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.edu - ALL. (educational) - 01   09/05/2021   3D Digitization. The 3D Program is a small group of technologists working within the Smithsonian Institution Digitization Program Office.   5/31/2024   Stanford’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics prepares students for professional positions in industry, government and academia through a comprehensive program of graduate teaching and research.   4/8/2023   Archives of African American Music and Culture. The AAAMC collects and preserves diverse materials of individuals and organizations concerned with Black music and culture.   01/07/2021   African American & Africana Studies. AAAS scholars study African people and people of African descent around the globe, from Kentucky to Kenya. We teach and discover the history, culture, politics, and conditions of black people across space and time.   7/5/2023   Department of African American and African Studies. The Department offers courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and a PhD in African American and African Studies.   09/11/2021   22/12/2021   AAES. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. The Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station is the state’s premier research agency for agriculture, food and natural resources.   3/21/2023   Asian American/Pacific Islander Resource Center. We imagine individual and collective healing, wholeness, and liberation from oppression, both within and expansive of their existences in relation with UC Santa Cruz.   1/24/2024   African American Resource & Cultural Center. The mission of the African American Resource & Cultural Center (AARCC) is to provide support for the students in the African, Black, and Caribbean communities at the University of California at Santa Cruz.   18/09/2021   The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer. A Reader - Friendly Edition in the original words with modern spelling edited by Michael Murphy.   09/11/2021   4/15/2023   SIU Academic Programs. Southern Illinois University Carbondale.   4/5/2024   Computing and Technology Programs. SIU offers a range of courses in cybersecurity, computer graphics, gaming, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer architecture and bioinformatics.   11/02/2022   Rutgers Accounting Web. RAW. Since 1994, Rutgers Accounting Web has been the center of accounting research.   04/08/2021   The Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research (ACCSTR) at the University of Florida was established in 1986 as a Center of Excellence by the University Board of Regents of the State of Florida.   5/31/2024   The Aerospace Design Lab, directed by Prof. Juan Alonso, specializes in the development of high-fidelity, multi-disciplinary analysis and design methods to enable the creation of efficient, environmentally friendly, and realizable aerospace systems.   11/4/2022   The Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations in the Moody College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin offers undergraduate degrees in Advertising and Public Relations.   9/9/2022   The Threefold Advocate, John Brown University’s student-led newspaper dedicated to serve with truth and fairness since 1937.   20/10/2021   Horticulture & Crop Science. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. You'll be able to work and study in our fields, groves, vineyards, nurseries, orchards, arboretum and gardens, and greenhouses.   08/12/2021   John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences. University of North Dakota. The John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences operates one of the largest fleets of civilian aircraft in North America.   3/18/2022   Asia for Educators. Columbia University. Asia for Educators (AFE) is designed to serve faculty and students in world history, culture, geography, art, and literature at the undergraduate and pre-college levels.   10/05/2021   OMuERAA. Online Museum Educational Resources in Asian Art. OMuRAA's purpose is to make the wealth of educational materials that are now available on the websites of many museums and arts-related educational institutions better known to teachers and students of Asian studies.   3/20/2022   The Harvard University Center for African Studies is a globally recognized, interdisciplinary body at Harvard University committed to broadening knowledge about Africa and African perspectives.   1/24/2024   The African Studies Center is one of a suite of highly respected international studies programs at MSU, whose purpose is to offer a truly global education while engaging in cutting edge research on the world's most pressing challenges.   1/24/2024   The National Museum of African Art (NMAfA) began as a private educational institution in 1964 to promote cross-cultural understanding in the social sciences and arts.   12/03/2022   1/24/2024   African Studies Program. UW–Madison. Our faculty produce vital research on African history, politics, legal systems, health, environments, arts, cultures, and languages.   27/04/2021   The African Activist Archive Project is building an online archive of primary materials - documents, photographs, artifacts, and written and oral memories.   11/5/2022   College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. CALS research touches on nearly every aspect of modern life and has played a pivotal role in Arizona's and the global economy over the course of its 137-year history.   6/9/2022   4/8/2023   Purdue University's College of Agriculture leads globally in the science and business of agriculture, food, life, and natural resources, positively changing the world through our unwavering commitment to excellence in serving the land grant missions of learning, discovery, and engagement.   11/4/2022   Aggie Horticulture. Texas A&M University. Academic analyses and information on horticultural crops ranging from fruits and nuts to ornamentals, viticulture and wine.   11/6/2023   Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety. We are a diverse group of researchers, educators, and communicators who are dedicated to the understanding and prevention of illness and injury in western agriculture.   10/05/2021   The Ancient Graffiti Project, a digital resource and search engine for locating and studying graffiti of the early Roman empire from the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.   24/12/2021   Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. AgriLife Extension delivers research-based educational programs and solutions for all Texans. Learn more by browsing our featured solutions and programs.   06/05/2021   Agriculture and health news from Texas A&M AgriLife. We provide agriculture and health news from Texas A&M AgriLife. We share news to improve lives, environments, scientific rigor and the Texas Economy.   7/22/2023   Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences. Ag is at the very heart and soul of Penn State. From our 1855 start as the Farmers’ High School, agriculture has been at the core of the Penn State mission and identity.   09/11/2021   11/21/2023   The Arts + Industries Building. Since opening in 1881 as the first National Museum of the United States, the Arts + Industries Building (AIB) has been the destination for big ideas with the potential to change the world.   5/17/2023   The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum maintains the world’s largest and most significant collection of aviation and space artifacts, encompassing all aspects of human flight.   5/21/2022   Exhibitions. Explore the past, present, and future exhibitions at the National Air and Space Museum.   4/8/2023   American Indian Studies Research Institute. In 1985 the American Indian Studies Research Institute (AISRI) was founded at Indiana University to serve as an interdisciplinary research center for projects focusing on the native peoples of the Americas.   7/11/2022   Alabama Museum of Natural History. For more than 150 years, the Alabama Museum of Natural History has celebrated Alabama’s natural history through exhibitions, collections, and quality programs of teaching, research, and service.   07/05/2021   Allen Memorial Art Museum. Founded in 1917 on the campus of Oberlin College, the Allen Memorial Art Museum is recognized as one of the best academic art museums in the nation.   11/6/2023   American University is a leader among Washington DC universities in global education. American University enrolls a diverse student body from throughout the United States and nearly 140 countries.   4/3/2024   The Smithsonian American Art Museum is home to one of the largest and most inclusive collections of American art in the world.   23/02/2021   American Diplomacy is an online quarterly founded in 1996 by Dr. Henry E. Mattox and Ambassador (ret) T. Frank Crigler. The journal is open-access and peer-reviewed.   13/02/2022   The National Museum of American History is home to more than 1.8 million objects and more than three shelf-miles of archival collections.   3/4/2023   National Museum of the American Indian. The NMAI fosters a richer shared human experience through a more informed understanding of Native peoples.   11/21/2023   Anacostia Community Museum. Our mission is to tell stories of everyday people making impactful changes, who use their collective power to tackle complex issues and advance a more equitable future for all.   4/23/2022   Center for the Ancient Mediterranean. The Center is an interdepartmental initiative at Columbia University which seeks to link together all the faculty, students and numerous departments that have an interest in the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean.   9/8/2023   Anderson University. Students may choose from 64 major degree programs, 48 concentrations, 56 minors, 41 master’s and doctoral degrees and 12 certification programs.   2/15/2024   USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Learn why USC Annenberg is a leader in education and scholarship by exploring stories about our inspiring students, distinguished faculty and accomplished alumni.   11/05/2021   Anthropological Linguistics, a quarterly journal founded in 1959, provides a forum for the full range of scholarly study of the languages and cultures of the peoples of the world, especially the native peoples of the Americas.   4/23/2024   Anthropoetics. The Journal of Generative Anthropology. UCLA’s first Open Access journal. Published continuously since 1995.   01/07/2021   Anthropology. The University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology and Archaeology was officially established in 1926.   26/09/2021   The Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley was established on September 10, 1901.   7/12/2022   Anthropology. University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences. Established as a separate entity from the Department of Sociology in 1967, the Department of Anthropology approaches the human condition from a holistic perspective.   17/01/2021   Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal includes scholarship on the work of visual artists, commentary on current issues in Caribbean studies and travelogues.   13/03/2022   The Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) is dedicated to the study of critical issues affecting the countries of Asia and their regional and global relations.   11/7/2023   Apollo Image Archive. All the original Apollo film can be found in the Film Archive (Building 8) at Johnson Space Center (JSC). Due to the importance in preserving these films, the original film is not allowed to leave the building.   05/09/2021   Appalachian Center & Appalachian Studies. The Appalachian Center contributes to the land grant mission of the University of Kentucky by fostering community-university partnerships in research, learning and engagement in Appalachia.   6/26/2022   The Appreciative Inquiry Commons. The “AI Commons” is a place for everyone with an interest in Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and positive change.   3/28/2022   3/17/2022   Assessment Resource Center. Enhancing Teaching, Learning & the Discovery of Knowledge At the Assessment Resource Center, our experts equip educators and leaders with the information to make meaningful, data-driven decisions.   22/12/2021   Arkansas Archeological Survey. Our mission is to conserve and research the state's archeological heritage and communicate this information to the public.   20/10/2021   Arkansas Novaculite: A Virtual Comparative Collection. This website is a virtual lithic comparative collection featuring Arkansas Novaculite from Ouachita Mountain sources.   30/01/2022   Barnard Architecture. The Architecture major establishes an intellectual context for students to interpret the relation of form, space, program, materials and media to human life and thought.   30/01/2022   MIT Architecture. Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From our front door on Massachusetts Avenue, this architecture is imposing, classical, and apparently immutable.   11/4/2022   School of Architecture. We do this by educating committed professionals to creatively manage complexity and transform the world through the practices of architecture, urbanism, and preservation.   30/01/2022   College of Architecture. Nebraska. Architecture Hall is the visible manifestation of an architectural tradition that has served Nebraska for over a hundred years.   4/2/2024   Blogs. Harvard Blogging Platform Now an Archive.   2/23/2023   Faculty Digital Archive. NYU Libraries. The Faculty Digital Archive (FDA) is a highly visible repository of NYU scholarship, allowing digital works—text, audio, video, data, and more—to be reliably shared and securely stored.   2/23/2023   Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters is an international literary journal dedicated to publishing works encompassing, but not limited to, the Anglophone, Francophone, Hispanophone and Dutch-speaking Caribbean.   11/23/2022   The Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) is an astronomical data archive focused on astronomical data sets in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared. We host data from over a dozen missions like Hubble, Kepler, TESS, and soon JWST.   03/06/2021   Archives Online is a portal for accessing descriptions of archival and special collections held by libraries, archives and other cultural heritage units at Indiana University or affiliated with Indiana University.   3/22/2022   Archives of the University of Notre Dame. The Head of the University Archives bears the responsibility for the collection and maintenance of the official records and papers of the University as well as other documents of enduring historical value.   31/08/2021   31/08/2021   4/22/2024   University Archives and Records Center. University of Pennsylvania.   15/02/2022   Army ROTC. At Colorado State University, military instruction has been part of campus life since 1884.  Set in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, CSU provides one of the most beautiful locations to train in the United States.   13/03/2021   Army ROTC. College of Arts and Science. The mission of Army ROTC is to commission the future officer leadership of the U.S. Army and to motivate young people to be better citizens.   31/08/2021   1/27/2023   The University of Washington Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is dedicated to developing character and leadership in young men and women. Like the United States Military Academy, the purpose of Army ROTC is to train and commission Army officers.   02/05/2021   Arnold Arboretum. Arnoldia. As the quarterly magazine of the Arnold Arboretum, Arnoldia has a long history of publishing interdisciplinary writing about trees and other temperate woody plants.   2/11/2023   Around the O is the UO’s go-to place for information about the university, its people and the difference they make in Oregon and around the world. It also serves as the hub for news, announcements and information for and about the campus community.   28/01/2022   Art in the Library. BYU Library. Check back for upcoming exhibits. For now, enjoy our online exhibit and a samplefrom our permanent collection.   31/07/2021   Penn History of Art. Our courses regularly transport students to Philadelphia's museums, galleries and historic sites, and we offer seminars in collaboration with the Institute of Contemporary Art and the Arthur Ross Gallery, in which students devise and organize exhibitions.   