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.us - ALL. (United States)   1/7/2023   34 TFS Thud Era. Dedicated to the United States Air Force 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron during what we will call the "Thud Era", the period at Korat, RTAFB, Thailand, when the squadron flew the F-105 Thunderchief.   1/7/2023   47 Canal. New York.   4/18/2024   Artefactus Cultural Project es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Miami, Florida, enfocada en la creación y promoción de las artes y la literatura, con especial énfasis en el teatro y la cultura hispana.   20/10/2021   Atlas: Texas Historical Commission. The Atlas features over 300,000 site records, including data on Official Texas Historical Markers and National Register of Historic Places properties in Texas.   1/7/2023   The Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources (BWSR) mission is to improve and protect Minnesota's water and soil resources by working in partnership with local organizations and private landowners.   1/7/2023   Cap'n Bob & the Damsel. Perspectives on Life and Politics. We love our military and our veterans. We support the USO, Wounded Warriors, Soldier’s Angels and several other charities when we can.   3/10/2023   The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is a non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to advocating rights affirmed by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Connecticut.   4/22/2022   Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Colorado is world renowned for its wide array of outdoor recreation. Colorado Parks and Wildlife strives to make sure that everyone can access our special places and activities.   10/6/2023   Jackson Davis Elementary School. Home of the Dolphins. Henrico, VA.   26/12/2021   Wyoming Department of Transportation.   1/7/2023   E.B. Stanley Middle School is located in Abingdon, VA. E.B. Stanley Elementary School opened in August of 1974.   12/22/2022   City of Grangeville, Idaho. In the 1860’s and early seventies, prospectors and gold seekers crossed a large meadow on the Camas Prairie on their way to the Gold Fields near Florence and Elk City.   1/7/2023   History News Network. Our mission is to help put current events into historical perspective. Even those who profess utter indifference to history are beholden to it.   10/6/2023   Korean War Veterans Association, Inc. The KWVA is a veterans’ service organization which seeks to preserve the interest in the welfare of Korean War veterans and their families.   4/18/2024   Maryville Public Library. Maryville, MO.   2/10/2024   Nautilus. Science Connected. Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. Our stories take you into the depths of science and spotlight its ripples in our lives and cultures.   29/01/2022   New York City / New Jersey Location Scout R. Richard Hobbs.   3/19/2024   The Peace Farm. Working for the abolition of all nuclear weapons by moral and political persuasion together with like-minded groups throughout the world, from the final assembly point for all U.S. nuclear weapons (the Pantex Plant).   17/03/2022   Scytl. Simplify Your Elections. Scytl is a global leader in election technology solutions that simplify communication with your constituents, facilitate opportunities to increase democratic participation, and streamline legislative session management.   6/14/2023    Silver State Classic Challenge, Inc. For the past three decades, driving enthusiasts from around the world have gathered on the third Sunday of May and September in the Nevada high desert for the running of some truly unique automotive events.   12/11/2021   The Starkville-Oktibbeha County Public Library System connects and enriches lives in our community by providing equitable access to diverse cultural and educational experiences.   10/6/2023   Sudbury is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The town, located in Greater Boston's MetroWest region, has a rich colonial history.   1/7/2023   Thomas Stuart Hall. Photographer and Designer. I am an artist and explorer. I have taken photos across America and back, and I feel like I’m only getting started.   10/6/2023   WASP. A tribute to the WASP of WWII, Women Airforce Service Pilots, first women in history to fly America's military aircraft.   4/18/2024   Lincoln, Abraham, twenty-sixth president of the United States and sixteenth under the US Constitution, born in Hardin county, Kentucky, 12 February, 1809; died in Washington, D. C., 15 April, 1865.   5/2/2023   The Anoka-Hennepin School District is one of Minnesota's largest, serving approximately 38,000 students and 248,000 residents. Prior to that time, students throughout the area were educated in many small schools scattered throughout a largely rural area.   1/7/2023   Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE). El objetivo principal de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) es fomentar la unidad y defensa de la lengua española en los Estados Unidos.   8/19/2023   Alabama Department of Archives and History. Although it had been a state for more than eighty years and boasted a rich, centuries-old history, Alabama previously had no formal system in place for the collection and preservation of its records.   4/18/2024   Avon Public Schools. Our mission is to inspire in each student a joy and passion for learning and a commitment to excellence, personal integrity, and social responsibility.   4/8/2022   Birmingham Public Library. The mission of the Birmingham Public Library is to provide the highest quality experience to our community for lifelong learning, cultural enrichment and enjoyment.   04/02/2022   The Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County is a free public library which seeks to meet the information, education, and recreation needs of the residents of Sandusky County.   10/6/2023   The Cerritos Library is operated by the City of Cerritos and serves the informational, educational, professional, recreational and general interest needs of the community.   10/6/2023   The City of Benicia, California.   04/02/2022   The Comparative And International Education Society (Cies), Inc. seeks to contribute to an understanding of education through encouragement and promotion of comparative education and related areas of inquiry and activity.   10/31/2022   City of Glendive. Disfrutamos tener tanto el impresionante río Yellowstone como el Parque Estatal Makoshika en nuestro patio trasero.   24/12/2021   Crockett County, Texas.   09/01/2022   09/01/2022   09/01/2022   09/01/2022   09/01/2022   09/01/2022   3/25/2023   Coronado, CA.   04/02/2022   The Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism ensure Louisiana's cultural & natural assets are promoted to its citizens & potential visitors.   