
Hawaii State - Government - Territory.

cchnl.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html   4/10/2022   City & County of Honolulu GIS.

geoportal.hawaii.gov   22/01/2022   Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. Hawaii’s GIS Program is tasked with “...planning, coordinating, and maintaining a comprehensive, shared statewide planning, and geographic information system and associated geospatial database.

www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Pages/Home.aspx   09/09/2021   The Hawaii State Department of Education is the only statewide public school district in the country. It comprises 257 public schools and 37 charter schools, educating about 180,000 students.

www.honolulugis.org   4/10/2022   The City and County of Honolulu has developed one of the most comprehensive GIS Databases and GIS maps of any municipality of its size.