11/7/2023   University of Arizona Museum Of Art Archive of Visual Arts.   18/03/2021   The Art Museum of West Virginia University provides a welcoming and stimulating educational and research environment for diverse audiences to experience the transforming power of art.   4/7/2023   Arts at MIT. Experimentation, risk-taking, and imaginative problem solving at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.   10/2/2022   College of Arts and Sciences. With more than 80 majors and 100 minors, the College of Arts and Sciences is the academic heart of the university.   10/12/2023   College of Arts & Sciences. As the home of the liberal arts, our internationally-recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a Syracuse University education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences.   11/6/2022   The College of Arts and Sciences is the academic heart of Texas A&M University. From anthropology to zoology, and women’s and gender studies to applied mathematical sciences, our disciplines are woven throughout the tapestry of modern society.   4/1/2024   Arts & Sciences is the heart of Washington University and comprises the core disciplines of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.   6/22/2024   The College of Arts and Sciences at the University at Buffalo is committed to interdisciplinary education and experiential learning that produces graduates with the ability to think critically, communicate clearly and lead compassionately.   4/13/2022   National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. NCGIA at Buffalo has focused its missions on excellence in GIScience research and provide services to UB and local communities.   27/02/2021   College of Arts & Sciences. Liberal arts college at Cornell University. A home for exploration, discovery, and imagination. Undergraduate, faculty excellence in research and education.   3/20/2024   Arts & Science. It is NYU’s largest academic unit, comprising three schools—the College of Arts & Science, the Graduate School of Arts & Science, and Liberal Studies—and dozens of departments, research centers, institutes, and language and cultural houses.   2/23/2023   The Alexander S. Onassis Program in Hellenic Studies provides students with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary understanding of the language, literature, history, and politics of post-classical Greece.   3/20/2024   Department of Physics. A transition to modern physics at NYU took place with the arrival of Gregory Breit (of the Breit-Wigner Formula), who served as the Physics Department Chairman in 1929-1934.   05/09/2021   School of Arts and Sciences. Tufts University.   2/3/2023   Department of Philosophy. Universidad de Tufts. We are committed equally to excellence in research and excellence in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.   8/19/2023   College of Arts & Sciences. We are one of the oldest and largest liberal arts colleges in Alabama and among the finest in the region.   11/6/2023   Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Vanderbilt University. We teach our students to re-examine traditionally held beliefs about gender and sexuality from a historical and contemporary context.   20/01/2022   ASF. The Alaska Satellite Facility downlinks, processes, archives, and distributes remote-sensing data to scientific users around the world. ASF’s mission is to make remote-sensing data accessible.   6/20/2023   The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art is committed to preserving, exhibiting, researching, and interpreting art in ways that deepen our collective understanding of Asia and the world.   6/20/2023   The National Museum of Asian Art preserves, exhibits, and interprets Asian art in ways that deepen our understandings of Asia, the United States, and the world.   3/20/2022   Harvard University Asia Center. The Asia Center focuses its initiatives, events, and student and faculty grants on East, South, and Southeast Asia, with an emphasis on topics that cross national boundaries and academic disciplines.   1/27/2023   The University of Washington's Department of Asian Languages and Literature is a nationally and internationally renowned department engaged in teaching, research, and service with regard to representative languages and literatures of East, South, and Southeast Asia.   2/3/2023   Asian American Studies (AAS) is an interdisciplinary and comparative field that explores the histories, cultures, and experiences of people of Asian descent in the United States. Ohio State University.   05/09/2021   Asian & Near Eastern Languages. Brigham Young University.   30/01/2022   Ask Dr. Universe. Kids can ask questions and explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) with Dr. Universe and friends at Washington State University.   2/4/2023   Lowell Observatory astorbDB. Asteroid Search and Data Mining. Modern tools to assist with asteroid observation planning and to facilitate data mining across multiple surveys.   13/11/2021   The Astronomy Department at the University of Illinois is a leading research institution in observational astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, astronomical imaging, and cosmology.   19/05/2021   Astronomy. Astronomy research at Michigan State spans the universe from stars to galaxies to cosmology. Nine faculty members within the Department of Physics and Astronomy form the core of the astronomy and astrophysics group.   2/24/2024   The NMSU Department of Astronomy values a welcoming professional work environment, free from any and all discrimination and harassment, to all who are interested in learning about the Universe.   2/4/2023   Department of Astronomy. CWRU Astronomy is a community of active researchers and educators, with research strengths in the fields of galaxy formation and evolution, stellar chemical abundances, and telescope instrumentation and design.   2/24/2024   Department of Astronomy. College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.   11/23/2022   The Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics is a world leader in astrophysical research and offers rigorous academic programs at both the graduate and undergraduate level.   14/07/2021   The University of Utah Department of Atmospheric Sciences is the leading program of weather and climate related research and education in the Intermountain West and is recognized internationally for its expertise in cloud-climate interactions.   27/12/2021   Academic Technology and Outreach (ATO) is a division of the Office of Academic Affairs and Provost at Montana State University.   5/27/2024   Avalon Project. Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy. The Avalon Project will no doubt contain controversial documents. Their inclusion does not indicate endorsement of their contents nor sympathy with the ideology, doctrines, or means employed by their authors.   4/8/2022   The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) is a joint program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAFGI), and the State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (ADGGS).   4/8/2022   Volcano Map. Alaska Volcano Observatory. Each volcano has descriptions, images, maps, bibliography, and eruption history.   8/18/2022   Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology. BARA's mission is to place anthropology at the service of contemporary society, prepare the next generation of professional anthropologists, advance knowledge of the human condition, and address the pressing issues of local communities.   5/27/2024   Barnard College in New York City. Barnard has boldness in its DNA. From our founding in 1889, we have been unafraid to question what it means to be educated and what the future holds for women.   4/10/2024   Brooklyn College Library Art Collection. Diverse in character and international in scope, the collection features art by Elizabeth Murray, William Kentridge, Chakaia Booker, Shahzia Sikander, Sarah Sze, John Walker, Edward Ruscha, and Xu Bing.   7/29/2023   The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library provides access to one of the world’s largest collections of rare books, manuscripts, and related materials.   11/6/2023   The Belfast Group Poetry connected a new generation of poets and writers from Northern Ireland. Meeting at Philip Hobsbaum’s house in the shadow of Queen’s University, the Group read and commented on the drafts of each others’ poems, plays, and stories.   30/01/2022   Belmont Abbey College. As a small Catholic college founded on Benedictine values, we educate students to lead lives of integrity, succeed professionally, become responsible citizens and be a blessing to themselves and others.   4/23/2024   Academics. Benedictine University. With 42 undergraduate majors, 9 graduate degrees, 2 doctoral programs, and 17 certificate programs, Ben-U has something for everyone.   7/27/2023   The Bentley Historical Library collects the materials for and promotes the study of the histories of two great, intertwined institutions, the State of Michigan and the University of Michigan.   22/03/2021   Berkeley College. Degree & Certificate Programs in NJ, NY & Online. Find out what's going on around Berkeley College. Connect with us, find the degree and certificate programs we offer, or read up on Berkeley news.   06/07/2021   Berkeley Studies is a web-based journal dedicated to promoting the scholarly understanding of the life and philosophy of George Berkeley, Irish philosopher (1685-1753).   23/03/2021   Boston International Academy. Study English in the USA! Do you want to learn English? Achieve your dreams at Boston International Academy! Our exceptional programs and community will prepare you for your future.   6/8/2023   Center for Biofilm Engineering. Montana State University. Helping industry find solutions to biofilm challenges and developing beneficial uses for biofilm.   2/22/2023   MiFi is an enhanced plant pathogen detection tool that will allow you to upload a subsample of your PHYTOBIOME sequencing dataset and will accurately detect any plant pathogen in a determined host.   3/27/2022   Burke Herbarium Image Collection. The WTU Image Collection provides a comprehensive online collection of photographs and information for the vascular plants, fungi, and lichenized fungi of Washington state.   3/18/2022   Biological Sciences. The UC San Diego Division of Biological Sciences is a vibrant center of scientific discovery and an agent of change.   25/07/2021   Biology Department. In support of the mission of Western Washington University and the College of Sciences and Technology, the mission of the Biology Department is to provide an outstanding learning environment that integrates education.   7/5/2022   INHS Bird Collection. Prairie Research Institute. The INHS Bird Collection consists of over 3,000 specimens of over 200 species. Much of the INHS collection dates from the 1950s through the 1970s and is almost exclusively from Illinois.   3/18/2022   Black American Feminism is not a comprehensive bibliography of black American feminist thought, however, it does seek to be comprehensive in subject coverage, citing sources from numerous subject areas within the humanities, social sciences, and health, medicine and science.   30/01/2022   Unbound. Smithsonian Libraries.   5/8/2024   Islamic Books.  A Research Blog about Manuscripts, Printed Books, and Ephemera in Arabic Script.   12/24/2023   Rafael Yuste's Laboratory. Columbia University in the City of New York.   7/30/2023   Columbia University Libraries Blogs. Stay abreast of what’s happening at Columbia University Libraries through our Libraries Blogs and Archives & Special Collections Project Blogs.   16/09/2021   16/09/2021   4/7/2023   Weblogs at Harvard. As a Harvard affiliate, you can join the more than 900-strong blogging community in a matter of minutes.   2/1/2023   Notabilia: A Blog about Rare Books. Princeton University Library. Special Collections. The Scheide Library.   27/04/2021   Madonna L. Moss.   10/22/2023   Indiana University Bloomington. Students get the quintessential college experience at Indiana University Bloomington, one of America's leading research universities.   11/05/2021   Princeton Blue Mountain collection. This collection contains fully searchable issues of important periodicals of the European avant-garde. This collection contains 3,748 issues comprising 80,997 pages and 86,126 articles.   2/23/2023   Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (BMATS). We believe every student should be able to study God’s word without high cost being a barrier to an excellent education.   6/22/2024   Blue Mountain College. #1 Ranked Value School by US News & World Reports. Sitting upon a Mississippi hilltop is Blue Mountain College, a secure, faith-centered campus community that challenges the hearts and minds of its students.   16/02/2022   Bryn Mawr Classical Review publishes timely open-access, peer-reviewed reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies, including archaeology. This site is the authoritative archive of BMCR’s publications, from 1990 to the present.   16/02/2022   Archive. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.   20/09/2021   4/2/2024   The Department of Botany at UW-Madison aspires to advance the educational and professional development of all its members, regardless of their cultural backgrounds or manners of personal identification.   1/10/2023   The Virtual Foliage Home Page! This is the page for the University of Wisconsin Madison Department of Botany Instructional Resources Page.   1/10/2023   Plant Anatomy Images. Photographic Atlas of Plant Anatomy. Nels Lersten and John Curtis, his student, were involved in plant anatomy teaching and research for more than 60 aggregate years.   3/10/2023   Yale Center for British Art. Founded by Paul Mellon (Yale College, Class of 1929), the Yale Center for British Art is the largest museum outside of the United Kingdom devoted to British art.   7/30/2023   Photography & The American Stage. Broadway Photographs. This site charts the evolution of the stage picture from the studio tableaux of the 1870s to the theatrical scene still of the 1880s and 1890s to the publicity production still of the 20th century.   6/26/2022   The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition is a project dedicated to publishing the uncollected writings of Charles Brockden Brown.   05/07/2021   The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Archive. Our project builds on the steady and now explosive growth of interest in Charles Brockden Brown in North American and European scholarship since World War II.   10/12/2021   Opus College of Business at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. The Opus College delivers relevant, applied graduate, undergraduate and Executive Education programs in a high touch, personalized learning environment.   7/5/2023   The Carl H. Lindner College of Business empowers business problem solvers to tackle the world’s challenges.   12/23/2022   7/12/2022   College of Architecture, Design and Construction. More than 1,600 students from around the world are enrolled in the CADC. Our rigorous and nationally-ranked programs are firmly rooted in Auburn University’s land grant mission.   2/21/2024   The College of Arts and Humanities seeks to enhance and develop programs of excellence in both the arts and humanities that are recognized for their academic quality, creative output and economic impact in our community.   7/6/2023   College of Allied Health Sciences. Our unique collection of professional programs provides a wealth of opportunity to pursue a passion for healing.   9/17/2023   The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences fosters an open intellectual environment where faculty, staff, and students pursue inquiry through wide-ranging research, scholarship, and creative activity.   12/1/2023   California Baptist University, one of the top Christian Colleges in the nation, is a private Christian university located near Los Angeles in Southern California.   12/1/2023   Annie Gabriel Library. In addition to over 100,000 print books, the library currently subscribes to over 350 print journals, with a number of titles dating back to the 19th century.   