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Virginia State - Association - Institution.   11/10/2022   The Association for Black Anthropologists (ABA) was founded in 1970 by a small group of intellectuals who sought to break down barriers that impeded their full participation in the discipline of Anthropology.   5/19/2022   Battle of the Bulge Association. Honoring the Veterans, Preserving Their Legacy. The organization was formed by a group of veterans of the Battle of the Bulge in 1981 led by Clyde Boden, who later became its first president.   22/02/2022   The Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program teaches children in pre-K through third grade four important steps to take if they find a gun.   5/28/2022   Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund. FEEA is the only charity by and for federal employees. Emergency hardship loans, disaster grants, college scholarships, and #FedLifeHacks for fed families.   1/13/2023   Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield. With the support of local citizens and the American Battlefield Trust, Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield is working to ensure that this battle and the valor displayed by both armies will never be forgotten.   1/13/2023   Germanna Foundation. It conducts archaeological exploration and conservation, genealogical research and publishing, and historic preservation and interpretation.   01/12/2021   The National Rifle Association is America’s longest-standing civil rights organization. Together with our more than five million members, we’re proud defenders of history’s patriots and diligent protectors of the Second Amendment.   3/25/2023   The Institute for Law and Justice (ILJ) is a private, nonprofit corporation dedicated to consulting, research, evaluation, and training in criminal justice.   14/11/2020   The Marine Corps University Foundation, originally the Command and Staff College Foundation, was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on June 25, 1980, as a nonprofit organization supporting the Professional Military Education (PME) of Marines.   14/05/2021   The Marine Corps Association & Foundation is the professional organization of the United States Marine Corps, founded more than 100 years ago by General John A. Lejeune.   6/22/2023   The Marine Corps University Foundation underwrites the education and training of active-duty Marines across the globe – from financial support for professional military education programs for operational units worldwide to the recruitment of leading experts to train Marines in Quantico, and much more.   6/22/2023   National Association for Music Education. NAfME, among the world’s largest arts education organizations, is the only association that addresses all aspects of music education.   29/07/2021   Official page of the Nansemond Indian Nation (formerly the Nansemond Indian Tribal Association). We have been state recognized within the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1985 and federally recognized within the United States of America since 2018.   24/03/2021   NCPA. National Community Pharmacists Association. Founded in 1898, the National Community Pharmacists Association is the voice for independent pharmacy, representing 21,000 pharmacies and employing more than 250,000 individuals nationwide.   4/3/2022   The Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture. Our scope encompasses the history and cultures of North America from circa 1450 to 1820 and includes related developments in Africa, the British Isles, the Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America.   23/12/2020   Purple Heart Foundation Online. For over 60 years the Purple Heart Foundation has helped fund programs and services to help ease the transition from the battlefield to the homefront for veterans nationwide.   27/08/2021   Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. We create websites and open-source digital tools to preserve and present the past, transform scholarship across the humanities, advance history education and historical understanding.   3/25/2023   The Conservative Caucus. Founded in 1974, The Conservative Caucus is the face of Grassroots America. Our adversaries are the power-mad, corrupt, anti-American Left aka the “Woke” whose only mission is to erode our freedoms with the far-left, extreme agenda.   15/08/2021   Institute for Humane Studies. A Home for Classical Liberal Ideas. IHS supports & partners with professors teaching & researching of classical liberal ideas, and advancing higher ed’s core purpose.   11/30/2023   The Carter G. Woodson Institute. Founded in 1981, the University of Virginia's Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies is named in honor of native Virginian Carter Godwin Woodson, known to many as 'the father of black history'.   13/10/2021   3/25/2023   American Intellectual Property Law Association. Founded in 1897, AIPLA is a national bar association constituted primarily of practitioners in private and corporate practice, in government service, and in the academic community.   5/10/2023   American Anthropological Association. The Association is dedicated to advancing human understanding and applying this understanding to the world’s most pressing problems.   6/8/2023   National Art Education Association. Founded in 1947, the National Art Education Association is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts, design, and media arts education professionals.   14/11/2020   Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.   12/26/2022   Association for Information Science and Technology. ASIS&T. The vision of the Association – a community of researchers and practitioners – is to be the preeminent global voice of information science and technology research and its implications for practice.   7/7/2022   The Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes. It is the largest, most-representative professional membership organization in the fields of aerospace medicine and human performance.   