety of projects and
publications which promote good map making.
nacmha.org 10/03/2022
Northern Appalachian Coal Mining Heritage Association. NACMHA was
founded in March 2000 and is 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are dedicated
to preserving the coal mining heritage of our region.
nadsfl.org 2/10/2023 National Association of District Supervisors
of Foreign Languages (NADSFL). Our mission is to promote excellence in foreign
language education for all learners through professional development of foreign
language supervisors.
nafme.org 6/22/2023 National Association for Music Education.
NAfME, among the world’s largest arts education organizations, is the only
association that addresses all aspects of music education.
nakashimafoundation.org 26/02/2022 Nakashima Foundation for Peace. To study,
uphold, and perpetuate the great spiritual traditions he embraced and
integrated into his work, especially that of Sri Aurobindo, Zen Buddhism, and
Christian monasticism.
namyco.org 10/25/2023 North American Mycological Association. NAMA
is committed and dedicated to the promotion of scientific and educational
activities related to fungi.
nansemond.org 29/07/2021 Official page of the Nansemond Indian Nation
(formerly the Nansemond Indian Tribal Association). We have been state
recognized within the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1985 and federally
recognized within the United States of America since 2018.
natashasjusticeproject.org 29/01/2022
Natasha's Justice Project. Eliminating the Backlog of Unprocessed Rape
nationalatomictestingmuseum.org 05/11/2021
The National Atomic Testing Museum (NATM) is a national science, history
and educational institution that tells the story of America’s nuclear weapons
testing program at the Nevada Test Site.
nationalaviation.org 2/10/2023
The National Aviation Hall of Fame was founded in 1962 as a non-profit
corporation in Dayton, Ohio, the “Birthplace of Aviation.” The five founders
were James W. Jacobs, Gregory C. Karas, John A. Lombard, Larry E. O’Neil, and
Gerald E. Weller.
nationalcasagal.org 25/07/2021
National CASA/GAL Association for Children. The National Court Appointed
Special Advocate (CASA)/Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Association for Children,
together with state and local member programs.
nationalcenter.org 2/18/2024
The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and
research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to
providing free market solutions to today's public policy problems.
nationalcowboymuseum.org 2/23/2023 The National Cowboy & Western Heritage
Museum in Oklahoma City is America’s premier institution of Western history,
art and culture.
nationalhumanitiescenter.org 5/11/2022
The National Humanities Center is unique: a free standing national
resource devoted to advancing significant humanistic study and reflection and
to making those insights available both inside and outside the academic world.
nationalinterest.org 01/10/2021
The National Interest. Since 1985, we have been dedicated to original
reporting and expert analysis on national security--just three blocks from the
White House.
nationalities.org 2/26/2024
Association for the Study of Nationalities. ASN includes academics,
researchers, policymakers and administrators at universities and other
institutions, as well as members of the general public, who are interested in
this significant area of scholarship.
nationalliteracycoalition.org 6/22/2023
ECAW and ECAR: Literacy Curriculum & Professional Development. NLC,
home of Every Child a Writer/Reader, has been research-based literacy training
opportunities with our team of educational consultants.
naturemuseum.org 5/15/2022
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. Do you ever wonder how a butterfly gets
its colors? Or how turtles hibernate? Do you wonder how birds know where to
migrate each year?
natures-nursery.org 7/6/2023
Nature’s Nursery Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation
Education. We provide medical care to injured, orphaned or ailing wild animals,
and conduct conservation educational outreach programs for children and adults.
naturesound.org 7/5/2022
Nature Sound. Recording the World One Species at a Time. I have recorded
in over 40 countries across this amazing planet, if there is something you
would like to hear from my extensive personal library, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
nauticalarch.org 10/4/2022
Institute of Nautical Archaeology. INA is a non-profit, international
research organization founded in 1972 by Dr. George F. Bass, who pioneered the
science of archaeological excavation under water.
nautilus.org 2/1/2024 Nautilus Institute for Security and
Sustainability. We hold that it is possible to build peace, create security,
and restore sustainability for all people in our time.
ncac.org 23/12/2021 National Coalition Against Censorship. We
envision an American society that understands, values, defends, and vigorously
exercises free expression in a just, egalitarian, diverse, and inclusive
ncg.org 19/01/2022
Northern California Grantmakers is an association of great people doing
great work. We bring together foundations, nonprofit organizations, government,
and business to tackle our region’s most pressing social issues.
nclaonline.org 01/03/2022
North Carolina Library Association. Our purpose is to promote libraries,
library and information services, librarianship, intellectual freedom and
ncpa.org 2/26/2024
NCPA. National Community Pharmacists Association. Founded in 1898, the
National Community Pharmacists Association is the voice for independent
pharmacy, representing 21,000 pharmacies and employing more than 250,000
individuals nationwide.
nestwatch.org 2/26/2024
Where Birds Come to Life. NestWatch is a nationwide nest-monitoring
program designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of
networks.h-net.org 2/24/2023
H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and
teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the
Internet and the World Wide Web.
new.smm.org 6/3/2022
Science Museum of Minnesota. Through education, in-person experiences,
online learning, and everything in between, the Science Museum of Minnesota is
dedicated to collaborating with our community to create a world where everyone
has the power to use science to make lives better.
newspapers.org 21/02/2022
America's Newspapers is an unapologetic and relentless champion for
newspapers and a voice for the newspaper industry!
nhchc.org 07/01/2022
National Health Care for the Homeless Council. The Council is a
membership organization uniting thousands of health care professionals, people
with lived experience of homelessness, and advocates in homeless health care.
n-h-i.org 7/25/2023
Natural Heritage Institute. River basins integrate surface waters,
groundwaters, and their adjacent landscapes, and these interactions are the
earth’s aquatic life support system.
nhm.org 29/01/2022
Natural History Museum. Explore nature and culture from the inside out.
nhmlac.org 29/01/2022
Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County. Connect with your
community, and the world, at our three L.A. County sites.
nhpbs.org 7/8/2022
New Hampshire PBS Station. New Hampshire's only statewide locally owned
and operated television network, engages minds, connects communities, and
celebrates New Hampshire.
nmjhs.org 1/22/2023 New Mexico Jewish Historical Society. Since
the early 1990s, NMJHS has been actively engaged in the collection and
preservation of New Mexico Jewish family histories through research and oral
history interviews.
nolalibrary.org 11/19/2022 New Orleans Public Library is a catalyst for
change in a growing, connected, and vibrant city. New Orleans Public Library:
Transforming Lives, Enriching Neighborhoods, and Preserving History.
noma.org 19/01/2022 NOMA. The New Orleans Museum of Art is the
city's oldest fine arts institution and hosts an impressive permanent
collection of almost 40,000 objects.
now.org 5/21/2022 National Organization for Women. As the
grassroots arm of the women’s movement, the National Organization for Women is
dedicated to its multi-issue and multi-strategy approach to women’s rights, and
is the largest organization of feminist grassroots activists in the United
noyesmuseum.org 11/02/2022 The Noyes Museum of Art of Stockton
University provides the southern New Jersey region opportunities to learn
about, explore, and experience the arts.
npj.uwpress.org 29/01/2022
Native Plants Journal is a forum for dispersing practical information
about planting and growing North American native plants for conservation,
restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors, and related uses.
nppa.org 5/23/2023 The National Press Photographers Association
(NPPA) is dedicated to the advancement of visual journalism – its creation,
practice, training, editing and distribution – in all news media and works to
promote its role as a vital public service.
nsrc.org 17/02/2022 Network Startup Resource Center. We
facilitate the growth of sustainable Internet infrastructure via technical
training and engineering assistance to enrich the network of networks.
ntskeptics.org 2/18/2024 North Texas Skeptics. Helping people make
better decisions in Dallas/Ft. Worth and surrounding communities.
nuclearactive.org 5/13/2022
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety. Our mission is to protect all
living beings and the environment from the effects of radioactive and other
hazardous materials now and in the future.
nukewatch.org 5/13/2022 Nuclear Watch New Mexico. Watchdogs of the
Nuclear Weapons Complex. Through comprehensive research, public education &
effective citizen action, NukeWatch.
nutrition.org 5/28/2023
American Society for Nutrition. Dedicated to bringing together the
world’s top researchers, clinical nutritionists, and industry to advance our
knowledge and application of nutrition.
nwafs.org/wordpress 08/12/2021
Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists. NWAFS.
nwas.org 2/23/2023 National Weather Association. Connecting
operational meteorologists in pursuit of excellence in weather forecasting,
communication and service. Promoting excellence in operational meteorology to
benefit society.
