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New York State - Aeronautics - Astronautics.   11/5/2022   WW2 and Aviation. Facts, History, and Pictures. Biographies of fighter pilots and aces. Famous pictures of WW2. Profiles and specs of aircraft. Medals of WW2. Pilots and planes of WW1. Ships of WW2.   06/06/2021   Dudley Observatory. The Capital District's astronomy resource. The Dudley Observatory provides education and outreach programs designed to bring the wonders of science, particularly astronomy, to people of all ages.   1/20/2023   New York City Helicopter Tours & Services. HeliNY. New York and New Jersey's world-class flight service. Experience the ultimate aerial view of NYC or charter to another state by helicopter.   08/03/2022   Space News. Articles About NASA and Space. Get the latest news, articles and videos on space news, astronomy, space exploration, NASA, our solar system and the universe.   08/03/2022   ASRAS. Astronomy Section Rochester Academy of Science. ASRAS is a diverse group that includes people of all levels of interest and experience. Members share a common love for astronomy and space sciences.   08/03/2022   The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers a diverse program and consistently ranks amongst the best and largest in the country.