history.nebraska.gov 1/20/2023 History Nebraska was founded in 1878 as the Nebraska State Historical Society by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples.
theology.unl.edu 4/5/2022
14th Century Oxford Theology. Fourteenth-century English philosopher and
theologian John Wyclif has long been recognized as a figure of pivotal
importance for understanding later medieval Europe.
www.242nd-field-artillery.com 4/8/2022
The 242nd Field Artillery Battalion of WWII was formed and began basic
training at Camp White, Oregon in August of 1942, then on to the snows of the
9th Corp Field Artillery Firing Range at Yakama, Washington over the winter.
23/07/2021 Omaha Indian Music.
Presented here are selections from the American Folklife Center's collections
documenting Omaha music traditions.
www.nebraskaaircrash.com/main.html 23/07/2021 Nebraska's Fatal Air Crashes of WWII.
Nebraska was home to twelve army air fields during WWII, with eleven of them
built specifically for the War effort.