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.gov - ALL. (government)   12/7/2022   Alaska 511. Provides up to the minute traffic and transit information for Alaska. View the real time traffic map with travel times, traffic accident details, traffic cameras and other road conditions.   3/19/2022   Historical Vital Records of NYC. The New York City Municipal Archives is undertaking a mass digitization project to provide online access to 13.3 million historical birth, death, and marriage records.   12/26/2022   Access to Archival Databases (AAD). The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).   10/02/2019   6/20/2023   Congressman Adam Smith. Adam Smith was born on June 15, 1965, in Washington, D.C. Adam was raised in SeaTac, Washington where his father, Ben, worked as a ramp serviceman at SeaTac Airport and was active in the local Machinists’ Union.   26/07/2019   3/2/2023   National Agricultural Library Thesaurus Concept Space. U.S. Department of Agriculture.   09/02/2022   Washington State Department of Agriculture. WSDA has been serving agriculture and the public for more than 100 years.   31/03/2018   Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Alaska Science Center (ASC), headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska.   12/7/2022   USGS Science in Alaska Portal Map. The portal is a searchable, web map-based tool to facilitate public and partner access to information on over 200 subjects under USGS study in the Nation's largest State.   07/11/2019   15/11/2020   The Antarctic Sun, part of the U.S. Antarctic Program, is funded by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s).   8/21/2022   Astronomy Picture of the Day. Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.   06/06/2018   Great Debates in Astronomy. Following in the footsteps of the famous April 1920 'Great Debate' between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis, this series of debates among leaders in the astronomical community highlight.   3/28/2022   House Committee on Appropriations. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress sole power of the purse.   08/12/2021   NC DNCR Office of State Archaeology. The Office of State Archaeology (OSA) serves North Carolina’s citizens through programs that identify archaeological resources on land and beneath state waters.   12/07/2020   The Alabama Department of Archives and History (ADAH), founded in 1901, was the nation's first publicly funded, independent state archives agency.   6/30/2024   The Hud User Archives is composed of collections of archived web pages that are no longer being updated due to budgetary and other constraints. The intent of these pages is to catalog, provide access to, and preserve digital materials.   7/12/2022   Alabama State Council on the Arts. Enhancing the quality of life and economic vitality for all Alabamians by providing support for the state’s diverse and rich artistic resources.   8/12/2024   California Arts Council. At the California Arts Council, it’s our mission to strengthen arts, culture, and creative expression as the tools to cultivate a better California for all.   12/11/2023   NYSCA. The mission of the New York State Council on the Arts is to foster and advance the full breadth of New York State’s arts, culture, and creativity for all.   24/09/2019   18/12/2021   Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Administración de Servicios Generales. Nuestro objetivo es lograr los mejores acuerdos, la calidad precisa y apoyar a las agencias con servicios de excelencia en el proceso de comprar y contratar los bienes y servicios que necesitan.   5/11/2023   Administración Para el Sustento de Menores. Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Departamento de la Familia.   16/02/2022   Delaware Department of Justice. Delaware's Attorney General, the State's chief law enforcement officer, has broad responsibility to combat crime, safeguard families, fight fraud, and protect consumers in the First State.   08/12/2021   Arizona State Library. The State Library was founded in 1915 to collect, preserve, and provide access to materials relating to law, political science, economics, sociology, subjects pertaining to the theory and practice of government, genealogy, and Arizona history.   25/03/2021   The Bureau of Engraving and Printing’s mission is to develop and produce United States currency notes, trusted worldwide.   20/10/2021   Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Since 1859, the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress has been the primary source for biographical information on Members of the United States Congress and Continental Congresses.   16/09/2021   Library of Congress Blogs. Personal voices from the Library of Congress: compelling stories & fascinating facts.   20/10/2021   U.S. Government Bookstore. U.S. Government Publishing Office. Washington, DC.   12/19/2023   The Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative. Revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain.   27/08/2020   11/21/2023   Library of Congress Catalog. Find material in the Library's collections of books, periodicals, manuscripts, maps, music, recordings, images, and electronic resources.   03/05/2020   SPDF. Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb). The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) hosts the S3C Active Archive, which consists of web services for survey and high resolution data, trajectories, and scientific models.   08/08/2018   25/03/2018   The U.S. Census Bureau has been headquartered in Suitland, Md. since 1942, and currently employs about 4,285 staff members. The Census Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce.   1/16/2024   Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1770-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.   12/19/2023   Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Global Climate Change and Global Warming. Current news and data streams about global warming and climate change from NASA.   28/11/2021   12/22/2022   Idaho Commerce. Learn how to start a business in Idaho! Find workforce, state maps, export market, business property and tourism resources.   13/02/2022   11/03/2018   07/12/2021   ESS-DIVE Data Archive. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).   02/09/2019   1/20/2024   NIST Data Repository Page. NIST Data Discovery. Explore data, tools, and resources for Science, Engineering, Technology and more.   4/22/2022   Washington, DC.   12/7/2022   Department of Environmental Conservation, DEC.   2/7/2023   The official website of the State of Delaware. The First State is located in the Northeast U.S.   7/12/2022   Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Archives.   03/09/2021   Indiana Memory is a collaborative effort to provide access to the wealth of primary sources in Indiana libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions.   08/05/2021   Digital Collections. The New York State Archives preserves and makes accessible over 250 million records of New York’s State and colonial governments dating from 1630 to the present.   5/1/2023   Los Alamos National Laboratory. Explore Top News Stories, Podcasts, Publications, Magazines, and Videos at Los Alamos National Laboratory LANL. Featuring topics such as science, technology, energy, space, computing, climate, history, health and more.   4/22/2022   The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), with a budget of approaching $3 billion, is the largest county-operated mental health department in the United States, directly operating programs in more than 85 sites.   08/10/2020   08/10/2020   5/21/2023   Illinois Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Natural Resources. The state operates dozens of historic sites, museums and monuments where visitors can learn the stories of Illinois.   22/03/2021   Chief Information Officer. U.S. Department of Defense. The DoD CIO is the principal staff assistant and senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense for information technology (IT), information resources management (IRM), and efficiencies.   6/22/2023   South Dakota Department of Education.   2/26/2024   Human Genome Project. Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome Project was a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).   27/11/2020   Washington Department of Revenue. Achieve the highest level of voluntary compliance. Fairly and efficiently collect revenues to fund public services.   3/2/2023   Earth Science. Goddard Earth Sciences Division Projects.   2/26/2023   The Earth Observatory’s mission is to share with the public the images, stories, and discoveries about the environment, Earth systems, and climate that emerge from NASA research, including its satellite missions, in-the-field research, and models.   01/01/2021   Mosaic of Antarctica. Researchers use MODIS images to show Antarctica like you've never seen it before.   15/02/2020   Global Maps. The Earth Observatory is part of the EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.   26/10/2021   USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards.   4/18/2022   27/11/2020   NASA Eclipse Web Site.   26/01/2021   Washington State Department of Ecology. Our innovative partnerships sustain healthy land, air, and water in harmony with a strong economy. Protect, preserve, and enhance the environment for current and future generations.   4/15/2022   Fermilab Science Education Office provides resources, workshops and classes for science teachers and students. Fermilab is America's premier particle physics and accelerator laboratory.   9/26/2023   EDSITEment offers free resources for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality K-12 humanities education materials in the subject areas of history and social studies, literature and language arts, foreign languages, arts, and culture.   9/26/2023   Lesson Plans. NEH-Edsitement.   9/26/2023   Student Activities. NEH-Edsitement.   9/26/2023   Teacher’s Guides. NEH-Edsitement.   26/12/2021   Wyoming Department of Education.   05/03/2020   31/05/2020   Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS. The resource for GIS in Los Angeles county. Data, Tips, and Information.   3/5/2023   Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of environmental health research and news published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.   6/30/2022   South Dakota Secretary of State. Unofficial Results. Primary Election June 7, 2022.   2/7/2023   State of Delaware. Department of Elections. We are the source for essential, accurate and reliable voting information in Delaware.   12/14/2022   Lieutenant Governor's Office: Elections.   13/06/2020   Maryland Energy Administration. To achieve its mission, MEA advises the Governor, General Assembly on matters relating to energy policy.   2/26/2023   Sandia National Laboratories is creating a secure energy future for the US through research, development, and deployment of energy sources that are safer, cleaner, more economical and efficient, and less dependent on scarce natural resources.   13/06/2020   Democrats, Energy and Commerce Committee. The Committee on Energy and Commerce is the oldest continuous standing committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It was originally established in 1795 to regulate interstate and foreign commerce.   12/19/2023   Envirofacts. US EPA. The Envirofacts database is now RESTful service-enabled.   23/11/2020   Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.   2/26/2023   NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) is a coordinated series of polar-orbiting and low inclination satellites for long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere, and oceans.   11/08/2018   19/01/2020   ERIC. Education Resources Information Center. ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.   11/13/2022   ESS-DIVE. Deep Insight for Earth Science Data. The Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) is a data repository for Earth and environmental sciences.   08/09/2019   NASA's science, technology and mission management office for the exploration of exoplanets. The program's primary goals, as described in the 2014 NASA Science Plan, are to discover planets around other stars.   13/11/2019   FAST. FAA Acquisition System Toolset. The official record for all FAA acquisition management policy and guidance. Federal Aviation Administration.   15/01/2020   8/12/2024   The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. With Fermi, astronomers at long last have a superior tool to study how black holes, notorious for pulling matter in, can accelerate jets of gas outward at fantastic speeds.   12/7/2022   Alaska Interagency Coordination Center. AICC serves as the focal point for initial attack resource coordination, logistics support, and predictive services for all state and federal agencies involved in wildland fire management and suppression in Alaska.   12/11/2021   15/07/2020   The Flight Programs and Projects Office for Goddard Space Flight Center. FPD manages the implementation, maintenance, and operations of end-to-end space architectures, including mission operations, tracking, and data acquisition services for missions supported by GSFC.   05/01/2020   11/1/2022   Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, through its employees and citizen commission and board, provides for the stewardship of the fish, wildlife, parks, and recreational resources of Montana, while contributing to the quality of life for present and future generations.   13/07/2019   VISTA family of tools has been developed and hosted at Genomics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute.   2/26/2024   Genomic Science Program. Their research is identifying the genomic underpinnings of complex plant traits in promising bioenergy crops and streamlining deconstruction processes to funnel plant components into defined process streams.   5/21/2023   Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. Improving efficiency and effectiveness in government decision-making through education, facilitation, and coordination of GIS mapping technologies.   13/12/2019   Whitehouse is the official web site for the White House and President George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States.   3/28/2023   Office of the Texas Governor. Greg Abbott. Named “Best Governor in the Nation” in 2020, Governor Greg Abbott continues to build on his record as a strong conservative leader who fights to preserve Texas values.   8/12/2024   Texas Economic Development & Tourism. Office of the Texas Governor. Greg Abbott.   11/30/2023   Gov. Spencer J. Cox is a husband, father, farmer, recovering attorney, and Utah’s 18th governor. Let’s do the big things. Let’s do the things that matter.   11/08/2018   11/08/2018   07/12/2021   NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER). OER provides the corporate framework for NIH research administration, ensuring scientific integrity, public accountability, and effective stewardship of the NIH extramural research portfolio.   11/08/2018   11/08/2018   11/08/2018   12/06/2021   Research Guides. Index of Library of Congress Research Guides Research guides to the Library's general collections of books and periodicals, as well as general subject guides prepared by Library of Congress reference librarians, are listed below.   