The University of Michigan Department of Astronomy may have established
one of the first research observatories in the Midwest more than 150 years ago,
but more than anything, it’s a young and vibrant department.
3/20/2022 Department of Physics
and Astronomy. The department offers diverse courses in physics and astronomy.
Undergraduate programs with different emphases may be planned through an
appropriate choice of electives from the departmental courses.
1/30/2023 Volaré Products. Free
Flight Model Aviation. My name is George Bredehoft. In the mid-1980s (or my
mid-20s), I started to become interested in model aviation.
6/22/2022 The College of
Aviation at Western Michigan University offers the only comprehensive aviation
program at a public university in Michigan, and with just over 1,100 undergraduate
students, is one of the largest aviation programs in the nation. 5/20/2023 The Abrams Planetarium strives to increase
appreciation and awareness of the night sky and support scientific literacy for
everyone. The planetarium is named for Talbert "Ted" Abrams and his
wife Leota. 31/08/2020
Home of Mustang Aeronautics, builders of the Midget Mustang and Mustang
II homebuilt aircraft. 24/02/2022
Gliding. Gregory, Michigan. Sandhill Soaring Club. Michigan's Largest
Soaring Club. Located at Richmend Field (69G) in Gregory, MI. 7/9/2022 The Yankee Air Museum a Michigan Air Museum. A great place to touch, feel, and interact with some of the most amazing aircraft throughout aviation history.