04/02/2022   Division of Archaeology. Louisiana Office of Cultural Development. The mission of the Division of Archaeology is to promote Louisiana’s cultural history through the protection of archaeological sites and preservation of material culture.   1/7/2023   The Office of Cultural Development serves the citizens of Louisiana by preserving, supporting, developing and promoting Louisiana culture, including archaeology, arts, French language and historic places.   3/26/2023   Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Siletz Tribe located in Oregon. Our ancestors spoke 10 completely different languages, each of which had multiple dialects.   1/7/2023   Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Our mission is to protect and enhance Oregon's fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations.   6/3/2022   Minnesota Department of Transportation road and travel information, construction projects, regional offices, bid letting, future highway plans, hot topics, jobs, library, map sales, news, public meetings, research and related links.   4/18/2024   Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library. The library has a large genealogy collection which contains high school year books, birth, death, & marriage records for surrounding counties along with microfilm newspapers.   22/09/2021   NM GSD. The General Services Department is the agency that holds the responsibility of furnishing essential resources and services that support state government operations in New Mexico.   3/7/2024   GovTrack. We publish the status of federal legislation, information about your representative and senators in Congress including voting records, and original research on legislation.   3/7/2024   Bills and Resolutions in Congress. There are 13,399 bills and resolutions currently before the United States Congress, but of those only about 7% will become law.   10/6/2023   Henrico County Public Schools. The right to achieve. The support to succeed. Henrico, VA.   09/01/2022   5/13/2022   New Mexico Human Services Department. To transform lives. Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities.   1/7/2023   Keystone Central School District. Keystone Central is the largest geographic district in the state of Pennsylvania, covering municipalities in parts of Clinton, Centre, and Potter Counties.   04/02/2022   Kent School District. Kent, WA. Kent School District's Board of Directors have designated geographic areas, but are elected by all voters in the Kent School District (KSD) and represent KSD as a whole.   04/02/2022   Kent County Public Library. Located on Maryland's scenic Eastern Shore, Kent County Public Library serves the 20,000 residents of rural Kent County Maryland.   23/01/2022   Official Website of the City of Ketchikan, Alaska.   4/18/2024   The City of Lucas is a unique city with a lot to offer in Collin County. Learn more about the city and get access to city services online.   12/7/2022   Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District. We want to make our district one of the standout districts in the nation.   10/6/2023   Medina County District Library, a national leader in libraries, is an inclusive hub of thought, learning, innovation, collaboration, and leisure, which stimulates the vision and ideals of our communities.   4/13/2022   North Carolina Genealogy Resources. The NCGenWeb Project is part of the national USGenWeb Project and is the home of a network of volunteers working to provide you with genealogical & historical content for each of North Carolina’s 100 counties.   1/15/2024   New Carlisle Public Library.   4/18/2024   New Madrid, MO. New Madrid County located on the Mississippi River was one of Missouri's five original counties.   04/02/2022   The Northridge Local School District is the pride of the community, serving approximately 1300 students in the district’s four buildings: Primary, Intermediate, Middle and High School.   12/02/2022   10/6/2023   Sailor is a project of Maryland’s public libraries that provides broadband Internet access for public libraries, schools and local government in Maryland, and an extensive collection of research databases for the use of Maryland public library customers.   1/7/2023   Shaler Area School District is a suburban public school district bordering the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Instructional areas include regular instruction, special education, vocational education, and all necessary support services.   12/19/2022   Buy Tickets For Your Favorite Events. See Tickets US provides complete ticketing solutions for high volume events. From event conception to completion, we've got you covered.   31/07/2021   Simsbury Public Schools. Simsbury Board of Education. Simsbury, CT.   10/6/2023   Colorado Secretary of State. The basic mission of the Department of State is to collect, secure, and make accessible a wide variety of public records, ensure the integrity of elections, and enhance commerce.   5/13/2022   Maggie Toulouse Oliver. New Mexico Secretary of State. The state of New Mexico has an extremely rich history that dates back more than four centuries.   4/18/2024   Texas Secretary of State. The Secretary of State is one of six state officials named by the Texas Constitution to form the Executive Department of the State.   06/12/2021   The Official Website of the State of Idaho. Idaho is your link to all official government resources, information & online services in the state of Idaho.   11/02/2022   State of New Jersey. The first people to live on the land now known as New Jersey were the Delaware Indians. They lived here starting at least 10,000 years ago.   17/06/2016   4/18/2022   1/7/2023   McKenzie County School District #1. To provide a safe and caring environment that empowers students to exhibit the determinations and resiliency to meet high-quality and relevant curriculum challenges.   4/18/2024   Webster Groves School District. WGSD. Inspiring students’ lives and communities through learning.   04/11/2021   White Pine County School District. The WPCSD is home to 1230 students in grades PreK through 12 at seven schools.   4/18/2024   The West Linn-Wilsonville School District covers 42 square miles in the south metropolitan area of Portland, Oregon. The district includes two towns, West Linn and Wilsonville, and a rural area of Clackamas County.   4/18/2024   Zeuxis. An Association of Still Life Painters. Zeuxis was founded by Phyllis Floyd and several of her painter colleagues in her New York City loft in 1994.