11/7/2023   College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences. The University of Arizona. CALES research touches on nearly every aspect of modern life and has played a pivotal role in Arizona's and the global economy over the course of its 138-year history.   27/04/2021   College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The University of Arizona. With an education and research portfolio that stretches from soil sciences.   3/28/2023   Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences tackles the challenges of our times through purpose-driven science that advances understanding and improves life.   7/9/2022   Rutgers University-Camden. Rutgers University is one of the oldest, most respected institutions of higher learning in the country; Camden is a city known for its determination and resilience.   18/02/2021   Contemporary American Poetry Archive (CAPA).   3/15/2024   Baruch Spinoza. Ethics. Translated from the Latin by R.H.M. Elwes (1883). MTSU Philosophy WebWorks Hypertext Edition 1997.   16/02/2022   The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies is a research and outreach center devoted to promoting understanding of the Asia-Pacific region.   21/02/2022   Cardozo School of Law, a leader in law and business, intellectual property, public interest, and clinical legal education, has innovative programs that prepare you to succeed in your legal career.   3/4/2023   UNC Careers. Your First Steps with University Career Services is a module that introduces our services and how we can support your career education and planning during your first year at Carolina, and beyond.   1/3/2024   Caribbean University. En la actualidad la Universidad consta de la Administración Central, el Recinto de Bayamón y tres centros en Carolina, Vega Baja y Ponce.   6/5/2022   Michael C. Carlos Museum. Through our permanent collection galleries, engaging special exhibitions, and innovative programs for audiences of all ages, the Carlos Museum connects the past with the present and the campus with the community.   1/6/2024   The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum houses the world’s largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials, and newspaper comic strip pages and clippings.   12/8/2022   College of Arts and Sciences. At Loyola, you can prepare to become a certified secondary teacher in Classical Studies, English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies.   2/23/2023   College of Arts & Science. Located in the heart of one of the world's great cities, the College offers its students a unique environment for intellectual, cultural, service, and work experiences.   2/15/2024   The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, offers a broad range of majors, minors and graduate programs.   5/30/2023   Centers and Institutes of the College of Arts and Sciences explore and expand upon certain academic disciplines within the College.   1/20/2023   College of Arts and Sciences. Our research and teaching engage multiple disciplines, foster many different ways of perceiving our surroundings, and pursue multiple paths for exploring the world.   5/16/2024   Case Western Reserve University. As a leading national research university located in the nation's #1 arts district and within walking distance of three major hospitals, we offer ample opportunities for you to excel.   7/5/2022   School of Law. Case Western Reserve University. Nationally ranked and internationally regarded, the School of Law at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, offers JD, LLM, SJD and master’s degree programs.   2/15/2024   FIU College of Arts, Sciences & Education. We're leading in groundbreaking and life-changing scientific research, earning teacher-of-the-year honors, penning award-winning works, and developing new products and medicines.   22/12/2021   The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) is a multi-disciplinary center for spatial research and technology housed within the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas.   11/7/2023   The Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) is a NASA funded project supported by the Near Earth Object Observation Program (NEOO) under the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO).   6/3/2022   Catalog. UMN Duluth. The catalog is an academic planning tool and it is the responsibility of every student to be familiar with the information in the catalog.   24/08/2021   CATH – VT. The Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities. CATH attracts individuals engaged in humanities-based research, teaching, and/or outreach projects that require intensive applications of cutting-edge technology and robust infrastructural support.   4/22/2022   Weber State University. Founded in 1889 in Ogden, Utah, Weber State University prides itself on providing access to educational opportunity, its strong community connections, and excellent teaching in more than 220 degree programs.   06/01/2022   06/03/2022   Digital Collections. The University of Vermont (UVM) Libraries’ Center for Digital Initiatives (CDI) makes unique digital collections available for researchers at UVM and beyond.   1/25/2024   The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at UC Berkeley is a worldwide leader in developing engineering solutions to societal-scale challenges.   04/08/2021   CU Continuing Education. University of Colorado Boulder. For more than a century, Continuing Education at CU Boulder has connected people with university resources and innovative, lifelong learning opportunities.   29/03/2021   Civil and Environmental Engineering. Washington State University. Our graduates have a long-standing reputation as being equipped to be successful in engineering practice.   7/5/2023   College of Engineering & Applied Science. Our nationally ranked co-op program helps build your resume while funding your degree and discovering your career.   7/6/2023   College of Education Criminal Justice and Human Services. Our students and faculty work side-by-side with educators, athletic directors, community wellness experts, cybersecurity analysts, and local, state and federal law enforcement officials.   1/20/2023   The College of Education and Human Sciences is dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals, families, schools and communities and strengthening the relationships among them.   4/23/2024   Central College in Pella, Iowa. Founded in 1853.   4/23/2024   Academics at Central College. Our liberal arts curriculum prepares you for your future with deep knowledge in your major.   4/23/2024   Geisler Library at Central College.   7/9/2022   The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is dedicated to supplying the STEM pipeline in New Hampshire and the surrounding region by partnering with industry and K-12 schools throughout the state.   16/02/2022   The Cervantes Project, housed at Texas A&M University, is a joint collaboration of the following organizations: TAMU Department of Hispanic Studies. Center for the Study of Digital Libraries. Dr. Fred Jehle of Indiana-Purdue University.   20/10/2021   Center for English as a Second Language. Southern Illinois University. Learn English as your second language from a program that is not only certified but also affordable.   9/4/2023   College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences. Twelve academic departments and 10 research and outreach centers make up our college, along with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the Bell Museum, and dozens of interdisciplinary centers.   23/05/2021   The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies protects the fundamental human rights of refugee women, children, LGBTQ individuals, and others who flee persecution in their home countries.   6/17/2023   Chandra X-ray Observatory. NASA's flagship X-ray telescope. NASA's sophisticated telescope is specially designed to detect X-ray emission from very hot regions of the Universe.   05/07/2021   Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive. Launched in 2006 by Anna Lillios, Mark L. Kamrath, and J.D. Applen, the Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive has two goals.   03/07/2021   Chemistry. Department of Chemistry at UK. The department provides a friendly, yet rigorous instructional environment in the forefront areas of chemistry at the undergraduate (B.A. and B.S.) and graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) levels.   01/09/2021   The Department of Chemistry at Columbia University, one of the premier institutions for academic chemical research. Our Department is home to internationally renowned faculty, a top-ranked graduate program, and state-of-the-art research facilities.   12/8/2022   Making the History of 1989. The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe.   15/03/2022   Interpreting the Declaration of Independence by Translation. The Journal of American History's round table on translations of the Declaration of Independence seemed like a natural candidate for on-line publication.   15/03/2022   Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web.   4/2/2024   Dime Novels for Women, 1870-1920. The American Women’s Dime Novel Project features women’s romantic dime novel fiction from 1890 to 1920 with cover art, publisher overviews, author bios, and digitized primary materials.   5/27/2024   The Center for History and New Media (CHNM). World history teachers face many challenges to incorporating primary sources in their teaching—pressures of coverage in survey courses, lack of available materials, and inadequate training in dealing with unfamiliar sources.   11/03/2021   Center for Hellenic Studies. The CHS is dedicated to the reassertion of the humanism of the ancient world, centering on Hellenic civilization in its widest sense.   2/23/2023   The Center on International Cooperation (CIC) is a nonprofit research center housed at New York University. For over two decades, CIC has been a leader in applied policy that links politics, security, justice, development, and humanitarian issues.   1/25/2024   Center for International Development and Conflict Management. CIDCM seeks to prevent and transform conflict, to understand the interplay between conflict and development, and to help societies create sustainable futures for themselves.   11/7/2023   Current Issues in Education is an open access, peer-reviewed academic education journal produced by doctoral students at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University.   3/17/2022   Center for Immunology & Infectious Diseases. Our mission is to advance the understanding of immunology and infectious diseases through excellence in research and mentorship of scientists and educators.   4/7/2023   Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval. UMass Amherst. The CIIR has published more than 1100 papers on these areas, and has worked with over 95 government and industry partners on research and technology transfer.   4/2/2024   CIRES, the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, more than 900 people work to understand the dynamic Earth system, including people’s relationship with the planet.   11/10/2022   The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) is a hub of innovation and hands-on support for those who want to discuss and work with higher education trends, models, projects, and resources.   12/11/2021   1/27/2023   The Center for Journalism, Media & Democracy at the UW Department of Communication. CJMD is a hub for research, teaching and public discussion about the forces shaping information practices, media cultures and core democratic values.   5/10/2023   The Center for Jewish Studies serves as an umbrella organization, encompassing and coordinating the many academic and extra-curricular programs in Jewish Studies at Harvard University.   6/22/2024   The College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University cultivates thinkers, creators, innovators and global leaders. We prepare our students to think beyond known solutions and solve real-world issues affecting our society today and into the future.   8/19/2023   Womens & Gender Studies. College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University.   11/6/2023   World Languages. College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University. Our courses foster strong communication and critical thinking skills.   5/30/2023   College of Liberal Arts. We’re a liberal arts college in a top-ranked research university, located in the heart of the Twin Cities business and non-profit communities, driven by a purpose to do the most good we can for others.   1/13/2023   Department of American Studies. One of the leading programs of our kind in the United States and globally, we are ranked as the second-best American studies department at a public institution in the country, and fifth overall.   1/13/2023   Department of Anthropology. Not only do we study how human biology, language, culture, and materials change throughout time, but we also compare and contrast human lives in every part of our world.   24/04/2021   College of Liberal Arts. Students in the University of Minnesota's Department of Art benefit from the resources of a world-renowned institution dedicated to research, education, and outreach in the context of an interdisciplinary and critically rigorous studio environment.   5/30/2023   Department of Art History. College of Liberal Arts. Across time and around the globe, humans have built vast visual worlds. Using a diverse set of original research skills, from fieldwork to close visual analysis, we unlock their meanings.   24/04/2021   The Institute for Global Studies at UMN offers an undergraduate degree, research, and collaboratives. The Institute for Global Studies connects students, scholars, and communities dedicated to social justice, understanding, and transforming our globalized world.   1/22/2023   Language Center. College of Liberal Arts. Advancing second language, literature and culture education by providing leadership in integrating technology with instruction and learning.   5/22/2024   Center for the Liberal Arts. The University of Virginia.   31/07/2021   Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies. CLALS is an interdisciplinary research and teaching Center for the study of Latin America and Latinx populations.   12/24/2023   The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) in the Walsh School of Foreign Service fosters cross-disciplinary research on Latin America and the Caribbean and trains and empowers the hemisphere’s next generation of leaders, scholars, and innovators.   12/24/2023   The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at the University of Chicago increases knowledge and understanding of Latin American languages, histories, and cultures.   9/5/2023   College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS). A rich liberal arts experience at the heart of a major research university.   2/24/2023   The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State University. Our graduates benefit from attending a public, urban, research-intensive university, a mission CLAS contributes to greatly.   8/16/2023   Columbia University Department of Classics.   3/20/2022   Department of the Classics. The site for the Harvard University Department of the Classics, featuring information about the department’s undergraduate and graduate programs, faculty, students, publications, and events.   6/24/2024   The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchable works of classical literature.   23/05/2021   Department of Classics. Ole Miss. Start your journey and find your course of study in the University of Mississippi’s Department of Classics.   3/4/2023   Department of Classics. The scope of the Department of Classics encompasses the full range of ancient Greek and Roman civilization, from the Bronze Age Aegean to the transmission of classical literature in the Middle Ages and beyond.   2/24/2023   UM Clements Library. Founded in 1923 at the University of Michigan, the Clements Library holds collections of print and manuscript materials on the history of North America and the Caribbean, with particular strengths in 18th and 19th century American history.   2/24/2023   Explore Collections. UM Clements Library.   11/07/2021   Alaska Climate Research Center. The primary mission of this center is to respond to inquiries concerning the meteorology and climatology of Alaska from public, private, and government agencies, and from researchers around the world.   