nwlc.org 16/06/2021
National Women's Law Center. Justice for Her. Justice for All. NWLC
fights for gender justice in the courts, in public policy and in our society,
especially for women and girls facing multiple forms of discrimination.
nwu.org 9/2/2023
The National Writers Union is more than just another writers’
organization. It is the only labor union that represents freelance writers
working in all genres, formats, and mediums.
nycosh.org 10/1/2023 NYCOSH. The New York Committee for
Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH) is a membership organization of
workers, unions, community-based organizations, workers’ rights activists, and
health and safety professionals.
nyctranslators.org 10/1/2023
New York Circle of Translators. Working in 34 different languages, NYCT
members are involved in the financial, commercial, legal, medical,
technological, non-profit, artistic, and academic sectors.
occupywallst.org 9/15/2023 Occupy Wall Street is a people-powered
movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s
Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and
actions in over 1,500 cities globally.
ohiohistorycentral.org/w/Welcome_To_Ohio_History_Central 26/11/2021
Ohio History Central is an evolving, dynamic online encyclopedia that
includes information about Ohio's natural history, prehistory, and history.
ohiomemory.org 2/21/2024
Ohio Memory. On this free website, you can explore digital content from
over 390 cultural heritage institutions representing all 88 of Ohio’s counties
covering a wide range of topics from prehistory to present day.
oif.org 01/03/2022
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. The mission of the OI Foundation is
to improve the quality of life for those living with osteogenesis imperfecta
through research, education, awareness, and mutual support.
oilandgasmuseum.org 10/03/2022
Oil & Gas Museum. This nationally recognized multi-site museum
presents the intriguing history of the oil and gas industry, including how the
accumulation of wealth from oil and natural gas impacted West Virginia
oklo.org 2/21/2024
Oklo is written by Greg Laughlin and seeks to mine a similar vein. It
covers planets — interpreted broadly.
oll.libertyfund.org 8/28/2022
The Online Library of Liberty is an extensive digital library of
scholarly works focused on individual liberty and free markets.
onlabor.org 1/26/2023
OnLabor is a blog devoted to workers, unions, and their politics.
openvault.wgbh.org 07/05/2021
GBH Openvault. On this website, GBH Archives provides online access to
unique and historically important content produced by the public television and
radio station GBH.
openvault.wgbh.org/collections 07/05/2021
Special Collections. GBH Openvault.
orangutan.org 5/15/2022
Official Orangutan Foundation International Site. OFI is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to the conservation of wild orangutans and their
rainforest habitat. Founded by Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas and associates in 1986.
orepa.org 04/07/2021 Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance.
Abolish nuclear weapons; build nonviolent community.
ortamerica.org 12/02/2022
ourfuture.org 7/17/2022
Our Future by People’s Action. We elevate fresh voices from the front
lines of change, sharing the perspectives of those directly affected by public
policies. These are the voices we bring to the table, as we demand solutions.
outrightinternational.org 8/6/2023 Outright International works with partners
around the globe to strengthen the capacity of the LGBTIQ human rights
movement, document and amplify human rights violations, and advocate for
inclusion and equality.
p38assn.org 9/10/2023
The P-38 National Association is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to preserve and
perpetuate the memory of this classic WWII aircraft, the P-38 “Lockheed
Lightning,” and those who designed, built, maintained and flew it.
p47millville.org 11/19/2023
Millville Army Air Field Museum. Millville Airshow. Today, the airport
continues to support a variety of personal and business aircraft, and is home
to the Millville Army Air Field Museum and Air Show.
pacificcoastairmuseum.org 4/17/2023
The Pacific Coast Air Museum (PCAM) is a family-friendly, easily
accessible open-air museum. We have display over 35 historic aircraft on
display, a gift shop and indoor exhibits as well.
pacificscience.org 30/09/2021
Pacific Science Association. Founded in 1920 and based in Honolulu,
Hawaii, the Pacific Science Association is a regional, non-governmental,
scholarly organization that seeks to advance science and technology in support
of sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.
pacificseabirdgroup.org 5/18/2022
The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is a society of professional seabird
researchers and managers dedicated to the study and conservation of seabirds
and their environment.
pagrandlodge.org 8/6/2023
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The premier fraternal organization in
PA for nearly more than 250 years.
paleoportal.org 11/03/2022 The Paleontology Portal. This site is a
resource for anyone interested in paleontology, from the professional in the
lab to the interested amateur scouting for fossils to the student in any
palmm.digital.flvc.org 22/03/2021
PALMM Digital Collections. Publication of Archival, Library, &
Museum Materials (PALMM) is a cooperative initiative of the public universities
and colleges of Florida to provide digital access to important source materials
for research and scholarship.
pamplinpark.org 04/03/2022
Pamplin Historical Park. The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier.
Dinwiddie County VA. Pamplin Historical Park is a Civil War campus with four
museums, three historic homes and the Breakthrough battlefield of April 2, 1865
near Petersburg VA.
pavekmuseum.org 01/03/2022
Pavek Museum. Preserves and presents the history of electronic
communication and provides a learning environment for those interested in the
science of electromagnetism and sound.
pcclddigitalcollection.contentdm.oclc.org 15/02/2022
The Pueblo City-County Library District Department Digital Collections
Program seeks to provide exemplary universal access to the rare and unique
archival collection materials through digitization efforts and online access.
pdamerica.org 3/20/2022
Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the
Democratic Party and our country.
peaceactionme.org 12/02/2022
peaceadvocacynetwork.org 12/02/2022
peaceworkskc.org 11/26/2022
Peace Works Kansas City. Working for a world of peace without war and
its weapons. A healthy world of justice and peace without war and its weapons.
peregrinefund.org 10/20/2023
The Peregrine Fund. We estimate that more than half of all raptor
species are in decline, and 18% are threatened with extinction.
peregrinefund.org/explore-raptors-species 30/05/2021
Explore raptors page. The Peregrine Fund. With new tools like genetic
analysis, even centuries-old ideas are challenged. Certain physical traits are
common to many raptors, however: keen vision, curved beaks, and sharp talons.
phlf.org 3/11/2023
The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation (PHLF), was founded in
1964 by a group of citizens who passionately believed that historic
preservation, rather than massive demolition, could be a tool for renewing
communities, creating pride among residents, and achieving sustainable economic
physicstoday.scitation.org/journal/pto 21/07/2021 Physics Today, the flagship publication of
the American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed
physics magazine in the world.
pielc.org 2/11/2023 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
(PIELC). The Conference historically unites more than 3,000 activists,
attorneys, students, scientists, and concerned citizens from over 50 countries
around the globe to share their experience and expertise.
pinetopperkinsfoundation.org 6/18/2023 Pinetop Perkins Foundation. The primary
mission of The Pinetop Perkins Foundation is to provide encouragement and
support for youth and young people at the beginning of their musical career;
and help provide care and safety for elderly musicians at the twilight of their
pirg.org 1/19/2024
PIRG is an advocate for the public interest. We speak out for the public
and stand up to special interests on problems that affect the public’s health,
safety and wellbeing.
plainsledgerart.org 2/7/2024
Plains Indian Ledger Art. PILA facilitates the digitization of the
unique genre of Plains drawing on paper during the 1860-1900s for preservation,
research, and public access.
planesoffame.org 8/18/2022
Planes of Fame. Air Museum. The story of the Planes of Fame Air Museum
is the story of one man’s vision. Ed Maloney knew that protecting our aviation
history was important.
poetrysociety.org 2/2/2024
The Poetry Society of America, the nation’s oldest poetry organization,
was founded in 1910. Its mission is to place poetry at the crossroads of
American life.
poets.org 12/16/2023
The Academy of American Poets is the largest membership-based nonprofit
organization fostering an appreciation for contemporary poetry and supporting
American poets.
poets.org/american-poets-magazine 3/29/2022
American Poets Magazine. The Academy of American Poets is the largest
membership-based nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for
contemporary poetry and supporting American poets.
polarisproject.org 3/10/2023
National Survivor Study. Polaris works to reshape the systems that allow
for sex and labor trafficking in North America and operates the U.S. National
Human Trafficking Hotline.
polishamericancenter.org 1/11/2024
Polish American Cultural Center & Museum. Polish history culture and
pride. Features famous men & women of Polish and Polish American descent.
poppanewyork.org 3/10/2023
POPPA (Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance) is a volunteer
police peer support network committed exclusively to providing a confidential,
safe, and supportive environment for New York City police officers and NYPD
portlandartmuseum.org 2/11/2023
The Portland Art Museum’s mission is to engage and enrich diverse
communities through the presentation, interpretation, and conservation of art
and film.
printcouncil.org 8/28/2022
Print Council of America.