12/06/2021   A-Z Databases.   29/12/2021   Federalist Papers: Primary Documents in American History. Written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, the essays originally appeared anonymously in New York newspapers in 1787 and 1788 under the pen name "Publius."   12/11/2023   Research Guides at Library of Congress. Index of Library of Congress Research Guides Research guides to the Library's collections, as well as subject guides prepared by Library of Congress staff, are listed below.   3/2/2023   Louisiana Purchase: A Legislative Timeline. This timeline examines the role of the U.S. Congress in the Louisiana Purchase during the years 1802 to 1807.   07/10/2021   Women’s Suffrage. The galleries in this guide include portraits of suffragists and images about the women's suffrage movement in the U.S.   16/05/2018   3/2/2023   Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.   4/7/2024   The High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) is the primary archive for NASA's missions studying electromagnetic radiation from extremely energetic cosmic phenomena ranging from black holes to the Big Bang.   23/05/2019   This web site is for scientists and astronomy enthusiasts seeking information on and actual data from a multitude of space-based observatories.   30/03/2019   30/03/2019   30/03/2019   30/03/2019   30/03/2019   30/03/2019   3/15/2023   High-Energy Missions. Pictures from these high-energy astrophysics missions are available from the HEASARC’s “Pretty Pictures” page.   12/26/2022   High Energy Astrophysics Observatories. These Web pages describe all the high energy astronomy observatories, or “missions,” ever launched, excluding those solely dedicated to observing the Sun.   5/30/2024   The Federal Highway Administration is an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation that supports State and local governments in the design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation’s highway system and various federally and tribal owned lands.   02/05/2019   Research and Technology Program. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).   3/27/2023   US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives. Discover the rich heritage of “the People's House” and its central role in U.S. history since 1789. Explore its unique story and the men and women who have shaped it.   29/09/2021   3/27/2023   NASA History Division. NASA.   30/09/2021   Sputnik and the Dawn of the Space Age. History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I.   1/20/2023   History Nebraska was founded in 1878 as the Nebraska State Historical Society by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples.   6/22/2023   The South Dakota State Historical Society, first organized as the Old Settlers Association of Dakota Territory in 1862, established its official relationship with state government in 1901 through the former Department of History.   11/07/2019   11/07/2019   11/07/2019   11/07/2019   11/07/2019   16/12/2021   The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. They are archives and museums, preserving the written record and physical history of our presidents, while providing special programs and exhibits that serve their communities.   25/12/2021   Texas House of Representatives. Provides information on legislation, committees, Texas house, and session.   16/05/2018   3/22/2022   Indiana General Assembly. As one of three co-equal branches of state government, the General Assembly is responsible for enacting the laws by which the state of Indiana is governed.   4/14/2023   NASA. IMAGE Science Center. The IMAGE mission was designed as a two-year mission but has exceeded all its scientific goals and has produced a fire hose of stunning images of the previously invisible region of space in the inner magnetosphere.   01/09/2019   NASA. IMAGE Education and Public Outreach. This web site provides teachers, students and the interested public with the latest information about auroral science, and the study of Earth's magnetic field.   20/09/2021   11/13/2023   Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS). Our mission is to ADVANCE innovation in communications technologies, INFORM spectrum and communications policy for the benefit of all stakeholders, and INVESTIGATE our Nation’s most pressing telecommunications challenges through research that employees are proud to deliver.   13/07/2019   The mission of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI), a DOE Office of Science User Facility of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and part of the Biosciences Area.   20/01/2022   Alaska Job Center Network. Alaska Department of Labor Administrative Services Division.   03/01/2022   Kentucky Gov is the official website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.   4/22/2022   Los Angeles County, one of California’s original 27 counties, was established on Feb. 18, 1850. It is one of the nation’s largest counties with 4,084 square miles, and has the largest population of any county in the nation.   1/22/2023   The African-American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship, showcases the Library's incomparable African American collections.   1/22/2023   A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873.   16/02/2019   02/06/2021   2/8/2023   Delaware General Assembly. Today’s Delaware General Assembly carries on the proud tradition of constituent service and easy accessibility to the people which has sustained us for more than three centuries.   5/22/2024   Vermont General Assembly. Vermont Legislature.   13/08/2018   3/11/2023   Department of Libraries. Commissioner and State Librarian Catherine Delneo.   6/22/2023   South Dakota State Library. Serving state government, empowering South Dakota libraries, and enriching the lives of South Dakota residents.   03/05/2021   The JPL TMF Atmospheric Lidar Group, part of JPL's Laboratory Studies And Atmospheric Observations Group (329H), has been designing, building and operating several lidar instruments dedicated to the long term monitoring.   03/03/2019   The official website of the State of Louisiana.   6/30/2022   LP DAAC. Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center. Sioux Falls, SD. The LP DAAC processes, archives, and distributes land data products to hundreds of thousands of users in the earth science community.   12/14/2022   Utah Lieutenant Governor. Deidre Henderson. As lieutenant governor, she is Utah’s chief election officer and serves as secretary of state. She has prioritized election reforms; Return Utah, a state return-to-work program; and tribal relations.   2/19/2024   The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.   4/13/2024   NASA’s Mars Exploration Program (MEP) is seeking feedback from the science community for its draft plan for the future of the program.   20/09/2019   4/22/2022   Executive Office of the Mayor. Muriel Bowser is committed to making sure every Washingtonian gets a fair shot in a growing and prosperous Washington, DC.   16/01/2022   Missouri Department of Conservation. Get hunting and fishing seasons, permits, and regulations. Find places to hunt and fish. Identify wildlife. Improve your pond. Teach kids about nature. Find outdoor events.   07/12/2021   Trees & Plants. Missouri Department of Conservation. We protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife of the state. We facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources.   2/18/2024   Chronology American Aerospace Events. Harold "Phil" Myers. Chief Historian Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency. Lackland Afb, Texas.   2/18/2024   One Hundred Ten Years of Flight. USAF Chronology of Significant Air and Space Events 1903-2012.   14/05/2021   MedlinePlus. Health Information from the National Library of Medicine. Find information on health conditions, wellness issues, and more in easy-to-read language on MedlinePlus.   5/28/2023   Medical Encyclopedia: MedlinePlus. The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia includes articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. Search encyclopedia articles from A to Z.   22/03/2020   Enciclopedia médica: MedlinePlus en español. La Enciclopedia médica ADAM ofrece artículos sobre enfermedades, pruebas, síntomas, lesiones y cirugías. Busque artículos de la A a la Z.   06/05/2018   African American Perspectives. Pamphlets from the Daniel A. P. Murray Collection, 1818-1907.   06/05/2018   A Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation provides access to U.S. congressional documents and debates from 1774-1875.   24/07/2018   The Globe, as it is usually called, contains the congressional debates of the 23rd through 42nd Congresses (1833-73).   5/28/2023   Aroostook Band of Micmacs. Presque Isle, ME. Micmacs and Maliseets living in Aroostook County came together to form the Association of Aroostook Indians (AAI) in the mid 1960's.   02/02/2021   The MISR Science Team is the group of scientists who provide the scientific guidance for specifying and overseeing the building of the MISR instrument, and who provide leadership for the scientific use of the data acquired from MISR.   11/1/2022   Montana Works. Advancing opportunities for business and job seekers in Montana.   6/1/2024   City of Monterey, CA. Monterey is at the heart of the Monterey Peninsula, serving as the region’s business, financial, government, and services core with urban amenities common to a city of much larger size.   7/9/2022   Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. One of our nation's most spectacular marine protected areas, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary offers some of the best wildlife viewing in the world!   6/25/2023   Maryland State Archives. The State Archives serves as the central depository for government records of permanent value.   2/18/2024   Maryland Women's Hall of Fame. Each year, an independent committee reviews nominations and selects women for induction into the Hall of Fame.   16/12/2020   Digital Resources. These resources include digital publications, special collections, and image collections from the holdings of the Maryland State Archives.   21/12/2021   Mississippi State Department of Health. Mississippi's State Board of Health was established in 1877 to protect and advance health throughout Mississippi, and became the Mississippi State Department of Health in 1982.   01/03/2022   Museum of the Cape Fear. The museum, which is part of the NC Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources, opened in June of 1988, and since that time acquired and restored the 1897 Poe House and constructed a steel semblance of one of the arsenal’s four octagonal towers.   20/01/2022   Alaska State Museums. The purpose of the Museum was to collect, preserve and exhibit objects from the territory.   20/09/2019   1/5/2024   Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS). Located at Gainesville, Florida, this site has been established as a central repository for spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of introduced aquatic species.   1/5/2024   Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS). This page allows you to query for an up-to-date listing of nonindigenous species by state.   4/1/2022   The House Committee on Natural Resources advances the interests of the indigenous peoples and residents of the territories of the United States, and considers legislation and oversees federal conservation and species protection programs under the leadership of Chairman Raúl M. Grijalva.   25/01/2020   Information and resources from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).   10/1/2023   The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) collects, analyzes and makes available data related to education in the U.S. and other nations.   15/01/2020   19/07/2018   Washington State Library's newspaper collection includes current issues on paper and historic newspapers on microfilm with some searchable online.   12/13/2023   Library of Congress. News and Content for Media. Explore the Library Of Congress news site for press resources and toolkits.   04/07/2018   04/07/2018   4/10/2024   The National Geologic Map Database is an archive of geoscience information for the Nation.  It's a collaborative effort by USGS and state geological surveys.   2/19/2024   The Night Sky Network is a nationwide coalition of amateur astronomy clubs bringing the science, technology, and inspiration of NASA's missions to the general public.   25/07/2021   NNLM. The goal of the Network of the National Library of Medicine is to advance the progress of medicine and improve public health by providing U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information.   24/12/2020   The University of Washington Health Sciences Library serves as the regional office for the Network of the National Library of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region (NNLM PNR) including the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington.   4/1/2022   NOAASIS. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite Information System (NOAASIS) website is a central location for information about NOAA’s geostationary and polar-orbiting environmental satellites.   02/07/2020   01/07/2020   01/07/2020   NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS). Basic Search.   6/14/2022   State of Nevada. 48 million acres of space to be your rad self. Visit Nevada for the golden-hour ghost towns, intriguing attractions and far-out art; stay for the cafe classics, sagebrush saloons, and surprising scenery.   3/23/2023   State of California. Department of Justice. The Attorney General is the state's top lawyer and law enforcement official, protecting and serving the people and interests of California through a broad range of duties.   07/10/2021   The White House. See the President's daily schedule, explore behind-the-scenes photos from inside the White House, and find out all the ways you can engage with the most interactive administration in our country's history.   06/11/2021   NOAA's National Ocean Service. The National Ocean Service provides data, tools, and services that support coastal economies and their contribution to the national economy.   3/18/2024   Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Explore our site to learn about programs and resources that are available to help students, families, and school leaders succeed.   16/07/2020   14/08/2020   Oklahoma Senate. There are two houses of the Legislature of Oklahoma with the Oklahoma Senate representing the upper house, while the other is the Oklahoma House of Representatives. Set by the Oklahoma Constitution, there are a total of 48 senators.   8/6/2023   Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). National Institutes of Health (NIH).   11/08/2018   11/08/2018   11/08/2018   11/08/2018   05/05/2021   Kentucky State Parks. Ky Parks. Wherever you travel in Kentucky, you are never far from one of our 45 Kentucky State Parks.   