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North Carolina State - Library - Literature.   3/4/2023   Documenting the American South, a digital publishing initiative sponsored by the University Library at the University of North Carolina, provides access to digitized primary materials that offer Southern perspectives on American history and culture.   7/27/2022   Gail E. Haley, Author, Artist, Puppeteer. Author of over 40 books, Winner of the Caldecott Medal and the Kate Greenway Medal.   11/10/2023   LibGuides: Art & Architecture. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This guide offers resources and starting points for researchers in art history, digital scholarship, and visual culture.   3/4/2023   Laupus Health Sciences Library. ECU. Throughout the years, we’ve grown to serve ECU Health Medical Center and, through EAHEC, health care professionals across Eastern North Carolina.   3/5/2023   Libraries. Visit the ECU Libraries, where you’ll discover innovative, user-centered services and resources to help you in your research efforts, study sessions and other educational activities.   11/10/2023   Duke University Libraries. The William R. Perkins Library, Bostock Library and Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library comprise the main West Campus library complex, which is joined by Lilly and Music libraries on East Campus, the Pearse Memorial Library at the Duke Marine Lab and the separately administered libraries serving the schools of Business, Divinity, Law and Medicine.   05/12/2021   Isothermal Community College Library offers facilities and resources to Isothermal students to use in completing their assignments, and is open to the public as well.   02/11/2021   The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries system is consistently ranked among the top university libraries in North America and is one of the premier libraries in the South.   3/4/2023   Ramsey Library at UNC Asheville. Today, the library holds approximately 360,000 volumes with access to more than 400,000 titles electronically.   01/03/2022   North Carolina Library Association. Our purpose is to promote libraries, library and information services, librarianship, intellectual freedom and literacy.   01/03/2022   Nineteenth-Century Newspaper Analytics is an interdisciplinary project at NC State University to apply text mining and computer vision techniques to large collections of digitized historical newspapers.   29/01/2022   The Elizabeth Braswell Pearsall Library provides students and faculty many online resources including articles, multi-media and class guides.   3/7/2023   Papyri aggregates material from the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS), Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP), Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens (HGV), Bibliographie Papyrologique (BP), and depends on close collaboration with Trismegistos, for rigorous maintenance of relationship mapping and unique identifiers.   01/03/2022   Baen Books Science Fiction & Fantasy. Baen Books. The best in Science Fiction and Fantasy publishing.   04/12/2021   Duke University Press supports scholars in doing what they are passionate about: learning, teaching, and effecting positive change in the world.   11/22/2022   The Public’s Library and Digital Archive. With between 12 million to 16 million worldwide transactions per day, it is a resource used frequently by audiences of all interests and backgrounds.   3/5/2023   Koa Books publishes books on personal transformation, progressive politics, and Native cultures.   21/09/2020   Shooting Wars. This interactive exhibition was presented in April of 2014 on the theater-sized display in the Hunt Library GameLab.