prjc.org 21/07/2021 The Potomac River Jazz Club is a nonprofit
society whose purpose is to preserve, encourage and promote the playing and
appreciation of traditional jazz.
projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/projects-home 2/7/2024
Projects & Operations. The World Bank.
projectsouth.org 26/04/2021 Project South was founded as the Institute
to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide in 1986. Our work is rooted in the legacy
of the Southern Freedom Movement, and our mission of cultivating strong social
providencechildrensfilmfestival.org 3/18/2022 Providence Children’s Film Festival. PCFF
presents the best of independent and international children’s cinema to
inspire, delight, educate, and connect a diverse community of children and
families from Rhode Island and throughout New England.
provlibdigital.org/islandora/object/islandora:root 12/6/2022
Providence Public Library Digital Collections.
psychiatryonline.org 3/11/2023
Psychiatry Online. American Psychiatric Association Publishing is the
world’s premier publisher of books, journals, and multimedia on psychiatry,
mental health and behavioral science.
publications.aap.org 12/3/2023
American Academy of Pediatrics. The leader in global pediatric medical
publishing.cdlib.org/ucpressebooks 8/28/2022
UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004, includes almost 2,000 books from
academic presses on a range of topics, including art, science, history, music,
religion, and fiction.
pubs.acs.org 07/10/2021 ACS Publications: Chemistry journals, books,
and references published by the American Chemical Society. ACS Publications'
commitment to publishing high-quality research continues to attract impactful
publications from top authors around the globe.
pubs.aip.org/aip 11/4/2023
AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the
American Institute of Physics. Our portfolio comprises highly regarded,
peer-reviewed journals, including a growing portfolio of Open Access titles,
that cover all areas of the physical sciences.
pubs.geoscienceworld.org 2/28/2024
GeoScienceWorld. Our vision is to be the essential resource for and
partner to the earth and planetary science community, advancing knowledge,
discovery, and insights for all.
pubs.geoscienceworld.org/bssa 12/03/2022
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Geo Science World.
quarryhillbg.org 21/01/2021
Quarryhill Botanical Garden - premier wild Asian woodland garden. Places
to go in Sonoma Valley, Things to do in Sonoma Valley, Non-wine activities in
Sonoma Valley, Things to do in California Wine Country, Quarryhill Botanical
Garden homepage.
quiltmuseum.org 03/01/2022
The National Quilt Museum promotes the growth and expansion of quilting
by bringing the art form to new audiences around the world through exhibitions,
education programs, and quilt preservation efforts, and advocacy.
qwocmap.org 1/26/2023 QWOCMAP: Queer Women of Color Media Arts
Project. QWOCMAP builds power through film that radically centers our community
to fundamentally transform the world where justice and equity are the norm.
rabbit.org 4/4/2022 House Rabbit Society is an international
nonprofit rabbit education and rabbit rescue organization. We provide free
house rabbit resources.
radiolab.org 4/10/2023 Radiolab: Podcasts. WNYC Studios, Podcasts.
Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative
journalism to get the answers.
rallycomrades.lrna.org 4/4/2022
Rally, Comrades! Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New
America. Examining, analyzing and drawing political conclusions about the most
critical issues facing the revolutionary movement in the U.S. today.
raptorresearchfoundation.org 2/8/2024 The Raptor Research Foundation (RRF) is the
world’s largest professional society for raptor researchers and
ravens.org 7/17/2022 EAPLS. Raven FAC. The Ravens were all
volunteers who had previous experience as FACs in South Viet Nam. Due to
international treaties, the Ravens were “divorced” from the USAF.
rbms.leanderisd.org 05/05/2021
Running Brushy Middle School.
redbuttegarden.org 16/02/2022
research.stlouisfed.org 10/5/2023
Economic Research. St. Louis Fed. Economists in the Research Division
have a primary responsibility to conduct research. Our economists publish in
numerous refereed journals and present at conferences all over the world.
rethinkingschools.org 11/28/2023
Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization
dedicated to sustaining and strengthening public education through social
justice teaching and education activism.
revolution.chnm.org 15/03/2022
Exploring the French Revoution. This exhibit provides an accessible and
lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary
archive of some of the most important documentary evidence from the Revolution,
including 338 texts, 245 images, and a number of maps and songs.
richland.org 11/1/2022 Richland County, Montana.
rightquestion.org 10/5/2023
Right Question Institute. RQI’s innovative methods are delivered through
educational institutions and organizations, health care organizations, social
service organizations, community-based organizations, and public agencies all
over the country and beyond.
ritaallen.org 29/07/2021
Rita Allen Foundation. Investing in transformative ideas in their
earliest stages to promote breakthrough solutions to significant problems. We
invest in big ideas in science and civil society.
riversedgewest.org 23/06/2021
RiversEdge West (formerly Tamarisk Coalition) was founded in 1999.
RiversEdge West focuses on riparian (riverside) forest and floodplain health in
the American West to address impacts from invasive riparian plants such as
Russian olive.
rlc.org 10/07/2021 The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527c
voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the
Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited
government and free markets.
rmi.org 14/02/2022 Rocky Mountain Institute. RMI transforms the
global energy system to secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all.
rmne.org 02/03/2022 Railroad Museum of New England. Our mission
is to tell the story of the region’s railroad heritage through our educational
exhibits and historical train rides on the Naugatuck Railroad.
rochester.indymedia.org 9/15/2023
The Rochester IMC is a non-commercial, democratic collective of
Rochester area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the
local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.
rocmyco.org 7/25/2022 Rochester Area Mycological Association. Join
RAMA of Rochester, NY a mushroom club which provides a forum for all who are
interested in any aspect of mycology.
rrchnm.org 8/16/2023 Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New
Media. Democratizing history through digital media.
rrlc.org 3/9/2024 RRLC. The Rochester Regional Library Council
is a multi-type library network serving libraries, library systems, and
cultural organizations in the five-county Rochester region – Livingston,
Monroe, Ontario, Wayne and Wyoming counties.
rswr.org 03/09/2021 Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) is
an independent Quaker not-for-profit organization sharing the abundance of
God’s love by working for equity through partnerships around the world.
rubinmuseum.org 13/01/2022
The Rubin Museum of Art is a dynamic environment that stimulates
learning, promotes understanding, and inspires personal connections to the
ideas, cultures, and art of Himalayan Asia.
rza.org 5/15/2022
The Religious Zionists of America. Mizrachi was founded in 1902 by Rabbi
Reines in Lithuania. Mizrachi stands for Merkaz Ruchani, expressing the
Religious Zionism belief that the Jewish state represented a spiritual as well
as a political goal.
saintsophia.org 3/10/2023
sandhillfarm.org 09/07/2021 Sandhill Farm. Collective Organic Farm
Project and Community in Northeast Missouri.
sandiegozoowildlifealliance.org 23/01/2022 San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is an
international, nonprofit conservation organization with two front doors: the
San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
sarahisomcenter.org 6/18/2023
The Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies educates about issues
of gender and sexuality, promotes interdisciplinary research, and advocates for
diversity, equity, and inclusion.
sarweb.org 22/09/2021
The School for Advanced Research is North America’s preeminent
independent institution advancing creative thought and innovative work in
social sciences and humanities and fostering the preservation and
revitalization of Native American cultural heritage.
scaife.perseus.org 2/8/2024
Open Greek and Latin. Perseus Digital Library. 2,623 works in 3,640
editions and translations (1,899 in Greek and 631 in Latin), 79.1 million words
(39.1 million in Greek, 16.4 million in Latin).
scarrittbennett.org 07/01/2022
Scarritt Bennett Center is a nonprofit conference, retreat, and
education center in Nashville, TN. Our mission is to create space where
individuals and groups engage each other to achieve a more just world.
schoenberginstitute.org 11/6/2023
The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies. Bringing manuscript
culture, modern technology and people together.
sciencehistory.org 26/02/2022
The Science History Institute collects and shares the stories of
innovators and of discoveries that shape our lives. We preserve and interpret
the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences.
scmemory.org 19/12/2021
The South Carolina Digital Library provides free access to historic
materials from over 40 cultural heritage institutions across the state. Over
200,000 items have been added so far.
scottsrunmuseumandtrail.org 11/03/2022 Scott's Run Museum & Trail. Scotts Run
is a five-mile long hollow named after the winding stream that flows through 13
coal camp communities in Monongalia County, West Virginia.
seattleartmuseum.org 10/6/2023
SAM. Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Asian Art Museum & Olympic
Sculpture Park. Visit SAM to see a museum carved into the city, as much a part
of Seattle's landscape and personality as the coffee, rain, mountains, Pike
Place Market, and the Space Needle.
seaworld.org 5/15/2022 Animals, Careers, and Educational Programs.
SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. Discover resources and information about
the amazing animals, exciting careers, and educational programs at SeaWorld,
Busch Gardens, and Discovery Cove.
sec.eff.org 12/19/2022
The Security Education Companion is a resource for people teaching
digital security to their friends and neighbors.
seds.org 11/20/2022
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. SEDS is an
international student organization whose purpose is to promote space
exploration and development through educational and engineering projects.
selfdeterminationtheory.org 4/10/2023 Center for Self-Determination Theory (CSDT).
People are centrally concerned with motivation — how to move themselves or
others to act.
sfmuseum.org 2/8/2024
Museum of the City of San Francisco, with exhibits about the 1906
earthquake, California Gold Rush, internment of the Japanese during World War
sfpl.org 1/11/2024 The San Francisco Public Library system is
dedicated to free and equal access to information, knowledge, independent
learning and the joys of reading for our diverse community.
shelterforce.org 30/07/2021 Shelterforce is an independent, nonprofit
publication that supports (and sometimes challenges) the community development
field. Montclair, NJ.
shfg.org 05/05/2021
Society for History in the Federal Government. Founded in 1979, the
Society works to address common concerns, support shared interests, and
stimulate discussion across the federal history community.
siam.org 3/11/2023 SIAM. Join a community of 14,500+ applied
mathematicians and computational scientists worldwide. SIAM hosts conferences,
publishes book and journals, and has a robust membership program.
simpsoncenter.org 13/03/2021
Simpson Center for the Humanities. One of the largest and most
comprehensive humanities centers in the United States, the Simpson Center for
the Humanities is known internationally for its initiatives in public
scholarship and the digital humanities.
sites.mnhs.org/library 11/28/2023
Gale Family Library. Minnesota Historical Society. The Gale Family
Library provides resources and tools for distance and on-site research.
skyandtelescope.org 2/24/2024
Sky & Telescope. Astronomy News, Tools & Resources. The
essential guide to astronomy.
sloan.org 5/15/2022 The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants
primarily to support original research and education related to science,
technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics.
smf.org 10/2/2022
Snell helmets certification. The Snell Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)
not-for-profit organization dedicated to research, education, testing and
development of helmet safety standards.
snakeriveralliance.org 8/26/2023
Snake River Alliance protects Idaho’s people, environment, and economy
from the adverse impacts of nuclear while promoting a clean energy future.
soaw.org/home 8/18/2022 SOA Watch began in 1990 to denounce the 1989
School of the Americas (SOA) graduate-led massacre at the University of Central
America (UCA) in El Salvador.
soaw.org/soa-manuals 8/18/2022
SOA Manuals. SOA Watch. On September 20, 1996, under intense public
pressure, the Pentagon was forced to release training manuals that were used at
the School of the Americas for years.
socialismconference.org 2/7/2024
Socialism Conference & Socialism 2024. A four-day conference
featuring dozens of panels, lectures, and workshops organized by groups from
all over the country.
sohp.org 3/5/2023 Southern Oral History Program. Since 1973,
the Southern Oral History Program has worked to preserve the voices of the
South. We have collected more than 6,500 interviews with people from all walks
of life.
soldiersangels.org 2/4/2023
Soldiers' Angels provides aid, comfort, and resources to the military,
veterans, and their families. Will you help us support our troops?
sparkwv.org 11/03/2022 Spark! Imagination & Science Center. In
1998, a group of parents and teachers decided to work towards building a
children’s museum in Morgantown.
springfieldmuseums.org 7/17/2022
Springfield Museums. One Stop, Five Museums. The Amazing World of Dr.
Seuss Museum includes interactive,
bilingual exhibits for children and families that bringthe stories of Ted
Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) to life.
srswatch.org 9/7/2023
Savannah River Site Watch. Investigations into fraud, waste, abuse and
mismanagement are urgently needed before "repurposing" the partially
finished MOX building into an Plutonium Bomb Plant (for production of plutonium
"pits" for new nuclear weapons).
stability-operations.org 5/17/2023 International Stability Operations
Association (ISOA). Through our partnerships, engagement, and advocacy, members
work together with key organizations and government policy makers for long-term
stability and growth in the world’s most unstable places.
store.moma.org 11/28/2023
MoMA Design Store. Classic modern and cutting edge design products for
adults and kids, including items produced exclusively for the Museum of Modern
Art (New York) and items represented in its collection.
storefrontnews.org 11/28/2023 Storefront for Art and Architecture.
Storefront was founded in 1982 by Kyong Park as an independent, artist run
forum that reframed the relationship between public and private space.
storycorps.org 16/11/2021
submission.org 11/28/2023 Submission. We are a group of like-minded,
monotheistic individuals all over the world who share the same fundamental
belief of worshiping God alone and following Quran alone as the only valid and
divine source of religious laws and guidance.
suwa.org 27/01/2022
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. SUWA is the only non-partisan,
non-profit organization working full time to defend Utah's red rock wilderness.
svma.org 2/8/2024 Sonoma Valley Museum of Art. In 1998 a small
group of Sonoma residents imagined a place where art is alive and accessible.
swfln.org 11/20/2022
Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN) is a non-profit, Multitype
Library Cooperative providing training for Southwest Florida's libraries.
t5k.org 5/4/2023
PrimePages: prime number research records and results. We host the
searchable database of the 5000 largest known primes (updated hourly).
tarpits.org 29/01/2022
La Brea Tar Pits. A gateway back to the Ice Age, right in the heart of
L.A. Witness science in action at La Brea Tar Pits.
tbep.org 10/31/2022
Tampa Bay Estuary Program. A Catalyst for Restoration. The Tampa Bay
Estuary Program is 1 of 28 National Estuary Programs designated by Congress to
restore & protect “estuaries of national significance.
tdwi.org/Home.aspx 5/20/2023
Transforming Data with Intelligence (TSWI). For over 20 years, TDWI has
been helping data leaders and their teams gain the information and skills they
need to build effective analytics and data management programs.
teachinghistory.org 11/30/2023
Teachinghistory is designed to help K–12 history teachers access
resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.
teaneckcameraclub.org 16/11/2021
tempestadimare.org 8/18/2022
Tempesta di Mare. Philadelphia Baroque Orchestra. Baroque composers
imbued their chamber and orchestral music with the powers of language, letting
every listener experience as full a range of human emotion as from a play or
tenthdems.org 02/02/2021 Illinois Tenth Congressional District
Democrats. We're volunteers who help elect Democrats to all levels of
texasbirds.org 07/01/2022
Texas Ornithological Society. Promoting the discovery, knowledge,
observation and conservation of birds in Texas since 1953.
texascivilrightsreview.org 07/01/2022
The Texas Civil Rights Review. Looking to the Lone Star of Conscience.
Editorial Philosophy. In the abolitionist tradition of Frederick Douglass we
favor nonviolent means to Constitutional ends as set forth in The Preamble.
texasnonnatives.org 25/03/2021
Texas non-native and invasive plants. About 6000 species of vascular
plants grow outside of cultivation in Texas.
textileheritagemuseum.org 2/25/2024
Textile Heritage Museum. Burlington, NC. Historic Glencoe, North
Carolina, one of the most well-preserved and restored 19th century textile mill
villages in the southern United States.
tgrfoundation.org 5/20/2023
TGR Foundation. Tiger Woods, TGR. Through our award-winning STEM
curricula and college-access programs, we offer underserved students the tools
needed to thrive in school and beyond.
thebass.org 4/20/2022 The Bass. Miami Beach’s contemporary art
museum. The Bass Museum of Art is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization
accredited by the American Alliance of Museums.
thecmp.org 03/06/2021
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a national organization
dedicated to training and educating U. S. citizens in responsible uses of
firearms and airguns through gun safety training, marksmanship training and
theconservativecaucus.org 3/25/2023 The Conservative Caucus. Founded in 1974,
The Conservative Caucus is the face of Grassroots America. Our adversaries are
the power-mad, corrupt, anti-American Left aka the “Woke” whose only mission is
to erode our freedoms with the far-left, extreme agenda.
thecreativecoalition.org 23/01/2022 The Creative Coalition. America Needs the
Arts. In 1989, a group of writers, actors, producers, directors, agents,
designers and lawyers from the entertainment world and founded The Creative
thedali.org 3/18/2023
Salvador Dalí Museum. Visit an unparalleled collection of works by
renowned artist Salvador Dalí, from iconic melting clocks to imaginative visual
illusions and avant-garde symbols.