03/03/2018   Welcome to the NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, one of the technical activities of the Fundamental Constants Data Center of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory.   17/02/2020   Picturing America was an project of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) that brought masterpieces of American art into classrooms and libraries nationwide.   30/10/2020   The home page for the United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database.   11/20/2022   USDA Plants Database. Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols. The Plants Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.   10/19/2023   Arkansas. Whether you’re visiting Arkansas for the first time or a long-time resident, you can experience all the Natural State has to offer. Discover things to do, places to stay, unique eats, events, and more!   8/21/2022   Connecticut’s Official State Website. Within its compact borders, Connecticut has forested hills, new urban skylines, shoreline beaches, white-steeple colonial churches, and historic village greens.   8/21/2022   Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. The agency is also committed to playing a positive role in rebuilding Connecticut’s economy and creating jobs – and to fostering a sustainable and prosperous economic future for the state.   21/02/2021   10/07/2021   The Pubs Warehouse provides access to over 160,000 publications written by USGS scientists over the century-plus history of the bureau. United States Geological Survey.   3/8/2024   The Federal Railroad Administration’s mission is to enable the safe, reliable, and efficient movement of people and goods for a strong America, now and in the future.   6/4/2024   Republican Cloakroom. This feed provides live Floor and voting updates. Speaker Mike Johnson. Operated by the Office of the Speaker.   01/07/2020   12/07/2019   The Investigations and Audit Support (IAS) team's mission is to improve the accountability of government by investigating allegations of impropriety and illegal acts affecting state resources.   8/12/2024   Sciences and Exploration Directorate. Its scientists advance understanding of the Earth and its life-sustaining environment, the Sun, the solar system, and the wider universe beyond.   21/09/2019   Kennedy Space Center's Science, Technology and Engineering Homepage.   08/09/2019   Project Apollo. "THAT'S ONE SMALL STEP FOR A MAN, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND." The national effort that enabled Astronaut Neil Armstrong to speak those words as he stepped onto the lunar surface, fulfilled a dream as old as humanity.   21/09/2019   NASA Space Shuttle Launch Archive. From this document, you can access a variety of useful information about the Latest Shuttle Manifest and the Mixed Fleet Launch Schedule.   12/21/2023   The Science Directorate at NASA’s Langley Research Center studies atmospheres using passive and lidar remote sensing, in situ and airborne instruments.   31/01/2020   Marshall Space Flight Center Science Research and Projects Division.   8/12/2024   NASA Science seeks to discover the secrets of the universe, search for life elsewhere, and protect and improve life on Earth and in space.   10/5/2023   Earth Science Researchers. NASA’s Earth Science Division (ESD) missions help us to understand our planet’s interconnected systems, from a global scale down to minute processes.   24/03/2019   4/13/2024   Science and Technology. JPL's abilities to meet NASA exploration and science objectives depends on the development and application of advanced technologies as well as conducting progressive scientific research to advance our state of knowledge and charter future directions.   8/12/2024   The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma charged with determining the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.   4/12/2024   Shrewsbury, MA. On this webpage you will find information on the different Town Departments, the Town's Trash and Recycling program, how to pay your bills, Parks and Recreation Facilities in Town, your local government leaders, and more!   4/13/2024   SOHO, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind.   30/10/2020   Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage.   11/28/2023   The Solar Physics Group at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center was formed in the early 1970's in conjunction with the Apollo Skylab Mission.   1/26/2023   NASA Solar System Exploration. NASA’s real-time science encyclopedia of deep space exploration. Our scientists and far-ranging robots explore the wild frontiers of our solar system.   09/04/2018   09/04/2018   09/04/2018   09/04/2018   09/04/2018   25/04/2021   Georgia Secretary of State.   14/04/2018   1/26/2023   State of Oregon: Oregon Secretary of State. The official website of the Oregon Secretary of State.   21/06/2020   NASA Human Space Flight Gallery. The Human Spaceflight gallery on this website is no longer being updated with new imagery.   7/5/2024   The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) leads in the design and implementation of unique multi-mission and multi-disciplinary data services and software to strategically advance NASA’s solar-terrestrial program, to extend our science understanding of the structure, physics and dynamics of the Heliosphere of our Sun and to support the science missions of NASA’s Heliophysics Great Observatory.   23/08/2019   6/17/2023   International Space Station. See the International Space Station! As the third brightest object in the sky the space station is easy to see if you know when to look up.   6/4/2024   Office of the NASA Chief Engineer. NASA Technical Standards System (NTSS).   14/07/2019   The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor is the principal federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy.   1/11/2024   Science & Technology Review is published eight times a year to communicate, to a broad audience, the Laboratory’s scientific and technological accomplishments in support of national security and other enduring national needs.   13/07/2019   Science & Technology Review. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.   03/08/2020   The Scientific Visualization Studio wants you to learn about NASA programs through visualization. The SVS works closely with scientists in the creation of visualizations, animations.   03/08/2020   The Galleries. Scientific Visualization Studio.   05/06/2021   Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology : T-2 : LANL. Our vision is to provide frontier science for laboratory missions.   12/07/2019   The Official Website of the State of Texas. Access official, secure online government services and information for the State of Texas. Take it online, Texas!   24/12/2021   Texas Department of Agriculture. Commissioner Sid Miller. The agency's key objectives are to promote production agriculture, consumer protection, economic development and healthy living.   02/02/2021   The Intelligent Systems Division (Ames Code TI) provides leadership in information technology for NASA by conducting mission-driven, user-centered computational sciences research, developing and demonstrating innovative technologies.   4/25/2023   NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) is the authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely tides, water levels, currents, and other coastal oceanographic and meteorological information.   4/22/2024   TIGERweb is a web-based system that allows users to visualize our TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing database) data in several ways.   8/12/2024   Texas Parks & Wildlife Department is the place to find information about Texas state parks, hunting, fishing, licenses, wildlife, Game Wardens, boat registration and more.   10/4/2022   Wildlife Fact Sheets. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.   10/4/2022   Kids. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. Ideas, activities, and fun facts about the Outdoors for Kids and Educators.   10/4/2022   Land & Water. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.   2/8/2024   Introducing Birds to Young Naturalists. If someone were to ask you to describe a bird, you probably would say it is a feathered creature that flies and lays eggs.   10/4/2022   Texas State Parks. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. A system of parks, historic sites & natural areas.   2/17/2023   Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). To provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound and fiscally responsible transportation system that delivers economic opportunity and enhances the quality of life in Kentucky.   21/02/2022   ND Roads. North Dakota Travel Map.   07/01/2022   Travel State. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Consular Affairs is the public face of the Department of State for millions of people around the world.   02/10/2021   24/11/2021   13/07/2021   The Washington Unclaimed Property. One of our top priorities is reuniting owners with their lost or misplaced property.   6/10/2024   The Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) serves data from recent and current space-based solar-physics missions, funds and hosts much of the SolarSoft library, and leads the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) effort.   10/12/2023   Astrophysics Science Division. Astrophysics research to support astroparticle (gamma-ray and cosmic-ray), x-ray, gravitational-wave, observational cosmology, exoplanet and stellar astrophysics.   29/08/2020   Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). As part of its mission, CISA leads the effort to enhance the security, resiliency, and reliability of the Nation’s cybersecurity and communications infrastructure.   11/30/2023   The U.S. National Arboretum enhances the economic, environmental, and aesthetic value of ornamental and landscape plants through long-term, multi-disciplinary research, conservation of genetic resources, and interpretative gardens and exhibits.   05/05/2020   The Official Website of the State of Utah.   10/12/2023   FBI Records: The Vault is our new FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office.   6/22/2023   South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs. Provide comprehensive care and quality service to veterans and their families, regarding health care, education, disability benefits, long-term care, and burial honors by providing professional customer service and care.   13/11/2021   NASA's Visible Earth catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet.   14/11/2020   USGS: Volcano Hazards Program. Volcano Hazards Program Glossary.   12/14/2022   Utah Voter Information.   4/30/2022   Plants of Louisiana. This guide to the vascular plants of Louisiana includes a database of plant characters, a search engine and plant images. Photographs include images of leaves, fruit, flower, stem, bark and other key identification features.   8/21/2022   WaState529. WA529 helps Washington families save for educational expenses, with a vision of fostering a well-educated community by helping students and families overcome financial barriers to education and avoid future debt.   6/14/2022   State of Nevada Division of Water Resources. The mission of the Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR) is to conserve, protect, manage and enhance the State's water resources for Nevada's citizens through the appropriation and reallocation of the public waters.   12/7/2022   USGS Current Water Data for Alaska.   24/12/2020   Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.   08/12/2021   Human Genome Project Information. The main homepage for Human Genome Project information --what the project is; its progress, history, and goals; what issues are associated with genome research; frequently asked questions, the science behind the project; who its sponsors are.   1/29/2023   James Webb Space Telescope. Webb is the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It will study every phase in the history of our Universe.   29/06/2020   Libro del Web de Química del NIST.   2/24/2024   NASA WorldWind is a planetary globe 3D engine. WorldWind allows application developers to quickly and easily create interactive visualizations of geographical information in a 3D planetary context.   03/12/2019   Re-Living the Wright Way, NASA. The process which lead to the first successful airplane is exactly the same process used by NASA engineers today to solve problems.   12/22/2023   Washington State Department of Transportation. Projects and improvements in your county. Explore the progress of projects focused on creating safe and reliable ways to move people and goods around Washington.   4/29/2022   4/29/2022   4/22/2024   California Air Resources Board. CARB is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change.   28/01/2020   28/01/2020   28/01/2020   5/2/2023   Official Website of the State of Alabama.   15/10/2020   A-Z Index. Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH).   15/10/2020   Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH). The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) is the primary state health agency for the state of Alabama.   12/6/2022   Official Alaska State Website.   6/9/2022   City of Alexandria, VA. The official government Web site of the City of Alexandria.   27/09/2019   27/09/2019   The Alexandria Black History Museum includes the Museum, the Watson Reading Room, and the Alexandria African American Heritage Park.   27/09/2019   Welcome to Historic Alexandria! With more than 250 years of history and hospitality to its credit, Alexandria offers an array of historic and cultural attractions.   27/09/2019   Museums and Historic Sites. Many of the City's premier historic sites are owned and operated by the City of Alexandria and fall under the administration of the Office of Historic Alexandria.   5/11/2023   American Samoa. Official Portal for the Territory of American Samoa Government.   20/01/2016   5/21/2022   Architect of the Capitol. Serve, Preserve, Inspire. Our work inspires a nation. We are the artisans, historians, and craftspeople who preserve and maintain the landmark buildings, monuments, art and grounds of the Capitol campus.   10/04/2019   Alabama Department of Archives and History.   01/05/2019   Creek Indian War, 1813-1814. In the early part of the sixteenth century, white explorers who visited the territory now forming the southeastern United States found it occupied by tribes of American Indians.   12/26/2022   National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States federal government, only 1%-3% are so important for legal or historical reasons that they are kept by us forever.   30/01/2020   30/01/2020   30/01/2020   30/01/2020   5/21/2023   The New York State Archives is part of the Office of Cultural Education, an office of the New York State Education Department.   02/11/2021   The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific in-house research agency. Our job is finding solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day from field to table.   14/11/2019   The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency that funds, promotes, and strengthens the creative capacity of our communities by providing all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation.   