11/11/2022   MA in Climate and Society. Through classes and research, students gain knowledge in both climate and social sciences as they relate to climate.   17/02/2021   Center for Louisiana Studies. College of Liberal Arts. The Center for Louisiana Studies is dedicated to researching, publicizing, promoting, and preserving Louisiana’s cultures and history.   12/24/2022   Center for Molecular Imaging. Creating the future of health care through scientific discovery and innovations in education while providing the most effective and compassionate care.   8/17/2023   Columbia. Center for Molecular Recognition. Current research concerns the kinetic modeling of receptors, channels, and transporters and the integration of these components in models of cellular signaling.   02/11/2021   The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) is home to world-renowned scholars pursuing research that deepens our knowledge of the universe we live in and improves the quality of life for inhabitants of the state, the nation, and the world.   26/09/2021   College of Natural Resources & Sciences. Humboldt State is the perfect place to study and experience science. We’re surrounded by ancient redwoods and the Pacific Ocean, which provide an amazing living laboratory.   11/30/2023   Discovery starts here in the College of Natural Sciences. With 15 majors and dozens of programs of study, the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin offers the chance to forge a bold educational path, unique to you.   6/8/2023   Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering. Montana State University.   04/08/2021   College of Charleston. Charleston, South Carolina. The College of Charleston is a state-supported comprehensive university providing a high-quality education in the arts and sciences, education and business.   04/09/2021   Coin and Currency Collections at Notre Dame. This page presents brief descriptions and links to numismatic sites based on materials housed in the Department of Special Collections at the University of Notre Dame.   11/20/2023   College of Liberal Arts. Southern Illinois University. Our programs, our faculty, and our students refuse to be confined within narrow definitions.   7/8/2022   College of Liberal Arts. Bring your imagination to life at the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) at the University of New Hampshire.   4/22/2024   Colenda is a repository system for digitized and born-digital material of enduring value to University and global scholarly communities, serving teaching and research needs. Penn Libraries.   15/01/2021   The War of 1812 in the Collections of the Lilly Library. This web site provides an overview of the War of 1812, outlining the major military conflicts as well as the principle causes and outcomes of the war.   4/29/2022   Cornell Library Digital Collections.   08/04/2023   Smithsonian Institution (SI). National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). A total of 11,082,926 specimen records are currently available from this facility.   5/10/2023   Harvard College. At Harvard College, we have been shaping the future for nearly 400 years. We are committed to helping students undergo an intellectual, social, and personal transformation far beyond the traditional college experience.   4/9/2023   The College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University prepares well-rounded, inquisitive, and innovative graduates to better the world.   10/2/2022   College of Letters & Science. Serving more than 20,000 undergraduates  and some 2,000 graduates, the college provides exciting opportunities for faculty and students at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary inquiry.   3/4/2023   College of Arts and Sciences. As the largest unit on campus, the College of Arts and Sciences forms the academic core of the Carolina experience.   8/27/2023   College of San Mateo. Since 1922, CSM has been a gateway to higher education leading to university transfer, career preparation and advancement, and professional and personal development.   9/17/2023   Columbian College of Arts & Sciences is George Washington University’s liberal arts and sciences college in downtown Washington, D.C., home to 7,000+ students.   9/17/2023   Departments and Programs. Columbian College of Arts & Sciences. The Columbian College is comprised of 42 academic departments and programs, spanning undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs.   20/10/2021   School of Communication. College of Communication & Information. The School of Communication has several affiliated centers and programs that both support and enhance the educational programs of the School.   2/1/2023   School of Communication and Information. Rutgers University. SC&I seeks to understand communication, information, media processes, and technologies as they affect individuals, societies, organizations, and the relationships among them.   4/3/2022   Scholarly Commons. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Research. An institutional repository (IR) is a set of digital collections that capture and preserve the intellectual output of a university or other organization.   20/09/2021   15/02/2022   Communication Studies. Colorado State University. We are a caring and supportive community of teachers, scholars and students who are passionate about communication’s centrality to our lives.   17/03/2021   Department of Communication Studies. West Virginia University. Rooted in the social science perspective, the Department of Communication Studies is committed to preparing students to be competent communicators.   04/08/2021   Computer Science. College of Charleston. We have a rich history (13th oldest institution in the US) with a strong liberal arts and sciences foundation.   5/30/2023   The University Digital Conservancy holds 119,391 open access articles, university documents, dissertations, data sets & more. UMD’s institutional repository has merged with the University Digital Conservancy.   12/17/2022   University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections. The collections emphasize rare and unique materials. Other UW Libraries collections are UW Bothell Collections, UW Tacoma Collections, and UW Image Bank (UW restricted).   24/07/2021   J. Willis Sayre Collection of Theatrical Photographs. The Sayre Collection consists of more than 24,000 photographs of theatrical and vaudeville performers, musicians, and entertainers who played in Seattle between about 1900 and 1955.   8/16/2023   Washington State University Libraries Digital Collections provide access to the academic and cultural heritage of Washington State and the Palouse Region.   11/29/2023   SCU Digital Collections. Browse material digitized from among the holdings of Archives & Special Collections at Santa Clara University. We have scanned nearly 45,000 images and documents from our collections for you to access online.   6/12/2022   11/6/2023   GW's Corcoran School of the Arts & Design is an incubator for artists, activists and designers, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in Washington, D.C.   3/18/2022   Corinth Computer Project. Known as the Corinth Computer Project, the fieldwork has been carried out under the auspices of the Corinth Excavations of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Dr. Charles K. Williams II, Director.   2/3/2023   The Florida State University College of Social Sciences and Public Policy is dedicated to excellence in creating and communicating social science and public policy knowledge through leading edge research, interdisciplinary programs, and teaching.   23/02/2021   The Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University is one of the nation's leading schools for public administration.   03/08/2021   The Caribbean Primate Research Center’s mission is to increase our scientific understanding of primate biology and behavior and undertake humane research that improves human health and welfare.   2/28/2024   Yale Computer Science. Our programs bring the most brilliant students and faculty together to understand the strengths and limits of computation, invent next-generation computing systems, and create innovative solutions to real-world problems.   21/10/2021   Cranbrook Academy of Art is a top ranking art school that specializes in graduate education on the subjects of art, architecture, craft, and design.   26/02/2022   Creative Writing Program. The undergraduate Creative Writing Program is part of the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, which is home to Penn’s writing programs, platforms, and projects.   1/20/2023   Campus Recreation. Being a member of Campus Recreation at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln gets you access to state-of-the-art facilities and programs including Nebraska's largest indoor rock wall, a full indoor turf football field, and more.   2/8/2024   CREECA. Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia. UW–Madison.   3/18/2022   Critical Inquiry. A journal of Art, Culture and Politics, Published by the University of Chicago.   9/5/2023   Integrated Crop Management. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.   5/19/2022   Crop & Soil Sciences. Originally, the department focused on issues of agronomic crop production. However, by the 1990s, the department allocated more resources to environmental science programs.   6/18/2023   Crosby Arboretum. Today, it provides for the protection of the region's biological diversity as well as a place for the public's enjoyment of plant species native to the Pearl River Drainage Basin of south-central Mississippi and Louisiana.   11/02/2022   Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis (CRSSA). Our mission is to advance the development and application of geospatial information science and technology to address issues in the built and natural environment both locally and globally.   4/9/2023   Earlham CS. Computer Science at Earlham is unique in many ways. Computer Science works closely with Mathematics, Physics and most of the other Natural Sciences, and has ties to linguistics and logic.   2/28/2024   Department of Computer Science: Indiana University Bloomington. In the Department of Computer Science, you will learn to use computers to develop fast, scalable, and secure solutions to a range of problems—and to make more incredible ideas possible.   1/25/2024   Computer Science. The department offers a bachelor of science, master of science and Ph.D. in Computer Science. Currently, we have approximately 1,100 undergraduate majors and 230 graduate students working towards their degrees.   23/03/2021   The Center for Social and Demographic Analysis (CSDA) was established in 1981 with the objective of providing a strong research infrastructure for scholarship in population-based social sciences at the University at Albany.   01/02/2021   Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Ohio State University.   5/27/2024   College of Science and Engineering. Western Washington University. To serve the science and engineering needs of Washington State and the global community by advancing scholarship and educating thoughtful leaders and problem solvers.   23/06/2021   The California Science & Engineering Fair is the final science fair of the academic year for students throughout the State of California in grades 6 - 12, serving California's future scientists and engineers since 1952.   8/17/2023   Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA). Founded in 1925, the Association unites student editors and faculty advisers working with them who produce student newspapers, magazines, yearbooks and online media.   30/01/2022   The University of Michigan’s Center for Sustainable Systems at the School for Environment and Sustainability creates systems analysis methods, models, and metrics for advancing sustainable futures.   20/09/2021   13/12/2021   Center for Transportation Research and Education. CTRE performs transportation-related research, outreach, and educational activities in four major areas: safety, asset management, operations, and planning.   1/3/2024   Catholic Theological Union. Graduate School of Theology and Ministry. Catholic Theological Union reaffirms its commitments to being an inclusive community that draws on diversity as a source of learning and understanding.   2/15/2024   Colgate University Libraries. The library supports student and faculty research with a collection of approximately 818,078 print book/periodical volumes, 444,977 e-books, and 149,896 print and digital periodicals.   8/17/2023   Columbia University Orchestra. Founder Edward MacDowell's influence was far reaching, both at Columbia University and beyond. Originally founded in 1896 as the Columbia University Philharmonic Society, MacDowell started the 25-member group.   4/2/2024   Columbia University Press is a leading publisher of scholarly and trade books in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.   2/28/2023   The Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF) supports all students as they pursue transformative experiences through fellowships, scholars programs, and undergraduate research.   10/01/2021   Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian. Digital reproduction of the North American Indian, published by Edward Sheriff Curtis between 1907 and 1930 with the intent to record traditional Indian cultures.   11/27/2022   Campus Writing Program. Writing Intensive courses help prepare future alumni to succeed in their continued studies, future careers, and community roles as they pursue writing tasks with greater confidence and understand the power of language for effective communication.   4/2/2024   Chandra X-Ray Center. The Chandra spacecraft carries a high resolution mirror, two imaging detectors, and two sets of transmission gratings.   6/17/2023   CIAO: X-ray Data Analysis Software. CIAO is the software package developed by the Chandra X-Ray Center for analysing data from the Chandra X-ray Telescope. It can also be used with data from other Astronomical observatories, whether ground or space based.   30/08/2021   Chandra X-ray Center. SAO High Energy Astrophysics Division. The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by NASA in December, 1998.   12/8/2022   The Berkman Klein Center's mission is to explore and understand cyberspace; to study its development, dynamics, norms, and standards; and to assess the need or lack thereof for laws and sanctions.   23/05/2021   The Center for Internet and Society is a leader in the study of the law & policy around the Internet & emerging technologies.   9/1/2023   Robbins Library Digital Projects.   9/1/2023   The Camelot Project is designed to make available a database of Arthurian texts, images, bibliographies, and basic information.   9/2/2023   DAAP. College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. One of the most prestigious design, architecture, art, and planning schools in the world. Known for its highly demanded co-operative education program.   12/11/2021   9/1/2023   Explore digital resources from the Northwestern University Library collections – including letters, photographs, diaries, maps, and audiovisual materials - as well as licensed art historical images for teaching and reference.   2/22/2023   Digital collections at the Edmon Low Library are a collaborative project-based effort between Archives, Government Documents, Oral History, Maps & Spatial Data Services, and Digital Library Services.   2/22/2023   Oklahoma Today is proud to present over half a century of your favorite state magazine in a searchable online archive.   3/20/2022    DCA. Tufts Digital Collections & Archives. Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) is the archives and manuscript repository of Tufts University and is open to the public.   11/7/2023   Digital Content Library. There are around 300,000 objects representing over fifty collections from across the University of Minnesota.   1/13/2023   University of Virginia Library Digital Production Group. We handle requests for digitization and online access of University Library materials to support the educational and research mission of the University.   26/11/2021   Denison University is a leader among the nation's liberal arts colleges, offering some 60 academic programs to 2,200 students in Granville, Ohio. Denison University is an independent, coeducational, residential college of liberal arts and sciences founded in 1831.   