15/12/2020   The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics, represents corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries.   28/03/2021   Bloomberg Industry Group provides guidance, grows your business, and remains compliant with trusted resources that deliver results for legal, tax, compliance, government affairs, and government contracting professionals.   1/13/2023   The Graffiti House. The Brandy Station Foundation is a 501(c)-3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the natural and historic resources of the Brandy Station area of Culpeper County, Virginia.   14/03/2022   Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Saving the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams through education, advocacy, litigation, and restoration.   5/10/2023   Church and Biblical Research Group is an organization that utilizes innovative tools and methodologies to perform research on the church and the Bible that will lead to development of resources for today's church.   3/25/2023   Workplace Giving, Employee Engagement & Nonprofit Solutions. America's Charities. We help employers engage employees in greater giving, generate sustainable income to help charities thrive & help donors support causes they care about most.   08/05/2021   Conservation International. We know that human beings are totally dependent on nature & - and that when we work to save nature, we're really working to save ourselves.   29/03/2021   Conservative HQ is the online news source for conservatives and Tea Partiers committed to bringing limited government constitutional conservatives to power.   06/06/2021   EBMA. Educational Book & Media Association. The mission of EBMA is to foster a unique community that brings together a wide range of wholesalers and publishers in order to address the ever changing book & media buying needs of the educational marketplace.   10/03/2021   The Future of Freedom Foundation was founded in 1989 by FFF president Jacob Hornberger with the aim of establishing an educational foundation that would advance an uncompromising case for libertarianism in the context of both foreign and domestic policy.   3/25/2023   Gannett. As the new Gannett, we exist to make communities stronger. As an award-winning news organization, we inform and empower our communities.   14/03/2022   Global Security. Knowledge is often power, and it is therefore often helpful to be aware of a broad universe of conflicting results or conflicting opinions rather than having a portion of this information arbitrarily censored by someone else.   03/12/2021   The Gold Star Wives of America is a Congressionally Chartered non-profit service organization that provides assistance and friendship to those who have lost their spouse to a military-related cause of death.   27/08/2021   The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. IATH is a research unit of the University of Virginia, founded to explore and develop information technology as a tool for scholarly humanities research.   05/12/2021   Institute For Multi-Track Diplomacy. The mission of IMTD is to promote a systems-based approach to peacebuilding and to facilitate the transformation of deeply-rooted social conflict.   4/10/2022   The Internet Society is a global nonprofit empowering people to keep the Internet a force for good: open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy.   23/12/2021   International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. We are a scientific association in environmental epidemiology that impacts research, training and policy worldwide.   14/05/2021   The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation preserves and promulgates the history, traditions and culture of the Marine Corps and educates all Americans in its virtues.   14/05/2021   Military enables millions of Americans with military connections to access their benefits, find jobs, enjoy military discounts and stay connected.   11/21/2022   Mineralogical Society of America. Society for the advancement of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, and petrology, and promotion of their uses in other sciences, industry, and the arts.   5/17/2022   National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. NCMEC works with families, victims, private industry, law enforcement, and the public to assist with preventing child abductions, recovering missing children, and providing services to deter and combat child sexual exploitation.   14/01/2021   American Masters. A series examining the lives, works, and creative processes of outstanding artists. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.   30/09/2021   The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide.   19/08/2021   Army Quartermaster Foundation, Inc. The Foundation, since its inception in 1954, has provided additional resources to support the U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum at Fort Lee, VA.   02/03/2022   Red Maverick Media is changing politics. We started this firm because we know campaigns can be better by embodying the maverick spirit of some of our most inspirational leaders.   07/01/2022   St. John's Community Services (SJCS). At the heart of our services and programs is our mission: advancing inclusive communities where every person, regardless of circumstances, has the right and opportunity to live their best life.   23/12/2020   The Center for Systemic Peace (CSP) was founded in 1997. It is engaged in innovative research on the problem of political violence within the structural context of the dynamic global system, that is, global systems analysis.   15/03/2022   Twin Oaks Intentional Community, in central Virginia, since 1967. Since Twin Oaks began in 1967, our lifestyle has reflected our values of equality and nonviolence.   24/06/2021   Virginia State Bar. An Agency of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The Virginia State Bar (VSB) was created in 1938 by the Virginia General Assembly as an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Virginia, unifying Virginia lawyers into a mandatory state bar.   15/03/2022   Young Americas Foundation (YAF). Conservative Youth Organization. Conservative Student Activists and Leaders. Young America’s Foundation is in the business of inspiring young people. And inspiring young people with the miracle of freedom.