23/07/2021   Nebraska Arts Council. Explore grants and opportunities for artists, educators, community organizations and more.   31/05/2020   Administración Para el Sustento de Menores. Departamento de la Familia. Gobierno de Puerto Rico.   5/3/2023   The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) is a heavy-rail public transit system that connects the San Francisco Peninsula with communities in the East Bay and South Bay.   24/02/2022   The official Website of Bay County, Michigan. Bay County is made up of 14 townships and 4 cities. It is home of around 106,000 people, making it the 20th most populace county in the State of Michigan.   12/27/2022   U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. BEA's economists produce some of the world's most closely watched statistics, including U.S. gross domestic product, better known as GDP.   21/02/2022   Bismarck, ND.   12/1/2023   The Bureau of Land Management's mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.   12/2/2023   Alaska. Bureau of Land Management. Under the Midnight Sun of summer and the northern lights of winter, Alaska is a land full of promise – 70 million acres of mountains, wetlands, and tundra for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.   12/2/2023   Arizona. Bureau of Land Management. We manage and conserve 12.1 million acres of public land and 17.5 million subsurface acres in Arizona.   17/12/2020   BLM California. Managing America's public lands for current and future generations.   12/2/2023   Colorado. Bureau of Land Management. Colorado's 8.3 million acres of public lands and more than 27 million acres of mineral estate support diverse lifestyles and livelihoods on healthy and working landscapes in Colorado's backyard.   26/12/2021   Wyoming. Bureau of Land Management. Wyoming’s public lands feature 18 million acres of wide-open spaces, scenic vistas, world class wildlife and cultural treasures as well as nearly 43 million acres of federal mineral estate encompassing extraordinary energy reserves.   2/7/2024   U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics you can trust to make informed decisions, whether you're a worker, jobseeker, student, employer, investor, or policymaker.   02/09/2019   09/08/2019   8/13/2024   Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). BTS assures the credibility of its products and services through rigorous analysis, transparent data quality, and independence from political influence.   13/07/2020   Buffalo, NY. Official Website. Buffalo's City Hall is a building that is much overlooked and often ignored, but Buffalo would not be what it is today without this building.   24/05/2021   California State.   2/6/2023   Eleventh Circuit. United States Court of Appeals. Established by Congress in 1981, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit has jurisdiction over federal cases originating in the states of Alabama, Florida and Georgia.   28/03/2021   United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. This website provides access to a wealth of information about the federal courts serving nine western states and two Pacific Island jurisdictions.   29/03/2020   The State Bar's mission is to protect the public and includes the primary functions of licensing, regulation and discipline of attorneys; the advancement of the ethical and competent practice of law.   22/03/2019   Protecting the public & enhancing the administration of justice. Attorney Resources for members of The State Bar of California.   22/03/2019   Find information for consumers from the State Bar of California. Find out how to file a complaint against an attorney, how to find the right attorney and how to get a reimbursement if a lawyer stole your money.   5/19/2022   Comprehensive Cancer Information. Accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive cancer information from the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.   04/02/2020   8/19/2022   U.S. Customs and Border Protection. As the United States’ first unified border entity, CBP takes a comprehensive approach to border management and control, combining customs, immigration, border security, and agricultural protection into one coordinated and supportive activity.   2/27/2024   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health.   3/4/2023   Growth Charts are percentile curves showing the distribution of selected body measurements in children. Growth charts are used by pediatricians, nurses, and parents to track the growth of infants, children, and adolescents.   09/04/2019   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People. Guidelines Library.   09/04/2019   Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). Los CDC son uno de los componentes operativos más importantes del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos.   5/17/2023   U.S. Census Bureau. The nation's leading, trusted source of quality data about its people & economy. The Census Bureau’s mission is to serve as the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.   12/26/2022   Population Clock. Shows estimates of current USA Population overall and people by US state/county and of World Population overall, by country and most populated countries.   5/19/2022   City of Chicago. The source for information about City services, departments, programs and initiatives, and officials for Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors.   10/19/2023   We are the Nation’s first line of defense. CIA. A career at CIA is unlike any other. We are looking for people from all backgrounds and walks of life to carry out the work of a Nation.   27/11/2019   2/25/2024   CISA. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. As the nation’s cyber defense agency, CISA stands ready to help organizations prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks.   2/6/2023   The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) exists to ensure that Colorado has a safe and efficient highway system by building and maintaining interstates, U.S. highways and state highways.   06/08/2019   2/6/2023   State of Colorado.   8/19/2022   California Department of Conservation. With a team of scientists and other dedic​​ated professionals, the Department of Conservation (DOC) administers a variety of programs vital to California's public safety, environment and economy.   8/12/2024   The U.S. Copyright Office promotes creativity and free expression by administering the nation’s copyright laws and by providing impartial, expert advice on copyright law and policy for the benefit of all.   2/6/2023   City of Corvallis is nestled in the heart of Oregon's Willamette Valley, within 90 minutes of the bustling Portland metropolitan area, the rugged beauty of the Cascade Mountains, and the spectacular Oregon Coast.   17/02/2022   The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians is one of nine federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments in the State of Oregon.   25/10/2019   2/28/2024   The Department of Defense is America’s largest government agency. Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation’s security.   23/02/2021   The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response.   3/4/2023   California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) apply for a REAL ID, register a vehicle, renew a driver's license, and more.   25/01/2020   24/07/2021   Washington State Department of Health. Our programs and services help prevent illness and injury, promote healthy places to live and work, provide information to help people make good health decisions and ensure our state is prepared for emergencies.   24/12/2020   The Washington State Department of Health has a wide variety of publications available on hundreds of topics.   26/04/2018   In 1789 Congress created three Executive Departments: Foreign Affairs (later in the same year renamed State), Treasury, and War.   26/04/2018   26/04/2018   26/04/2018   26/04/2018   26/04/2018   26/04/2018   26/04/2018   4/2/2024   U.S. Department of Labor. To foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.   21/02/2019   The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible for enforcing some of the nation’s most comprehensive federal labor laws on topics including the minimum wage.   22/08/2018   27/04/2021   National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). NIDA's mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.   11/13/2023   U.S. Department of Education. ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.   29/04/2020   Energy Information Administration. EIA. Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information.   3/2/2023   Petroleum & Other Liquids. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).   11/22/2022   Glossary. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).   4/4/2022   The Eisenhower Presidential Library is home to a world-class research facility that caters to scholars and history enthusiasts from around the world. Located in Eisenhower's hometown of Abilene, Kansas.   1/27/2024   City of El Paso. Request and view City services, report using 311, and find important information about El Paso.   17/04/2020   The California Energy Commission is leading the state to a 100 percent clean energy future. As the state's primary energy policy and planning agency, the Energy Commission plays a critical role in creating the energy system of the future.   07/12/2021   U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The mission of the Energy Department is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.   13/06/2020   U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.   11/09/2021   The Building Energy Codes Program is a team within the BTO, which resides in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).   11/6/2023   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. US EPA. When Congress writes an environmental law, we implement it by writing regulations. Often, we set national standards that states and tribes enforce through their own regulations.   3/2/2023   National Air Quality: Status and Trends of Key Air Pollutants. EPA sets national air quality standards for six common air pollutants.   15/02/2019   12/19/2023   Climate Change. Understanding and addressing climate change is critical to EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment.   01/09/2019   Drinking Water Contaminants – Standards and Regulations. EPA identifies contaminants to regulate in drinking water to protect public health.   5/21/2023   Environmental Topics. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA’s resources on environmental issues include research, basics, what you can do, and an index covering more specific terms.   12/19/2023   The Global Methane Initiative (GMI) promotes cost-effective, near-term methane recovery through partnerships between developed and developing countries, with participation from the private sector, development banks, and nongovernmental organizations.   3/4/2023   Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools. This web site will educate the public about indoor environmental issues specific to educational facilities and the importance of developing and sustaining comprehensive indoor air quality management programs.   8/5/2024   Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).   3/4/2023   Laws & Regulations. Overview of EPA's law and regulatory information, including complying with and enforcing environmental regulations.   25/04/2019   The EPA National Library Network provides information resources and services to EPA staff and the public to support the mission of the EPA.   12/19/2023   The U.S. EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program is a voluntary program that works cooperatively with industry stakeholders and waste officials to reduce or avoid methane emissions from landfills. Landfill gas contains methane, a potent greenhouse gas.   02/05/2019   Mercury. In June 2018, EPA published in the Federal Register a final rule to require reporting from persons who manufacture (including import) mercury or mercury-added products, or otherwise intentionally use mercury in a manufacturing process.   02/05/2019   Mold. Molds are part of the natural environment, and can be found everywhere, indoors and outdoors. Mold is not usually a problem, unless it begins growing indoors.   15/02/2019   15/02/2019   15/02/2019   03/07/2017   3/4/2023   Regulatory and Guidance Information By Topic. EPA develops and enforces regulations that span many environmental topics, from acid rain reduction to wetlands restoration.   4/23/2022   US EPA. This is the EPA’s Report On the Environment (ROE) which compiles the most reliable indicators currently available to answer 23 important questions that EPA believes are critical to it’s mission of protecting human health and the environment.   15/02/2019   3/2/2023   Pest Control and Pesticide Safety for Consumers. Consumer information about pesticides, safe pesticide uses, controlling pests, child safety, and protecting family and the environment.   8/5/2024   Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).   15/02/2019   3/2/2023   Water Data and Tools. Provides the resources about Office of Water databases and applications as tools for your data research and information.   2/16/2024   eRA is built to support your grants management journey. Efficiently award and manage grants with our secure suite of systems.   8/5/2024   Economic Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture.   4/27/2024   The City of Eugene--a great city for the arts and outdoors. Eugene, Oregon is consistently ranked one of the best places to live in the U.S.   4/27/2024   Eugene Public Library offers free information, education, entertainment and connection for everyone in the community at the Downtown Library, Bethel Branch, Sheldon Branch and online.   12/16/2020   The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) is the official export credit agency of the United States. EXIM is an independent Executive Branch agency with a mission of supporting American jobs by facilitating the export of U.S. goods and services.   8/21/2022   The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.   5/27/2022   Aircraft. Federal Aviation Administration. Information on the aircraft certification process, important aircraft safety information, and guidance on general aviation aircraft.   3/4/2023   Licenses & Certificates. Federal Aviation Administration. From pilots and aircraft to airports and spaceports, we provide procedures and tools to help you apply for, receive, and maintain FAA licenses and certificates.    8/21/2022   Mechanics. Federal Aviation Administration. Aircraft mechanics play an important role in aviation safety. Below is information and services for aircraft mechanics including technical data, advisories and alerts, and much more.   13/06/2021   Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI Homepage with links to news, services, stories and information of interest to the public.   1/27/2024   Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI is offering rewards for information leading to the apprehension of the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives.   23/12/2021   The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.   