thedemocraticstrategist.org 5/23/2023 The Democratic Strategist. Political
Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority. As The Democratic Strategists’
editorial philosophy states, the publication will be “proudly partisan, firmly
and insistently based on facts and data and emphatically open to all sectors
and currents of opinion within the Democratic community”.
thegtfund.org 8/20/2023 The Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund. Supporting
Guatemalan Employment, Education & Healthcare.
theihs.org 15/08/2021
Institute for Humane Studies. A Home for Classical Liberal Ideas. IHS
supports & partners with professors teaching & researching of classical
liberal ideas, and advancing higher ed’s core purpose.
thekojonnamdishow.org 10/12/2023
The Kojo Nnamdi Show. Connecting your neighborhood with the world. The
live magazine program highlighted news, political issues and social trends of
the day and includes listener’s calls, emails and tweets.
themorningnews.org 5/17/2022
The Morning News (TMN). We strive to bring you the very best of what’s
interesting on the web, from breaking news to slow-tempo analysis, personal
essays and restaurant trivia, investigative reporting, weird headlines, and
videos from every era of David Bowie’s career.
thesocietypages.org 28/10/2021
The Society Pages (TSP) is an open-access social science project
headquartered in the Department of Sociology at the University of Minnesota and
supported by individual donors.
thewildwest.org 23/02/2022 The Wild West. This site is dedicated to my
grandfather Willian Keith of the Cherokee Nation, born in Caddo, OK.
thirdmill.org 4/30/2023
Biblical Education. For the World. Our goal is to make seminary-level
education available to Evangelical Christians in their own lands, in their own
languages, for free.
thomaspaine.org 5/18/2022 Thomas Paine National Historical
Association. Our mission is designed to ensure Paine's rightful place in
history as a preeminent founder of the United States of America, and the key
political theorist in the age of democratic revolutions around the world.
timberjournal.org 2/6/2023
Timber. Twice a year Timber publishes a selection of prose, poetry, and
visual text-work, along with rolling interviews and reviews with contemporary
writers and artists.
tngenweb.org 12/13/2022
The TNGenWeb Project is part of the national USGenWeb Project and is the
home of a network of volunteers working to provide you with genealogical &
historical content for each of Tennessee's 95 counties.
tnmuseum.org 2/22/2023 Tennessee State Museum. Nashville
Attractions. Visit the Tennessee State Museum to learn more about the history
of the state of Tennessee and to view historic artifacts from our nation's
trentonhistory.org 3/10/2024
The Trenton Historical Society’s mission is the study and interpretation
of Trenton’s history, preservation of its historic buildings and artifacts, and
dissemination of information about New Jersey’s capital city and its
illustrious past.
tristatebird.org 2/8/2023
Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research. When native birds have been found
injured, orphaned, or ill, the community turns to Tri-State Bird Rescue &
tristatejazz.org 30/07/2021
Tri-State Jazz Society, formed in 1988, is dedicated to the preservation
and live performance of early jazz, including traditional New Orleans,
Dixieland, swing, ragtime, stride piano and boogie-woogie.
tscpl.org 12/4/2022
Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. Sparking curiosity and
connecting our community through literacy and learning. Public library serving
Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas.
tttown.org 12/13/2022 Tribal Town of Oklahoma is a Federally
-recognized Native American tribe with over 1,000 members. Presently, the Town
owns 2,330 acres of land in Okfuskee and Hughes Counties Oklahoma, consisting
of trust and fee simple lands.
ttu-ir.tdl.org 5/18/2023
Texas Tech University DSpace Repository. DSpace is a digital service
that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are
important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate
digital preservation and scholarly communication.
twcfinternational.org 04/02/2022
TWCF, Third World Conference Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan
organization that offers analyses, conferences, discussions, peer reviewed
publications, consultancies, and selected community youth mentoring activities.
txclassics.org 12/13/2022 The Texas Classical Association fosters the
teaching of classics and encourages an interest in them in Texas. Membership is
open to any current, future, or retired teachers in Texas at all levels from
elementary to university.
uccla.org 10/13/2023 University Catholic Center, UCLA. Education
happens both inside and outside the classroom, and the UCC is committed to
helping you grow in all dimensions of your life.
ucnrs.org 19/01/2022 University Of California Natural Reserve
System (UCNRS). The UC Natural Reserve System offers outdoor laboratories to
field scientists, classrooms without walls for students, and nature’s
inspiration to all.
uconnruddcenter.org 7/6/2023
The Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health promotes solutions to food
insecurity, poor diet quality, and weight bias through research and policy.
ufhealth.org 5/1/2023 UF Health. University of Florida Health.
Shands hospitals and UF colleges, institutes and practices come together to
provide medical education, research, and high-quality patient care for Florida.
ugapress.org 3/9/2024 Georgia Press. We support a wide-ranging,
open civil discourse—not only through the books we publish, but in the way we
ulukau.org 09/09/2021
Ulukau: The Hawaiian Electronic Library.
unions.org 23/01/2022 Unions Directory, Union Jobs, News &
Forums. Unions is the #1 Union Resource on the web. Union jobs, news, forums
and directory of over 6,000 unions. Check out Unions today!
uniquelylouisiana.org 17/02/2021
Uniquely Louisiana was produced by the Department of Culture, Recreation
and Tourism Education Council in collaboration with an educational consultant.
The Uniquely Louisiana resources are based on the work of many scholars and
educational consultants.
usapears.org 6/24/2022
uschinaarts.org 02/02/2021
The Center for US-China Arts Exchange is a not-for-profit organization
affiliated with and headquartered at Columbia University in New York City.
uspirg.org 14/02/2022
U.S. PIRG stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our
health, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our
usslci.org 12/03/2022 USS Landing Craft Infantry National
Association. Navy and Coast Guard Veterans of World War II and Korea.
ussnautilus.org 4/8/2022 The Submarine Force Museum, USS Nautlius, is
home to the Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear powered vessel. Located on the
Thames River in Groton, Connecticut.
utahbloghive.org 4/29/2022
Utah Blog Hive is a website devoted to providing comprehensive and
up-to-date pharmacological information on both brand and generic medicines.
Utah Blog Hive is the leading Internet Drug Index resource, founded by
pharmacists in 2021.
utahdemocrats.org 4/29/2022
Utah Democrats. We, the Democrats of the Great State of Utah, united in
common purpose, acknowledge that we are a party of enduring strength, and that
we must lead, guided by those we lead.
utahsoaring.org 03/06/2021
Utah Soaring Association is a large club with four different soaring
locations in northern Utah. The club facilitates basic and advanced instruction
and maintains multiple gliders for member use.
utswmed.org 27/02/2022
UT Southwestern Medical Center. The #1 Best Hospital in DFW. UT
Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas is one of the top academic medical
centers, delivering compassionate care and the latest medical advances to
vault.georgiaarchives.org 10/13/2023 Georgia Archives. The Virtual Vault provides
virtual access to historic Georgia manuscripts, photographs, maps, and
government records housed in the state archives.
vcmedia.org 11/30/2023
Visual Communications. Our mission is to develop and support the voices
of Asian American and Pacific Islander filmmakers and media artists who empower
communities and challenge perspectives.
verite.org 9/12/2023 Verité provides the knowledge and tools to
eliminate child labor, forced labor, human trafficking and gender
discrimination from supply chains.
virginiasymphony.org 6/29/2022
Virginia Symphony Orchestra. The Virginia Symphony is at the center of
the Hampton Roads arts community, and in many ways serves as the cultural
cornerstone for the region.
visitidaho.org 12/22/2022 Idaho. Visit Idaho. Beyond Ordinary Hike to
waterfalls. Savor local cuisine. Explore wild forests. Paddle the best
whitewater in the country.
visitmarylandscoast.org 12/27/2022
Visit Maryland's Coast. Worcester County, MD. Discover Maryland’s only
seaside offering the beauty of Assateague Island National Seashore and its wild
horses. Explore authentic main street communities and the thrill of Ocean City.
vnps.org 10/12/2023
Virginia Native Plant Society. Conserving Wild Flowers & Places.
Learn about Virginia’s native plants and habitats and how you can help
preserve, protect, and promote these precious natural resources.
vsdc.org 02/08/2021
Veg Society of DC. Founded in 1927, the Veg Society of the District of
Columbia (VSDC) is the nation’s oldest continuously operating veg society.
vtfreemasons.org 6/5/2022
Grand Lodge of Vermont. Free and Accepted Masons. Founded on the tenants
of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, it has no regard for differences in a
person’s race, color, creed, or station in life.
vtjazz.org 6/5/2022
The Vermont Jazz Center is the leading jazz venue in New England. Its
emphasis is threefold: 1) presenting world-class jazz concerts, 2) providing
abundant educational opportunities and 3) community outreach.
vtlp.org 10/10/2021 Vermont Libertarian Party. We the members of
the Vermont Libertarian Party do declare and affirm the following to be a
faithful and true recounting of our core values and principles; and is to be
used to guide us in politics and in life.
warholfoundation.org 07/05/2021
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts was established in 1987.