1/27/2023   Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. Seattle has a unique civil rights history that challenges the way we think about race, civil rights, and the Pacific Northwest.   27/04/2021   College of Design. NC State University. At the College of Design, we aspire to a diverse design community that enhances the educational experience of all students.   11/5/2022   College of Design. We offer undergraduate and graduate accredited degrees in Eugene, nestled in the lush Willamette Valley, and at the historic White Stag Block, University of Oregon’s hub of activity, discussion, and engagement in Portland.   16/12/2021   The Digital Scholarship & Initiatives Department supports research, teaching, and learning by collaborating with staff, students, and faculty on digital scholarly research from inception to preservation.   7/7/2022   Cornell University Library Digital Collections. Launched in December 2015, the Cornell University Library (CUL) Digital Collections portal aggregates CUL’s rich digital collections content into a single interface.   20/10/2021   ULS Digital Collections. Digital Pitt. The University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) is an academic community dedicated to facilitating intellectual activity and to the creation, dissemination, preservation, and celebration of knowledge and creative expression.   8/26/2022   Digital Collections. University of South Carolina Libraries. We work with six special collections units on campus and have created nearly 300 digital collections for you to discover.   19/12/2021   SC Digital Academy. Primary Documents and K-12 Lessons. The South Carolina Digital Academy is an initiative of the University of South Carolina Libraries.   29/05/2021   A Celebration of Women Writers. Editado por Mary Mark Ockerbloom.   3/15/2024   Three Visits to America. By Emily Faithfull, 1835-1895. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., Publishers, 1884. A Celebration of Women Writers.   9/1/2023   Farms of Cannon County, Tennessee. They document the daily work of the farm families in Cannon County and the agricultural techniques promoted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture during the period.   12/16/2022   The Tennesseans and World War II digital collection contains a curated set of documents, photographs, ephemera and objects related to the Tennessee maneuvers, home front, and wartime activity overseas.   12/16/2022   Discovering American Women's History. This database provides access to digital collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States.   8/26/2023   Digital Atlas of Idaho. Topography and geography are controlled by geologic structure and rock type. The topography of Idaho is varied and dramatic.   3/15/2024   The Carnegie Mellon University digital collections provide access to over 350,000 searchable documents and publications from our archives and special collections.   2/20/2024   Digital Collections - University of Miami Libraries.   4/9/2023   Digital Exhibits. Online Exhibits from Hesburgh Libraries. Explore curated digital content and learn about the collections and resources found throughout the libraries.   16/02/2022   The Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) is committed to assuring that students with disabilities receive equal, effective, and meaningful access to all campus programs, resources, and services. Southern Illinois University.   30/08/2021   The Tufts Digital Library is a place to explore and discover Tufts' research, teaching, and unique collections online.   5/11/2022   Columbia's digital library collection websites are a gateway to digital reproductions and descriptions of photographs, posters, drawings, objects, ephemera, and manuscripts as well as other archival material from Columbia's rare and special collections.   5/23/2023   The Digital Library of Georgia is a GALILEO initiative based at the University of Georgia Libraries that collaborates with Georgia's Libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions of education and culture to provide access to key information resources on Georgia history, culture, and life.   12/17/2022   Cornelius C. Platter Civil War Diary, 1864-1865 Collection Items. Digital Library of Georgia.   3/28/2023   Ancient World Digital Library. AWDL currently provides digital access to over 400 volumes across subjects such as Egyptology, Assyriology, Papyrology, and Classical Antiquity.   13/11/2021   The Digital Media Repository, a project of the Ball State University Libraries, provides a centralized, coordinated, and user-focused resource to serve the teaching, learning, and research needs of students, faculty, and researchers at Ball State and beyond.   3/22/2022   The Digital Media Repository, a project of the Ball State University Libraries, provides a centralized, coordinated, and user-focused resource to serve the teaching, learning, and research needs of students, faculty, and researchers at Ball State and beyond.   13/11/2021   The Sheet Music digital collection provides online access to historic sheet music predominantly from the United States dating from the 1840s to 1922. Most of the music is for piano and voice.   3/4/2023   Documenting the American South, a digital publishing initiative sponsored by the University Library at the University of North Carolina, provides access to digitized primary materials that offer Southern perspectives on American history and culture.   21/10/2021   Documenting Pitt: Historic Records of the University of Pittsburgh. The University Archives documents the history and traditions of the University of Pittsburgh community.   23/05/2021   Dodd Human Rights Impact fosters a culture of human rights at UConn, in Connecticut, and around the world. Twenty five years after the dedication of the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center.   4/22/2022   USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The largest and oldest of the USC schools, USC Dornsife functions as the academic core of the university, offering courses and advancing knowledge across the humanities, social sciences and sciences.   16/12/2021   The Iowa State University Digital Repository supports Iowa State's mission to create, apply and share knowledge by providing free and open access to the research and scholarship of Iowa State's faculty, students and staff.   2/28/2023   Drexel University fulfills its founder's vision of preparing each new generation of students for productive professional and civic lives while also focusing the University's collective expertise on solving society's greatest problems.   27/04/2021   The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections at Drexel University College of Medicine.   10/12/2023   Drexel University College of Medicine. The College’s 2,400 faculty, expertly teach across our local campuses and the many regional and academic medical campuses where clerkship years and research training occur.   1/20/2023   National Drought Mitigation Center. The Drought Center helps people, organizations and institutions build resilience to drought through monitoring and planning, and we are the academic partner and web host of the U.S. Drought Monitor.   1/20/2023   U.S. Drought Monitor. Maybe you’ve seen it in the media: that map of the U.S. painted with blobs of yellow,orange and red. It shows drought – but how do we know which colors go where? Who decides? What does it mean for you?   29/05/2021   Digital Scholarship Initiatives, MTSU.   12/17/2022   Digital Collections. DSI. As a method, it emphasizes the use of interactive technologies to expand the participation, modes of access, diversity of analysis, and the dissemination, and preservation of scholarship.   9/1/2023   Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States. Here you will find one of the greatest historical atlases: Charles O. Paullin and John K. Wright's Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, first published in 1932.   11/6/2023   Dutch Studies. Because the Berkeley campus already had strong offerings in Dutch history, art history, and colonial studies, the introduction of Dutch language and literature was the final step in completing a rounded interdisciplinary curriculum in Dutch Studies.   3/10/2023   Yale Environment 360 is an online magazine offering opinion, analysis, reporting, and debate on global environmental issues.   19/06/2021   Columbia University Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Department. E3B’s mission is to educate a new generation of scientists and practitioners in the theory and methods of ecology, evolution, and environmental biology.   19/06/2021   The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALAC) has long been recognized as an international leader in the study of the histories, literatures, cultures, religions, and languages of East Asia.   2/26/2023   MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Our work encompasses atmospheres, climate, geobiology, geochemistry, geology, geophysics, oceans, and planetary sciences.   14/07/2021   Department of Geology & Geophysics. College of Mines and Earth Sciences. Utah is one of the very few locations in the world that has rocks of every geologic period exposed, extending our state’s history back beyond two billion years into the past.   04/02/2022   East Asia Center. It currently sponsors a speaker series, grant programs, and promotes academic activities and cultural events related to East and Southeast Asia.   31/08/2021   1/10/2023   Ebling Library for the Health Sciences. UW–Madison.   2/26/2023   Oregon State University Ecampus. Oregon State Ecampus offers 100+ accredited online degrees, undergraduate and graduate, including business, computer science, natural resources and fisheries.   15/01/2022   Electrical and Computer Engineering. Kansas State University. Our department, originally founded in 1899, strives to be a top performing department in both research and teaching in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering.   6/8/2023   Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Montana State University.   15/01/2022   Electrical & Computer Engineering. University of Maine. Undergraduate and graduate education and research in Electrical or Computer Engineering at the University of Maine.   4/7/2023   MIT Economics. For over a century, MIT Economics has played a leading role in economics education, research, and public service.   9/23/2023   Economics. UC Santa Cruz. We have one of the largest undergraduate programs, several joint major programs with other departments, a Ph.D. program, and a professional masters program.   11/7/2023   Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. MLFTC mobilizes people through bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs, through non-degree professional development programs and through socially embedded, multilateral community engagement.   28/01/2022   Education in Zion illustrates the principle on which education in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is based—that learning is for the whole soul, the spirit as well as the intellect.   15/01/2022   Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley. Our top-ranked programs attract stellar students and professors from around the world, who pioneer the frontiers of information science and technology with broad impact on society.   15/01/2022   Academics. Berkeley EECS offers one of the most comprehensive instructional and research programs available anywhere in our field.   15/01/2022   Research. Research is the foundation of Berkeley EECS. Faculty and students work together on cutting-edge projects that cross disciplinary boundaries to improve everyday life and make a difference.   03/07/2021   Earth & Environmental Sciences. The mission of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is to contribute quality instruction and scientific expertise in the geosciences, both now and for the future.   9/26/2023   eHISTORY. Our collection of primary sources, documentary material, online books and reviews offers a window into the past for students and scholars of history.   9/26/2023   Gravity Probe B. Testing Einstein's Universe.   9/23/2023   A New Nation Votes is a searchable collection of election returns from the earliest years of American democracy. The data were compiled by Philip Lampi.   10/19/2022   10/19/2022   5/17/2023   Elliott School of International Affairs. The Elliott School prepares the next generation of global leaders for careers in international affairs. Explore degree options in international affairs.   9/23/2023   Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso. It provides the opportunities and environment for direct intellectual and interpersonal exchanges among nursing, medical, and graduate research students on one campus.   3/4/2023   Endeavors is the online magazine of research and creative activity at UNC-Chapel Hill. Endeavors (ISSN 1933-4338) is published by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   12/28/2023   Berkeley Engineering. We invent, design and build solutions for the greater good, and we do this together as a community.   13/07/2021   BYU College of Engineering. The Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering at Brigham Young University gives students the opportunity to leverage a technically excellent education combined.   2/16/2024   School of Engineering. At Humboldt, our Engineering majors build close connections with peers and professors in small classroom settings.   12/28/2023   Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering. Our discoveries and innovations have shaped the past and are solving complex problems of the 21st century.   03/01/2022   J.B. Speed School of Engineering. It takes hard-working students, staff, and faculty to bring these ideas to life in an impactful way – to help people grow, build our communities, and create new opportunities for others.   25/11/2021   Ohio State's College of Engineering and Knowlton School of Architecture strive to foster a learning culture that prepares students to be key contributors to society through their technological, professional and personal skills.   04/07/2021   The School of Engineering is the only four-year, ABET-accredited engineering school in San Francisco and is a talent reservoir for industries in the San Francisco Bay Area.   2/26/2023   College of Engineering. Explore what the Texas A&M University College of Engineering has to offer. We have 15 departments and several undergraduate and graduate degree options.   25/03/2021   The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) celebrates more than 35 years as a department in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University.   2/6/2023   The Tufts University School of Engineering. Choose from more than 35 graduate degree and certificate programs, and engineer your future!   05/07/2021   UCF English Department. The Department of English brings together scholars committed to the study of language, literature, and writing. University of Central Florida.   5/30/2024   The Duke English Department has long occupied a vital and distinctive place both in the discipline and in the university, where it has served as one of the defining spaces of thought, conversation, teaching, and inquiry.   3/7/2024   Department of English. Emory University. With close to 300 majors and minors and over 30 faculty members, we are the largest humanities department at Emory.   12/7/2023   Florida State's Department of English. Internationally recognized for their cutting-edge research and publications, our faculty offer a wide range of courses in literary fields, genres, and media.   12/09/2021  English at Illinois. Somos una comunidad dinámica y diversa comprometida con el estudio y la enseñanza de  la literatura y el cine británicos, estadounidenses y anglófonos, escritura creativa y estudios de escritura.   02/12/2021   Department of English. College of Arts & Sciences at The University of Alabama.   24/05/2021   The University of California, Santa Barbara, English Department offers courses in a full range of literary historical periods, national and transnational literatures in English, and critical approaches.   24/05/2021   English Utah State University. The English department is the largest humanities unit in the university, offering undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees covering a broad curriculum in literature, creative writing, English education, folklore, and technical writing.   