19/11/2021   The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services supports and promotes Florida agriculture, protects the environment, safeguards consumers, and ensures the safety and wholesomeness of food.   09/09/2018   5/17/2023   The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) employs more than 20,000 people nationwide. We leverage a tremendous capacity to coordinate within the federal government to make sure America is equipped to prepare for and respond to disasters.   02/05/2019   The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation that supports State and local governments in the design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation’s highway system.   02/05/2019   Legislation, Regulations, & Guidance. Planning, Environment, & Real Estate. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).   02/05/2019   Publications. Policy and Governmental Affairs. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).   02/05/2019   Public Roads is the quarterly magazine of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Reading Public Roads is the easiest way to keep up-to-date on developments in federal highway policies, programs, and research and technology.   02/05/2019   National Traffic and Road Closure Information. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).   11/20/2022   Middle District of Florida. United States District Court. The United States Courts are an independent, national judiciary providing fair and impartial justice within the jurisdiction conferred by the Constitution and Congress.   6/11/2023   The Florida Department of Health (DOH) was established by the Florida Legislature in 1996, however public health has its roots in Florida dating back to 1888 with the creation of the Florida State Board of Health.   26/07/2021   The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, created in 1947, is an independent agency whose mission is to preserve and promote labor-management peace and cooperation.   4/16/2022   Fermilab. As the United States' premier particle physics laboratory, we do science that matters. We work on the world's most advanced particle accelerators and dig down to the smallest building blocks of matter.   5/21/2022   US Forest Service. We have nearly 30,000 employees working across the country. The Forest Service structure includes the Washington Office, regions, and research stations.   4/25/2023   Kisatchie National Forest. Come visit Louisiana's ONLY National Forest with over 604,000 acres to explore.   5/3/2023   Federal Trade Commission. The official website of the Federal Trade Commission, protecting America’s consumers for over 100 years.   16/01/2020   Fuel Economy. The official U.S. government source for fuel economy information. EPA gas mileage, safety, air pollution, and greenhouse gas estimates for new and used cars and trucks.   12/9/2023   The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) works to ensure Service members, their eligible family members, and overseas citizens are aware of their right to vote and have the tools and resources to successfully do so - from anywhere in the world.   13/06/2021   U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Agency manages National wildlife refuges, protects endangered species, manages migratory birds, restores nationally significant fisheries and enforces federal wildlife laws.   17/02/2022   Pacific Region (Region 1) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Our mission is, working with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.   6/11/2023   Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge was first established as an "overlay" refuge in 1988 to protect the area’s significant natural, cultural, and historic resources, while still under the primary jurisdiction of the Navy.   9/4/2023   U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO). GAO, often called the "congressional watchdog,” is an independent, non-partisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the - congressional watchdog - GAO investigates federal spending and performance.   17/06/2021   Gillette, Wyoming.   05/08/2021   Official Website of the City of Glendale, California. In 1906 the City was incorporated. It consisted of 1,486 acres. By 1920, the City had grown through nine annexations to over 7,000 acres.   10/22/2023   The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal program mandated by Congress to coordinate federal research and investments in understanding the forces shaping the global environment, both human and natural, and their impacts on society.   05/03/2018   05/03/2018   05/03/2018   8/12/2024   U.S. Government Publishing Office. GovInfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.   4/27/2024   Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774–2005.   22/10/2020   U.S. Government Publishing Office. An informed nation that has convenient and reliable access to their government’s information through GPO’s products and services.   5/16/2023   Biographical Directory of The United States Congress 1774–2005.   11/08/2018   18/09/2020   The City of Greensboro works with the community to improve the quality of life for residents through inclusion, diversity, and trust.   4/8/2022   The Town of Groton lies on Fishers Island Sound between the Thames and Mystic Rivers where from times past its rugged hills and lush green woods have sloped down to sandy beaches and rocky shores.   29/10/2019   22/02/2019   It is the mission of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans.   5/21/2022   U.S. House of Representatives. Washington, DC.   5/21/2022   Directory of Representatives. Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district.   13/11/2021   The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (Pub.L. 85-568) created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA History Division. NASA. Come explore the NASA Archives.   31/01/2020   Apollo. Expeditions to the Moon. Edited by Edgar M. Cortright. Scientific and Technical Information Office. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.   22/07/2018   11/13/2023   Illinois General Assembly.   2/25/2024   Illinois. Find places to go, things to see. Search through all the different services offered by the various Illinois agencies.   16/09/2020   Welcome to the Official Site of the Illinois Courts. Contains Supreme, Appellate and Circuit Court information, including judges, and the opinions of the Supreme and Appellate Courts.   22/08/2018   22/08/2018   11/06/2021   U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.   21/02/2019   The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS) is the research and engineering laboratory of NTIA. We perform advanced communications research to inform spectrum policy and develop capabilities to solve emerging telecommunications issues.   21/02/2019   Browse Publications at The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS).   10/28/2019   Intelligent Transportation Systems. Joint Program Office Home Page. The Office of the Secretary of Transportation is dedicated solely to the advancement of the U.S. Department of Transportation research and innovative technology program.   7/15/2024   NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Space mission and science news, images and videos from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the leading center for robotic exploration of the solar system.   09/04/2018   09/04/2018   The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a unique national research facility that carries out robotic space and Earth science missions.   2/21/2024   U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The mission of the Department of Justice is to uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe, and to protect civil rights.   18/05/2019   The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) is responsible for implementing the Department's national strategies in combating computer and intellectual property crimes worldwide.   28/06/2018   Welcome to the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community's website. You can find all of the information you need about the departments and services that the KBIC provides and the unique job opportunities it offers.   05/09/2018   Kerrville TX. Official Website.   8/13/2024   Los Alamos National Laboratory. Our mission is to solve national security challenges through simultaneous excellence.   16/02/2019   16/02/2019   16/02/2019   16/02/2019   16/02/2019   16/02/2019   16/02/2019   6/14/2022   City Of Las Vegas. Las Vegas began with a 1905 land auction and has grown into a world-class city that has a rich history.   9/3/2023   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is advancing the scope of human knowledge & seeking science solutions to the greatest problems facing humankind.   25/12/2021   Minnesota Legislature. Provides information on legislation, committees, House, and Senate.   02/06/2021   02/06/2021   02/06/2021   02/06/2021   10/25/2023   The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with more than 162 million items.   5/17/2023   Books / Printed Material. The Library of Congress Catalog contains 18 million catalog records for books, serials, manuscripts, maps, music, recordings, images, and electronic resources in the Library of Congress collections.   2/19/2024   Digital Collections, Available Online. Library of Congress.   1/22/2023   Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress.   5/16/2023   African American Perspectives: Materials Selected from the Rare Book Collection. Most were written by African-American authors, though some were written by others on topics of particular importance in African-American history.   8/20/2022   Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers at the Library of Congress. The collection contains over 145,000 items.   5/16/2023   America at Work, America at Leisure: Motion Pictures from 1894 to 1915. Work, school, and leisure activities in the United States from 1894 to 1915 are featured in this presentation of 150 motion pictures.   8/20/2022   Cities and Towns. These maps record the evolution of cities illustrating the development and nature of economic activities, educational and religious facilities, parks, street patterns and widths, and transportation systems.   10/01/2022   Civil Rights History Project. On May 12, 2009, the U. S. Congress authorized a national initiative by passing The Civil Rights History Project Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-19).   12/25/2022   Civil War Maps. Brings together materials from three premier collections: the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, the Virginia Historical Society, and the Library of Virginia.   12/19/2023   Country Studies. This collection contains electronic versions of eighty books originally sponsored by the U.S. Army and written by researchers affiliated with the Library’s Federal Research Division.   12/18/2023   Detroit Publishing Company. Includes over 25,000 glass negatives and transparencies as well as about 300 color photolithograph prints, mostly of the eastern United States.   12/18/2023   Inventing Entertainment: The Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies.   5/16/2023   American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936 to 1940. Typically 2,000-15,000 words in length, the documents vary in form from narratives to dialogues to reports to case histories.   5/16/2023   Inside an American Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904. The Westinghouse Works Collection contains 21 actuality films showing various views of Westinghouse companies.   12/18/2023   Florida Folklife from the WPA Collections, 1937 to 1942   8/20/2022   Frederick Douglass Papers at the Library of Congress. The collection spans the years 1841-1964, with the bulk of the material dating from 1862 to 1895.   19/01/2022   General Maps. This category includes maps that typically portray the physical environment and a variety of cultural elements for a geographic area at a particular point in time.   19/01/2022   George Washington Papers. The papers of army officer and first U.S. president George Washington (1732-1799) held in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress constitute the largest collection of original Washington papers in the world.   7/9/2022   Hannah Arendt Papers. The papers of author, educator, political philosopher, and public intellectual Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) constitute a large and diverse collection (25,000 items; 82,597 images) reflecting a complex career.   12/25/2022   Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of Walt Whitman Papers. Whitman's papers were divided among his three literary executors--Harned, Richard M. Bucke, and Horace L. Traubel   12/18/2023   Hispano Music and Culture of the Northern Rio Grande: The Juan B. Rael Collection.   8/26/2022   The Theodor Horydczak Collection (about 14,350 photographs online) documents the architecture and social life of the Washington metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, including exteriors and interiors of commercial, residential, and government buildings, as well as street scenes and views of neighborhoods.   09/04/2018   20/12/2021   By Popular Demand: Jackie Robinson and Other Baseball Highlights, 1860s-1960s. 2007 marks the 60th anniversary of Jackie Robinson's rookie season for the Brooklyn Dodgers.   4/13/2022   Martha Graham at the Library of Congress. Dancer, choreographer, and company director Martha Graham (1894-1991) is considered one of the pioneering founders of American modern dance.   12/18/2023   National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection.   5/16/2023   Omaha Indian Music. In the 1980s, American Folklife Center folklife specialists made several visits to the annual Omaha pow-wow during which they returned copies of the wax cylinder recordings to members of the tribe in keeping with a goal of the Federal Cylinder Project.   12/18/2023   Origins of American Animation. The development of early American animation is represented by this collection of 21 animated films and 2 fragments, which spans the years 1900 to 1921.   12/25/2022   Panoramic Maps. The panoramic map was a popular cartographic form used to depict U.S. and Canadian cities and towns during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.   6/8/2023   Buckaroos in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945 to 1982. Paradise Valley is the name of both a cattle-ranching valley and a crossroads community in northern Nevada's Humboldt County.   5/17/2023   Rhode Island Folklife Project Collection. This online presentation includes the majority of the sound recordings and photographs in this collection.   01/01/2018   19/01/2022   Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 black-and-white photographs of former slaves.   8/20/2022   Slaves and the Courts, 1740 to 1860. The documents comprise an assortment of trials and cases, reports, arguments, accounts, examinations of cases and decisions, proceedings, journals, a letter, and other works of historical importance.   