In accordance with Andy Warhol's will its mission is the advancement of the
visual arts.
washingtondigitalnewspapers.org 1/27/2023 Washington Digital Newspapers brings
together over 600,000 pages from Washington’s earliest Territorial newspapers
to the present day.
washingtonpapers.org 11/30/2023
The Washington Papers. Over 135,000 documents and counting. Established
in 1968 at the University of Virginia, The Washington Papers is working to
publish comprehensive letterpress and digital editions of the Washington
family's correspondence.
waterbirds.org 2/8/2024 The Waterbird Society is composed of
biologists, researchers, conservationists, students, and others interested in
the behavior, ecology, and conservation of waterbirds.
wavefarm.org 07/01/2022 Wave Farm is a non-profit arts organization
driven by experimentation with broadcast media and the airwaves. Wave Farm’s
Residency Program provides artists working within the Transmission Arts genre
opportunities to research and create new works.
wawild.org 4/25/2023 Washington Wild is a nonprofit organization
that protects wild lands and rivers in Washington State through advocacy,
education and civic engagement.
webbtelescope.org 1/29/2023
Webb. Discover the science mission of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), from exoplanet atmospheres to the first light in the universe—and more!
webdeanza.org 17/02/2022 Web de Anza provides students and scholars
with primary source documents and multimedia resources covering Juan Bautista
de Anza's two overland expeditions from the Sonoran desert to northern
California, leading to the colonization of San Francisco in 1776.
wehewehe.org 09/09/2021 Nā Puke Wehewehe ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.
westorange.org 3/9/2024 West Orange, NJ. The Township of West Orange
as we know it today first began in 1862 as the smaller town of Fairmount. The
name West Orange wasn't actually used to 1863.
wfmu.org 1/20/2024
WFMU-FM 91.1/Jersey City, NJ; 90.1/Hudson Valley, NY. We’re an
independent freeform station broadcasting at 91.1 fm in New York, at 90.1 fm in
the Hudson Valley, and with gobs and gobs of online offerings.
wguc.org 3/10/2024 Classical 90.9 WGUC. Cincinnati’s oldest NPR
affiliate station, WGUC, continues to deliver the best in classical, jazz and
independent music to the discerning ears of our loyal listener base.
wheelingheritage.org 11/03/2022
Wheeling Heritage is a catalyst for the revitalization of Wheeling. As
the birthplace of West Virginia and an early industrial hub along the Ohio
River, Wheeling holds a unique place in American history.
whistleblower.org 27/02/2022
Government Accountability Project. In 1977 the Institute for Policy
Studies (IPS) launched Government Accountability. As a result of these and
other Watergate scandals, the perception of whistleblowers had reached a
tipping point.
wifilmfest.org 5/18/2023 Wisconsin Film Festival. We believe that
cinema is an essential art form that enriches human experience and enhances our
knowledge of diverse cultures. We strive for state-of-the-art projection of
image and sound.
wildmontana.org 09/10/2021
Wild Montana. Uniting and mobilizing communities to keep Montana wild.
We envision a Montana where people and wildlife flourish because public lands
and waters are wild and connected.
wildwesthistory.org 2/8/2024
The Wild West History Association is dedicated to the history and love
of the American West. Join us as we keep the past alive.
wilsonsociety.org 2/8/2024
The Wilson Ornithological Society (WOS) is an international scientific
society comprising community members who share a curiosity about birds.
wingsoffreedommuseum.org/wp 11/30/2023 Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum. The Museum
currently has nineteen historical aircraft on display both inside the Museum
building and in the outdoor display area.
wisconsinart.org 4/25/2023
The Museum of Wisconsin Art (MOWA) is a art museum in Wisconsin that
explores American art through the lens of a single state. Everything on view
has been made by an artist with deep connections to the state of Wisconsin.
wisconsingunowners.org 5/1/2023
Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. (WGO). WGO is not a militia or paramilitary
organization. On the contrary, it is a professionally staffed 501(c)4 advocacy
organization that works to protect gun rights via the legislative system.
wisconsinhistory.org 9/15/2023
Wisconsin Historical Society. Explore our historical collections,
research your family history, teach and learn Wisconsin history, preserve
historic properties, donate, volunteer and more.
wisconsinhistory.org/Records 12/8/2022
Search the Wisconsin Historical Society's collections. The Wisconsin
Historical Society connects people to the past by collecting, preserving, and
sharing stories.
wisconsinpottery.org 4/25/2023
Wisconsin Pottery Association. Your starting point to connect with other
pottery collectors and to learn more about many potteries.
witness.blackmountaininstitute.org 6/14/2022 Witness seeks original fiction, nonfiction,
poetry, and artwork that is innovative in its approach, broad-ranging in its
concerns, and bold in its perspective. Black Mountain Institute at the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
woodrow.org 29/07/2021
The Woodrow Wilson HistoryQuest Fellowship offers professional
development for middle and high school American history teachers in
Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
woodrow.org/news/citizens-scholars 29/07/2021
The Institute for Citizens. Scholars. The Institute for Citizens &
Scholars prepares leaders and engages networks of people and organizations to
meet urgent education challenges.
woodruff.org 23/01/2022 The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation is an
independent private foundation that seeks to improve the quality of life in
Georgia by investing in health, education, economic opportunity and community
woodsonmuseum.org 3/23/2023
Dr. Carter G. Woodson African American Museum. African Americans have
played a crucial role in the growth and development of St. Petersburg since the
late 1800s. The first African Americans came to this area seeking work.
worcesterculture.org 6/20/2023
The Worcester Cultural Coalition draws on Worcester’s rich and diverse
cultural assets to foster economic revitalization, support active, creative
engagement for all and promote a strong cultural identity for Greater
worldhistorymatters.org 3/25/2023
World History Matters. A Portal to World History Sites from the Center
for History and New Media.
wpmuseum.org 04/11/2021 White Pine Public Museum in Ely Nevada. We
are home of the Cave Bear, Nevada Northern Railway, City of Murals, Cherry
Creek Depot and so much more. Open 7 days a week you'll find something for
everyone here at the White Pine Public Museum.
wsrr.org/ws 3/18/2023
Walkersville Southern Railroad. Travel over track that the Pennsylvania
Railroad originally built in 1872. Come see our turn-of-the- century railroad
station and tool house.
wsum.org 1/20/2024
WSUM is the University of Wisconsin-Madison student-run community radio
wsworkshop.org 23/01/2021 Women’s Studio Workshop envisions a society
where women’s visual art is integral to the cultural mainstream and permanently
recorded in history.
wtha.wildapricot.org 8/6/2023
West Texas Historical Association. Each year we hold a conference in a
West Texas city. We publish a selection of papers in our annual scholarly
journal, The West Texas Historical Review.
wvhumanities.org 11/03/2022 The West Virginia Humanities Council is a
nonprofit organization governed by its board of directors. Our mission is to
promote a vigorous program in the humanities statewide in West Virginia.
www.1schoolatatime.org 9/22/2022
One School at a Time partners with subsistence farming communities in
rural Uganda, Africa to boost the performance and quality of existing public
www.2river.org 3/6/2024
The 2River View is published four times a year. 2River considers
unpublished poems only. An unpublished poem is one that has not appeared in any
form of print or digital media, including personal or public blogs.
www.4columns.org 4/1/2022
4Columns is a website of arts criticism aimed at a general audience. Its
title refers, quite literally, to what you’ll find there each week: four new
columns, each with a distinctive voice and perspective.
www.a2gov.org 12/1/2023
The City of Ann Arbor’s mission is to deliver exceptional services that
sustain and enhance a vibrant, safe and diverse community.
www.aaal.org 25/04/2021 American Association For Applied
Linguistics. Founded in 1977, the American Association for Applied Linguistics
(AAAL) is a professional organization of scholars who are interested in and
actively contribute to the multi-disciplinary field of applied linguistics.
www.aaalac.org 04/02/2022 American Association for Accreditation of
Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) is a private, nonprofit organization that
promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary
accreditation and assessment programs.
www.aacrao.org 5/17/2023 American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers. As a leading voice in higher education,
AACRAO envisions a community centered on learner success driven by professional
excellence and leadership in enrollment and academic services.
www.aacu.org 5/17/2023 American Association of Colleges and
Universities. A voice and a force for liberal education. AAC&U advances the
vitality and democratic purposes of undergraduate liberal education.
www.aafs.org 18/12/2021
The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) is a multidisciplinary
professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its
application to the legal system.
www.aampmuseum.org 27/09/2021
The African American Museum in Philadelphia. Founded in 1976 in
celebration of the nation's Bicentennial, the African American Museum in
Philadelphia (AAMP) is the first institution funded and built by a major
municipality to preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African
www.aam-us.org 3/9/2024 The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) is
the only organization representing the entire museum field, from art and
history museums to science centers and zoos.
www.aap.org 12/3/2023
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is dedicated to improving the
health and well-being of children. Explore our comprehensive resources,
evidence-based guidelines, and expert insights on pediatric care.
www.aatg.org 30/07/2021 American Association of Teachers of German.