17/03/2021   Department of English. West Virginia University. We, the members of WVU’s Department of English, believe that critical and creative reading and writing constitute acts of radical love.   3/4/2023   UNC English & Comparative Literature.   4/4/2022   Entomology. Kansas State University. Entomology is the study of insects, but also embraces the study of other Arthropods, including spiders, ticks, and mites.   4/14/2023   Department of Entomology. College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences. UCR Entomology is consistently ranked as one of the top programs for insect science in the world!   9/4/2023   Department of Entomology. This minor provides students with a strong foundation in entomology while exploring entomological theories and principles. Coursework easily compliments studies related to biology, animals, plants, human health, and food production.   7/27/2023   The Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison is a world-class graduate training and research institution committed to advancing research in insect biology in both basic and applied contexts.   24/05/2021   Department of Entomology. Washington State University. The main areas of emphasis of the Department are biologically-based beneficial and pest arthropod management, human and environmental health as they relate to entomological issues, and teaching.   29/07/2021   The High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) at Princeton University advances understanding of the Earth as a complex system influenced by human activities.   4/5/2024   College of the Environment. To truly tap into our problem-solving potential, it’s imperative to understand the Earth in its totality and in each of its dimensions. It’s a big job. One the University of Washington College of the Environment is tackling head on.   2/26/2023   Environmental Studies. UC Santa Cruz. As a department, we are committed to examining, understanding, and addressing environmental challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective.   4/3/2022   Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the world’s largest, fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace offers flexible online degrees and on-campus programs internationally.   3/20/2022   MIT Earth Resources Laboratory. The laboratory is comprised of a dozen faculty members and their groups, active in areas ranging from seismology to geomechanics, rock physics, flows in porous media, and methods of inversion, inference, and uncertainty quantification.   1/20/2023   The George Washington University’s Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project (ERPP) publishes online and print archives of Eleanor Roosevelt’s extensive writings. The collection includes political pieces, speeches, newspaper columns and transcripts from radio and television.   12/7/2023   The School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI offers Purdue and IU undergrad & grad degree granting programs that prepare students for careers in industry.   5/30/2024   Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format. Each reading passage can also be downloaded as a PDF and printed for use as a read-along or as supplemental reading material for your classroom.   9/26/2023   EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History. Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations.   26/09/2021   Understanding Evolution is a non-commercial, education website, teaching the science and history of evolutionary biology.   2/26/2024   Civil Rights in a Northern City: Philadelphia is a collection of digitized archival resources detailing the history of the modern civil rights movement in Philadelphia.   4/7/2023   Experiential Learning. Experiential learning integrates the classroom and the real world. Our programs engage  students with the world through professional work, research, and service on seven continents.   06/02/2022   UW–Madison Experts Database. These experts from the UW-Madison faculty and staff have agreed to comment on breaking news, ongoing developments and trends in their areas of expertise.   12/01/2022   Find an Expert. University of Florida. Our expert faculty and researchers are ready to provide journalists with expert opinion and analysis of a wide range of issues facing Florida, the US, and the broader global community.   03/06/2022   Experts. Minnesota. Find U of M experts who work on topics related to racism and racial discrimination.   11/23/2023   College of Extended Education & Global Engagement at Cal Poly Humboldt. We acknowledge that Cal Poly Humboldt is located on the unceded lands of the Wiyot people, where they have resided from time immemorial.   26/10/2021   Penn State Extension. The Pennsylvania State University. Penn State Extension delivers science-based information about Agronomy, Animal Systems, Food Safety, Home Gardening, and more. Browse our online courses.   08/02/2022   Nebraska Extension. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Nebraska Extension brings University of Nebraska expertise and research in 8 key areas of impact directly to Nebraskans from all walks of life in each of the state’s 93 counties.   6/14/2022   Extension. A unit of University of Nevada Reno’s engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs.   4/7/2024   Utah State University Extension. USU Extension provides research-based programs and resources to the citizens of Utah, with the goal of improving the lives of individuals, families and communities.   4/19/2022   UMass Amherst Fine Arts Center. The Fine Arts Center in Amherst offers a variety of stellar performing arts, visual arts, and education programs which create a unique opportunity to experience the arts in the Pioneer Valley.   4/19/2022   The University Museum of Contemporary Art - the teaching museum of the University Massachusetts Amherst – is a multidisciplinary, international laboratory for the exploration and advancement of contemporary art.   2/26/2023   Yale University Office of Facilities. The Office of Facilities provides services that support construction projects, maintenance, and operations for all buildings and facilities throughout the University.   5/30/2024   FCIT. The Florida Center for Instructional Technology provides professional learning, digital content, and technology integration evaluation services to schools and districts worldwide.   1/20/2023   A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. An overview of the people and events of the Holocaust through photographs, documents, art, music, movies, and literature.   28/07/2021   Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. FIDM is a 4-year, WASC- and NASAD-accredited, specialized, private college with campuses in Los Angeles and Orange County, California.   17/10/2023   U-M Film Office. U-M offers a wide range of exterior and interior settings, including a world-famous law quad modeled on the architecture of Cambridge and Oxford universities and buildings in the Beaux Arts, Italian Renaissance, Arts & Crafts, and modern styles.   4/7/2024   The Flamenco Search Interface Project. The Flamenco search interface framework has the primary design goal of allowing users to move through large information spaces in a flexible manner without feeling lost.   2/26/2023   The Fletcher School. A Graduate School of International Affairs. For nearly 90 years, Fletcher has innovated the study and practice of international affairs, leading at the intersections of the most complex global challenges, in the context of an ever-evolving world.   1/24/2024   Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. We are dedicated to supporting cultural diversity and increased understanding among peoples through the documentation, preservation, and dissemination of sound.   11/09/2021   The Fowler Museum at UCLA acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (the Los Angeles basin and Southern Channel Islands).   28/07/2021   French Revolution Digital Archive. Stanford University, Stanford, California.   11/23/2023   Emory’s Department of French and Italian offers a Ph.D. program in French as well as undergraduate degree programs in both French and Italian Studies.   22/12/2021   The Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and most academically diverse unit on campus with 19 departments and 43 academic programs and research centers.   2/26/2023   Smithsonian Gardens extends the Smithsonian’s museum experience in a public garden setting with over 180 acres of outdoor gardens including 13 public exhibition gardens often called the Smithsonian institution’s “museum without walls.”   03/01/2022   Gatton College of Business and Economics. Gatton prepares graduates with the skills and knowledge they need to compete globally with the utmost integrity and professionalism.   4/10/2024   Great Basin College, offering acclaimed programs leading to real world jobs in technology and nursing via cutting-edge distance technologies.   31/08/2021   11/29/2023   Berkeley Geography. Our inquiries encompass a wide range of topics, from the economies and cultures of cities and built landscapes, to tropical climates and the flow of polar ice sheets.   26/09/2021   Humboldt State Geology. As a geology student at HSU you’ll develop scientific reasoning by being directly involved with field studies and performing a significant amount of undergraduate research. Our location on California’s North   5/27/2024   Geology Department. Western Washington University. We want to develop in all students an appreciation of how geological processes affect the earth and society so that they will be environmentally responsible, scientifically literate citizens.   10/01/2021   Department of Geoscience. Exploring fundamental questions about the Earth, life, and the environment. UW–Madison.   20/09/2021   28/01/2022   German & Russian. Brigham Young University.   3/25/2023   Give to UVA. See how giving support for scholarships, faculty excellence and the Jeffersonian Grounds is positioning UVA for building future excellence.   2/24/2024   The Large Area Telescope (LAT) is the principal scientific instrument on the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope spacecraft.   2/25/2024   Global Affairs (OGA). Through our efforts, we strive to foster a sense of global-mindedness at UConn and beyond by designing and facilitating life-transformative education that address real world problems around human rights, social justice, sustainable development, etc.   6/11/2022   6/11/2022   6/11/2022   6/11/2022   6/11/2022   6/11/2022   6/11/2022   2/22/2023   Oklahoma State University, home of the Cowboys, is a top-ranked public land-grant research university in Stillwater, Oklahoma offering science and arts education.   11/10/2023   The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection website comprises 68 early New Testament manuscripts. They are being digitized in their entirety and presented as high-quality zoomable images.   7/5/2023   Graduate College. Through the Graduate College's 350+ graduate degree and certificate programs, University of Cincinnati graduate students generate knowledge and discovery that benefit society.   4/4/2022   The Grainger College of Engineering (UIUC) is one of the top engineering programs in the world, enabling individuals to improve their quality of life through education, research, innovation, entrepreneurship and societal engagement.   20/06/2021   The Great War, 1914-1918. Poetry written between 1914 and 1918 from 50 scarce volumes acquired by Emory University and a collection of some 450 postcards from World War I.   2/23/2023   The Grey Art Gallery, New York University’s fine arts museum, enables and encourages transformative encounters with works of art.   18/09/2021   The Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) is dedicated to the education and training of innovative and successful scholars, teachers, and professionals.   7/6/2022   Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies. Florida International University. GSS provides a unique opportunity to integrate the disciplinary approaches of anthropology, geography, and sociology with cross-disciplinary theorizing and research.   28/01/2022   Government Documents. Subject Guides at Brigham Young University. The HBLL collection of government documents includes material published by every federal agency spanning over 150 years.   11/10/2023   LibGuides: Art & Architecture. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This guide offers resources and starting points for researchers in art history, digital scholarship, and visual culture.   6/3/2022   Gustavus Adolphus College is a church-related, residential liberal arts college firmly rooted in its Swedish and Lutheran heritage. Whatever field they choose, Gusties lead lives of leadership and service in society and give back to their communities.   11/7/2023   Gender & Women's Studies. The mission of the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies is to promote and support teaching, research and outreach that works to contest the historical, ongoing and pervasive gender-based oppressions within society.   1/20/2023   GW Today serves as the primary source of news and information for the GW community.   12/2/2023   Hammer Museum. An art museum and cultural center in Los Angeles known for its artist-centric and progressive array of exhibitions and public programs.   12/2/2023   Collections. Hammer Museum.   7/16/2022   The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. HASS is home to the Department of Arts, Economics, Cognitive Science, Communication and Media, and Science and Technology Studies, along with an award-winning program in Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences.   11/4/2023   The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center in Piggott, Arkansas includes a barn studio associated with Ernest Hemingway and the family home of his second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer.   08/04/2021   Hermann Hesse Home Page ("HHP", 1996) Editor: Prof. Gunther Gottschalk. This bilingual site (English and German) consists of approximately 1500 pages of an educational nature.   12/28/2023   Harvard Geospatial Library.   15/08/2021   George Mason Hillel. Mason Hillel, the Jewish home for students at George Mason University. Established in 1995, Jewish life at GMU has grown and flourished.   09/09/2021   University of Hawaii at Hilo. Founded in 1947 under UH Mānoa’s Extension Division and called the “Hilo Program,” UH Hilo was organized under its present name in 1970.   09/09/2021   The Edwin H. Mookini Library is located on the UH Hilo Campus and provides resources and services to both UH Hilo and Hawaiʻi Community College.   12/2/2023   The Harvard International Review is a quarterly magazine offering insight on international affairs from the perspectives of scholars, leaders, and policymakers.   2/26/2023   Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum is a leading voice for contemporary art and culture and provides a national platform for the art and artists of our time.   2/6/2023   History. At CSU, we ask historical questions and follow the evidence to understand what happened in the past and why. Through historical research, we learn from every time period, including our own.   4/8/2023   History Department. Hanover College. The purpose of historical inquiry is not simply to present facts but to search for an interpretation of the past.   3/22/2022   The Hanover Historical Review Index. Hanover College. A student-run journal founded in 1992, The Hanover Historical Review is dedicated to the promotion of excellence in undergraduate scholarship and writing.   3/22/2022   Hanover Historical Texts Collection. Hanover College. The Hanover Historical Texts Collection makes available digital versions of historical texts for use in history and humanities courses.   30/09/2021   20/09/2021   2/2/2023   The Department of History at Rutgers University–New Brunswick is dedicated to the close study and teaching of history from all periods and places.   5/30/2024   The University of Virginia's Corcoran Department of History has long been one of the anchors for liberal and humane education in the College of Arts & Sciences.   