15/06/2020   The Library of Congress Celebrates the Songs of America. Listen to the changes in the "Star Spangled Banner" as played by different bands in different eras. Look at the ways in which sheet music cover art documents historical themes.   15/06/2020   The Spalding Base Ball Guides, 1889 to 1939. Spalding Base Ball Guides, 1889-1939 comprises a historic selection of Spalding’s Official Base Ball Guide and the Official Indoor Base Ball Guide.   7/23/2024   The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures. This presentation features 68 motion pictures, produced between 1898 and 1901, of the Spanish-American War and the subsequent Philippine Revolution.   15/06/2020   Stars and Stripes: The American Soldiers' Newspaper of World War I, 1918 to 1919. This online collection includes the complete seventy-one-week run of The Stars and Stripes World War I edition.   8/20/2022   Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film. Founded in 1919, the Theodore Roosevelt Association was organized to perpetuate the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt.   15/06/2020   Thomas Jefferson Papers, 1606 to 1827. The papers of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), diplomat, architect, scientist, and third president of the United States.   8/20/2022   Voices from the Dust Bowl: the Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection, 1940 to 1941.   2/10/2023   American Notes: Travels in America, 1750 to 1920.   02/11/2021   Vietnam Era Prisoner of War. Missing in Action Database. The title of this collection is "Correlated and Uncorrelated Information Relating to Missing Americans in Southeast Asia."   8/20/2022   Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories. The recordings of former slaves in Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories took place between 1932 and 1975 in nine states.   8/20/2022   Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region, 1600 to 1925.   8/20/2022   Woody Guthrie and the Archive of American Folk Song: Correspondence, 1940 to 1950.   15/06/2020   Newspaper Pictorials: World War I Rotogravures, 1914 to 1919.   29/07/2021   Exhibitions. Library of Congress. The Library of Congress offers a wide range on online exhibitions featuring treasures from its own collections as well as the treasures of other national libraries worldwide.   11/19/2022   Bob Hope and American Variety. Bob Hope took his experience as a vaudeville performer in the 1920's and created the stage variety show with musical comedy, motion pictures, radio, USO and television performances.   06/05/2018   Brown v. Board at Fifty: “With an Even Hand”. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, declaring that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”   9/7/2023   Collections with Films, Videos. Library of Congress. The Library of Congress began collecting motion pictures in 1893.   7/13/2024   Library of Congress. This page features items from the Library's digital collections that are free to use and reuse.   8/12/2024   Librarians and Archivists. A portal to resources at the Library of Congress for librarians and archivists, including those of interest to students engaged in professional library science, information studies, or archival training.   12/19/2023   National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS). National Library Service is a free braille and talking book library service for people with temporary or permanent disability.   23/09/2021   The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division and, in some cases, other units of the Library of Congress.   10/25/2023   Preservation. Library of Congress. The Library also promotes preservation education, awareness, and good practice beyond the Library by offering preservation resources, FAQ, events, and other outreach programs.   10/25/2023   Programs. Library of Congress.   10/25/2023   Library of Congress. Research-Centers.   15/06/2020   The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War.   11/06/2020   Moving Image Research Center. The Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division (MBRS) at the Library of Congress has responsibility for the acquisition, cataloging and preservation of the motion picture and television collections.   11/01/2022   Rare Book and Special Collections Reading Room (Library of Congress). At the center is Thomas Jefferson's book collection, which was sold to Congress in 1815.   4/25/2023   Louisiana. Louisiana’s state government website provides a gateway to services provided by the executive, legislative and judicial branches.   8/18/2023   Library of Virginia. The Library is one of the oldest agencies of Virginia government, founded in 1823 to preserve and provide access to the state's incomparable printed and manuscript holdings.   24/07/2021   Maryland. Official Website of the State of Maryland.   24/03/2019   Official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.   27/12/2020   Muscogee (Creek) Nation is a self-governed Native American tribe located in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. MCN is one of the 5 Civilized Tribes and is the fourth largest tribe in the U.S. with 86,100 citizens.   11/1/2022   Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). MDT’s mission is to plan, build, operate, and maintain a safe and resilient transportation infrastructure to move Montana forward.   29/07/2021   Miami-Dade County's website allows constituents and visitors to read about key services, important news and other vital government information.   6/22/2023   State of Michigan. In 1837, Michigan was officially admitted as the 26th state in the Union. Today, Michigan is the only state in the nation comprised of two peninsulas.   01/05/2019   Located in downtown Montgomery, the Museum of Alabama is the only destination where you can explore Alabama's past from prehistory to the present.   8/12/2024   National Advanced Fire & Resource Institute. NAFRI is a national training center managed by the US Forest Service. Our mission is to prepare organizational leaders for success in the most complex wildland environments.   7/15/2024   The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is one of five national libraries of the United States.  It houses one of the world's largest collections devoted to agriculture and its related sciences.   13/09/2018   The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) is a leader in online global nutrition information.   30/01/2022   Information Centers. The National Agricultural Library's specialized information centers and partnerships provide access to essential information focusing on specific aspects of agriculture.   14/05/2021   The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is one of five national libraries of the United States. It houses one of the world's largest collections devoted to agriculture and its related sciences.   7/5/2024   NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery. For more than 65 years, NASA has made the seemingly impossible, possible.   5/28/2023   NASA's Ames Research Center. Since 1939, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology and science aligned with the center's core capabilities.   6/28/2024   Armstrong Flight Research Center – NASA.   11/08/2020   Astronaut Biographies. The term "astronaut" derives from the Greek words meaning "space sailor," and refers to all who have been launched as crew members aboard NASA spacecraft bound for orbit and beyond.   5/21/2023   The Armstrong Flight Research Center is NASA's primary center for high-risk, atmospheric flight research and test projects.   31/01/2020   NASA Headquarters, in Washington, provides overall guidance and direction to the agency, under the leadership of the Administrator.   6/17/2023   Johnson Space Center. For more than 50 years, NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston has led our nation and the world on a continuing adventure of human exploration, discovery and achievement.   9/10/2022   Marshall Space Flight Center. For more than six decades, NASA and the nation have relied on Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, to deliver its most vital propulsion systems and hardware.   12/11/2021   NASA's Stennis Space Center. The site known today as NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center boasts a rich and colorful history dating as far back as 1961.   26/09/2020   Wallops Flight Facility. NASA's Wallops Flight Facility provides agile, low-cost flight and launch range services to meet government and commercial sector needs for accessing flight regimes worldwide from the Earth’s surface to the moon and beyond.   6/17/2023   NASA e-Books.   11/06/2020   NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is a powerful space observatory that opens a wide window on the universe.   27/11/2020   Eclipses and Transits. NASA. The moon moves in an orbit around Earth, and at the same time, Earth orbits the sun.   7/5/2024   Goddard Space Flight Center. Goddard is NASA’s premiere space flight complex and home to the nation’s largest organization of scientists, engineers, and technologists who build spacecraft, instruments, and new technology to study Earth, the Sun, our solar system, and the universe.   2/1/2024   Image of the Day. NASA.   8/3/2024   The NASA Ames Intelligent Systems Division provides leadership in information technologies by conducting mission-driven, user-centric research and development in computational sciences for NASA applications.   14/07/2020   NASA's Langley Research Center is comprised of nearly 200 facilities on 764 acres in Hampton, Virginia, and employs about 3,400 civil servants and contractors.   2/1/2024   Learning Resources. NASA. We’re launching learning to new heights with STEM resources that connect educators, students, parents and caregivers to the inspiring work at NASA.   6/4/2024   Marshall Space Flight Center is NASA’s home in Huntsville, Alabama. We are a leader in human spaceflight and space science. We believe that space exploration, discovery, and innovation can make the world a better place.   26/09/2020   Chandra X-ray Observatory. The Chandra X-ray Observatory is part of NASA's fleet of "Great Observatories" along with the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitizer Space Telescope and the now deorbited Compton Gamma Ray Observatory.   08/09/2019   The Kepler Mission is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.   6/17/2023   Space Shuttle. NASA’s space shuttle fleet began setting records with its first launch on April 12, 1981 and continued to set high marks of achievement and endurance through 30 years of missions.   03/10/2021   International Space Station. Get the latest news, images, videos and more from humanity's home in orbit -- the International Space Station.   5/17/2023   NASA Missions A-Z.   9/26/2023   News Release Archive. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.   6/4/2024   Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE). NASA.   03/07/2018   01/09/2019   The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is responsible for unique scientific and technological achievements in human spaceflight, aeronautics, space science.   01/09/2019   Sustained investments in NASA technology advance the agency's space exploration, science and aeronautics capabilities.   4/13/2022   The State of North Carolina. From the Appalachian Mountains to the rolling land of the Piedmont to 300 miles of white sandy beaches: Scenic beauty, a culture rich in history and the arts, and world-class sports and recreational opportunities make NC an exceptional place to live.   12/11/2020   National Center for Biotechnology Information. As a national resource for molecular biology information, NCBI's mission is to develop new information technologies to aid in the understanding of fundamental molecular.   05/12/2019   The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), an arm of the NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS), is comprised of nine distinct Centers, and the Office of the Director.   9/7/2023   The National Capital Planning Commission is the federal government's planning agency for the National Capital Region.   21/02/2022   North Dakota State Government. North Dakota is a community shaped by history, traditions and a fresh perspective. We have a storied past bylined by gritty, enterprising pioneers who saw the possibility of building a meaningful life here.   15/01/2020   23/07/2021   Nebraska. The Official Nebraska Government Website, is your link to all resources, news, statistics, & online services in the state of Nebraska.   8/12/2024   The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is an independent federal agency created in 1965. It is one of the largest funders of humanities programs in the United States.   16/06/2021   Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities.   16/03/2020   5/18/2022   NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), provides secure and timely access to global environmental data and information from satellites and other sources to promote and protect the nation's security, environment, economy, and quality of life.   29/09/2020   New Haven, CT. Less than four centuries ago the area which is now New Haven was the home of a small tribe of Native Americans, the Quinnipiack, who built their villages around the harbor.   1/19/2024   National Gallery of Art. Our collection of more than 150,000 paintings, sculpture, decorative arts, photographs, prints, and drawings spans the history of Western art and showcases some of the triumphs of human creativity.   3/4/2023   NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) provides scientific stewardship, products, and services for geophysical data from the Sun to the Earth and Earth's sea floor and solid earth environment, including Earth observations from space.   7/27/2023   New Hampshire State Government's community of agency websites and services.   8/12/2024   National Hurricane Center. The NHC vision is to be America's calm, clear, and trusted voice in the eye of the storm and, with its partners, enable communities to be safe from tropical weather threats.   22/07/2018   22/07/2018   22/07/2018   22/07/2018   5/21/2023   National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). As an Institute within NIH, NIDDK conducts and supports research on many of the most common, costly, and chronic conditions to improve health.   26/04/2019   The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is expanding and accelerating its contributions to scientific knowledge of human health and the environment, and to the health and well-being of people everywhere.   06/12/2021   Nation's Logistical Support Center. The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), located in Boise, Idaho, is the nation's support center for wildland firefighting. Eight different agencies and organizations are part of NIFC.   5/6/2024   National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.   11/03/2018   12/26/2022   Physical Measurement Laboratory. We determine the definitive methods for nearly every kind of measurement employed in commerce and research, provide NIST-traceable calibrations, and disseminate standards and best practices throughout the nation.   