The AATG promotes the study of the German-speaking world in all its linguistic,
cultural and ethnic diversity, and endeavors to prepare students as
transnational, transcultural learners and active.
www.aatsp.org 09/04/2021
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
promotes the study and teaching of the Spanish and Portuguese languages and
their corresponding Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian and other related literatures and
cultures at all levels of education.
www.aba.org 1/14/2024
American Birding Association. We are the only organization in North
America that specifically caters to recreational birders. We also contribute to
bird and bird habitat conservation through our varied programs.
www.aba.org/magazine 6/7/2023
Birding Magazine. American Birding Association. Each issue of Birding
features broad coverage of various aspects of bird identification and
birdfinding and a unique, unifying thematic concept.
www.abaa.org 13/02/2022
The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America was founded in 1949
to promote interest in rare and antiquarian books and book collecting, and to
foster collegial relations.
www.abqsoaring.org 22/09/2021
The Albuquerque Soaring Club (ASC), established in 1960 in Albuquerque,
New Mexico, is currently headquartered at the Moriarty Municipal Airport
located in Moriarty, New Mexico.
www.abramsplanetarium.org 5/20/2023 The Abrams Planetarium strives to increase
appreciation and awareness of the night sky and support scientific literacy for
everyone. The planetarium is named for Talbert "Ted" Abrams and his
wife Leota.
www.abt.org 28/12/2021
www.abyayalanews.org 3/11/2023
Abya Yala News, the journal of the South and Mesoamerican Indian Rights
Center (SAIIC). Abya Yala News provided a unique source of news and analysis
relating to Indigenous issues in Meso and South America from Indigenous
peoples' perspectives.
www.academiapr.org 03/08/2021
La Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española es una institución
privada y sin fines de lucro fundada en 1955, iniciativa de Samuel R. Quiñones
y José A. Balseiro, durante la incumbencia de Luis Muñoz Marín como gobernador
y Mariano Villaronga como secretario de Instrucción Pública.
www.acadiana.org 2/27/2024
Acadiana! This region is home to the vibrant city of Lafayette, also
known as the Hub City, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and a unique
Cajun culture which is a unique blend of French, Spanish, and African
influences that is all its own.
www.acadianmemorial.org 4/25/2023
Honors the Acadians, forbears of Cajun culture, who found refuge in
Louisiana after being exiled from their homeland.
www.acc-den.org 2/6/2023
Help Refugees Rebuild. African Community Center. By using imaginative
approaches to integration, we work side-by-side with refugees and immigrants to
help each individual rebuild their lives.
www.acco.org 11/02/2022 The American Childhood Cancer Organization
(ACCO) was founded in 1970 by parents of children diagnosed with cancer.
Formerly known as Candlelighters, ACCO is the nation’s oldest and largest
grassroots organization dedicated to childhood cancer.
www.accreditedonlinecolleges.org 2/6/2023 Accredited Online Colleges. Explore
our database of the top accredited online colleges both locally and nationally.
Find degree and career information to enroll in the best program for you.
www.aceee.org 27/04/2021
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), a
nonprofit research organization, develops policies to reduce energy waste and
combat climate change.
www.acfpl.org 3/10/2024 The Atlantic City Free Public Library
provides resources and programs to meet the diverse educational, recreational
and informational needs of the Atlantic City Community.
www.acmrs.org 08/12/2021 ACMRS Press is the publications division of
the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State
University in Tempe.
www.acs.org/content/acs/en.html 11/06/2021
American Chemical Society. ACS is the world’s largest scientific society
and the premier home of chemistry professionals. Find career opportunities,
educational resources and more.
www.adl.org 05/09/2021
Anti-Defamation League. ADL: Fighting Antisemitism and Hate. The mission
of ADL is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and
fair treatment to all. The Anti-Defamation League fights antisemitism and
promotes justice for all.
www.adr.org/index.php 10/19/2023
American Arbitration Association. The not-for-profit American
Arbitration Association (AAA)-International Centre for Dispute Resolution
(ICDR) is the largest private global provider of alternative dispute resolution
(ADR) services in the world.
www.aeaweb.org 26/02/2022 American Economic Association. Established
in 1885, the AEA is a non-profit, non-partisan, scholarly association dedicated
to the discussion and publication of economics research.
www.aecf.org 12/27/2022
Ensuring the Future of At-Risk Youth. The Annie E. Casey Foundation is
developing a brighter future for children and youth at risk of poor
educational, economic, social and health outcomes.
www.aecf.org/work/kids-count 12/27/2022
The Annie E. Casey Foundation. KIDS COUNT provides legislators, public
officials and child advocates with reliable data, policy recommendations and
tools to advance policies that benefit children.
www.africaknowledgeproject.org 12/25/2023
Africa Knowledge Project, known as AKP, promotes Critical African
Studies. It disseminates Africa-centered, evidence-based knowledge on Africa
and African Diaspora.
www.aft.org 06/12/2021
AFT. American Federation of Teachers. A Union of Professionals. The
American Federation of Teachers, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, was founded in
1916 and today represents 1.7 million members in more than 3,000 local
affiliates nationwide.
www.aftaweb.org 06/12/2021
AFTA. Association for Temperate Agroforestry. The mission of AFTA is to
promote the wider adoption of agroforestry by landowners in temperate regions
of North America.
www.agu.org 06/12/2021
American Geophysical Union. Advancing Earth and space science. AGU is an
international, nonprofit scientific association whose mission is to promote
discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity.
www.aia.org 5/21/2022
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) was founded in 1857 by 13
architects. We advocate for the value of architecture and give architects the
resources they need to do their best work. Our work drives positive change
through the power of design.
www.aipla.org 3/25/2023 American Intellectual Property Law
Association. Founded in 1897, AIPLA is a national bar association constituted
primarily of practitioners in private and corporate practice, in government
service, and in the academic community.
www.ajaonline.org 11/20/2022
American Journal of Archaeology. The AJA, a publication of the
Archaeological Institute of America, is one of the world’s most distinguished
and widely distributed classical archaeology journals.
www.ala.org 3/26/2023 The American Library Association (ALA) is
the oldest and largest library association in the world.
www.alabamablues.org 5/2/2023
Alabama Blues Project. Founded in 1995 by Blues musicians Debbie Bond
and Michael McCracken, Alabama Blues Project has been bringing innovative Blues
music programs to children and adults around the state for over 20 years.
www.alabamafirecollege.org 5/2/2023 Alabama Fire College. Our continuing
commitment is to facilitate excellence in education, training, certification,
and support services for the emergency response community.
www.alabamahistorydiy.org 7/12/2022 Alabama History D.I.Y. is a program of the
Alabama Department of Archives and History to provide do-it-yourself museum
exhibits based on the Archives' collections to local organizations.
www.alabamahistoryhome.org 02/12/2021 Alabama Department of Archives &
History. Explore Alabama history through online resources & virtual
www.alabamawomen100.org 7/12/2022
Alabama Women's Suffrage Centennial. In 2020, America will celebrate the
centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. This amendment guaranteed
women the right to vote.
www.alachuaaudubon.org 11/20/2022
The Alachua Audubon Society’s mission is to foster appreciation and
knowledge of birds and other native wildlife, to protect and restore wildlife
populations and their habitats, and to promote sustainable use of natural
www.alartsalliance.org 3/26/2023
The Alabama Arts Alliance is a partnership program of the Alabama State
Council on the Arts, is a member of Americans for the Arts State Arts Action
Network and a partner with the Alabama State Department of Education.
www.albanyconsort.org 3/25/2023
The Albany Consort. Husband and wife team Jonathan Salzedo and Marion
Rubinstein started The Albany Consort in 1974, straight out of college and
university in London.
www.albrightknox.org 29/03/2021
The Albright-Knox Art Gallery is a vibrant museum in the heart of
Buffalo’s cultural district actively collecting and exhibiting art since 1862.
