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Texas State - Anthropology - History - Philosophy.   19/12/2021   100th Bomb Group (Heavy) Foundation. The 100th Bomb Group Foundation is dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of first-hand historical accounts of the men, missions and machines that fought in the skies over Europe during WWII.   20/10/2021   Atlas: Texas Historical Commission. The Atlas features over 300,000 site records, including data on Official Texas Historical Markers and National Register of Historic Places properties in Texas.   10/4/2022   Institute of Nautical Archaeology. INA is a non-profit, international research organization founded in 1972 by Dr. George F. Bass, who pioneered the science of archaeological excavation under water.   5/17/2022   The Portal to Texas History. Created and maintained by the University of North Texas Libraries, the Portal leverages the power of hundreds of content partners across the state to provide a vibrant, growing collection of resources.   24/12/2021   Pecos Trail Region. Participant in the Texas Historical Commission's Texas Heritage Trails Program. Experience the legendary Wild West of classic books and movies, and the real-life landscape of the Texas Pecos Trail Region.   10/6/2023   WASP. A tribute to the WASP of WWII, Women Airforce Service Pilots, first women in history to fly America's military aircraft.   21/02/2022   American Derringer. Lady Derringer wants you to feel as comfortable with us as possible. Here is our story, as well as the people that have worked to make American Derringers the best little shooting iron to ever come out of Texas.   10/02/2022   Company C, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines. This website is dedicated to the United States Marine Corps, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division Marines who served during World War II.   10/4/2022   The EC-47 History. The EC-47 History Site was launched in 1997 by MSgt (retired) J.C. Wheeler. J.C. was the flight mechanic on the fourth EC-47 aircraft (P model #43-48933) to make its way to Vietnam, arriving in country on September 10, 1966.   14/05/2021   Jack Lummus. This page is about the life and time of Jack Lummus at Baylor University, with the New York Giants, with the U.S. Marine Corps, engaged to Ethlyn Skipper Bookwalter, death on Iwo Jima, awarded Medal of Honor.   14/05/2021   NavSource Naval History. The simple goal of NavSource Naval History is the preservation of naval history, in the form of images and text, also to help former shipmates find each other by providing reunion and contact information.   7/8/2022   Readex, a division of NewsBank since 1984, publishes collections of primary source research materials. In the early 1940s, publisher Albert Boni, co-founder of the Modern Library, formed the Readex Microprint Corporation in New York City and Chester, Vermont.   7/8/2022   American Pamphlets, Series 1, 1820-1922: From the New-York Historical Society. Readex.   24/03/2021   The Civil War. The WEB's Most Extensive Collection of Free Civil war Resources, and Over 10,000 Pages of Pure Civil War Gold!   1/27/2023   The Texas Historical Commission is the state agency for historic preservation. Our nationally recognized programs bring awareness to Texas' architectural, archeological, and cultural landmarks.   5/21/2023   Explore State Historic Sites. Texas Historical Commission (THC). The state historic sites honor Texas history and inspire an understanding of what it means to be a Texan.   5/16/2022   Preserve. THC. Texas Historical Commission. The Texas Historical Commission develops projects and programs at the direction of the Texas Legislature to preserve Texas history and save historic places within a built environment.   10/4/2022   Texas State Historical Association. TSHA follows the path laid out by its founders, sharing Texas history with individuals across the state, nation, and globe.   4/25/2023   Texas Day by Day. On this day in Texas history... TSHA.   02/08/2021   The vintage TV lamp collector's reference. TV lamps of the 50's are described and identified. The most comprehensive TV lamp site on the net.   12/13/2022   Texas Archeological Society. Promoting the study, preservation, and awareness of Texas archeology since 1928!   09/10/2021   The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University collects, preserves, and makes available materials related to the Vietnam War era, and includes the Vietnam Center, the Vietnam Archive, the Virtual Vietnam Archive, and the Oral History Project.