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California State - Ecology - Nature.   20/10/2021   Horticulture & Crop Science. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. You'll be able to work and study in our fields, groves, vineyards, nurseries, orchards, arboretum and gardens, and greenhouses.   3/21/2023   Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety. We are a diverse group of researchers, educators, and communicators who are dedicated to the understanding and prevention of illness and injury in western agriculture.   12/24/2023   Berkeley Earth is the only source of reliable, independent, non-governmental, and unbiased scientific data and analysis of the highest quality.   11/21/2023   Bushmeat Project. Save the Great Apes. Chimps and Gorillas. It is time that those of us who care about the survival and well-being of the apes, and all life in Africa, confront this crisis.   12/19/2023   Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Global Climate Change and Global Warming. Current news and data streams about global warming and climate change from NASA.   07/12/2021   ESS-DIVE Data Archive. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).   2/26/2023   Earth Island Institute provides support to environmental action projects and to the next generation of environmental leaders in order to achieve solutions to the crises threatening the survival of life on Earth.   2/26/2023   Environmental Studies. UC Santa Cruz. As a department, we are committed to examining, understanding, and addressing environmental challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective.   07/12/2021   ESS-DIVE. Deep Insight for Earth Science Data. Scientists with expertise in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Computing Sciences from Berkeley Lab are developing ESS-DIVE in collaboration with the ESS community.   7/22/2023   Glassgems Studio. Gemma Gylling of Glassgems Studio, is an artist who specializes in Wildlife and Animal art, her art mediums are colored pencil, pastel and scratch art.   7/6/2023   Tagging of Pelagic Predators. Hopkins Marine Station is the marine laboratory of Stanford University.   2/26/2023   Information Center for the Environment. ICE is an environmental information brokerage and research laboratory in the Department of Environmental Science & Policy at the University of California, Davis, under the direction of Academic Director Jim Quinn and Managing Director Karen Beardsley.   2/16/2024   The University of California Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) helps residents, growers, land managers, community leaders, and other professional pest managers prevent and solve pest problems with the least unintended impacts on people and their surroundings.   3/18/2023   Invasive & Exotic Pests. Invasive and exotic pests threaten California's natural environments, agricultural production, structures, landscapes and gardens.   17/11/2021   John Muir Laws. Nature Stewardship Through Science, Education, and Art. A world of infinite beauty and discovery waits just beyond the point where we usually stop paying attention.   12/15/2022   The Leakey Foundation’s mission is to increase scientific knowledge, education, and public understanding of human origins, evolution, behavior and survival. The Leakey Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.   03/05/2021   The JPL TMF Atmospheric Lidar Group, part of JPL's Laboratory Studies And Atmospheric Observations Group (329H), has been designing, building and operating several lidar instruments dedicated to the long term monitoring of atmospheric composition.   7/9/2022   Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. One of our nation's most spectacular marine protected areas, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary offers some of the best wildlife viewing in the world!   7/5/2022   Music of Nature. My name is Lang Elliott and I am a nature recordist, cinematographer, author and speaker. Join me as I celebrate the voices of the natural world.   7/25/2023   Natural Heritage Institute. River basins integrate surface waters, groundwaters, and their adjacent landscapes, and these interactions are the earth’s aquatic life support system.   5/15/2022   Official Orangutan Foundation International Site. OFI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wild orangutans and their rainforest habitat. Founded by Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas and associates in 1986.   21/01/2021   Quarryhill Botanical Garden - premier wild Asian woodland garden. Places to go in Sonoma Valley, Things to do in Sonoma Valley, Non-wine activities in Sonoma Valley, Things to do in California Wine Country, Quarryhill Botanical Garden homepage.   11/03/2022   CAS Botany Collection Database. Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability. California Academy of Sciences.   23/01/2022   San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is an international, nonprofit conservation organization with two front doors: the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.   30/05/2021   The Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) operates at the Seismological Laboratory at Caltech and is the primary archive of seismological data for southern California.   