10/5/2023   Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. By housing ancient Near Eastern exhibitions, the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East explores the rich history of cultures connected by the family of Semitic languages.   6/24/2024   Harvard Museum of Natural History. Each year, more than 250,000 people take advantage of all that the Harvard Museum of Natural History has to offer.   6/24/2024   Harvard Museums of Science & Culture. The mission of the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture (HMSC) is to foster curiosity and a spirit of discovery in visitors of all ages, enhancing public understanding of and appreciation for the natural world, science, and human cultures.   3/20/2022   Hollis Archival Collection Guides. Explore collection guides, finding aids, and inventories to locate unique materials in Harvard's special collections and archives.   24/02/2022   Voice / Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive. Since 1981, Dr. Sidney Bolkosky, Professor of History at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, has interviewed Holocaust survivors.   12/24/2023   Dartmouth. Our undergraduate and graduate programs are distinguished by academic excellence, personal attention from top faculty, opportunities to participate in research, and a close-knit community.   03/06/2021   Columbia Business School. Gain global perspective, cutting-edge theory, and the latest insights from practice at Columbia Business School, the very center of business.   6/18/2023   Soldier's Son and Ben W. McClelland. A memoir in which a son imagines and resurrects the life of his deceased soldier father.   1/20/2023   The Honors College at Auburn University is home to nearly 1,500 of the best and brightest students from each of the university’s academic colleges and schools.   2/6/2023   University Honors Program. The goal of the Honors Program is to provide an enriched educational program of study for academically talented and motivated students at Colorado State University.   7/8/2022   The Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth, centers art and people in teaching and learning through inclusive and robust academic, cultural, and civic engagements with art and its histories.   06/07/2021   Environmental Horticulture. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. UF/IFAS is a world-class land grant institution propelling Florida forward through research, education and Extension.   2/16/2024   Horticulture and Home Pest News. Information from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach & Integrated Pest Management.   3/4/2023   Laupus Health Sciences Library. ECU. Throughout the years, we’ve grown to serve ECU Health Medical Center and, through EAHEC, health care professionals across Eastern North Carolina.   3/28/2023   Hebrew Union College. Jewish Institute of Religion. We are North America’s premier institution of Jewish higher education and the professional leadership development center for Reform Judaism, building progressive Judaism in North America, Israel, and around the globe.   13/03/2022   The Harvard University Herbaria are among some several thousand collections of pressed, dried plant specimens worldwide that are used by researchers to further our understanding of the plant world.   5/30/2024   The BYU College of Humanities was formed in 1965 after the division of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences into the College of Humanities and the College of Social Sciences.   11/02/2022   Princeton University Humanities Council. Our mission is to nurture the humanities locally and globally, engage diverse perspectives past and present, and enrich public dialogue with humanistic approaches.  26/10/2021  Humanities Division – UCLA. Research and teaching in the Humanities are as central to the UCLA campus mission as they have ever been.   2/26/2023   Humanities Division. Humanities houses some of UCSC’s most celebrated and innovative departments and programs.   24/05/2021   College of Humanities. The University of Utah. The humanities teach us to question the world around us in order to better understand our place within it.   12/2/2023   The Smithsonian Institution’s Human Origins Program. The past decade has seen astonishing discoveries about human origins that captivate the imagination. We walk on two legs, make tools, and have large brains.   3/26/2023   The UCDavis Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas is a program of the Hemispheric Institute on the Americas, a research center in the Davis campus of the University of California.   2/25/2024   The Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute (HRI) at the University of Connecticut advances human rights knowledge and practice through research, teaching, and engagement.   3/21/2023   HumTech – UCLA. Technology support and training, computing infrastructure, and web and applications development for Humanities instruction and research at UCLA.   28/11/2021   The Home, Yard & Garden Pest Newsletter published by the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois and University of Illinois Extension.   5/13/2022   Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA). Our Mission is “To empower creativity and leadership in Native Arts and cultures through higher education, life-long learning and outreach.”   6/11/2023   The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. IATH is a research unit of the University of Virginia, founded to explore and develop information technology as a tool for scholarly humanities research.   17/05/2021   4/17/2024   The Institute at Brown for Environment and Society (IBES) is accelerating solutions to the most complex climate and sustainability challenges of our time through interdisciplinary research and teaching.   2/26/2023   Information Center for the Environment. Archive. ICE is an environmental information brokerage and research laboratory in the Department of Environmental Science & Policy at the University of California, Davis, under the direction of Academic Director Jim Quinn and Managing Director Karen Beardsley.   3/28/2023   The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is an array of optical sensors located in Antarctic ice that detects the presence of subatomic particles called neutrinos.   05/08/2021   ICON. International Coalition on Newspapers. The ICON database is the most comprehensive source of information about significant newspaper collections in print, digital and micro formats.   1/20/2023   The Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies is the nation's leading center for communitarian policy research and is a research institute dedicated to finding constructive solutions to social problems through morally informed policy analysis and moral dialogue.   2/16/2024   ICTR. UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. UW–Madison. We discover, translate & disseminate interventions to improve health & health care.   4/29/2022   MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE). Exploring how people and businesses will work, interact, and prosper in an era of profound digital transformation.   24/05/2021   The Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) is an Organized Research Unit that serves as the focal point for UC Berkeley programs related to East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.   4/1/2024   Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. An encyclopedia of philosophy articles written by professional philosophers.   2/23/2023   The Institute of Fine Arts, NYU. A site of knowledge production since its founding in 1932, the Institute has also produced many of the world’s leading art historians, museum directors, curators, and conservators.   3/28/2023   University of Florida. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. UF/IFAS is a world-class land grant institution propelling Florida forward through research, education and Extension.   2/26/2023   Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics. IGPP research in La Jolla covers many fields, including global seismology, marine seismology and geodesy, geodynamics, geomagnetism, and geodesy.   2/26/2023   Indiana Geological & Water Survey. Under the direction of the state geologist, the survey is charged with conducting geological research, providing geological information, data and educational outreach, and maintaining physical and digital geological collections.   6/22/2024   Institute of International Commercial Law. Promote the commercial rule of law and access to justice by leveraging technological innovation to provide high-quality educational opportunities and online legal resources in international commercial law and dispute resolution.   6/12/2022   13/07/2021   University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement.   3/5/2023   Libraries. Visit the ECU Libraries, where you’ll discover innovative, user-centered services and resources to help you in your research efforts, study sessions and other educational activities.   9/30/2023   Department of Informatics: Indiana University Bloomington. With an informatics degree from Indiana University, you’ll be ready to take on whatever technological challenges your future career throws at you.   4/10/2022   Illinois Natural History Survey. Prairie Research Institute (PRI). Since 1858, the Illinois Natural History Survey has been the guardian and recorder of the biological resources of Illinois—the state’s biological memory.   13/06/2021   Internet2 is a community providing cloud solutions, research support, and services tailored for Research and Education.   13/12/2021   Institute for Transportation. InTrans administers 15 centers and programs, and several other distinct research specialties, and a variety of technology transfer and professional education initiatives.   5/30/2024   The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government was created by the Florida Legislature in 1981. Our Institute connects its 30+ years’ experience and university, public and private sector expertise to state and local government needs.   5/29/2024   Integrated Pest and Crop Management. News and Resources for Wisconsin Agriculture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.   2/23/2023   Institute for Public Knowledge. The Institute selects and develops topics for consideration and discussion in an effort to bring together academics, social researchers, and organizational leaders around issues of public concern.   2/16/2024   The University of California Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) helps residents, growers, land managers, community leaders, and other professional pest managers prevent and solve pest problems with the least unintended impacts on people and their surroundings.   3/18/2023   Invasive & Exotic Pests. Invasive and exotic pests threaten California's natural environments, agricultural production, structures, landscapes and gardens.   3/22/2022   The Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies is a teaching-and-research institute dedicated to the study and understanding of Irish culture—in Ireland and around the world—in all of its manifestations.   4/7/2024   Iowa Research Online (IRO) collects and showcases the innovative research, scholarship, and creative work produced by the University of Iowa’s talented faculty, students, and staff.   4/15/2023   Institute for the Study of the Americas. It builds on a long-standing and distinguished tradition of scholarly interest in the diverse regions that make up Latin America, including Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.   5/9/2023   Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures. The majority of ISAC's collections are from its expeditions in West Asia and North Africa during the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.   4/21/2023   The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Museum was opened to the public in 1931. The majority of ISAC's collections are from its expeditions in West Asia and North Africa during the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.   12/20/2023   Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. ISAW is a center for advanced scholarly research and graduate education, which aims to encourage particularly the study of the economic, religious, political and cultural connections between ancient civilizations.   2/23/2023   ISAW Publications. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. Publication—in print, online, and in person—is one of the key ways we share our research methodologies and findings with both other scholars and the general public.   05/12/2021   Isothermal Community College Home of the Patriots. Isothermal is one of North Carolina's leading community colleges serving Rutherford and Polk counties, with three locations, and a leading online learning college.   7/16/2023   International Studies and Programs (ISP) is the hub for international research, teaching and outreach at Michigan State University.   6/4/2024   The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) supports faculty, students and staff across all Ohio State campuses.   7/15/2023   Information Technology. University of Illinois Chicago. Connecting, sharing, and informing the UIC Community of academic IT news, resources, events, and information.   06/02/2022   Information Technology. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Connecting and supporting our digital campus with info on IT services, tools, news, departments, events and more across the university.   5/2/2024   I Tatti. The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies. I Tatti is located on an estate of olive groves, vineyards, and gardens on the border of Florence, Fiesole and Settignano.   12/28/2023   ITS. U-M Information and Technology Services. ITS provides innovative, reliable, and user-centric technology services and support for the U-M community.   18/03/2021   WVU Jackson's Mill at West Virginia University. A special-mission campus of West Virginia University – owned and operated by the WVU Extension Service – WVU Jackson’s Mill represents the historic home of West Virginia.   17/11/2021   The Center for Jazz Studies at Columbia University. At the Center for Jazz Studies, jazz becomes a music without borders that provides new models for innovative teaching and scholarly inquiry in the arts, humanities, and sciences.   6/5/2023   2/6/2023   Department of Journalism & Media Communication. With our passionate community of faculty and students, our department provides experiences and knowledge to the next generation of journalists, communicators, managers, and content creators.   12/02/2021   School of Journalism and Communication. With a century-long history, the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication is one of the first professional journalism schools in the country.   1/16/2024   Michigan Publishing.   11/10/2023   Philosophers' Imprint is a refereed series of original papers founded by Stephen Darwall and J. David Velleman.   1/22/2023   Judaic Studies Program. Columbian College of Arts & Sciences. The GW Judaic Studies Program is dedicated to excellence in academics, research and community building around Jewish culture.   4/16/2022   The Knowledge Bank, a service of The Ohio State University Libraries, collects, preserves, and distributes the intellectual output of The Ohio State University.   19/01/2022   The Indiana University Kelley School of Business, in Bloomington and Indianapolis, offers top-ranked business education with a global impact to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level students.   1/19/2024   The Kellogg Institute for International Studies promotes research excellence on critical global challenges, with a particular focus on democracy and human development.   1/19/2024   The David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies is the heart of international engagement for the BYU community.   2/19/2024   The Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University helped to invent the field of bioethics, beginning a tradition of creative leadership in practical ethics that continues into the twenty-first century.   14/02/2022   Kraemer Family Library. The mission of the Kraemer Family Library is to serve you with respect and to anticipate, understand and respond to your information needs.   2/18/2024   The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute. Building upon the achievements of Stanford University's Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project, the King Institute supports a broad range of educational activities illuminating Dr. King's life and the movements he inspired.   