Experience something new every time.
www.albuqhistsoc.org 5/13/2022
The Albuquerque Historical Society (AHS) is a non-profit, membership
organization of residents interested in promoting and preserving all matters
relating to the history of Albuquerque, New Mexico and the surrounding
www.allaboutbirds.org/news 27/02/2021 All About Birds. The Cornell Lab of
Ornithology brings together the agility and impact of an on-the-ground
nonprofit organization with world-class science and teaching as part of Cornell
University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
www.alliedproductions.org 6/20/2023
Allied Productions, Inc. is a not-for-profit arts umbrella organization
founded in 1980. We are an entirely artist-run multi-purpose entity that
fosters community building through the collective process.
www.alternet.org 6/7/2023
AlterNet is an award-winning news magazine and online community that
creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other
independent media sources.
www.aluka.org/heritage 4/2/2022
World Heritage Sites on JSTOR. Explore the archaeology, history and
culture of Africa through its heritage sites & landscapes. Search specific
sites or browse the entire digital library.
www.aluka.org/struggles 4/2/2022
Struggles for Freedom on JSTOR. Experience the phenomenal independence
movements of southern African nations through this digitized library of
thousands of documents and primary sources.
www.amanitaceae.org 7/25/2022
Amanitaceae. This site provides data on taxa of the macrofungal, largely
ectomycorrhizal genus Amanita, the amycorrhizal genera Limacella and Catatrama,
and the family Amanitaceae of which these genera are the only known members.
www.amdoc.org 21/02/2022 American Documentary. A national nonprofit
media arts organization, American Documentary (AmDoc) strives to make essential
documentaries accessible as a catalyst for public discourse.
www.americananthro.org 5/10/2023 American Anthropological Association. The
Association is dedicated to advancing human understanding and applying this
understanding to the world’s most pressing problems.
www.americanantiquarian.org 4/3/2022
The American Antiquarian Society is a national research library of
American history and culture through 1876 which has been sharing American
stories for more than two hundred years.
www.americanmuseumofaviation.org 6/11/2023
American Museum of Aviation (AMA) a museum dedicated to preserving all
facets’ of Americas aerospace development and achievements from Commercial to
Military aircraft, including the people that made aerospace what it is today in
our society.
www.americanpublicmedia.org 22/03/2021
American Public Media is a producer and distributor of award-winning
public radio programming and podcasts.
www.americanscientist.org 12/24/2023
American Scientist. Award-winning magazine American Scientist is an
illustrated bi-monthly publication about science, engineering, and
technology—published by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society since
www.amnh.org 01/09/2021 American Museum of Natural History. New York
City. Explore the natural world, and the known universe. All admission to the
Museum is by timed entry and must be reserved online.
www.amphilsoc.org 7/16/2023
The American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the
United States, was founded in 1743 by Benjamin Franklin for the purpose of
“promoting useful knowledge.”
www.ams.org/home/page 11/18/2022
American Mathematical Society. The AMS, founded in 1888 to further the
interests of mathematical research and scholarship, serves the national and
international community through its publications, meetings, advocacy and other
www.amtrac.org 10/02/2022
Amtrac. Here you will find information and photographs of all Marine
Corps AmTracs from the very first Landing Vehicle, Tracked (LVTs) of WWII
through to the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) of the future.
www.amvets.org 10/19/2023 AMVETS: Serving American Veterans. To
safeguard the entitlements of American veterans, AMVETS provides service such
as VA claim filing assistance, employment assistance, advocacy in D.C., &
www.annualreviews.org 12/25/2023
Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and
integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society.
www.ans.org 5/3/2023 The American Nuclear Society (ANS) is the
premier organization for those that embrace the nuclear sciences and
technologies for their vital contributions to improving people’s lives and
preserving the planet.
www.ansi.org 4/9/2023 The American National Standards Institute -
ANSI - facilitates and corrdinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity
assessment system.
www.aopa.org 3/6/2024
Your Freedom to Fly – AOPA. We protect your freedom to fly by supporting
activities that ensure the long-term health of general aviation; educating
pilots, non-pilots, and policy makers alike.
www.aopa.org/go-fly 12/26/2022
Pilot Resources. Whether you are looking for a new place to fly to,
information about aircraft, planning your next flight, or how that new
medication might affect your certificate, all the resources that support your
desire to fly are here.
www.aopa.org/news-and-media/publications 21/07/2021 Aviation Magazines: Pilot. Turbine Pilot.
Flight Training. Filled with must-read stories, industry news, and
thought-provoking commentary, AOPA magazines are available to AOPA members in
either print or digital versions.
www.aopa.org/training-and-safety 12/26/2022
Training & Safety: Your tools to being a safer pilot. A good pilot
is always learning. AOPA's Air Safety Institute has the resources you need to
keep flying safely.
www.aopopera.org 6/20/2023
The American Opera Project. La misión de AOP es desarrollar y presentar
obras nuevas e innovadoras de teatro lírico, proporcionar un hogar creativo a
artistas emergentes y establecidos, e involucrar a las comunidades
contemporáneas en una experiencia operística transformadora.
www.aosbirds.org 02/12/2021 Alabama Ornithological Society. Founded in
1952 to foster a greater knowledge of birds and to promote conservation of all
natural resources.
www.aosbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/history50year.pdf 2/8/2024
A Fifty Year History of the Alabama Ornithological Society. Remembrances
and Recollections.
www.apaonline.org 2/8/2023
The American Philosophical Association. The APA supports the
professional development of philosophers at all levels and works to foster
greater understanding and appreciation of the value of philosophical inquiry.
www.apmreports.org 6/20/2023
APM Reports. Investigations and Documentaries from American Public
Media. APM Reports strives to raise awareness, trigger debate and prompt
positive change via non-partisan, independent investigative and documentary
www.apmreports.org/collection/documentaries 6/20/2023
Audio Documentaries. APM Reports. The APM Reports documentary unit,
formerly American RadioWorks, produces audio programs about education, history,
justice and more.
www.appi.org 24/08/2021
APA - Publishing Home. American Psychiatric Association Publishing is
the world’s premier publisher of books, journals, and multimedia on psychiatry,
mental health, and behavioral science.
www.aps.org 12/13/2022
American Physical Society (APS) is a non-profit membership organization
working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding
research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and
international activities.
www.aps.org/programs/women 12/13/2022
Women in Physics. APS helps women who earn degrees in physics to pursue
successful careers.
www.aps.org/publications 12/13/2022
Publications. APS Physics. Peer-reviewed research journals, news and
commentary, information about physics and blogs covering science policy.
www.aquaculturealliance.org 12/05/2021 Global Aquaculture Alliance. International
non-governmental organization dedicated to advocacy, education, and leadership
in promoting responsible aquaculture practices.
www.arabidopsis.org 3/25/2023
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) collects information and
maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for Arabidopsis
thaliana, a widely used model plant.
www.arborday.org 8/19/2022 Arbor Day Foundation. As the Arbor Day
Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary, our mission of inspiring people to
plant, nurture, and celebrate trees has remained unchanged. And that simple
mission has had a global impact.
www.archaeological.org 01/12/2021
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) is North America's oldest
and largest organization devoted to the world of archaeology.
www.archaeologicalconservancy.org 6/8/2023 The Archaeological Conservancy is the only
national non-profit organization dedicated to acquiring and preserving
America’s most important cultural sites.
www.archaeology.org 6/7/2023
Archaeology Magazine. Daily archaeological news and exclusive online
features, plus articles from the current issue and back issues.
www.archaeologychannel.org 01/12/2021 The Archaeology Channel. ALI is a nonprofit
organization devoted to nurturing and bringing attention to the human cultural
heritage, by using media in the most efficient and effective ways possible.
www.archnet.org 6/20/2023
Archnet is an accessible resource for architecture, urbanism,
environmental and landscape design, visual culture, and conservation related to
the Muslim world.
www.arcus.org 12/6/2022
ARCUS is a nonprofit organization consisting of institutions organized
and operated for educational, professional, or scientific purposes to advance
arctic research and education.
www.ardmore.org 01/09/2021
Ardmore, Oklahoma. A gateway city, Ardmore greets visitors traveling by
car on I-35 or by rail on Amtrak. In between these two major transportation
by-ways lays a confident community with a bold vision and an independent
www.arkat-usa.org 30/12/2021 Arkat USA, Inc. Publisher of ARKIVOC (Free
Journal of Organic Chemistry).
www.arteducators.org 6/8/2023
National Art Education Association. Founded in 1947, the National Art
Education Association is the leading professional membership organization
exclusively for visual arts, design, and media arts education professionals.