06/07/2021   Animals, Careers, and Educational Programs. Sea World Parks & Entertainment. Discover resources and information about the amazing animals, exciting careers, and educational programs at Sea World, Busch Gardens, and Discovery Cove.   19/01/2022   University Of California Natural Reserve System (UCNRS). The UC Natural Reserve System offers outdoor laboratories to field scientists, classrooms without walls for students, and nature’s inspiration to all.   17/07/2021   Wildlife. Wildlife biologists are scientists devoted to the conservation of wildlife through the preservation of all species, the enhancement of wildlife habitat, management of wildlife challenges, and the consumptive use of wildlife.   16/07/2021   Wildlife. The Marine Wildlife Care Center was dedicated February 21, 1997 to care for oiled seabirds in the event of a spill along California's North Coast. The center is a 4,500-square-foot facility on the Humboldt State University campus.   18/12/2020   Mike Danzenbaker's Nature Photography. This page contains the regional and topical breakdown of photographs of birds by Mike Danzenbaker.   8/21/2023   North American Birds Photo Gallery by Peter LaTourrette. Each bird name in the list to the left is a link to a page with one or more low-resolution files of publication-quality images of that species.   18/12/2020   The Institute for Bird Populations studies the abundance, vital rates, and ecology of bird populations to enable conservation of birds and their habitats.   18/04/2021   International Bird Rescue (IBR) operates two year-round California aquatic bird rescue centers. One in Southern California located in San Pedro (Los Angeles Harbor) and another in Northern California in Fairfield (San Francisco Bay-Delta).   4/4/2022   Institute for Biodiversity Science & Sustainability. California Academy of Sciences. IBSS is home to 100+ research scientists and nearly 46 million scientific specimens from around the world.   12/13/2022   Botany. California Academy of Sciences. Discover how our team of botanists are utilizing botany resources at the Academy to protect plant diversity on Earth.   3/21/2023   The California Wilderness Coalition (CalWild) protects and restores the state’s wildest natural landscapes and watersheds on public lands.   11/02/2022   Central Coast Wilds (CCW), a division of Ecological Concerns Incorporated, is a design-grow-build ecological landscape contractor and California native plant nursery established in 1992 in Santa Cruz, California.   3/20/2023   Digging Dog Nursery. Garden Nursery and Plants. Rare Ornamental Plants from the Mendocino Coast. Digging Dog Nursery is a quality mail-order nursery specializing in perennials, grasses, shrubs, trees, and vines.   26/07/2021   California League of Conservation Voters. Building Democracy. Electing Environmental Champions. Protecting Our Future.   12/9/2023   The Inverness Garden Club of West Marin, located on the San Francisco Bay Area's beautiful Point Reyes peninsula, was founded in 1934 by 19 women sharing a general interest in gardening.   2/28/2024   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is advancing the scope of human knowledge & seeking science solutions to the greatest problems facing humankind.   30/04/2021   Madrone Audubon Society. Established in January, 1967 by Evalyn and Les Bowen "to speak up for the wildlife that was losing its local habitat", Madrone Audubon Society was the "first politically involved conservation organization.   2/1/2024   MykoWeb: Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology. Information on mushrooms and other fungi, edible mushrooms, poisonous mushrooms, mycophagy, and mycology primarily for the amateur.   28/05/2021   The Boletes of California by Dr. Harry D. Thiers.   2/10/2023   Yosemite National Park. American Indians traveled and used this area since Ice Age glaciers receded providing an environment for plants, animals, and people to survive.   2/17/2023   Natural History Photography. Underwater, Terrestrial and Aerial Photos. Natural history photography of blue whales, great white sharks, national parks, kelp forests, coral reefs, islands, landscapes and aerial photographs.   9/22/2023   Owling is a look at the North and Central American Owls with both biology and multimedia sections to help with the identification, enjoyment, and appreciation of these awesome winged predators.   22/01/2022   3/10/2024   Resource Renewal Institute is small and agile by design. We are nonprofit and nonpartisan. An old-fashioned conservation ethic permeates our work as we embrace technology and new ideas.   23/12/2020   The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) was founded as a Science & Technology Center on February 1, 1991, with joint funding by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS).   1/30/2023   The Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. We amplify the power of our millions of members and supporters to defend everyone’s right to a healthy world.   13/01/2022   Slide Ranch. We connect children and people of all ages to the outdoors and partner with community groups, families and educators to provide transformative learning experiences on our organic farm and national park land along the California coast.   10/10/2021   Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park in Mariposa County is home to majestic attractions and premier lodging. Discover things to do in Yosemite, places to stay in Yosemite and some of the best places to eat in Yosemite Mariposa County.