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New Mexico State - Museums.   5/13/2022   Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. The staff, students and volunteers at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology work together to study, preserve, partner, and present the human story from our origins more than 2.5 million years ago to today.   5/1/2023   New Mexico Museum of Space History. To bring the history of mankind’s exploration of air and space to New Mexico and to show the world New Mexico’s key role in mankind’s past, present and future pursuit of the frontiers of air and space.   5/1/2023   The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. The Museum’s collections of over 3,000 works comprises 140 O’Keeffe oil paintings, nearly 700 drawings, and hundreds of additional works dating from 1901 to 1984, the year failing eyesight forced O’Keeffe into retirement.   5/13/2022   International UFO Museum & Research Center. The International UFO Museum & Research Center at Roswell, New Mexico was organized to inform the public about what has come to be known as "The Roswell Incident."   22/09/2021   The US Southwest Soaring Museum is one of only two museums in the United States that is dedicated to gliding / soaring, sailplanes and related aircraft.