11/12/2019   Physical Reference Data. NIST. The Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML).   30/07/2021   The Official website of the State of New Jersey.   6/30/2024   New Jersey Highlands Council. The Highlands Act established the Highlands Council and charged it with the creation and adoption of a regional master plan to protect and enhance the natural resources within the New Jersey Highlands.   3/2/2023   The National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest biomedical library and the center of biomedical informatics and computational biology at National Institutes of Health (NIH).   10/08/2019   Digital Collections is the National Library of Medicine’s free online archive of selected book, serial, and film resources.   5/1/2023   State of New Mexico. We strive to serve the public and deliver essential services in order to advance the quality of life for all New Mexicans.   5/1/2023   Departments & Agencies. State of New Mexico. Explore New Mexico State Government. Please use the list below to find the department or agency you are looking for.   11/19/2022   The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) is to advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health by providing all U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving the public's access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health.   8/12/2024   National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them.   17/02/2019   02/05/2019   Education. Educators, students, and curious people everywhere — come explore the ocean and atmosphere. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is an agency that enriches life through science.   17/06/2021   City of Norfolk, Virginia. Official Website.   03/07/2021   Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service). For over a century people from around the world have come to rural Central Kentucky to honor the humble beginnings of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln.   8/12/2023   African Burial Ground National Monument. African Burial Ground is the oldest and largest known excavated burial ground in North America for both free and enslaved Africans. The Burial Ground dates from the middle 1630s to 1795.   12/03/2022   Alcatraz Island (U.S. National Park Service). Alcatraz reveals stories of American incarceration, justice, and our common humanity. This small island was once a fort, a military prison, and a maximum security federal penitentiary.   5/11/2023   American Memorial Park honors the American and Marianas people who gave their lives during the Marianas Campaign of World War II.   11/13/2022   Andrew Johnson National Historic Site. The Andrew Johnson National Monument was authorized by Congress in 1935, established by Franklin Roosevelt in 1942, and redesignated the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site in 1965.   15/11/2020   Appomattox Court House National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service). On April 9, 1865, the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia in the McLean House in the village of Appomattox Court House, Virginia signaled the end of the nation's largest war.   15/11/2020   Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial (U.S. National Park Service). Arlington House is the nation’s memorial to Robert E. Lee. It honors him for specific reasons, including his role in promoting peace and reunion after the Civil War.   6/14/2022   Death Valley. National Park. NV. In this below-sea-level basin, steady drought and record summer heat make Death Valley a land of extremes. Yet, each extreme has a striking contrast. Towering peaks are frosted with winter snow.   08/12/2021   Fort Bowie National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service). Fort Bowie witnessed almost 25 years of conflict between the Chiricahua Apache and the US Army, and remains a tangible connection to the turbulent era of the late 1800s.   11/13/2022   Fort Donelson National Battlefield. The park was established in 1928, but the preserving the memories, stories, and heroism at this site started from the moment the battle occurred in February 1862.   26/12/2021   Fort Laramie National Historic Site. Originally established as a private fur trading fort in 1834, Fort Laramie evolved into the largest and best known military post on the Northern Plains before its abandonment in 1890.   07/09/2021   Fort Larned National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service). Discover a complete and authentic army post from the 1860s -1870s! This well-preserved fort on the Santa Fe Trail shares a tumultuous history of the Indian Wars era.   16/12/2020   England's First Home in the New World. Fort Raleigh National Historic Site protects and preserves known portions of England's first New World settlements from 1584 to 1590.   04/11/2021   Great Basin National Park (U.S. National Park Service). From the 13,063-foot summit of Wheeler Peak, to the sage-covered foothills, Great Basin National Park is a place to sample the stunning diversity of the larger Great Basin region.   5/21/2023   U.S. National Park Service. The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.   16/02/2021   New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park. Researchers and historians are still learning about jazz history; there are many and various opinions about what is important in the history of jazz.   10/29/2022   Lake Clark. National Park & Preserve Alaska. Volcanoes steam, salmon run, bears forage, and craggy mountains reflect in shimmering turquoise lakes. Here, too, local people and culture still depend on the land and water.   10/29/2022   Richard L. Proenneke's cabin at Upper Twin Lake stands out for the remarkable craftsmanship that reflects his unshakable wilderness ethic. He built the cabin using only hand tools, many of which he fashioned himself.   6/14/2022   Lake Mead. National Recreation Area. NV. Based on archaeological evidence, several Native American cultures have been identified as having existed 8,000 to 10,000 years ago in an environment wetter and cooler than it is today.   12/7/2022   Alaska (U.S. National Park Service). Alaska’s many national parks, preserves, monuments and national historical parks are home to a host of natural, cultural, and historic wonders.   02/02/2022   Maine Acadian Culture (U.S. National Park Service). Maine Acadians share beliefs and experiences tying them to a common religion, languages, and history. The St. John River, land, and family are essential to their culture.   5/23/2023   Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park. A young boy grows up in a time of segregation... A dreamer is moved by destiny into leadership of the modern civil rights movement... Come hear his story, visit the home of his birth, and where he played as a child.   2/6/2023   Mesa Verde National Park. A Sacred Place. For over 700 years, the Ancestral Pueblo people built thriving communities on the mesas and in the cliffs of Mesa Verde.   6/22/2023   Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. During the Cold War, a vast arsenal of nuclear missiles were placed in the Great Plains. Hidden in plain sight, for thirty years 1,000 missiles were kept on constant alert; hundreds remain today.   5/30/2023   Mississippi. National River & Recreation Area Minnesota. In the middle of a bustling urban setting, this 72 mile river park offers quiet stretches for fishing, boating and canoeing, birdwatching, bicycling, and hiking.   22/09/2021   Mormon Pioneer. An American Exodus. Explore the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail across five states to see the 1,300-mile route traveled by Mormons who fled Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Great Salt Lake Valley in 1846-1847   13/06/2020   National Park Service. Museum Management Program.   13/06/2020   Alcatraz Island. Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Museum Collections at Alcatraz Island.   30/04/2019   This is the official National Park Service American Revolution Web Site. Explore this truly revolutionary period that resulted in a new nation and new form of government.   2/10/2023   Yosemite National Park. American Indians traveled and used this area since Ice Age glaciers receded providing an environment for plants, animals, and people to survive.   5/21/2023   Natural Resources Conservation Service. At the Natural Resources Conservation Service, we have a proud history of supporting America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners.   12/03/2020   4/13/2022   The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners conserve the nation’s soil, water, air and other natural resources.   14/05/2021   National Security Agency. The official website for NSA -- the National Security Agency National Security Agency / Central Security Service (NSA/CSS).   24/02/2020   02/07/2020   05/05/2018   05/05/2018   05/05/2018   09/02/2022   News and Events. National Transportation Safety Board.   09/02/2022   NTSB Aviation Accident Database & Synopses. The NTSB aviation accident database contains information from 1962 and later about civil aviation accidents and selected incidents within the United States, its territories and possessions, and in international waters.   09/02/2022   The National Transportation Safety Board is an independent Federal agency charged by Congress with investigating every civil aviation accident in the United States and significant accidents in other modes of transportation – railroad, highway, marine and pipeline.   05/05/2018   17/11/2019   20/12/2021   The official website of the State of New York. Find information about state government agencies and learn more about our programs and services.   2/21/2024   Office of Justice Programs. OJP is the federal government’s leading source of funding and research to strengthen the justice system, support law enforcement, and enhance victim services.   20/09/2018   20/09/2018   5/22/2023   The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) manages and operates NOAA's fleet of 15 research and survey ships and nine specialized environmental data-collecting aircraft.   21/02/2022   Office of Management and Budget North Dakota. OMB's mission is to provide innovative leadership and support to state government. Our vision is that OMB will set the standard for leadership and expertise in state government.   8/11/2024   Oak Ridge National Laboratory delivers scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs needed to realize solutions in energy and national security and provide economic benefit to the nation.   25/04/2018   25/04/2018   29/08/2018   OSHA is part of the United States Department of Labor. The administrator for OSHA is the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health.   11/13/2022   OSTI is the primary search tool for Department of Energy science, technology, and engineering research information funded by the US Department of Energy and the organizational hub for the Office of Scientific and Technical Information.   3/20/2022   PA. The Official Website for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Keystone State. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom.   15/04/2020   03/03/2022   The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission cares for Washington's most treasured lands, waters, and historic places.   21/04/2020   Peace Corps. Make the Most of Your World. For more than five decades, Peace Corps Volunteers in 141 countries have demonstrated ingenuity, creativity, and grit to solve critical challenges alongside community leaders.   19/05/2021   Game Commission. For more than 100 years, the Game Commission has managed the Commonwealth's wildlife resources for all Pennsylvanians.   1/27/2023   NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) is a federal laboratory that makes critical observations and conducts groundbreaking research to advance our knowledge of the global ocean and its interactions with the earth, atmosphere, ecosystems, and climate.   12/06/2018   12/06/2018   12/06/2018   12/06/2018   12/06/2018   18/06/2021   Postal Regulatory Commission. The Commission is an independent agency that has exercised regulatory oversight over the Postal Service since its creation by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, with expanded responsibilities under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006.   04/06/2018   Welcome to the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, the nation’s first laboratory dedicated to wildlife research.   04/06/2018   At more than five feet tall with brilliant white plumage, black primary feathers, a red cap, and yellow eyes, the highly endangered Whooping Crane (Grus americana) is one of the most spectacular birds native to North America.   08/10/2020   Quincy, Massachusetts. Quincy is the home of two presidents, numerous patriots and national political figures.   17/02/2022   6/14/2022   City of Reno. With a population of over 235,000, Reno is the largest city in Northern Nevada. It is located in the southern part of Washoe County, nestled on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in an area called the Truckee Meadows.   22/09/2021   NM RLD. The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department regulates more than 500,000 individuals and businesses in 35 industries, professions and trades across the state.   21/04/2020   19/05/2021   Senator Bernie Sanders is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate after winning re-election in 2018.   12/19/2023   Sandia National Laboratories. For more than 70 years, Sandia has delivered essential science and technology to resolve the nation’s most challenging security issues.   5/1/2023   Research. Sandia National Laboratories. For more than 70 years, Sandia has delivered essential science and technology to resolve the nation’s most challenging security issues.   19/05/2021   City of San Diego Official Website.   3/20/2024   Small Business Administration. We support America’s small businesses. The SBA connects entrepreneurs with lenders and funding to help them plan, start and grow their business.   11/06/2020   The National Sea Grant College program was established by the U.S. Congress in 1966 and works to create and maintain a healthy coastal environment and economy.   8/12/2024   City of Seattle. Citizen, business, and visitor information sections, plus city government information.   5/21/2023   Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Through our programs and services, we meet people where they are and help neighbors develop a stronger sense of place, build closer ties, and engage with their community and city government.   25/07/2021   Services & Information. City Services from City of Seattle.   18/09/2020   U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The mission of the SEC is to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. The SEC strives to promote a market environment that is worthy of the public's trust.   23/07/2018   23/07/2018   23/07/2018   23/07/2018   23/07/2018   23/07/2018   25/07/2021   Washington Secretary of State. The Secretary of State is the state’s chief elections officer, chief corporations officer, and supervisor of the State Archives and State Library.   