edithkanakaolefoundation.org 09/09/2021
Edith Kanakaʻole Foundation. Founded in the spring of 1990, the Edith
Kanakaʻole Foundation is a Hawaiian cultural-based non-profit 501(c)(3)
4/10/2022 Hawaii Aviation
Preservation Society. We are dedicated to preserving Hawaii's aviation heritage
by researching and recording the aviation history of the hawaiian islands.
kanaeokana.net 09/09/2021
Kanaeokana. A network of over 70 schools and organizations dedicated to
strengthening the lāhui and nurturing the next generations of aloha ‘āina
4/10/2022 Kissidugu Foundation.
Specialty School in Conakry Guinea. We are The Kissidugu Foundation, a
nonprofit organization. The Foundation intends to inspire people of all colors,
cultures, and backgrounds to connect to themselves, to one another, and to
their community.
pacificscience.org 30/09/2021
Pacific Science Association. Science of the Pacific. Founded in 1920 and
based in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Pacific Science Association (PSA) is a regional,
non-governmental, scholarly organization that seeks to advance science and
technology in support of sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.
www.ctsa.org 09/09/2021
The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture (CTSA) is one of
five regional aquaculture centers in the United States established by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
www.hawaiiacademyofscience.org 4/10/2022 The Hawai'i Academy of Science (HAS) is a
private, non-profit organization founded in 1925. The vision of the Academy is
to promote scientific research & education in Hawai'i and the Pacific Rim.
www.hawaiianhistory.org 6/16/2022 Hawaiian Historical Society. The Society’s
library, located at the Mission Houses, contains an outstanding collection of
photographs, newspapers, magazines, journals, books, pamphlets, and manuscripts
made available to scholars and the public.
13/12/2021 Hawaiian Kingdom
Independence Blog. This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country
under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history,
culture, law & politics of the islands.
www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org 6/16/2022 Hawaii Community Foundation. We envision an
equitable and vibrant Hawai‘i where all of our island communities thrive. We
inspire generosity, advocate for equity, forge connections and invest in
community to create a better Hawai‘i.
www.hawaiiconservation.org 24/01/2021 The Hawaiʻi Conservation Alliance is a
partnership of organizations and agenices working together to provide unified
leadership, advocacy, and collaborative action to conserve and restore native
ecosystems and the unique biodiversity of our islands.
www.nationofhawaii.org 12/9/2023
Nation of Hawaii’s mission is to restore, maintain and preserve the
sophisticated religion, language and culture of the Native Hawaiian people, who
prior to the overthrow, lived in a highly organized, self-sufficient,
subsistent social system based on Communal Land Tenure.
www.nativehawaiianlegalcorp.org 10/09/2021 Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation. The mission of the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation (NHLC) is to perpetuate, through legal and other advocacy, the rights, customs and practices that strengthen Native Hawaiian identity and culture.