48thpennsylvania.blogspot.com 10/5/2022 The 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.
20/07/2021 University Archives
and Records Center. Founded in 1945 as the University’s official permanent
repository for historically significant documents and other materials that
reflect the University’s origins.
26/02/2022 Science History
Institute Digital Collections. Search 12,156 of our digitized items: artifacts,
photographs, advertisements, letters, rare books, oral histories, and more.
10/11/2020 Penn in Hand:
Selected Manuscripts. The site offers bibliographic information and digital
facsimiles for selected collections of manuscript codices, texts, documents,
21/10/2021 Documenting Pitt:
Historic Records of the University of Pittsburgh. The University Archives
documents the history and traditions of the University of Pittsburgh community,
from its founding as the Pittsburgh Academy in 1787.
26/02/2022 Explore PA History.
ExplorePAhistory provides users with three principal entry points:
"Stories from PA History," "Visit PA Regions," and
"Teach PA History." "Stories from PA History" includes
histories built around state historical markers.
20/10/2021 The Historic
Pittsburgh website traces its origin back to 1998 when the University Library
System (ULS) at the University of Pittsburgh established a new library unit
called the Digital Research Library.
phlf.org 3/11/2023
The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation (PHLF), was founded in
1964 by a group of citizens who passionately believed that historic
preservation, rather than massive demolition, could be a tool for renewing
communities, creating pride among residents, and achieving sustainable economic
26/02/2022 The Crisis of the
Union. Pamphlets, books, broadsides, cartoons, clippings, paintings, maps, and
other print memorabilia about America from circa 1830 to 1880. From the
University of Pennsylvania Library.
schoenberginstitute.org 10/11/2020
The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at Penn brings
manuscript culture, modern technology and people together.
sdbm.library.upenn.edu 10/11/2020
Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts. The SDBM aggregates observations of
pre-modern manuscripts drawn from over 12,000 auction and sales catalogs,
inventories, catalogs from institutional and private collections.
www.amphilsoc.org 7/16/2023
The American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the
United States, was founded in 1743 by Benjamin Franklin for the purpose of
“promoting useful knowledge.”
www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/ethnic/historical/ant-rom-coll.html 4/12/2022
Antique Roman Dishes. The following recipes are taken from an old Roman
cookbook Marcus Gavius Apicius: De Re Coquinaria. The book I have is edited and
translated from Latin by Robert Maier.
www.lancasteratwar.com 08/11/2020
www.lancasterhistory.org 10/11/2020
www.olypen.com/tinkers/74th%20Pennsylvania/Webpage/default.htm 26/02/2022
74th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
www.sciencehistory.org 2/28/2023
The Science History Institute collects and shares the stories of
innovators and of discoveries that shape our lives. We preserve and interpret
the history of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences.
www.sciencehistory.org/historical-biographies 09/09/2020
Historical Biographies. Science is a human pursuit. Meet the people
behind some of the most important milestones in chemistry, chemical
engineering, and the life sciences.
www.seas.upenn.edu/about/history-heritage/eniac 09/09/2020
ENIAC at Penn Engineering. Originally announced on February 14, 1946,
the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), was the first
general-purpose electronic computer.
www.ushistory.org 12/13/2022
U.S. History. Our site contains thousands of pages covering all aspects
of U.S. History. The mission of Independence Hall Association, owner of U.S.
History, is to provide a forum for learning and discussing American history and
www.ussmars.com/home.html 12/03/2022
USS Mars AFS1.