4/8/2023   King Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia, based on the extensive historical research originally conducted for The Papers,has over 280 articles on civil rights movement figures, events, and organizations.   12/05/2023   King Papers Publications. The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute.   5/12/2023   The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin provides high-level training, resources, news and more.   4/4/2022   KU ScholarWorks is the digital repository of the University of Kansas. It contains scholarly work created by KU faculty, staff and students, as well as material from the University Archives.   29/07/2021   Louisiana College is a Christ-centered community committed to Academic Excellence where students are equipped for Lives of Learning, Leading, and Serving.   1/22/2023   UC Santa Cruz. Languages and Applied Linguistics. Language learning provides students with the means to access information in a wide range of areas of intellectual inquiry and interpersonal communication.   4/10/2024   Latin American Network Information Center – LANIC. Trusted Internet portal for Latin American Studies content since 1992.   6/12/2023   The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is large and diverse, offering an incredible depth across the physical and mathematical sciences, humanities, and social and behavioral sciences.   02/11/2021   La Sierra University. Change Your World. An institution nationally acclaimed for its diverse campus and its service to others, offers a transformational experience that lasts a lifetime.   12/14/2022   Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Law School. Become a lawyer with purpose. We create leaders by attracting top talent, excellent training, and ongoing connections. Apply to BYU Law School today!   04/09/2021   The Law School. University of Notre Dame. At Notre Dame Law School, we see the law as more than just a profession.   10/25/2023   Pace Law School. The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University offers outstanding programs in many fields of legal practice.   7/6/2023   College of Law. Dive into unique opportunities to defend the wrongfully convicted, fight for human rights around the globe, combat the economic inequalities of today, and lift members of underserved communities.   7/8/2022   University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law. Our faculty consists of practitioners experienced in their fields of interest. The small student/faculty ratio promotes collaboration and collegiality.   12/14/2022   The BYU Law Digital Library site is a repository for content created by and for members of the law school community.   5/11/2022   Attorneys. LII Attorney Directory. Compare and research attorneys on LII. The LII is an independently-funded project of the Cornell Law School.   4/30/2022   Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary. For over 40 years, LBU has been a proven leader in non-traditional education for passionate followers of Christ all over the world. Join us and experience the LBU difference.   6/4/2024   This Learning Spaces Directory was created as a central resource for faculty, staff and students to easily find learning spaces that meet their needs.   20/12/2020   Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to disseminating original research on migration.   12/01/2021   Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. UTexas Library Online.   20/12/2021   UC Davis College of Letters and Science. Making a better world: Studying liberal arts at UC Davis. The College of Letters and Science puts liberal arts education at the heart of the comprehensive excellence that defines UC Davis.   11/7/2023   University of Arizona Libraries. The Libraries are the intellectual crossroads of the University, enabling innovative interdisciplinary research, scholarship and creative endeavor.   12/14/2022   The Harold B. Lee Library began as a small collection of books kept in the office of Karl G. Maeser during his time as Principal of Brigham Young Academy.   14/07/2021   Audio. Harold B. Lee Library. HBLL.   2/5/2024    Digital Collections. BYU Harold B. Lee Library. The general collections include items in a variety of formats (books, audio/video, maps, databases, journals, etc.) and languages.   4/8/2023   Digital Collections. BYU Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL). Scanned images of books, documents, photographs, and other materials, primarily from Special Collections, as well as research published by BYU faculty and students.   2/19/2024   Letters of Philip II, King of Spain, 1592–1597. Digital Collections. HBLL.   23/08/2021   Kathryn A. Martin Library. The University of Minnesota Duluth and the Kathryn A Martin Library comprise a community of learners and scholars that promotes student success, provides an enriching experience, and is committed to core values that shape the university and its purpose.   22/01/2022   O'Malley Library at Manhattan College. Riverdale, NY.   4/23/2022   UConn Library. University of Connecticut.   4/23/2022   Connecticut Digital Archive. The CTDA is dedicated to the preservation of a wide-range of digital resources for educational and cultural institutions and state agencies in the State of Connecticut.   6/18/2023   College of Liberal Arts. Spanning the academic disciplines of the fine arts, humanities and the social and natural sciences, the College offers curricula in liberal education and extends the boundaries of scholarship in those disciplines.   2/5/2024   The College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences is a dynamic and diverse community of professionals and students committed to promoting learning that will transform the world.   4/8/2023   Discover the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI. The IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI was founded in 1972, as the only public liberal arts higher education institution in the Indianapolis area.   16/02/2021   School of Liberal Arts, School of Liberal Arts at Tulane University. The School of Liberal Arts encompasses the arts, humanities, and social sciences through sixteen departments and nineteen interdisciplinary programs.   10/4/2022   College of Liberal Arts. The University of Texas at Austin. Liberal Arts at UT offers over 40 majors and many top-ranked graduate programs in the social sciences and humanities taught by 750 faculty.   24/03/2021   The Linguistics Research Center (LRC) was founded by Prof. Winfred P. Lehmann in 1961. In the early days, research efforts at the LRC concentrated on Machine Translation (MT).   12/23/2022   18/09/2021   Liberal Studies at NYU provides a dynamic, creative, and intersectional approach to the liberal arts, preparing students to address contemporary challenges and embrace 21st century opportunities.   2/5/2024   The Brown University Library provides access to thousands of journals and databases containing millions of articles.   19/01/2022   Walter M. Bortz III Library. Bortz Library’s mission is to support Hampden-Sydney’s efforts “to form good men and good citizens in an atmosphere of sound learning” by providing students and faculty with quality information resources and services as efficiently as possible.   26/11/2021   LibGuides: New Pontifical College Josephinum Library Page.   10/19/2023   Colby College Libraries. Colby has two libraries, Bixler (Arts and Music), and Miller (Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences). We also have a beautiful Special Collections and Archives space in Miller Library.   5/23/2023   Emory Libraries.   11/23/2023   Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library. Optimize research, education, and patient care processes with reliable and sustainable access to data and information.   4/12/2024   Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. Emory Libraries.   15/01/2021   Indiana University Libraries. Research help, resources, and information from the Indiana University Bloomington Libraries.   15/01/2021   Digital Collections at Indiana University. IU Libraries' mission is to support and strengthen teaching, learning, and research by providing the collections, services, and environments that lead to intellectual discovery.   15/01/2021   Lilly Library. The Lilly Library is the principal rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of Indiana University.   22/01/2022   The Missouri State University Libraries, a singular entity, provides information resources, services, and spaces to advance the University’s purpose to develop educated persons.   01/03/2022   The Oberlin College Libraries consists of the Mary Church Terrell Main Library, Terrell Special Collections, The Oberlin College Archives, The Clarence Ward Art Library, The Conservatory Library, and The Science Library.   6/18/2023   The University of Mississippi Libraries includes the John Davis Williams Library, the Science Library which is housed in the Thad Cochran Natural Products Center, and an Annex building, housing the Modern Political Archives and low use materials, which is located across the street from the Science Library.   2/23/2023   University of Oklahoma Libraries. University Libraries serves, connects, and empowers the University communities in their discovery, creation, and sharing of knowledge.   12/07/2021   Libraries. University Of Cincinnati. UC Libraries includes the Walter C. Langsam Library, the Archives and Rare Books Library, the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, and eight college and departmental libraries.   2/5/2024   The USC Libraries actively support the discovery, creation, and preservation of knowledge at the University of Southern California and beyond.   07/09/2021   Library Website. LibGuides at Wichita State University. The mission of the University Libraries is to be an essential force in teaching and research.   4/10/2024   William & Mary Libraries is the library system for William & Mary, and includes 7 libraries, including the main campus library, Earl Gregg Swem Library. W&M Libraries are open to all, including outside researchers, alumni and local community members.   5/31/2024   Wright State University Libraries. The University Libraries are the scholarly information center for the university.   5/22/2024   Washington State University Libraries have more than two million books and over 30,000 journal and magazine subscriptions.   5/22/2024   Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC), located on Terrell Library’s ground floor, acquires and preserves rare and unique items related to Washington State University and the Pacific Northwest.   2/6/2023   Emmanuel d'Alzon Library. Assumption University Library, Worcester, MA.   12/11/2021   11/18/2022   Boston College Libraries. We support academic inquiry and intellectual freedom by providing equitable access to the highest quality scholarly resources and services whenever and wherever users need them.   23/07/2021   Freeman/Lozier Library. Bellevue University. Bellevue, Nebraska.   12/20/2022   Bowdoin Library. Bowdoin College library staff, services, and information resources advance the pursuit of knowledge and self-enrichment by providing access to the world of information and ideas.   4/10/2024   Brown University Library. Supporting and conducting research, teaching, and learning in a spirit of free and open inquiry at Brown University.   4/6/2023   Center for Digital Scholarship. Brown University Library.   4/6/2023   Krupp Library. The mission of the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library is to collect, organize, and provide access to information resources and library services that are central to the University's academic mission.   4/10/2023   The Andrew L. Bouwhuis, S.J. Library is a dynamic space for innovation and collaboration that inspires lifelong learners.   5/11/2022   Columbia University Libraries are the heart of the intellectual life at Columbia, and inspire inquiry, advance knowledge, catalyze discovery, and shape an inclusive and vibrant discourse all enabled by the work of the dedicated staff who are the heart of the Libraries.   5/11/2022   Digital Collections & Online Exhibitions. Columbia University Libraries.   13/02/2022   2/5/2024   LibGuides at California State University, East Bay.   2/18/2024   Sac State Library. We serve California State University, Sacramento and the community of Sacramento, CA.   2/18/2024   Collections. Sac State Library. The University Library contains a wide range of diverse and unique collections that can be explored below.   6/23/2024   Donald & Beverly Gerth Special Collections & University Archives. Sacramento State University.   1/5/2024   Pilgrim Library. The mission of the Pilgrim Library is to contribute to effective teaching, learning, and research at Defiance College, by promoting information literacy, providing diverse information resources that support the curriculum.   2/5/2024   The Duke University Libraries are the shared center of the university's intellectual life.   10/25/2023   The Educause Library is the preeminent clearing house for information about timely topics and research supporting the use and management of technology in higher education. It aggregates over 22,000 resources.   7/9/2022   FAMU Libraries. LibGuides at Florida A&M University Libraries.   11/02/2022   The Henry Madden Library supports the University mission of education, research and service.   11/15/2023   Georgetown University Library. By collaborating with university community members in research, teaching, and learning, the Library promotes a culture of inquiry and connection, across and beyond Georgetown.   12/28/2023   Harvard Library. At Harvard Library, we are champions of curiosity. We aim to be global leaders in expanding world knowledge and intellectual exploration.   12/28/2023   Loeb Music Library. Harvard’s home for musical materials. We embrace performance and research in and about the world’s musics.   11/24/2023   Paul V. Galvin Library. Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech). Chicago's only tech-focused university.   05/12/2021   Isothermal Community College Library offers facilities and resources to Isothermal students to use in completing their assignments, and is open to the public as well.   4/4/2022   Billington Library. To serve JCCC students, faculty, staff and Johnson County residents by providing access to a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of the college and the higher educational needs of the community.   5/18/2024   Jefferson Libraries. Jefferson is home to three University Libraries and two Clinical Libraries.   8/12/2023   The Maloney Library. Fordham University School of Law.   5/27/2024   Lillian Goldman Law Library.   3/4/2023   The William H. Hannon Library fosters academic excellence and provides information resources for students, faculty, and staff at Loyola Marymount University.   03/01/2022   University of Louisville Libraries. The University Libraries Outreach Program provides instructional support to community members in order to help them develop critical-thinking skills, create efficient search strategies, and to become information literate.   6/3/2023   Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. Located at The University of Utah, the mission of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library is to advance education, research, and health care through information access, service and innovation.   22/01/2022   McNairy Library and Learning Forum. We are a learner-centered hub for the university community, dedicated to educating, inspiring, and connecting people with ideas, information, and each other.   2/6/2023   Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library. Collaborative partner and intellectual nexus that bridges disciplines and communities across the Colorado School of Mines campus.   08/07/2021   Montgomery College Library. The library facilitates student success by collaborating with the College community in the creation and delivery of innovative services in a culture of excellence and accountability.   2/18/2024   SUNY New Paltz Library. The Sojourner Truth Library fosters learning and supports scholarship at SUNY New Paltz by providing an extensive array of information resources and services.