09/02/2022   Washington State Library. The original books, maps, globes, and miscellaneous materials that made up the original Washington Territorial Library Collection were secured using funds appropriated out of the Organic Act approved March 2, 1853 by United States Congress.   4/7/2023   City of Springfield, MA. The urban, cultural and economic center of Western MA. Home to 153,000 people and the Naismith Memorial Baketball Hall of Fame.   27/05/2020   United States Department of State. Leading America’s foreign policy to advance the interests and security of the American people.   7/21/2024   Antigua and Barbuda. United States Department of State.   22/12/2019   The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President's chief foreign affairs adviser.   18/09/2020   The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and such number of Associate Justices as may be fixed by Congress.   05/05/2021   Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate. The Lake Traverse Reservation is located in the Northeastern part of South Dakota and a small portion of southeastern corner of North Dakota.   4/20/2022   City of Tampa. Development of the Tampa Bay region began after the territory became part of the United States in 1845. Tampa owes its commercial success to Tampa Bay and the Hillsborough River.   5/1/2023   Taxation and Revenue New Mexico. The Department administers more than 35 tax programs and distributes revenue to the State and to local and tribal governments throughout New Mexico.   8/12/2024   The Texas Department of Insurance regulates the state's insurance industry, oversees the Texas workers' compensation system, and includes the State Fire Marshal's Office.   5/18/2023   Official website of the State of Texas. It’s a trusted and friendly place for Texans to access government services and information.   1/27/2023   The Texas Historical Commission is the state agency for historic preservation. Our nationally recognized programs bring awareness to Texas' architectural, archeological, and cultural landmarks.   5/21/2023   Explore State Historic Sites. Texas Historical Commission (THC). The state historic sites honor Texas history and inspire an understanding of what it means to be a Texan.   15/01/2022   NIST. The Official U.S. Time. The National Institute of Standards and Technology. UTC (NIST) serves as a national standard for frequency, time interval and time-of-day for the United States.   10/31/2022   Tennessee State Government.   8/12/2024   TDOT. Tennessee Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation provides citizens of Tennessee and travelers with one of the best transportation systems in the country.   07/01/2022   The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) provides information about all levels of state courts and searchable databases of opinions.   9/3/2023   Tohono O’odham Nation. The Nation is the second largest reservations in Arizona in both population and geographical size, with a land base of 2.8 million acres and 4,460 square miles, approximately the size of the State of Connecticut.   12/19/2023   International Trade Administration. ITA strengthens the competitiveness of U.S. industry, promotes trade and investment, and ensures fair trade through our trade laws and agreements.   8/13/2024   Department of Transportation. To improve the quality of life for all American people and communities, from rural to urban, and to increase the productivity and competitiveness of American workers and businesses   1/28/2023   The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum was established to preserve the papers, books, and other historical materials relating to former President Harry S. Truman and to make them available to the people in a place suitable for exhibit and research.   5/22/2024   The Texas State Library and Archives Commission has been serving the people of Texas for more than a century. Going back to the days of the Republic, there has always been an official library and archives of Texas.   12/07/2019   The Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL) service provides access to Texas state government information contained in electronic publications.   24/12/2021   Texas Department of Transportation. The new TxDOT website is focused on meeting the needs of drivers, businesses, government officials, and those who want to learn more about us.   03/11/2021   Official Guide to Government Information and Services. USA can help you start your search for government information by topic and agency.   8/21/2022   U.S. Agency for International Development. On behalf of the American people, we promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world.   10/10/2021   USA Jobs. The Federal Government's official employment site. Search and apply for federal jobs. Learn about unique hiring paths for veterans, students and graduates, individuals with a disability, and more.   15/11/2020   USAP is the main repository for information about the United States Antarctic Program. The site is designed for the general public, news agencies, academia, and program participants.   23/06/2021   Bureau of Reclamation. Established in 1902, the Bureau of Reclamation is best known for the dams, powerplants, and canals it constructed in the 17 western states.   7/6/2023   The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) informs the development of national civil rights policy and enhances enforcement of federal civil rights laws.   25/08/2019   25/08/2019   25/08/2019   07/10/2021   Reports. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.   25/08/2019   30/01/2020   5/21/2023   U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Our agencies help to keep America's farmers and ranchers in business and ensure that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and properly labeled.   01/09/2019   Blog. USDA. U.S. Department of Agriculture.   24/08/2019   24/08/2019   24/08/2019   12/19/2023   Official list of embassies from the U.S. Department of State. The mission of the United States Embassy is to advance the interests of the United States, and to serve and protect U.S. citizens.   8/12/2024   U.S. Geological Survey. Science for a changing world. Our scientists develop new methods and tools to supply timely, relevant, and useful information about the Earth and its processes.   7/16/2023   Alaska Science Center. U.S. Geological Survey. We have offices in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks.   11/07/2021   Alaska Science Center. Our Alaska Science Center priority is to continue the important work of the Department of the Interior and the USGS, while also maintaining the health and safety of our employees and community.   6/13/2022   Eastern Ecological Science Center. U.S. Geological Survey. In 2020, the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and Leetown Science Center merged to create the Eastern Ecological Science Center (EESC).   21/07/2021   Bird Banding Laboratory. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.   7/6/2023   Oregon Water Science Center. Our mission is to explore the natural world around us and provide reliable scientific information to help Federal, State, and local agencies, Tribes, and the public make well-informed decisions.   16/04/2018   28/10/2019   Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC) produces innovative science to support natural resource management and meet our nation’s most pressing conservation challenges.   13/11/2020   Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) South Atlantic Water Science Center Web page for the water resources of Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.   19/12/2021   South Atlantic Water Science Center (SAWSC). The South Atlantic Water Science Center collects high-quality hydrologic data and conducts unbiased, scientifically sound research on Georgia's, North Carolina's, and South Carolina's water resources.   12/25/2023   The Bird Banding Laboratory (Est. 1920), an integrated scientific program, supports the collection, curation, archiving, and dissemination of data from banded and marked birds.   24/08/2021   Natural Hazards. Every year in the United States, natural hazards threaten lives and livelihoods and result in billions of dollars in damage.   11/11/2020   Water Resources. Water information is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources.   6/10/2024   Natural Hazards Mission Area. Every year in the United States, natural hazards threaten lives and livelihoods and result in billions of dollars in damage.   13/12/2019   The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).   14/11/2020   Volcano Hazards. There are 169 potentially active volcanoes in the U.S. The mission of the USGS Volcano Hazards Program is to enhance public safety and minimize social and economic disruption from volcanic unrest and eruption.   14/11/2020   Cascades Volcano Observatory. The U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory strives to serve the national interest by helping people to live knowledgeably and safely with volcanoes in WA, OR, and ID.   5/22/2022   The U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory strives to serve the national interest by helping people to live knowledgeably and safely with volcanoes in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.   9/23/2023   The Gap Analysis Project (GAP) is an element of the U.S. Geological Survey. We help implement the Department of the Interior’s goals of inventory, monitoring, research, and information transfer.   7/22/2023   Geomagnetism Program. U.S. Geological Survey. The mission of the U.S. Geological Survey's Geomagnetism Program is to monitor the Earth's magnetic field.   5/22/2022   National Geospatial Program. U.S. Geological Survey. The NGP provides a foundation of digital geospatial data representing the topography, natural landscape, and manmade environment of the United States.   3/2/2023   Volcano Hazards. U.S. Geological Survey. There are 161 potentially active volcanoes in the U.S. The mission of the USGS Volcano Hazards Program is to enhance public safety and minimize social and economic disruption from volcanic unrest and eruption.   11/10/2023   Science. U.S. Geological Survey. Learn about our science within our Mission Areas, Programs, Regions, Science Centers, Laboratories, and Volcano Observatories or through a topical exploration with our new enhanced Science Explorer.   11/14/2022   The U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947 to maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government.   23/01/2021   Water Resources. U.S. Geological Survey. We provide science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods, the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on, the health of our ecosystems and environment, and the impacts of climate and land-use change.   23/05/2020   23/05/2020   16/12/2020   The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks.   10/31/2022   The U.S. Sentencing Commission is an independent agency in the judicial branch of government created by the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984.   11/30/2023   State of Utah.   1/10/2023   Veterans Affairs. To provide veterans the world-class benefits and services they have earned and to do so by adhering to the highest standards of compassion, commitment, excellence, professionalism, integrity, accountability, and stewardship.   25/01/2020   6/17/2023   NASA’s Visible Earth catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. Visible Earth is part of the EOS Project Science Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.   3/28/2024   The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington is a federal court serving the area west of the Cascade Mountains from Oregon to the Canadian border. The district has courthouses in Seattle and Tacoma.   23/01/2021   National Weather Service. Provide weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.   12/7/2022   NOAA National Weather Service Alaska-Pacific RFC.   11/1/2022   National Weather Service Forecast Office Glasgow, MT.   04/02/2022   NOAA National Weather Service StormReady. Being part of a Weather-Ready Nation is about preparing for your community's increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events.   27/05/2020   The White House. We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all.   8/12/2024   Briefing Room. The White House. The latest news and information from the Biden-Harris administration.   16/02/2022   Wilmington, DE. Wilmington’s status as Delaware’s largest city and economic engine gives us a big city feel while our scale and walkability preserve some small-town charm.   06/11/2019   The Official Website of the State of Wisconsin.   08/09/2018   26/12/2021   The Wyoming Legislature is a 90-member citizen legislature, meaning the members elected serve part-time and this is typically not the members’ primary occupation. Wyoming remains one of the few states that have a true part-time citizen legislature.   17/04/2020   The Y12 National Security Complex is a premier manufacturing facility dedicated to making our nation and the world a safer place and plays a vital role in the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Security Enterprise.   4/20/2022   The City of Yonkers, New York, located on the majestic Hudson River, is the third-largest city in the State of New York and is the largest city in beautiful suburban Westchester County with a population of over 200,000 according to the 2020 census.   8/18/2023   Glenn Research Center. In Ohio, we’re shaping the world of tomorrow by developing technologies that will enable further exploration of the universe and revolutionize air travel.   2/25/2024   Beginners Guide to Aeronautics. Glenn Research Center. NASA. The information on this site is designed to give you a better understanding of how aircraft and aerodynamics work.   8/18/2023   Guide to Reliving the Wright Way. In the spirit of the Wright Brothers, NASA is using aeronautics technology to provide access to space.   3/19/2022   NYC. City of New York. The official website of the City of New York. Find information about important alerts, 311 services, news, programs, events, government employment, the office of the Mayor and elected officials.   3/19/2022   The official Web site of the NYC Department of Records and Information Services.   16/09/2020   Illinois Government. The name "Illinois" comes from a Native American word meaning "tribe of superior men." Louis Joliet and Father Marquette were the first Europeans to arrive in Illinois in 1673.   5/28/2022   The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) strongly impacts the economy of the State of Illinois.   5/28/2022   Governor JB Pritzker (Democrat) was sworn in as the 43rd Governor of Illinois on Jan. 14, 2019.   4/29/2022   09/04/2018   11/17/2022   State of Wyoming. 66th Legislature. The Wyoming Legislature is a 90-member citizen legislature, meaning the members elected serve part-time and this is typically not the members’ primary occupation.   2/28/2024   X-Ray Data Booklet. Center for X-ray Optics and Advanced Light Source.